Greedy Scam “Victims”

Daily Mail News Link

No way should this stupid bastard have had a single Penny of his cash refunded..gets involved in some dodgy cryptocurrency scheme and continues to hand over cash even after his bank had told him it was a scam.

I know banks can be Cunts but short of beating the stupid old Cunt to death,what more could they have done ? It’s all very well people saying “Aaahh, poor old Dear” but the avaricious old Cunt presumably had enough marbles to try and take the (fictional)profits and should be left to stew in his own juice instead of being bailed out.

I do have a modicum of sympathy for the genuinely “scammed” but far too many of them are the authors of their own misfortune….so blinded by greed that they can’t see what’s as plain as the nose on their face. They deserve neither sympathy or compensation.

Wonder if the bank would consider sending me the Cunt’s details….I have some magic beans for sale that I’m sure would interest the grabby old Twat.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

44 thoughts on “Greedy Scam “Victims”

  1. Cunts.

    Silly old cunt who knows nothing about online banking nor crypto currencies decides to start throwing money about like it’s the Weimar Republic.

    Banks are Cunts but in this case they should have burnished their reputation by telling this idiot to Fuck Right Off.

    • The latest one that almost ensnared my in-laws involves WhatsApp.

      These Cunts from Malaysia hacked her account and started sending messages to them pretending to be Mrs Terry begging for money.

      Quite convincing and they almost fell for it until Mrs T got wind of it and phoned the Malaysian Cunts to tell them to fuck off.

      They didn’t seem right bothered,the little monkey vermin that they are.

      • I never understand how people fall for this type of crap. If somebody tried to say they were a member of my family asking for money I would ring them. And there’s no way any money would be going anywhere until I had spoken to them first. If there was a genuine problem, well, they’d be fucked.

      • I had something similar sent from what was supposed to be by sister. But when the message called me BRO I knew something was off as she genuinely does call me Cunt in messages. The other issue was she was with me at the time stupid cunts, On replying I was doing fine but looking forward to really communing over to fuck their mother and maybe sister if anything was left In the tank nothing more was heard.

  2. Aye.

    You can bet the cunt wouldn’t have shared his windfall with any fucker had it paid off.

    It’s common knowledge that Crypto is very volatile. Especially now. Even I know that, I know barely anything about it. I do know a cunt who did make good on crypto. When I asked about getting onboard and for some advice on investing in it, he said it’s not worth doing now, expensive and too risky.

    It’s like putting your life savings on the 3:30 at Kempton and then asking for your money back when your nag gets shot in the paddock after breaking its neck at the first.

    Get to fuck.

    • And I bet when he heard about old cunts getting scammed he was first to send them a few quid in sympathy.

  3. A most apposite nom – there seem to be more and more of what I can only describe as “fucking mugs” – “He seemed so genuine, I saw pictures of what he told me was him on his private jet and I was so distressed when he told me he would have to cancel the marriage and go bankrupt unless he paid this tax bill, it was the last obstacle in the way of our happiness – how could I refuse to loan him my £37000 life savings?”..
    Confidence tricksters rely on pressing the right buttons – greed and desperation – whereas I am old, cynical, tight and sensible – I only ever do business with Nigerian Generals!

      • Nothing wrong with Nigerian Generals, how true VF. A dear friend of mine has just paid £27,00 for a share in the cargo of a Nigerian registered tanker that’s sailing for Iran today. The Nigerian was so helpful sorted out all the transfer paperwork
        Bloody good investment what, reckons to make 87% on the deal, lucky bastard.
        Do any esteemed cunters remember that website that used to publish pictures of Nigerian fraudsters holding placards saying things like “I am a thieving cunt” . The sites contributors used to play along with the cunts and make them do silly things like hold up placards etc to prove to the website that they were genuine. Site also showed the dialogues between supposed victim and scammer ace.
        Admit I played a few but got bored.

  4. I deal with quite a few older folk and a lot of them can appear clueless when it comes to money, card transactions or security pins/passwords etc.

    I’ve had some elderly people trying to give me money after only as much as an initial conversation over the phone.
    Being a decent sort of bloke (I hope/think) I always look after them and keep them right.

    One old dear who was a client, with the kindest demeanor, a very dodgy ticker and a recently deceased husband handed over a substantial amount of money to a pikey roofing firm who promised her the earth, delivered nothing before fucking off with the cash .
    The cunts even ferried her to the bank and back in their van several times so she could withdraw the money.

    There are some evil cunts about all too willing to exploit the elderly, naive and vulnerable.

  5. My personal mantra is I don’t suffer fools gladly, and it has kept me in good stead all my life.

    After reading the link in the nom, the guy is a fool.

    So, meh.

  6. He’s a gormless dope. But the guy that scammed him is the cunt.

    Who in their right mind hands over 50k to a “Mr Hoffman” from Switzerland to invest in bit coin? The name alone sounds like a Bond villain.

    By the way, I’m still waiting for my one million US dollars from the UN to save me from “THE SCOURGE SAVAGING THE PLANET”. I gave the nice Nigerian man my bank details and paid the £2,000 postage. Nothing yet – I expect their still looking for a big enough envelope to put all those used dollar bills in.

  7. “You stole my future!”

    Said the teenage, truant millionairess from her family’s mansion.

    That’s good scammin’.

  8. You see cunts sending money to their internet hearthrob and so on. No sympathy whatsoever. And this particular cunt wants fucking. With a ragman’s trumpet.

  9. It’s important to remember that not all elderly people become daft and gullible after the age of 70. Most of them have been daft and gullible all their lives and therefore should garner little sympathy. Dementia is a different matter entirely, and those who prey on that should be given a fucking good hiding.
    Greedy old chancers like this were most likely greedy young chancers in the past.

  10. There’s no fool like an old fool. 82 years old and yet born yesterday.
    Surely the name ‘WiseCoin’ should have rung alarm bells in even the emptiest of heads. Tell him to fuck off, Halifax.

  11. Ignores warnings against proceeding,transfers 10’s of thousands more.
    Fuck ’em,sell drugs,you’ve nothing left to lose and you won’t have any bills once you’re in chokey.

  12. For sheer greed and sheer stupidity, you should hear some of the “victims” – usually avaricious old buggers over 70 – on Wireless 4’s “You & Yours” Monday to Wednesday 12 noon to 1300.

    Silly old buggers included last week some old arsehole who tried to buy 8 flats “off-plan” as an “investment” for his old age lost all the deposits when the company went bust – not the first time that company had gone bust, yet he seemed to think he was a special case and should be fully refunded by his bank, as he wanted to buy so many and had lost more than anyone else. Serves the old bleeder right – and some of them have such a sense of entitlement, mixed in with their injured innocence.

    • Heard the programme dubbed “You and your begging bowl” years ago WC. Seemed entirely appropriate.

    • Damn right Ruff, another good reason to bank elsewhere. And the almost unbelievable response from the bank to those who complained; in plain language “If you don’t like it, fuck off elsewhere” well, off I would fuck.

    • I wonder how many staff are

      (He, Him, His)

      I bet all this gender stuff goes down well in Halifax ?

    • There’s a bank clerk who works at Halifax called Michael Jackson whose pronouns are He/He

      Afternoon Ruff.

  13. Glad I don’t bank with the Halifax. I wouldn’t be pleased to see them paying out depositor’s money to such prats.

    Talking of scams, I see the BBC are paying out a wedge of our licence fees to some employee of the royals who they libelled. Nothing new there but I wonder when we are going to see Martin Bashir sorted out.

  14. Mr Hoffman must be laughing all the way to the bank, I wonder how many other clients he has scammed.

    What a way to make money, zero morale compass, bet he is a smashing bloke if you meet him in the pub ?

    The silly old cunt will probably fall for another one, obviously a bit thick and didn’t even take notice of the warnings.

  15. Never mind all that – I have been contacted by “Fiddler Investments” with a unique opportunity to purchase some historic land in Northumberland with the quaint title of “Army Firing Range” – all I have to do is cycle down there, leave the cash in an outbuilding at a vast Country estate then wait next to a big target shaped thing for a chap in an Apache helicopter to drop the deeds to the land down to me!
    Already looking forward to spending my huge profits, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to catch the Fox out!

    • Well I am appalled, I haven’t received any such invitation from Fiddler Investments, it’s obviously just for his ‘mates’, you are so lucky.

  16. The Tinder Swindler thing on Netflix highlighted two utterly dim-witted women who want us all to feel sorry for them.

    The bloke flew them about in a private fucking jet at first , yet they didn’t think it odd when he needed them to lend him large sums of cash.

    Utterly fuckwitted

    • That was so fucking hilarious. Daft, , grasping, avaricious splitarses. Royally deserved. Thought they had hooked a sugar daddy only to find out it was a younger version of Charles Ponzi.

      Hah hah!

      • Aye they were showing off on Arsebook and ‘insta’ when they were on a private jet or in a 5k a night penthouse. One of them was filming (to show off on social media) the penthouse she was being show around.

        I bet all their 2,000 ‘friends’ were fucking pissing themselves when they lost everything to the cunt.

        I’ve seen an even worse example. It was on that documentary series ‘death/murder on the beach’ or summat

        The bird was doing a gap year around Thailand and tweeted ‘Enjoy your offices’ from a paradise looking beach with a cocktail in view. Bit cunty, I thought.

        She ended up dead in her hotel room in suspicious circumstances a short time after.

        She didn’t deserve that like, but be careful showing off on social media you silly cunts!

  17. More crypto-crap.

    People never learn. Invest in tangibles like property or rare metals, not up-in-the-air digital bubbles made of numbers and snake oil.

  18. I must confess to fucking about with Crypto but I only ‘invest’ what I can afford to lose. Yes, it’s a gamble and I treat it the same as if I was going into Ladbrookes for a flutter on the nags.
    I’ve had a few results but I would never consider myself competent or a shrewd invester/player.

    Many a daft cunt (especially in the USA) have literally sold their homes and family silver to invest in ‘crypto’ only to lose everything as the coins crashed or they got totally scammed in the case of the notorious ‘Squid Games Coin’.

    Ultimately, as the nom points out, Greed is a massive contribution to people getting scammed with crypto.
    Can’t say I sympathize and as the old saying goes:

    ‘a fool and his money are soon parted’

  19. I heard there’s some slapper on social media who’s selling her bathwater for £5 a bottle.

    Good luck to her and how fucking gullible are some cunts?

  20. I see he’s got a red passport which probably means he’s a remainer, so no sympathy, he clearly learned nothing from being scammed by Barnier, Tusk, Verhofstadt and all.

  21. I would like to nominate Amber Heard. As there appears to be no websites named ‘…is a gold-digging-lying-trollop’, this one will have to do.

    Also Johnny Depp, for quite obviously not giving her the damned good thrashing she so richly deserved

    (Hi and welcome to ISAC. For Nominations you’ll need to click the “Nominate” link on the main page, digest the rules and then write your nomination along with a supporting news link. Thanks – Day Admin)

    • Good nom Dick?

      Few years ago I read a book about conmen, ‘Grifters’ it was called,
      Forget the author sadly.

      It was fascinating.
      From carnies, mafioso, to the truly sophisticated confidence trickster.

      And they all did one thing in common.

      They use your greed against you.

      And they are very smart,
      Nowadays theyll all be on line,
      Dont be fooled into thinking your above being conned.

      Theyve conned smarter than us.

      Morally reprehensible but certainly clever at what they do.

    • On a positive note… least you know up front she will be quite willing to do some ‘German’ sex stuff for you.

  22. Totes agree. I read the story on the Daily Fail and Aunt Sally’s response – don’t understand why she got involved.

    Mind blown when this cunt was told not once, but twice this looked dodgy – no doubt his wife had her finger in his ass thinking of the next Saga cruise they were going to book up.

    What a total prick and the cunt got 50% back!

  23. They target a certain type.

    Ideally gullible, elderly cunts.

    If you loan me £20 for a hour ill give you £40.
    Double your money!!

    Ok now loan me £50.
    Heres your £100.

    Can I loan £100?
    Thanks heres your £200.

    Now loan me £5000
    Heres you £10000.

    Eh? You want to loan me £30,000?

    ….wonder whats taking him with my £60,0000…?

  24. was it the correct spelling U tube that i mentioned that got me moderated? Admin
    i can’t quite remember everything i said . junno

  25. Why would a 16 stone 65 year old munter from e.g. Barnsley think that a 30-something successful surgeon based in Beverly Hills who has the physique of an athlete is remotely interested in getting into their crusty pants?

    If the charlatan is so wealthy how come his bank account is “frozen”, he’s “lost his mobile phone” and suddenly needs £70000 for a life-saving operation.
    The simpering cunts presenting lthese “ scamming “ programmes (always on the BBC of course “always have that faux “concerned “ look whilst telling the pigshit-thick victim that “it’s not their fault “.
    Well whose fucking fault is it then?
    Why should my bank bail them out?
    Fuck them.

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