Dr Michael Mosley

It seems like every time I go to look at the news on line, or occasionally a newspaper, this cunt pops up like a bad penny.

Whilst I think most of us would agree it is sensible to think about what you eat and take sufficient exercise, if you took any notice of this cunt you would be on a wheel for 12 hours a day like a fucking hamster, with a similar diet.

I wonder if it has occurred to the tedious cunt that his message may be somewhat diluted by his constant appearances, books and advice , rather like a patronising relative who drops in all the time.

Instead of worrying about the state of your arteries, you begin to wonder if it is possible to die of boredom or if it is all just took much effort – or if that is the only way to get away from the cunt.

Express News Link

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

75 thoughts on “Dr Michael Mosley

  1. Quacks are cunts. They all preach the same 3 things
    Don’t smoke
    Don’t drink
    Only eat vegetables preferably raw. Cunts

  2. Always someone who knows whats best for you.

    What you should do,
    What you should say, think, eat, drink, feel.

    Fuck em.

    You only live once,
    Do what makes you happy.
    If you want to lose weight,
    You need to burn more than you consume.
    Its not rocket science*(RTC®)

    Im on a health kick at the moment.
    Eating healthily, swimming and gym.

    This cunt should mind his own business.
    Hardly fuckin fighting fit by the look of the cunt?
    Fuck off tapeworm.

    • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – I am also on a keep fit purge – I have got very lazy with regard to the bike – I used to get in at least 200 miles a week but I have got into the lazy (and expensive) habit of using the car for short journeys – and back on the weights, I have been rather slacking lately!
      Lifespan is determined by two things – genetics and lifestyle, one we can do nothing about, the other – well we are all adults and we make our choices – I do heavy physical work and will do for as long as I can which is good for strength and keeping weight off, Miss busty is always stressing about her weight (she weighs about the same as one of my arms and despite vigorous searching I cannot find an ounce of fat on her!), running, cycling, going to the gym, eating fkin rabbit food etc – fair play to her – she is a committed gal!

  3. Never heard of the wanker. Just another cunt on the make by stating the bleedin’ obvious.
    Isn’t this cunt “fat shaming”? Shouldn’t the wokies be after him, cancelling the bastard?

  4. Broadcasting this guy’s advice is a waste of RF. It goes in one ear and out the other. And it’ll be a cold day in hell before you see me in a gym.

  5. Another smug, know-it-all cunt who spends far too much time in the media spotlight reiterating the bleedin’ obvious.

    No wonder you can’t see a friggin’ GP face2face these days.

    • He’d fit in well with certain peeps on here if so Ruff.

      His books are usually well researched.
      He talks to scientists who have been studying certain branches of medicine and health for decades.

      Not a cunt in my book. Quite the opposite.

      • But I don’t have any links to spurious Bitchute videos and Veteran’s today, so that must make him and me a cunt.

        Vernon Coleman is bit of a quack but it seems plenty of folks would happily hang on his every word and willingly teabag him into next week.

        Ho hum.

  6. There are two ways to lose weight – eat less food than your body needs or die. Death is certainly the quickest and surest way to lose weight. The pounds drop off without effort and you don’t even feel hungry. In fact you feel nothing. Think I’ll market my new death diet and make a fortune from gullible fatties.

    • MMCM@ – Well, the “being dead diet” is working superbly for Emannuel Macrons Wife – she doesn’t look a day over 200 and I have seen more meat on a jockeys whip! ?

    • With any luck, Rebekaaah Mardy will sign up to the death diet, she’s owt to lose.

  7. Whatever happens and whatever lifestyle you lead, you will eventually die. No matter how much lettuce you eat, or how much meat you’ve cut out, or how many miles you run on a treadmill… You will die… All this healthy lifestyle bollocks is peddled by people who can’t accept their own mortality in my eyes… I eat what I want, get pissed all weekend, and watch ridiculous amounts of “adult natured” material and I’m still here and feel great at 38… I have a physical job in heavy industry, that counts as my exercise!

    • Moggie63@ – Afternoon Moggie – just black up and steal it! ?
      Oh no, does that make me a “fascist”..
      Is twitter down today?

  8. That old bag in the header pic has perky tits for a 70yr old?
    Well done luv?

  9. The cunt isn’t even registered as a doctor anymore should be done for fraud twat

  10. Harold’ Shipman was my favourite celebrity doctor. The good doctor was from an easier, less stressful time.

    This Fucker in the nom is indeed a cunt and overexposed in the media peddling his yarns.

    That other Uber quack media cunt Doctor Fuking Hilary has popped again too, he’s now pedalling some sort of prostate cancer check on YouTube adverts. Must have lost some income following his wank message about wearing China virus masks when swimming in the sea whilst on holiday. The fucking grinning cretin.

    A pox on any doctor not in their surgery tending to the sick and ill.

    • My right arm and elbow has been killing me for months. Doc said it was “tennis-girl elbow.”
      Cheeky sod!

  11. Did you know all those items in the header picture come from the Ukraine..
    So sorry out of stock..

  12. Sorry cunters, this is an invalid cunting as far as I and Mrs CuntyMort are concerned. I was a really fat twat and the blood sugar levels were heading towards Insulin time. We both went on this diet, I went from 150 Kilos to 121 Kilos. Blood sugar levels normal weight above normal, not morbidly obese. Went from a 50” waist to a 42” waist. Chest size down from 5xl to a 3xl. Mrs CuntyMort is down to 72 Kilos. Looks more like the lady I fell in love with in days of yore.

    • I would say I’m with you despite never having followed these types of diet. Last year, between food and exercise, I went from 125kg and a blood glucose level of 9.8 to 95kg and a blood glucose level of 5.6.

  13. “Hell-oo I’m Michael Moseley – I am just the latest in a long line of media doctors that started with Dr Magnus Pyke, the human windmill, and followed on with Dr Ruth, the dirty old dame of sex. I follow in the proud footsteps of Dr. Hill, the radio doctor, who was always a bit TOO interested in your bowels”

  14. Just another cunt putting the fear of god into you, telling you what to do and coining it at the same time. Fuck off Dr Crippen. I’m having a skinful tonight followed by battered sausage and chips. What do you think of that cunt?

  15. Never heard of this specky z list cunt until now, not that in itself means fuck all.
    He looks like the sort of Dr who’d look quite at home in an SS uniform selecting which person goes for a ‘shower’ and which person goes off to the factory to make some war effort stuff…… Can tell he’s that sort just by looking at him.

    I wouldn’t trust the Dodgy Cunt as far as I could piss.

  16. Whilst I do like a bit of pasta and plenty of fish I saw old mosley banging on about the Mediterranean diet, had a Google check, the average spaniad lives about 6 months longer than the average English man, the French the same and Italian about 9 months longer, so virtually no fucking difference at all, and I think you can put the difference down to the weather, not many hypothermia cases or people slipping over on the ice in the med

  17. “His diet plan consists of fewer processed and more home-cooked foods but packed with plenty of vegetables and fruit.”

    Well, no shit, Sherlock.
    Combined with daily exercise,8 hours sleep,yada yada yada. Who’da thunk it?
    Breaking news, the sea is salty and wet, like a leftys tears.

    • Agree with you on that MF, but it never ceases to surprise me what people don’t know anymore.

      Some thickos now think Strawberry Ice cream counts as one of their 5-a-day.

      Problem with the health and fitness industry is there are far too many chancers on the make and out to make money out of people. Its hard for anyone new to separate the ?? from facts.

      People would rather spend £300 on some personal trainer who may or may not be decent, rather than by a few books for £6.99 which give them all the info on diet and exercise.

      Strange world we live in.

      • Id say skip the books too Harold!

        Get down the gym and hit the weights.
        The benefits and rewards dont take long!

        Leaner, stronger,
        Feel great in a short time, its good for positive mental elf,
        Releasing feelgood endorphines.

        Charles Atlas was right.

        Apart from the leopardskin undercrackers.
        Dunno, what that was about?!

      • Or even just eat sensibly and get off their arse Harold.

        Folks just don’t want to accept responsibility now.

  18. The only Doctors who I take advice from are Dr Who (the old ones not the wokewank new ones), Dr Phibes, Dr Crippen, Dr Moreau and Dr Strangelove!
    And Doc Savage, Man of bronze, obviously.
    I once knew a retired Doctor – he is dead now, only 91 – conclusive proof never to trust a Doctor!
    (Except PM’s Wife of course! ??)

  19. Another of the BBC Nanny-state captains of the obvious.
    I saw one of his programmes that took 3 pairs of celebricunt had them each eat burgers or fried chicken or pizzas for 2 weeks, then swap, and after 2 weeks swap again.

    Conclusion; eating nothing but junk food for 6 weeks isn’t good for you.

    Not sure how much this ‘experiment’ cost the taxpayer, but I doubt it will change anyone’s mind.

    Didn’t he also try out some intense exercise regime that gave Andrew Marr a stroke?

    Finger-wagging cunt.

  20. Also, Feta and Chorizo are full of cholesterol, but it’s okay as it’s middle class cholesterol wot remainers eat.

      • Had a Greek salad earlier, funnily enough.

        I’ll be buying butties, I mean ‘sandwiches’ from Pret and drinking tea with my little finger in the air next.

        Get away from my property, you bunch of peasants ?

  21. I am declaring myself a Doctor – eat healthy stuff, don’t smoke tabs and walk about a bit.
    There you go.
    I sense a career in television, just need to get that look of fake sincerity perfected as I lecture the mouth breathers about getting death shots and wearing fucking useless face tampaxes.

      • HJ@ – Evening HJ – don’t tell everyone, all the GMB (they couldn’t spell “imbecile”) audience of idle dumb soap dodgers will be after my comfortable jumpers!

  22. Don’t mind Michael Mosley at all to be honest.
    I’ve often enjoyed his documentaries over the years and found them entertaining and enlightening so not a cunt for me.

  23. Doesn’t seem to be a cunt as far as I can tell.
    If someone annoys you because they advocate for a diet where you can’t eat any shit you want, this doesn’t make them a cunt necessarily.
    Sorry. Can’t go along with this one Mary.
    I nominated Fat People the other day. We’ll see if it gets posted.

  24. I dont get this Highlander live forever shite.

    Ok if you eat like a eyetie with plenty of fish an olive oil you might live 5months longer?!!!

    5months of decrepit agony, serious falls, dementia, cold all the time, home help stealing your pension,
    Fuck that.

    I dont want 5extra months.

    Someone get me a Hollands pie.

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