Saint Greta of The Thunder-Cunt! “How dare you” show up (probably via CO2 belching private jet, followed by limousine and / or helicopter) at the Glastonbury festival! Correct me if I am wrong, but festivals used to be about the music, socialising, shagging in a tent and getting pissed.
Escapism without politics or preachy, mong faced hypocrites. Is there no facet of our entertainment industry that hasn’t been infiltrated by preachy, radical left, cynical lunatics?
According to the sycophantic MSM, the scowling dour Thunder-Cunt was lovingly received by festival goers!
You’d believe from all of the glowing press reports that this ‘phenomenal’, ‘inspirational’ little troll was The Second Coming of Christ.
What did she contribute to the event? The Swedish climate doom grifter gave a patronising ten minute ‘speech’, reading from pre-prepared notes (allegedly written by her equally deranged ghostwriter).
So sweet fuck all then. Rather like Attenborough’s vomit inducing ‘eco’ propaganda at the Jubilee.
Coincidentally the millionaire, depressing, nihilist waste of space muppet has another book coming out in October. Hmm… The great climate grift continues.
Fuck Off Thundercat and take that The Walking Dead tribute act that is Macca and Ross with you! I suggest you visit China and spout your spoiled, entitled green vitriol there. See how long you last. Take Stinky Rebellion with you, you cunt!
Nominated by: Lord O’ The Cunts
Every time I see her face, I want to get a load of old tyres and burn them up in the back garden. Why on earth would anyone take any notice of the advice of a mentally ill teenager? Not the first person you go to at times of trouble, is it?
Winnie Mandela could have shown you a more interesting use for burning tyres.
I just content myself with the fact she’s been flying around the world all the time she’s been in the public eye and I’ve not set foot in an airport in ten years (apart to pick up my brother and sister-in-law).
As with a lot of people, the fact of not wasting energy (money) is more a priority than the polar bears. If it turns out that it’s ‘green’, then that’s really quite far down the list of benefits.
A lot of this save the planet stuff is pure hubris, and Greta is as Dr Starkey says, ‘the child saint’.
Is she now of an age to breed?
Fucking hell imagine a brood of baby thunder cunts.
Beam me up Scottie this ? is run by unbearably stupid cunts
I would bet she’s infertile. That face says it all.
I went Glastonbury a few times in the 80s early 90s.
Never paid, either under the fence or over it,
And once in a pickup truck that belonged to the New age travellers that got in free.
Nowadays id pay to get out!
Paul mcCartney??
Bruce Springsteen?!
Greta Thundercats?!!
Its like a whos who of A star cunts.
I cant imagine anything worse .
Preached to by a teenage mongoloid.
Exactly so – time was (Wishbone Ash anyone?) when festivals were “alternative”. Sometimes they were even free with no commercial shit either. Now they seem to be just about money and spreading the globalist elite’s propaganda. Thunder-Cunt obviously fits in well at such a place. Maybe it was a warm up act and she’s going to replace that Johnson cunt? The middle classes would probably organise another street party for that!
She is the reason I eat at least 3 steaks a week.
Eating a steak while on the footplate of a steam locomotive. Toxic masculinity and a ‘fuck you’ to the greens in one eccentric, English act.
A bunch of middle class, “educated” fake hippies being lectured to by a school truant. Brilliant!
You couldn’t make it up.
You could-and they fucking well do!
Conservative estimates have her worth over £2 million.
Nice little earner for a teenager.
Book coming out. Ker fucking ching. Of course, she’ll say the cash will go towards ‘climate activism’.
Of course, Geldof never made an indirect penny out of Live Aid too.
And yet, in order to feel good about themselves, the younger generation are going to make their lives unbearably expensive. They will be slaves to millionaire jet setters like Thundercunt.
The fucking idiots.
She should get her arse over to Northern Ireland for July 12th (King Billy day)
A good preaching to the oranges is required as they set fire to wooden pallet stacked so high, it defies belief. These bonfires rage ferociously throughout the land of oranges.
They are good listeners Greta and will take deliberation and somehow will come up with there answer ,a resounding No
Plus a couple of feck offs to boot.
One would hope that they would put her (and us) out of her (our) misery.
At the stake for the wee witch. CM
Burn the little troll instead
In other news, the tarty bit presenting the Tour de France on Eurosport right now is half naked. She’s a rough looking bird, bit if a fagash voice but has a nice bod.
That’s the way women should present sports shows.
Claire Balding? Get to fuck.
Sorry back to the nom.
Thundercunt is a grifter and nothing will ever be enough, because then, he grift ends.
We could all live naked in caves and eat nothing but moss, but she’d still whinge.
‘her grift ends’
Even my wife commented about the schoolgirl outfit style socks she is wearing today.
I said yes dear , disgusting before heading off to the toilet for a furious wank.
Irony being I came back looking like I’d been riding in the stage
She’s a wrong ‘un (the presenter not your wife). The lads in the studio were gawping up her skirt (allegedly).
I wonder how she got the job?
I was so appalled, that I’m definitely not going to see what she’s (not) wearing tomorrow.
Me either, Cavendish was so shocked that he was stuttering his words , the Manx pervert
She must take a lot of ex cyclist cock
The name’s Wurious… Frank Wurious.
‘Religion-bunch of arse’ followed by the Messiah of the New Religion.
How appropriate that her followers show their concern for the environment by leaving 2000 tons of rubbish for the oiks to clear up.
More cunts than a Bombay brothel.
Mt Twatt: a group of what IsAC’ers would refer to as “New Age Travellers”, that I knew, would go to Glastonbury every year-this was back when they received free entry and their own camping field.
They would then stay for a week or so after the festival ended, helping to meticulously clear the site-particularly litter picking, etc.
They found thousands of pounds in cash and more drugs than any human could ingest.
Not my scene (Glastonbury)-since the Eighties, it has been a middle class wankfest?
Putting the Mong on stage to say the same old thing to a mostly already brainwashed audience, why, what has it achieved ‘absolutely nothing’
Perhaps there were some slots they needed to fill in between music acts ?
She will be having an ‘how dare you’ moment today, a tweet from Kwasi Kwarteng he has asked Drax to ramp up its Coal burner this winter, the penny has finally dropped, the name of the game is Energy Security, just need a few coal mines to to keep it green, no point in importing the stuff, we are sitting on it ?
We don’t burn coal for production and manufacturing anymore. We get the Chinese to do that for us.
You see, the air over China must be immune to the ‘climate emergency’.
It’s a load of fucking bollocks, isn’t it?
As a kid my teachers were telling me about the imminent ice age. Year 2000 or so they said. Then it was global warming. And when that seemed a load of shite, they went for ‘climate change’.
Hot today? Climate change.
Cold today? Climate change.
Some weather today? Climate change and the world is going to end unless you give me loads of money.
Fuck off lol.
The gas and oil crisis as prompted a surge in coal production, whoever gets into number 10 needs to slap down these fucking green wankers and concentrate on what is actually needed…. Proper fucking jobs in manufacturing and technology and get the country back to self sufficiency in critical industries.
It’s fucking hot today, maybe it’s climate change or, bit of a left field thought, maybe cos it’s SUMMER ?
Soi@ – Afternoon Soi – I imagine the £250,000 appearance fee had something to do with it..
But it was a surprise visit ?
Only 6 cuntings?
That does surprise me. I’d have thought she’d have had a few more.
I’m torn for cunt of the year (so far) between her and Wokegate.
The fucking shithouses.
Morning CB…I doubt we’ll be seeing Mongy Greta next year, after this winter when no fucker can afford gas and some unfortunate pensioners die of hypothermia in their homes, then hopefully all this green nonsense will be put to bed and Greta will get herself a meat-eating real man who gives her the boning she clearly needs to take her mind off her ridiculous obsession.
I wish I shared your optimism (about Thundercunt fucking off, not dead pensioners)).
She’s making too much money to jack it in. The young (lefty hippy type ones) seem to hate the older generations anyway. They’d probably celebrate dead oldies.
Give up a million a year for reading a few preprepared scripts? She’s not giving that up.
Not even if some young buck gives her the drilling of her life. And that’s doubtful too, as the company she keeps is hippies and soy boys.
Her minders wouldn’t let a conservative/right wing youngster anywhere near her.
Would be funny if one sneaked in though and ‘changed her mind’ on all this shite, by turning her inside out lol.
We could throw her to Harvey Price?
I’d imagine she’d never mention climate change again after that.
I thought she was making green porn now.
Eeuurrgghh. Imagine that!
Greta being ploughed by an engorged Chris Packham on the bonnet of a revving Ferrari with a loud exhaust and no soft limiter as they’re both showered with the blood from Michaela Strachan ripping open baby badgers.
I doubt Chris Packham could “get it up”. One glance of her shit encrusted front bottom and he would start cwying-like he did when those pro-hunting lobbyists left a couple of dead crows* outside his gate.
*I had a story relayed to me, first hand, from a fellow who used to shoot various garden birds with his BSA Airsporter-along with his chum, a certain Chris Packham.
The fucking hypocrite?
Well. You’d certainly need the lights off to shag it. That should prolong the life if the planet by a fraction of a nanosecond.
Closest you’ll get for now.
Greta – “Every Hole”
A painstakingly prepared Deep Fake.
How do you save a page for later, in case admins delete it?
Asking for a friend.
Why not just bookmark the video?
Dirty slag
Fucks sake. She wouldn’t be enjoying it if Harvey got ripped into her like that.
Beating his chest, bellowing and biting the back of her neck
When David Icke claimed he was the son of god, everyone howled with laughter and branded him an idiot.
When Greta claims that we in the west are destroying the planet, and only she has the answer, every cunt believes it. And the middle classes today think they are an intellectual cut above? Fuck me!
At least Attenbore can claim senility and Greta, as we know, is a confirmed mong. What’s their believer’s excuse?
I was hoping that now she’s got some bloke fingering her money box we would see and hear a little less of Thunderbirds. Alas I have been disappointed. The sooner he gets his bone home and gets her up the duff the better. That’ll give her something else to think about for a year before she starts moaning that “you have stolen my child’s childhood. How dare you!”
I don’t envy him having to shag that titless wonder but think of the money Sven, you cunt.
She’d abort, no doubt about it.
Thundercunt at Glastonburys?
Like a tsetse fly landing on a ripe pile of Rwandan Ebola ridden shite.
And it’s bloody roasting in the garden.
Some cunt flew over a bit since in a jumbo and ruined all our planets for the children’s dolphin rainbow.
The stupid little bitch.
The Swedish doom goblin had better make herself scarce around winter time, when the price of heating ones home goes through the roof.
I foresee her, just stop oil and XR getting their collective faces stomped into tarmac by a beying crowd clutching £3k gas bills in the not too distant future.
Goebbels (one of her mentors) would have looked better in that header pic. Oh! & I see, she started reading their scrips from an early age.
I do not accept lectures, lies and brainwashing from retarded millionaire hypocrite tramps. When is sweaty Greta protesting about the Chinese slave labour who make the tat shitpants flogs to mugs for a 1000% markup? (who do not appear to appreciate the irony of their “save the planet” T shirts being transported around the world and the huge carbon footprint involved).
When is the evil little goblin protesting outside the Chinese Embassy then?
Her face, and attitude, would make her the perfect poster girl for the Hitler Youth – I genuinely believe this creature is evil.
Perhaps Greta would like to nip round and “interview” the junky piece of shit who tried to thieve my bike yesterday, check out his “green credentials”, as it were?
Oh, nearly forgot – he has already had a little word from me about the error of his ways – I do not think he will need a second.
Sow the wind, unleash the whirlwind.
Glastonbury. Middle class muppets spending mummy and daddy’s money while being woke and trendy. They were shoutin’g for Steptoe a few years ago. Joined by the ridiculous cunt from C4 News. (middle class, trendy, moi?)
I presume Thunderthighs swam and then walked to Glastonbury. And that the turns were all acoustic. By solar powered lights.
Yes Cuntstable, & it started off as a free festival. Now like every other fucker, it’s just a money making enterprise. I never have, & I wouldn’t go there now, even if was still free. I went to some of the best. They are sadly no more. You can’t even take your own food & beer in to many of them now, the cunts!
I went to concerts 40+ years ago where she wouldn’t have got a single word out.
You know the style, cat calls, whistling.
Shouts of “get yer tits out”, “drop em blossom”, “crack me eggs Greta”, “wrap yer gums around me plums”
We knew how to make pretentious cunts feel at home in those days.
Gristlegripper@ – Afternoon Gg – like the Angels told the Stones at Altamont – “Shut the fuck up and play”.
I want entertainment, not fucking lectures from sanctimonious shit.
Yes Gristlegripper! I’m sure some biker back then, would have found three good sized empty wine bottles, fit for purpose.
That last comment had to await moderation! Er? Did I shout? Did I swear? No! The only offending word I may of used in the text was “biker!” A half breed group of outlaws, that any potential ‘mother in law’ may have had ‘good reason,’ to lock up their daughters. Otherwise, fuck knows.
There was no mention in any of the media of how she travelled to Glastonbury yet Tommy Robinson just hast to fart and the BBC et al are telling us his real name.
You forgot to insert (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley).
Perhaps Greta is a closet groupie and hoped to get laid by a rock “star”. Imagine if minging Bob Geldof had been there and got off with her – imagine the stench as their clothes came off and the boxers and crotchless knickers were laying on the ground complete with skid marks and piss stains, to be enjoyed by the millions of flies that were watching the coupling.
She might have even “turned” Cliff Richard once she got his truss off and showed him her clunge.
I imagine Greta Chunderberg sees a lot of climate change through the windows of her Parents Swedish mansion (what’s the carbon footprint on heating and lighting that one then Greta?) and her “totally necessary” private jet.
It would be most interesting for an intrepid journalist to do a “Greta tracker” showing where Miss Priggy has travelled, how far and what transport she used when the fawning tame media left after the photo shoot of her sharing her BO with a boat crew.
That gives me an idea..
As the internet is the worlds biggest CO2 polluter perhaps we should ask all the fascists disguised as hippies to live without it for 12 months?
I can see the signs hanging out of bedroom windows now – “Just Eat down, Waitrose are demanding people TELEPHONE them for orders – no food or Instagram for over six hours, please help!” ?
Admin, can we have Greta as the ISAC guest speaker at the annual dinner this year. The cunters could give her the Nish Kumar treatment with the bread rolls. Some of our more energetic cunters could show her a good time after. Then Terry’s oven could make an appearance as a safe space to occupy.
Bricks in the shape of bread rolls.
Or make do with white phosphorus grenades.
UT@ – Afternoon Unkle – loading up the Beemer as we speak! ??
Hand grenades instead
It wouldn’t have surprised me if she’d have got on stage and sung the Horst Wessel song. It’s the Manson lamps and pigtails. I’d love it if she was caught eating a greaseball burger out of one of those styrofoam containers, then she threw it out of a 6 litre Ford Mustang. The cunt.
BF@ – Afternoon BF – in her defence it has taken Cuntberg 19 years to memorise Mein Kampf..
Afternoon Vernon, hope your well.
To be honest Vern, old Adolf did ramble from time to time.
Given her anorexic frame I would imagine she’s a vegan. Thus supporting the deforestation of the planet to provide more agricultural capacity. You are DESTROYING the planet Thunderstorms you mental cunt!
Fucking Polar Bear murderer!
WordPress is perilously close to a darned good thrashing today!
Shifty no good fkin WordPress..
Bloody brat needs to get herself a boyfriend with a kidney wiper todger and have a bit of fun.
Wouldn’t want her at a party sour faced little witch.
Greta Thunberg Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm is such a total cunt.
I feel sorry for the poor cunt that has the misfortune to marry it. Not only because she looks like Sloth from the Goonies with pigtails, but also her messiah complex will make her ‘right’ all the time and you just know she is one of those bints who has to have her own way every time. The poor lad – whoever he is – will have one way ticket to Hell.??
I wish he’d turn up soon though. Get the horrible little Eco-Gargoyle up the stick and get her out of our faces once and for all….
Greta Thunberg Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm
Hello. I’m a little child from a rich family. I have never paid a bill or worked a day in my life. Now do as your told and stop ruining my childhood or I’ll cry. Now I’m off on yet another jet to the other side of the planet to stay in a five star hotel and make a pile of cash for mummy and daddy.
Cheers you mugs,
Greta the mong.
Utter window licker.Throw yourself in front of a steamroller dear.Piss off you witch.