“Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name. Deadnaming may be an accidental or intentional attempt to deny, mock or invalidate a person’s gender identity”.
Is that all clear to everyone? It never ends with these fuckers does it?
This bollocks recently surfaced with the deadnaming of some cunt called Elliot Page, a Hollywoke actor/actress? who’s former name of Ellen was allowed to trend on Twitter for 45 minutes and therefore breached their hateful conduct policy. I wonder if J.K. Rowling got the same protection when hundreds if not thousands of users sent death threats and called for her to be raped?
Like a lot of the transbumber ideology it involves a lot of sticking fingers in ears and loudly shouting “LA LA LA LA” to help validate and legitimise the fairy tale. As you can see in the link below, Ellen Page at 5′ 1″ and 8st soaking wet still looks like a 15 year old lesbian and is about as convincing as a Quorn sausage.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
If the person becomes dead after transitioning why are they able to continue in the same career? Why do the property rights transfer to the new entity that denies its former existence?
If say John Turns up at work one day and announces he’s Janet and any mention of John is now invalid surely the entity that signed the employment contract is no longer in existence?
Just a thought….
excellent point, and should be written in law.
“you bollockless Miranda have no access to this bank account as it is in the name of Mathew , now how will i address you, be it luv or check mate.
the image is unfair.
it misses out.
I’m allowed to go to all local schools in the area and brainwash your children in explaining everything I’ve done is normal and the majority of the population all want to transition.
For that is the gospel of the media.
empathetic story
There’s one struts around Brixton in a Bob tube .hot pants and high heels looks like arther mullard with tits no dourt one of the locals is shagging it
Used to be one in Northampton, Heels, black leather pencil skirt, colourful blouses and big dangly earrings, all topped off with Eric Morecambe glasses and a no 4 crew cut.
It was also about 6’3” and 18 stone.
What a vision of femininity to behold.
I’ve had worse.
CB, please confirm you meant to say that you’ve seen worse!?
I can’t post fella for some reason.
Oh i can again now it seems.
No, I haven’t had worse. Once e’d up as a young man, a fat lass chatted me up in a club. I suddenly thought ‘I’m leading her on by taking to her so much. If I don’t shag her, I’m being cruel.”
Ended up in bed with her. But I pretended to be too tired. She was about 20 stone, about 5″10 and stank of cheese.
I have her a false phone number too.
Made it worse lol.
‘gave her’
Northampton one of the bruvas was servicing its needs and giving it a good fucking fisting
It will be your actual paedophiles and animal shaggers next on the whining merry go round trying to normalise their deviant behaviour.
Ellen Paige was not bad looking before she mutilated herself.
This sick shit is a 10 on the fucked up scale as I’d but then the calls for us all to celebrate it is off the fucking scale.
I will NEVER refer a to a pretender by their fantasy name.
“about as convincing as a Quorn sausage” – excellent, I shall have to re-use that!
I was in the pub last night and I’m not sure if this is a new trend but there was bloke with a shaved head and a moustache, but the lower half was girly : a denim mini/skirt and girly shoes.
Is there a name for this?
Being a cunt? ?
Spot on!
As he laid down, his lips pursing towards her opening flower, Alfonso raised his head and said, “Fucking hell, your growler stinks of fucking shite!”
I must’ve had a dicky tummy when I posted that.
It says, “…which is what you were doing before you found out that i’m Transgender.”
It never seems to be something one “finds out” like a sort of surprise. Occasionally a female impersonation will be convincing, not the type of female I’d find attractive (too much make up, like those sales assistants at perfume stands in department stores) and they don’t care what you think of them particularly. They actually have elocution lessons to “find their authentic voice” [apparently] but in the other direction, male impersonators are completely obvious. I’m not exactly sure what it is you’re supposed to “find out.” The geometry of the skeleton gives it away from first sighting at a distance.
I may call you a cry baby, woke cunt, pervert and deviant.
You may not make demands on what I and most decent folk really think of you.
You may not start screaming “my choice” etc at me or I may boot you in your cock-cunt.
The gay little poster used as the image is the sort of narcissistic shite I used to see on Facebook.
‘You may/may not’.
Because it was always created by an idiot and shared by idiots it was easy to find a loophole and rip the fucking piss.