High School Proms

Apart from being a Yankee import of shite, this is fast becoming an established fuck fest of expenditure on suits, shoes, dresses, and aircraft ! Yes, I said aircraft.

My Grandson wishes to attend as a James Bond, booted and suited ( £800 ) and arrive in a High end cat (£380 ) His classmate is being flown in by helicopter at God knows what cost, and his friends have similar ambitions. I understand that there are Specialist Prom Outfitters around the UK, and there are actually “”fixers” for a fee who will orchestrate your arriva. The School wants £5o a ticket, there is live music and a Buffet.

How in fuck can anyone afford that kind of dosh for a one night stand.?

Fuck me, I got better entertainment In Bugie St for 5 dollars ( and I was overcharged ) Proms! Fuck em.

Nominated by: EyeClaudius

And here’s a late entry (ooh, errr!!) from W.C. Boggs

Korben Green

A “Whoops, duckie – oooh get her!” cunting please for this 16 year old bespectacled boy, who went to his school “prom” (what the buggery bollocks is THAT?) dressed in a skirt and handbag, having voed so to do four years ago. His mum, Mrs. Green (or ias that Ms. Green?) was delighted that he was being himself:

Standard News Link

As you raise your glass of iced pansy water to praise your ladyboy, old Mother Green, just what bullshit did you spoon feed this obvious little pansy?. What parent can be happy that at 12 the boy had decided he’d like to look like a girl. One of the TV drag racers has shown an interest in the lad – surely that is grooming?.

If any of us had minced into school looking like this little fag*ot, our head would have been straight down the lavatory pan. My guess is in two years time he will be one of Starmer’s charmers, fighting it out with Wes Streeting to be “head” boy.

104 thoughts on “High School Proms

  1. Chardonnay and Deshawn looked so nice in their prom photo.
    He has it on the wall in his cell..
    Who the fuck decided wasting a grand (average High School Prom bill) on this bollocks?
    What’s that? The “teachers” – who just coincidentally have relatives running the supplies for this scam?
    Well I never.

    • “What’s that? The “teachers” – who just coincidentally have relatives running the supplies for this scam?”…..Fuck me, it’s a fucking conspiracy,that’s what it is.
      🙂 .

      • DF-F@ – You’re not supposed to let the cat out of the bag!
        This BS is very popular where I am, and it came as no surprise that a local Councillor who just happened to own an outfitting and events business also just happened to be married to the “teacher” who first thought up this nonsense and “recommended” the Councillors business – makes a fortune every year.

    • Reminds me of that Blackadder scene:

      “You’re just an old quack, aren’t you”?

      “I’d rather be a quack than a ducky, good day”.


      • Life does indeed imitate art DCI:

        “My name is Kate, which is short for, er, er, Bob!”

  2. They have one for the leavers at Primary schools, where I live.
    Covid put paid to the Granddaughters, thank fuck, because I’d have ended up ponying up for it!

    • Living his best life, indeed!
      I take it Mum is some kind of deviant, also.

      • I think that’s a safe assumption JP and I can’t find any mention of a father. I imagine he realised the tart was crackers and fucked off out of it.

  3. This snowflake hipster yankyfied vulgartiy has no place in British schools.
    Whatever happened to being egged to death and writing all over shirts?

    • No wonder there’s school shootings in America.

      Surprised there’s not more!

      And that little cunt in the ball gowns hoping to get fingered behind the bike sheds.

      Fuck prom.?

    • We had a weggie tree at our school, we used to play bulldog on the last day and who lost got the treatment.

  4. Cost of living crisis?

    Can’t see any sign of that from my helicopter…

    This sort of imported fake bollocks gives me the shits.

  5. We’ve imported all this shit from the Septics, all of it is shite. Gender reveal parties is another, just fucking tell us and move on. Baby showers too, knocked up bints expect lavish gifts thrice now, at the gender reveal, the baby shower and the actual birth. It’s a despicable cunt fest.

  6. Butt fuckery and trannyism at its finest, I doubt the ginger twat would look good in a proper blokes suit so went for the ‘I’m a cunt look’

    Admin managed to find the B team pic for the header ?

  7. I’m all for it. Mind you I hire out my Ferrari to these cunts to take them to the prom. Can do three an evening with staggered times at £300 a pop each.

    Fucking luvverly.


    (bw, as a hot blooded male….that ginger kid in the nom pic is in the RIGHT picture. Fill his boots

    • You ARE CHRIS EVANS and I claim my £5 voucher for a ride on Bille Piper!

  8. Proms are a cunt. Yank invention. Just have a normal piss-up party when you leave school, not this ego-vehicle narcissistic nonsense.

    • We had a 6th form party at the end of the final term, after our A’ levels. It even had a bar but I was told I wouldn’t be able to buy alcohol because I would still only be 17 at the time. Pfffttt it made no difference. I arrived preloaded with a bottle of whisky in my coat. Surprisingly, don’t really remember the evening.

      • We used to go into the Strad, which was round the corner.
        Imagine our mortification when a tray of drinks where bought over, courtesy of the gents in the other bar!
        Our teachers, of course.

  9. Its made all the more cuntish by this things dribbling Pride flag waving cunt of a mother.

  10. That ginger trannie is from Norfolk where every inbred cunt has six fingers and pig shagging is a traditional custom.
    So he’s not that bad.

    • In South Yorkshire, its 6 toes on the left foot, so quite easy to hide, unlike the vestigial second set of ears!
      Kiss your Auntie/Mum/sister/cousin hello!
      They all live in Conisbrough.

  11. Fucking hell.

    School disco in my day. Wore clean underpants and took 20p for a plastic cup of squash and a bag of crisps.

    Stood around trying (and failing) to look cool and not daring to ask the bird I fancied for a dance (ditto every cunt else).

    If I’d have asked for a helicopter I’ve had ended up in the loony bin.

    “Thelicopter? Bloody thelicopter? I’ll gi’ thee thelicopter lad. Oo dust a think tha is? Kevin bloody Keegan? Here luv, ast a heard this un? Gone bloody loopy.”

  12. My grandson wanted to look like James Bond I’d get him a job as a waiter .

    As for helicopters you can get mountain rescue out.
    Save a few notes.

    Kids are spoilt as fuck nowadays.
    I didn’t know what pizza tasted like till in my 20s.

    I wouldn’t have gone to prom I’m by far to cool.

  13. Disappointed after zooming in. The bird second from the left in purple is the only one I’d spunk on.

    If you’re a p e rv ert like me, you’ll have noticed that you can see her nipple if you zoom in.

    • Fucking hell. Are they supposed to be high school girls?

      They looked about 40 to me (your honour).

    • The mongy looking one second from the right looks like she’d be up for it.

      • They’re all a bit to plain for me.
        Who are they?
        Prince Andrews harem?

      • They’re sacrificial virgins for Harvey “King-Kong” Price.

        Hello, you Cuntsssss

      • I reckon the ginger kid is planning to slip the mongoloid some Rohypnol later in the evening Fiddler.

        You old romantic, you. Ever consider a career with Mills & Boon? – NA.

      • I rather thought she looked like she was thinking
        “beam me up, Scottie, ffs!”

    • Fourth from the right looks like she would be up for something filthy…

      • After Dick released the blockbuster Fifty Shades of Fiddler, the market for powder puff romance when though the floor admin.

        “Fifty Shades of Fiddling”, surely. Sticky fingers, anyone? From the looks on the face of mongirl (second from right), she’s fiddling herself. Just as well because no one else will. – NA.

    • I noticed the nipple before I noticed the boy. Not sure what that says about me. Something good, I hope.

      • Definitely good Moggie and I share CB’s opinion, I think the one in purple would probably fuck quite sweetly.

  14. Maybe admin the young ladies have a ginger fetish and the runt on the left ends up in a kind of cunts paradise come the end of the evening!!!
    You never know he may go like a stallion.

    Then maybe ? not.

    Yeah, I’m thinking not. Given the social climate these days, perhaps the ginger tosser identifies as a girl and hence his inclusion in the lineup? – NA.

  15. Somebody mentioned “egging” earlier on. This is how it all started. Cunts leaving school at 16 would go mental on the last day chucking eggs and flour all over the shop. So the “Leavers Ball” was invented to have a hold over their behaviour………fuck about and you don’t go to The Ball.
    Of course kids, especially girls, always want to outdo each other and some cunts soon twigged there was money to be made here. Thus the Americanised Hollywoke Prom was born. It’s now seen as a rite of passage and parents have to fork out shitloads of dosh or their kid will be shamed. Schools actually charging for a ticket is ridiculous but very American……if there’s a dollar floating about fucking grab it.
    Personally I prefer the end of school celebration in the film “If” where Malcolm McDowell and his pals take to the rooftops and machine gun every other cunt in the school.
    Now that’s a party!

  16. Ah, the continued Americanisation of UK culture.

    Next thing will be “graduating” from literally everything like the Yanks do.

    They don’t seem to get that to graduate you need to have achieved a degree. That’s what makes you a graduate and thus enable you to participate in the process of graduating. Getting to an age where you no longer qualify for a ‘high school’ education isn’t graduating. Bless.

    Still, this comes from a nation which has – no I’m not making this up – 2 year “degree” courses called “Associate Degrees”. So an HND then in new money. Do they still have HNDs and HNCs? Bless.

    • Where I live in south Texas the Quinceanera is huge. A girl turns 15 and the father goes into wedding level debt to have a party. A Mexican thing.
      This prom shit is another reason to home school.
      I didn’t go to my prom. Thought it was stupid. Worked instead. Made money instead of spending it.

      • Same here MC. Last day at school, lessons ended at 4 pm as usual and I was on my bike and headed for home before the bell finished ringing. Left my PE and sports kit there and never went back.

  17. Of course the other great cinematic Prom is “Carrie” where a bullied Sissy Spacek uses her telekinetic powers to destroy the whole thing climaxing in crucifying her bible bashing mother against a wall with several sharp instruments.
    One hundred and eighty!!
    Fucking great film……they don’t make them like that anymore. You’d have to have a “trigger warning “ before every scene and I don’t recall any effnicks in it.

    • Stephen King has become such a woke liberal pussy that he’ll probably issue a formal apology on Twitter for writing the book in the first place.
      The silly old cunt…

      • Jeez, I hope not.
        I’m just reading his latest, and it’s outstanding.
        Not a light in the loafers, or pan scrubber yet!

      • Not wrong BB.
        I liked a lot of his books and the film adaptations,
        Carrie, Green mile,
        Misery, Shawshank redemption etc

        But he’s turned into a right little puff!
        Slightest bit of shite from the woke Nazis he rolls over like a timid dog.

        He can shove his books up his arse the cowardly cunt.

      • Things started to get iffy with “Under the Dome” then went full snowflake with “Sleeping Beauties”.
        And for a price he’ll sign his name to any shit TV or film adaptations with a rubber stamp.
        Dammed shame really…

      • Another decent horror writer, Dean Koontz went woke years ago, too.

    • Or a modern-day “Carrie,” where Carrie bullies a bumbling blond toddler, telling him her favours are withdrawn if he resigns as PM…

  18. Korben had 4 years to dream about what prom dress he would like to wear and being so in touch with his feminine side he picked one that no normal girl would be seen dead in.

    Him and his mother need reminding that life is not a Carry On film.

  19. We went to the offy , got two bowsers of Strongbow back to someone’s house , party time….?

    Oh to be 15 again….!

    • You weren’t doing it right.

      We sent the oldest looking kid into the local offy, who dutifully emerged with several bags of cider, MD 20/20, Thunderbird and holsten pils.

      We took it down the woods, proceeded to get shitfaced (3 cans in my case) and then started lobbing lumps of sodium we nicked from the science lab into the stream.

      All good fun until some clumsy fucker dropped the entire jar in and the place lit up like a professional firework display.

      Some dozy old duffer had called plod because they thought an armed gang were having a shoot out.

      Que a dozen pissed up giggling and puking kids stumbling out of the woods to be greeted by armed plod and a bunch of paddy wagons.

      It doesn’t look good when your 15, wearing your school tie round your head Rambo style, with a shirt covered in drawn on tits and cocks with swastikas drawn on the colar being presented to your parents by a couple of very pissed off coppers.

      I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

      • Oh, I say !
        Good show,
        Bloody good show.???
        We had a lad at school who was very serious, very clever and something of a loner.
        He spent his time making home made bombs, which he detonated on some spare land near where he lived.
        He had a command post and would carry out controlled explosions in a very precise fashion.
        I would imagine that he had a career in the military / aerospace, or became an international terrorist.
        Good evening.

      • @CG. Our studious classmate was never so reckless.
        Very clinical, very precise, a right boffin.
        Stout fellow :o)

    • Oh, don’t JM, 15 again, and have to live this same life?
      Please, no.

  20. At our end of year disco, one of my mates bet me ten bob that I wouldn’t ask our biology teacher ( the highly fuckable Miss. Murphy ) ?? for a dance.
    I asked and she did !
    My mate paid up with a grin ?
    Smashing lad, died far too young, in his forties, cancer.
    Very placid, until crossed, then he was six feet five of absolute mayhem.
    Sadly missed.
    As is school.
    Best days of our lives ?

    • Can’t tell whether you’re being ironic Jack, but certainly not my memory of school.

      • No, arfur. I was playing a straight bat. Some of it was shite, but there were many good times.

    • Nicely done, Jack?
      I refused to go to the shitty school end of year disco, when I left.
      That particular Friday night I was playing guitar at a gig in Kendal at the Brewery arts centre?

  21. How old is the header pic? Is it from some Miss. World? Only asking as there is not one mobile phone anywhere on sight!

  22. Left school on the Friday aged 15, apprentice on a building site Monday.

    Proper education began then…

  23. Like the rest of us this story horrifies though it does not suprise me. What worries me more is that our granddaughter lives and attends school in Norfolk but at least she is forty miles away from this nonsense on the other side of the county.

  24. No prom when I left school.
    Aimless, didn’t know what I wanted to do.

    I liked teenage drinking, punk rock, an acting the goat.

    I did a YTS scheme for the weekly sum of £27.30p a week.

    Once I got used to dealing with my new found wealth
    I learnt to mix mortar,
    Lay a brick and climb scaffolding (I’d a edge here as it was part of my juvenile delinquency experience)
    It was skills that stayed with me.

    The first time I got a wage packet with over £300 in it I nearly fainted!!
    Thought they’d made a mistake! ?

      • Compressed air line nozzles weren’t too funny either, when the “practical jokes” were prevalent back in the day!

    • Halcyon days Mis.
      A good night out in Kendal, when I was 16, could be had for under a tenner.
      75 p a pint / 80p a shot.
      The barmaid (a Scots lass called Laura at The Nags Head), fancied me so would put a triple into the glass for the price of a single.

      Fucking brilliant days-carefree, always a party to go to at someone’s house and girls, girls, girls galore.

  25. £800 spunked on something to wear for one night; outrageous. Dresses, suits and Tuxedos can be hired. For the ones that want something to keep, get a Vogue pattern and run up your own, like Scarlett O’Hara. There’s nothing wrong with a taxi either, a proper Hackney Carriage mind, not a mini-cab.

    • I share your view of money wasted in this way Mrs C; I sometimes lose patience with folks a third my age who complain of being skint while spending eye-watering sums on things which to me are trivia. However your point of getting a pattern and making cothes, do many younger folks have the ability to do this? Our daughters are in their thirties and certainly have not. From time to time my wife makes things up for them both and they always bring round anything that needs repair, buttons, zips etc.

      • Hello arfurbrain, how are you doing?

        Sewing a button back on, hemming or mending pocket is pretty basic – literally you just make a stab at it and you are successful! Mum should post a video on Tik Tok with her video on how to sew a button back on entitled ‘Button Hack’ and then she’ll be featured in the national press because she’s become a viral sensation!

        Making your own anything is pretty obscure these days, everyone’s been brainwashed to buy new.

      • I’m well thanks Mrs C, hope you are.

        I think they’re a lost cause; having mum do it is far easier.
        And I think the idea of being a Tik Tok sensation would leave her cold to say the least.
        Torquay this weekend to do building, car and computer maintenance for the elder one. Yes I know, I’m as big a mug as her mother!

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