Energy Price Cap On the Rise Again

I have posted a couple of related noms over the last 12 months concerning the price cap, Ofgem and the hideous rise in domestic energy prices.

The price cap was increased to something like 54% in April 2022 for people on SVRs. And there were warnings from the regulator, Ofgem that the cap would rise again come October to something like 30 or 40%

Well now it seems that estimate is way off and that it could well be hovering around the mid 60s. Which in effect means gas and electric bills will have gone up by over 100% come October – just in time for a hard cold winter!

This translates into something like £3500 for a “typical” household compared to around £1650 just a year ago.

Ofgem has also reduced the Price Cap review from 6 months to 3. This means we can expect more increases over the next 12 months at least.

If you’ve just started a Fixed Rate tariff then you’ll be protected for the duration of the tariff (assuming your energy provider doesn’t go pop!) But given that fixed tariffs are becoming harder to find it will mean people being dumped on SVRs when their fixed ends, and its the SVRs that will feel the full effect of the price cap increase.

There is plenty of financial support for the usual groups and rightly so in most cases. But as per usual if you’re in employment but on a lowish wage that doesn’t attract any extra top-ups then you’re going to be hit hard as your disposable and discretionary spending becomes even more constricted especially with “real world” inflation well over 10% in some instances.

There appears to be no end in sight for 2022/2023. And even when the war ends in Ukraine and fuel supply meets demand I doubt if the price cap will fall by the same leaps and bounds as when they went up!

But its okay because our wonderful eco-green policies will make the world a happier place even though none of them are proven, sustainable or value for money (especially when one considers how heavily subsidised they are by the same people struggling to pay their fuel bills!)

Money Saving Expert Link

Money Saving Expert Link 2

Nominated by: Technocunt

91 thoughts on “Energy Price Cap On the Rise Again

  1. The usual shortsighted money grab by successive governments have left us quite high and dry.

    Luckily we aren’t quite as far up shit creek as the Jerries,who’s energy policies could ruin their economy this winter if Vlad turns the taps off.

    How the cunts in the EU laughed when Trump warned them that depending on the Russians wouldn’t end well.

    They’re not laughing now.

    • If that oily little twat does end up in No.10 I suspect by Christmas he’ll wish he’d got his green card and fucked off to La La land for good.

      Gas too expensive? Frozen daft?
      Time for a bonfire..made from people off the telly.

    • Here’s a interesting fact for you:

      Rishi could afford to pay a £3,500 annual energy bill from his personal fortune for 46,751 years without earning anything extra.

      Man of the people?

    • Rishi’s Britain and Suckdick’s London. What a wonderful place to live. They must feel right at home today in this heat…. fucking ragheads.

      • If Rishy washy gets in, he will no doubt bring in and legalize all Muzzie rules.
        Especially lowering the age of consent.
        Sharia law.
        A dirty race.

        Wish Vlad had invaded these countries.
        I for one would have supported him.
        Although the downside to that would be more Mubarak’s “emigrating” to the UK to suckle on the teat of freebies.

        All together now.
        Alan’s Snackbar!

  2. I have a feeling this could be the straw that breaks the camels back, so to speak, scary times ahead!

    • CQ@ – Afternoon Captain, I certainly hope so – because there is nothing like being broke, cold and hungry to motivate people into getting off their arses.
      And it is WAY past time we grew a collective pair.

  3. Of course, it’s not even jam tomorrow – it’s jam in 50 years time when most of us will be dead and won’t be able to point out what fucking liars they are.

  4. Politicians in the pockets of the big six, tax breaks, favours, blind eyes turned amongst massive annual profits and the comedy “regulator” OFGEM worse than fucking useless.
    Where have we heard all this before?
    Oh yes, every day of our fucking lives.
    We need to clear out the disease from the United Kingdom and start again – the corruption and planned destruction from the NWO puppets leaves us no choice.
    We could be energy independent if we simply switched to hydrogen for vehicle fuel and domestic gas – quick, simple, cheap and proven – but then the “politicians” would be barred from having a financial interest in any power suppliers, because I do not trust a single politician or corporate gimp as far as I could boot them.
    Two years to save our Country.
    Time to take a stand.

  5. Net zero is a disaster, and high petrol prices are just a symptom and one part of the plan. Insanity that China, India, Saudi Arabia and Africa have no intention of following . Fossil fuels are a gift from millions of years ago. We can be cool in the heat and warm in the cold. Deaths from natural disasters have plummeted by 94% over the last 100 years.Schiphol airport in the Netherlands is 6 yards below sea level and 80 times more people in this country die of the cold than the heat. Time for a revolution.

    • It’s rarely reported,but oil isn’t as scarce as they admit.The cost of acquiring it is uneconomic once depleted but it actually replenishes over time,sort of earth’s blood supply and doodly to do with dacaying dinosaurs and plants.The plundering bastards are angling to ‘develop’ a ruddy great well near Arreton here chez-Isle of Wight in a rich agricultural location and tourist favourite,thankfully,for now,kyboshed.The notion of a few years of powering the matrix with shareholder enrichments reveals the bogus bollocks with environmental concerns when wallets are to be fattened.

    • Absobloodylutely!

      The virtue signalling elite could stop CO2 emissions tomorrow (assuming they are the devil incarnate – we all know what assumes means though don’t we!) by quitting flying around the world lecturing the rest of us. How about that idea then? Ordinary people could do without a flight to Majorca every two years (but not without driving their £500 heap of a traditionally engined car to work every day) but could these elite cunts do without an executive flight to somewhere or other every other day? We all know the answer to that don’t we!

      Lampposts and barbed wire are the way forward with these cunts

  6. Theft and misappropriation of taxes and the squandering on an industrial scale has milked the beast dry. Fuck off Sunak and Fuck off all Politicians. They are all the same. As for the contrived and avoidable Energy Cap , I would rather live in an unlit world than support these fuckers in power for one moment longer. Ideology, corruption the waste and the incessant self masturbation of ego.!

    Putin! Bomb the fuckers.

    • He may well have to given the Neocons are chomping at the bit.Doubtless already working on the next 9/11,Gulf of Tonkin ‘event’.
      If it’s a case of choosing sides,we’ve long been on the wrong one.
      The Fed will tank imminently,The US deep-state will have no other option, given the 20 Trillions of unpayable debt it’s accrued, so onwards to Eurasia and probable apocalypse if Vlad is thwarted.

  7. Coming this winter:
    ‘I can’t afford to feed my kids’ says fat single mum of 4 dusky kids – The Mirror
    ‘Pensioner war hero dies of hypothermia’ – The Daily Wail
    ‘Cold weather declared racist as minorities suffer more’ – The Guardian
    ‘Tits oot for the lads’ – The Sun (Newcastle edition)

      • What’s the difference between a kangaroo and a kangaroot ?
        One is a marsupial native to Australia.
        The other is a Geordie stuck in a lift.
        Evening all.

      • I was brought up on his humour. My grandad was from North Shields. I was put in black and white at 2 months old and never had a choice, glad I’ve never looked back. ??

  8. Regardless of the wholesale prices of Gas and Electricity there is 5% VAT, there is a standing charge which seems to increase by some unknown magical formula.
    Maybe as the gas price increases the cost of pushing through the pipes magically increases, posh gas. Electricity lines must know that the they have more responsibility carrying more expensive leccy.
    And not forgetting the green levy, to pay for cheaper greener electricity ?

    Make some savings, start with throwing the 125000 cunts waiting for asylum claims to be processed into the fucking sea, and I am fucking sick of subsidising bone idle cunts lounging on benefits.

    The price cap is a joke, how can it be a cap if it keeps going up, mind you some of this has been brought about by fucking cowboy suppliers offering cheap deals, get used to cheap gas and leccy and then when it goes tits up everybody is crying, no one was bothered about the green levy when it was cheap.

    Can’t wait for winter ‘heating or eating’ ???

    • Spot on. The magic that is the standing charge and how it leaps up because the wholesale price has increased. Utter bollocks once again

  9. Time to buy some thermal tops and bottoms – get several sets. I’d rather wear them and look like Michelin man than pay the likes of EDF.

  10. There a approximately 1500 extra deaths than normal trends ,that are not attributed to COVID in England and Wales these last number of months .
    Wait until it gets brass monkey weather

  11. Back to the good old days, dig out the ex army great coat, sea boot socks and a hot water bottle come October…..☃️

  12. I had a dream that I lived on a rock made of coal surrounded by a seas full of oil and gas. I mean how monstrous a cunt would you have to be to spunk that. .

    Then I had a nightmare that we’d aligned our lot to an empire in terminal decline headed by a fucking cadaver run by psychopaths. Nah, just too fucked up.

    Capped two months ago at 25% over, felt physically sick doing it. Ripped the fireplace out for a stove, just finished rendering, felt like a twat doing that. I hate this.

    Neocon/libs cunts, fuck the lot of them.

    • Yes. Now please, because come winter time he won’t be able to afford the pilot light let alone the gas to oven these cunts.

  13. I bet the four star hotels will still be kept nice and warm by HM government this coming winter though.

    • When you say HM government, you did mean the taxpayers, via the 1.25% NI grab. Didn’t you?

    • By the end of the year there will be 60,000 hotel rooms offering free full board. To qualify enter the UK with no documentation as advertised on Trivago ?

  14. I’d put money on this being about the longer term effect of switching from petrol and diesel to electric vehicles.

    Tax receipts from fuel are staggering and they know they can’t afford to loose it but the drive to switch to a newer ‘cleaner greener economy’ presents a problem.

    Electricity is taxed at 5% through VAT and no Government wants to be seen as increasing that level, it was controversial when it was levied in the early mid 90’s and has remained static ever since.

    So what to do, well you can start by raising the energy cap, blame it on the War in wherever and the greedy energy companies, threaten a windfall tax to distract from what’s actually happening and never actually levy one because that will fuck your boardroom director opportunities when you’re voted out of power.

    Then hey presto you’re collecting 5% of a much higher figure.

    Job done.

  15. I’ve been giving some though to the issue of the power cuts we will face this winter. I had thought of installing a diesel generator but the faf to get that wired up to the house, and isolate the grid, had put me off for now.

    Thinking about it I don’t need electricity to run the central heating controls and pump because I can’t afford the oil to burn in it. That leaves the TV, lighting and fridge/freezer. I don’t watch “traditional TV” anymore as I ditched the tax and stream off the internet. In a power cut no internet will be coming though from the supplier anyway so forget that. The freezer? The power company has to pay compo’ when the cuts are over 10 hours so just leave the doors shut. That just leaves the lighting. LED camping lantern and I’m sorted for evenings in burning anything that doesn’t move in my woodburner. ?

    When this green shit does get a bit much though, and the grid power stays off for days. I’ll seriously look at going off grid with a diesel genny, loads of old car batteries and an inverter.

    No other cunt is going to help you in this world (especially in this fucked up country) so you have to help yourself.

    • “The freezer? The power company has to pay compo’ when the cuts are over 10 hours so just leave the doors shut.”….No they don’t.You have to claim off your household insurance for spoiled freezer contents.

      • It’s not 10 hours for compo when your electric goes off either…. it’s 72 hours.

      • Sorry,I’m wrong about the 72 hours…that’s only exceptional events….it’s 12 hours under normal weather conditions.

      • 12 hours will be ?

        When the power is off regularly this will probably change but should have assessed the risk by then.

      • Evening Dick.

        I feel terribly let down by you. I had hoped that at least one other person posting here today was not operating with a fried brain.

        Let’s hope the General doesn’t jump on that post. ?

      • Evening,RTC

        I expect The General is just finishing the 15th chapter of his opus….” Fiddler,The Fibbing Cunt….My (very important) Part In His Downfall.”

      • I saw him earlier.
        Furtively pushing a document under Admins door…

      • If it would fit under a door,you can be fucking sure that the General didn’t write it.

      • Good evening Gentlemen,

        To “live rent free inside someone’s head” is an Americanism that means; you upset them so deeply or challenge their beliefs so profoundly that they become obsessed with you and what you might say.

      • Nah,sorry General..,nothing so profound…I just enjoy laughing at your pomposity.

      • Actually, Dick, there’s a grain of truth in what you say. You’ve never had a profound thought in your life.

      • You’re probably right,General… Unlike you,I’m under no illusion that I’m some brilliantly droll and entertaining Font Of All Knowledge.
        I enjoy being shallow…it’s so much easier than being burdened by a false belief that I should dish out my “profound”” thoughts to an audience that apparently aren’t bright enough to appreciate my insights.

      • Well Dick you’re half right and half wrong.

        You’re right about being shallow and not brilliant.

        But you’re wrong about most of the other cunters. Many of them are indeed bright enough to get my insights. They may disagree…but unlike you…they get it.

      • LOL….you really can’t help yourself,can you ?…so pompous that you feel you are graciously educating the posters on here… I suppose we should just be grateful that you deign to share your insights with such lesser mortals…and at such extraordinary length too !

      • The only lesser mortal I’m trying to educate right now is you…and it’s clearly proving to be an exercise in futility.

        So I’ll say good night now and leave you to your dreams of revenge.

      • Revenge?…what for?…..making your head explode last time you decided to “educate” me ?

        You’re not going to write another of those appalling apologies ,I hope…you certainly had me rocking with that particular pile of nauseating windbaggery .last time.

      • Sorry, Dick wins this by a country mile. The ‘it wouldn’t fit under the door’ comebacks was absolute pure gold, something Marks and Gran would have been proud of.
        A showstopper, and nothing to be ashamed of losing to.
        If only all online squabbling has this.?

      • I always enjoy DFs posts too, but yes…might as well have asked him if he wanted a nosh.

      • Credit where it was due MF, I’d have said the same if you had come out with it, as unlikely as that prospect is.

  16. What really sticks in the throat, is the fact we are being fucked over by our own government. They could force the energy providers to supply a proportion at cost if they wanted to. They could sort out the standing charge rip off but, as they say, ‘we never interfere in big business’. As for a windfall tax to help provide respite for benefits claimants, what a fucking cheek! For every one that deserves it, there’ll be some cunt that don’t. Why can’t everyone benefit? The government are more or less admitting that the energy companies will increase profits at our expense by taking a windfall tax.
    There’s so many cunts up to their necks in this fuck up. I’d be here all night typing.
    Cunts to a man!

    • Just burn Dianne Flabbott. Enough dead wood and whale blubber on that fat cunt to power the North of England and Scotland for the rest of this year, over winter into next.
      All that undigested crispy Kentucky Chiggun in her disco wings and Gunt will burn quicker and better than a kilo of uranium in Chernobyl No.4 reactor after the 1986 fuck up………

      • You could make enough candles out of Emily Thornberry’s blubber to keep the lights on in this country well into the 22nd century!

  17. My most recent gas/electricity bill shows I’ve paid more for the standing charge for gas than I’ve actually consumed, presumably I’m charged Vat on the standing charges, it’s money for old rope.
    About time VAT on gas/electricity were abolished, they are, after all, essentials.

    • It seems that the standing charge has been massively increased to pay for all the energy “suppliers” that collapsed into bankruptcy…leaving their customers high and dry.

      Another astounding triumph for Ofgen.

      The pathetic cunts.
      Who are never sacked for incompetence.

    • At my works premises I am charged about £30 a month for water as I’ve been shut 2 years and don’t use any fucking water this is a bit irritating. Electric is about £12 a month if I never switch a light on.

  18. I’m going to buy one of those exercise bikes that generate electricity. Mrs Bottle could do with losing a few stone.

  19. I’m lucky enough to make a ludicrous salary. Far more than I likely deserve but how the fuck do normal , average wagers afford these rises?

    I just can’t see how they are going to do it

    An utter disgrace that the government hasn’t got these cuntish energy firms under control

  20. “You will own nothing and be happy” says the Klausslobby, the same cunt that has luv ins with Trudy Conada, Ruttey fruity Holeland, plus Pissher CEO and their piss for Vax that protects fuckall and many more placed around the Geo political landscape.
    we put up with this utter nutty agenda for fucking what to be screwed from every angle.
    we all must be sadomasochists for letting this go unnoticed.
    i think more people are joining the fight back recently than ever before, that this is the biggest con of all to be played on people of these generations.
    I foresee the vaxed and boostered up becoming more repeatedly affected by strains and the unvaxed building Natural immunity with far less complication.
    We will be fucked for basics in the name of Green Reset
    Now enjoy your locusts soup with a hint of cunt

    • Mecuntry@

      Has it cooled down yet where you are?

      Its still fuckin intense here!!!?

      Know its hot when you crack a egg and its already fried.

      Some tarmac near my van has melted a bit.

      You ever seen a locust?
      I have.
      Like a grasshopper from hell.

      • Went back to the job today after frying yesterday at it
        beautiful cloud cover and cooler breeze, finished up by 2.30
        and paid.
        lovely drive home through the countryside, no sweat.
        and the cunt that was driving up my hole yesterday was nowhere to be seen.
        Happy days MNC

  21. Bollocks to this – I’ve bought a new watch – if I am going to freeze this winter I may as well look flash and when they break into the cave they can chisel it off my solidified arm to pay for the funeral!
    Sensible solutions..

  22. Down the road apiece at Coningsby we broke the heat record. The bodies are piled up in the streets. Hell.

    I am going out. I may be some time.

  23. Time to start saving up for Christmas now. Just don’t give it to one of those companies that promise you a Christmas hamper. A workmate was a victim of that scam.

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