Dr Michael Mosley

It seems like every time I go to look at the news on line, or occasionally a newspaper, this cunt pops up like a bad penny.

Whilst I think most of us would agree it is sensible to think about what you eat and take sufficient exercise, if you took any notice of this cunt you would be on a wheel for 12 hours a day like a fucking hamster, with a similar diet.

I wonder if it has occurred to the tedious cunt that his message may be somewhat diluted by his constant appearances, books and advice , rather like a patronising relative who drops in all the time.

Instead of worrying about the state of your arteries, you begin to wonder if it is possible to die of boredom or if it is all just took much effort – or if that is the only way to get away from the cunt.

Express News Link

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

75 thoughts on “Dr Michael Mosley

  1. Millions of people crave advice these days, that’s why that bellend Jordan Peter$on is so successful for spewing commonsense word-salads. Their are vast audiences out there to capture. People who will hand over the cash to hear advice their mother should have told them. So all these gurus have to come parachuting into the lives of ignorant people desperate for advice. The best diet books were published in the late 1800s, they had the science of diet down back then. But by the 1960s we had processed food, sugar-heavy food and now there are “phoods” and “Frankenfoods” (as in Frankenstein’s creature) in America that seem to be designed to make you a fat cunt in no short order. Similar shite seems to be hitting the shelves over here.

    I’ve switched to the insect diet, of course, being an ahead-of-the-game cunt. Tonight’s dish? Pete Doherty’s pubic lice. He sends them up every Thursday in a 1981 Royal Wedding biscuit tin. This is the future.

    • Jordan Peterson sounds like Kermit a bit, doesn’t he?

      I used to listen to his advice a bit, but he was addicted to painkillers while preaching ‘how you should live’ to every cunt for years. He was a bigger fuck up than most of us, and therefore, a bit of a fraud.

      Don’t listen to the cunt after that.

      • His earliest stuff is good, but then he went full guru-tard. And correct me if I’m wrong, but are clinical psychologists supposed to cyberbully people? That can’t be in their manual. Guy’s a dangerous voice in the ears of young people. Send him to the Amazon to do some ayahausca with the shamans. Never trust a man in a pine-stripe suit giving life advice. He dresses like a 1980s Wall Street hustler.

        Want advice, young people? I give you Mr T. of Chicago, Illinois…


        I pity the fool who listens to Jordan Peterson!

      • Yeah Peterson in some of his lectures has been an advocate and consumer of anti depressants in the past as well.
        From first hand experience of SSRI’s, those things will fry your fucking brain and cause awful long lasting side effects.
        Excercise and most importantly, getting rid of problems and cunts in your life are the real cures for depression.
        Just my opinion.

      • I find Jordan Peterson , Black Pigeon and David Ike talk a lot but say fuck all .

      • I actually like pin-stripe suits, but there’s a time and place. Peterson should at least be honest and wear shrunken heads around his neck and blow potent purple jungle smoke into your face through your screen (not sure how this would be achieved technologically, Steve Jobs is dead) and end each appearance with a song and dance number like this…


  2. OT, I’m the pound shop Olympics, Claire Balding has just mentioned the ‘red hot 15 year old girl’ going for Canada in the swimming soon. She’s ‘very excited’ apparently. I wonder if she’ll be poolside to ‘interview’ her in her swimsuit soon?

    In the words of Shaun Ryder, ‘Call the cops!’


      • To be fair, all the female swimmers had shoulders so broad that they had to knock a wall down to get them into the arena.

        Need two lanes each with shoulders like that. Fucking hell lol.

      • Clare Balding fisting you would be like Popeye the pantomime proctologist. That arm has been up horses. Any lassie that’s been with Balding is now swinging from quadriplegic harness and screaming, “IT WAS THAT WOMAN FROM THE BBC!” and none of the psychiatric hospitals have connected the dots.

        Balding goes free, tearing through clunge like like some ancient Greek mythological muff-monster.


        (Someone needs to cunt Balding. The last one was over 4 years ago. Come on, you know you want to! – Day Admin)

  3. i cook with real olive oil and homegrown garlic and herbs and grassland fed beef and lamb and fresh white fish from Iceland(yes really) and my work is physical.
    i have been doing this for the last 30 years because i still want to smoke like a trooper and drink like a fish. Seems to be working so far, super healthy 57 year old catch that i am

      • @Le Cunt, Nah Three score and ten will do just fine, ive had enough already with the doom and gloom life sucking cunts that dominate every facet of ones life in todays cultish world.
        I don’t pay much attention to it but its hard when the daily onslaught of miserable cunts around is in ones face.
        Think i need a holiday.

      • Holiday? Have you ever thought about Rwanda? Apparently there’s an empty plane sitting on the tarmac just waiting to take off. I reckon if you bunged them a tenner and sorted your own luggage you’d be laughing.

    • @Freddie, that plane will never for Rwanda will Never, Never, take off and it makes no difference with who you elect, just bullshit spin for the “we care for our country” and its borders
      Same story in all the Cuntry’s of the West currently and for the foreseeable future that is Green.
      The not so strange thing is, that London and Wall Street are the reason for the most part of this global bullshit agenda because they are broke and have broken most of the World.
      It is those Cunts that should be exported for evermore

      • ??????all bollocks Bollocks bollocks they want boiling in horse piss.Traitors.

  4. To quote Robin Williams, he is in more need of a blow job than any white man alive,.
    What a sad fickwitt with 2 t, s

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