“Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name. Deadnaming may be an accidental or intentional attempt to deny, mock or invalidate a person’s gender identity”.
Is that all clear to everyone? It never ends with these fuckers does it?
This bollocks recently surfaced with the deadnaming of some cunt called Elliot Page, a Hollywoke actor/actress? who’s former name of Ellen was allowed to trend on Twitter for 45 minutes and therefore breached their hateful conduct policy. I wonder if J.K. Rowling got the same protection when hundreds if not thousands of users sent death threats and called for her to be raped?
Like a lot of the transbumber ideology it involves a lot of sticking fingers in ears and loudly shouting “LA LA LA LA” to help validate and legitimise the fairy tale. As you can see in the link below, Ellen Page at 5′ 1″ and 8st soaking wet still looks like a 15 year old lesbian and is about as convincing as a Quorn sausage.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
They’re just so fucking special, all of the fucking time and everything is about them.
“Yes, I am transgender. I am:
A sick, degenerate, mentally-deranged, self-important freak and without the support of the disgusting media I’d continue to be living in the shadows where I belong. The sky-high suicide rate of myself and my fellow aberrations isn’t high enough, unfortunately.”
Does the Tranny Genderisms rule book come with a fork lift truck to carry it around on?
The shrieking cunts.
Two things that really piss me off :
1. Pride month
2. Black history month
When are we going to get White History Month or Straight Heterosexual Month?
I’ve nothing against gays or blacks but I sure as hell am sick and tired of having this stuff rammed down my throat…
Pride month?….It’s the only month that seems to last 365 days of the year.
Gay, black, drag and fat Pride is never off the fucking telly.
Nothing worse than an empowered freak.
Where are the school bullies when we need them?
Where’s Uncle Adolf when we need him?
Losing his temper at Hermann Göring’s Chanel expense account.
Or still trying to teach Ava Braun golf, in a bunker somewhere.
Looking forward to the official peaceful view of this plague of she/he/unibender/transarse/tribender deviancy. Just a guess but doubt if the judgement will be for enforced transbummery. Which is odd as many peacefuls I have met would shag anything with a hole, horns, hooves, school bag, sex etc, yet say this is wrong. Fuck off I know you for the duplicitous filthy bastards most (not all) of you are.
Believe it or not, I do speak to the odd peaceful and I have got the views of two of them. They’re not exactly the pajama wearing types either.
One of them said he’d have them all committed to lunatic asylums. The other said he’d have them all executed.
These were ‘moderate’ types by moose limb standards.
My experience also C. Problem is mob rule is the favoured way of settling differences amongst the majority of peaceful folk. Which basically means nothing changes and those that do speak out are not very popular afterwards. I was taught to assess a person by their actions not skin colour, belief system access to money etc.
Problem is the small number of moderate voices are drowned out by the roar caused by perceived slights or valid criticism. Happens every time so one is left wondering what’s the point. Fuck the lot of them. Thus their own intransigence piles up against them making more people say fuck you. If a war is wanted they are heading in the right direction
These fruits can do what they like as far as I am concerned, but this is not sufficient for them.
They need to be seen, celebrated, revered by everyone. “Hate” accusation is a handy lever for them to play the victim and continue to enjoy further privilege and publicity.
The term “deadnaming” seems to suggest their former self is now “dead”. Fairytale bullshit; no amount of surgical procedures will alter the sex to which you were born.
These cunts irritate the fuck out of me with the particular and prissy way they demand society to treat them. Cunts.
They certainly are demanding.
Don’t do this, don’t do that. Call me this, not that. You’re not allowed to ask this, you must act like that. Sounds like somebody’s on their time of the month.
Not the feller trannîes, naturally. They haven’t got vaginas.
I just refer to them as “DEVIANT” or “SICKO”, depending on their chosen “gender”!
I avoid causing offence to The Gays by calling them all “Oooohhh, Ducky” and flapping a limp wrist at them.
I’ve never met a Tranny but couldn’t be hanging around long enough to call it anything for fear it skinned me and wore my hide as a gimp suit as it went about it’s sordid business.
Some truth in that DF. I can’t be arsed finding it again, but I once posted a link which showed almost half of the world’s most prolific serial killers were trannies (mostly cross dressers at some point).
As I always say, The Silence of the Lambs was a documentary (don’t see that much on the telly now I’ve noticed!)
I’m surprised we haven’t had cringing social media apologies from Anthony Hopkins and Thomas Harris yet.
Give it time…
There is something frightening and sinister about them,CB. I remember years ago seeing some film where a shadowy female was going around murdering people….turned out it was a Tranny….don’t suppose they’d make it now for fear of upsetting The Fruity community.
Ah I forgot all about that one!
“Yes, mother.” (Shudder)
Great film though.
Correction, if memory serves me right they were part of the LGBT commidee. Lots of gays. Quite a few cross dressers though, BTK and Gacy spring to mind.
That fat MP who was in the paper last week for bolting from his crashed car while dressed as a woman claimed that he had PTSD from being raped in the past !!….Fuck’s sake, it must have been a brave fella who tackled that job…even Sir Jimmy would have asked himself some serious questions about his lifestyle choices if he’d found himself planting his pole up that particular shit-shute.
Whoever raped him would probably put his nob in any hole. A tree, a rusty car, dead badger, a light socket…you name it, he’ll fuck it.
If there s person exists (which I doubt) then he needs arresting quickly.
Fucking lunatic.
I wonder if the Police have asked Harvey Price where he was the night of the “rape” ?…Blind and “mad-a-bullin'”…easy mistake for him to make….plus he’s a Darkie of course.
To be fair I doubt it was poor old Harvey. If he raped someone, they’d have to identify what was left by the dental records.
Not many people know that manly, tough Peter Mandelson (yet again on Wireless 4’s Week IN nWestminster yesterday, along with that other pompous old sow Anna Soubry – they always like impartial guests with no axes to grind) used to be known as Edith Evans:
I’ve worked with a couple of sex change sorts, they were both the same, huge ego and attention seekers, if you ignore them it drives them fucking potty, makes them slam there size 11 stilettos in rage
I work with one and he’s an absolute top bloke. Doesn’t harp on about it.
I’ve worked with a couple of sex change sorts, they were both the same, huge ego and attention seekers, if you ignore them it drives them fucking potty, makes them slam there size 11 stilettos in rage, shame
Cunt truffles
Yes, I’m transgenger
Yes I know the cock and Brian blessed beard gave it away
“Alright Bernard nice frock pal”
Suspended sentence.
If you know a disturbed sexually confused nutter its a given youll use the name hes always had for 30yrs.
Its not HATE
Just being human.
Id always use the right pronoun or call Bernard by his new name Daphne.
Because im the essence of tact.
That this has become THE defining issue of our times is a mystery to me. Not economic policy, social policy, health or even foreign affairs. No, political leaders are judged on whether a hairy-arsed bloke in a dress with hands like Pat Jennings and a five o’clock shadow is really a woman. Fuck my pubic hair.
Genuine question…
If a transgenderist is also vegan, which do they (ho, ho) tell you about first?
They need to repurpose the acronym TV (Transvestite) and use Trans-Vegan.
Yikes-what a fucking mess…..
HARRY WEBB: Take that, Sir Cliff.
Ellen Page is a cunt with a cunt and cut off tits. She is fucking ridiculous. She has never had a wedgie, super wedgie, dead arm, flicked bollocks , dead leg, flicked arse with a wet towel and so is not an 11 year old boy.
Sorry about that. Was supposed to be a separate post . lost my glasses
Notice they always pick a more glamourous name?
Sexy sounding!
Its never Agnes or Agatha or mable.
It doesnt suit formerly Bernard the fat dumpy balding puddled bloke whos missus left him.
I wonder if Tommy R gets upset about deadnaming ?
Elliot Page, real name Ellen Page…..
The old names were the most accurate, Female Impersonator and Tomboy.
The next hate speech which will be banned, the question ‘What is a Woman’ will end up with a visit from Plod ?
I can answer that simple question.
The person who gave birth to you is in 100% of cases, a woman.
The person who got her up the duff is in 100% of cases, a man.
That has been nature’s way for millions of years and it isn’t going to change ever.
Hope that clarifies the matter.
Hang on. Who’s that banging on my front door?
It’s the Sweeny and they haven’t had their dinner.
Or it’s Hate filled cunt offering you out, behind the bike sheds. Somewhere in Worcestershire.
“There was this… blue flashing light” (Jasper Carrot)
Morning Gene.
Nah, couldn’t be Hate filled cunt. He’s just a keyboard commando and everyone knows they never show up when offered out.
Comes across more like Frank Doberman.
‘Morning, Odin.
Careful, Hate filled cunt’ll be, to loosely quote Dick Fiddler’s fucking pant-wettingly funny comment, practicing his shadow boxing to the Rocky theme tune, with ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ playing between his cauliflower ears. Getting prepared to sort you out. If you’ll turn up.
Behind the bike sheds.
Somewhere in Worcestershire.
Thanks for the warning, Gene.
I wouldn’t want to tangle with ISAC’s very own Ronnie Pickering. ?
???? You don’t reckon it is him, do you???
What makes me laugh about that nonsense, is that Lot escaped with his family, but his missus couldn’t help but look at the fireworks god was using to murder all those people, so he murdered her too.
Then, Lot gets fucked by both his daughters, one after the other, and blames being drunk. Once is unforgivable but to bang the second daughter the following night? God was ok with incest it seems.
Perhaps he should have vaporised them and let the gays get on with it. Even if they are banging blood relatives it won’t result in retarded babies that you have to murder with coat hangers.?
It’s a sobering thought that we are all the product of incest.
Morning Gutstick. ?
Morning RTC, it is indeed. I have no idea how rational human beings can get passed these colossal plot holes.
The same way some allegedly rational human beings can call certain things “murder” when in fact those things are perfectly legal. ?
That’s exactly what Tom Hanks told Uri Gagarin and me during the highly successful Apollo eleventeen mission to Mars in 1856.
I have no reason to fact check it, he’s an honest man. ?
Lionel Jeffries was the first man on the moon. FACT!
If Ellen is a geezer she needs to man up and stop crying like a girl about fuck all.
Confused? You will be.
I’m confused
“You may/you may not”
Who the fuck are you? The Queen of Sheba?
Actually, that’s probably your new name so you should be happy, Dave.
Fuck off.
The Ellen Page one is tragic. Bonny lass once upon a time. Now looks like a weird Ronnie Corbett sized weirdo with lopped off titties. I bet her parents are devastated, but dare not say or show it for fear of their loony child topping itself.
It’s a mental illness. Amputations, mutilations, irreversible hormone replacement treatment and getting every cunt to go along with their fantasies, is not the answer to madness. Soon, they’ll be putting the 50+ new pronouns in English Language books in schools. Some of these freaks prefer ‘They is’ to ‘They are’ so were all supposed to get this right too.
In the words of Ian Paisley…Neverrrr, neverrrr, neverrrrr!
It, that and get away from those kids and back to the circus would be the only ways one would describe travestywotsits.
Tragic is the word CB. Imagine if your son or daughter went this way.
And the medics who drug them and cut them up should be ashamed.
Arfur, I wonder if one way of dealing with offspring who show signs of going down this road would be to assure them they have your complete support? I reckon that would put at least a few off.
Hi Mary. Yes, supporting your offspring is your primary resposibility as a parent, nothing else you do even approaches it. These days though you are up against the system. When a sixteen year old boy turns up at school in a red sequined dress and is applauded by the TEACHERS, I almost despair.
Blazing hot in Bucks today, try and stay cool.
Wear a nice light summer frock today then Arfur, if you go commando they’ll let you do story time at the library. So if I meet grumpy dwarf elliot in the boozer and he starts mouthing off is it alright to deck the little cunt? What if he starts chatting up my missus? Would it be wrong to have a threesome? Will he get upset if I call him a cunt? It’s a social etiquette minefield this tranny insanity.
I tell you what you trannies may not say to me.
“Here drink this.”
“Would you like to see my scars?”
Worst thing you can think after pulling what you thought was a bird?
“Why does this fanny stink of shite?”
Actually even worse…
Why DID that fanny taste of shite?
I thought that was the act of talking about someone like Dale Winton or Freddie Mercury?
According to the BBC yesterday, Liz Truss had been ‘grilled’ (a term I fucking hate) during the pointless leadership tv debate, about the following.
Tax cuts
Transgender rights
I agree with the first two, but with this country absolutely financially, politically and morally up shit creek, why would trans rights be anywhere near a governments thoughts? If only they realised that by telling these cunts to shut up and keep their perversions behind closed doors, they’d actually gain votes. Ok, so the Tory’s might alienate the gay vote, but they mostly vote Labour anyway.
Joe public just want people who stand up for what’s right. Is it really that hard?
What “rights” do they not actually have?
Like wimminz and dark keys, they want equality. For example, to be more equal than the rest of us.
Morning Monty?
Think the reason being she couldnt say what constitutes a woman is, is the reason they brought it up.
Liz Truss is a big supporter of Alphabet people rights.
Morning Mis I’d have though having tits, a fanny and being able to menstruate would have been a good example. Or does Liz not understand that?
Dunno, she seems a bit simple to me?
Its pretty clear cut isnt it?
She just needs to have a quick look inside her knickers if confused.
Fucking hell Mis! Her gusset would look like neopolitan ice cream had melted in it.
Is the ball-and-socket Truss in any way related to Mrs. Ed Balls?
What really worries me is what’s the next deviancy to demand full acceptance and bonus?
But as another cunter so succinctly put why is this load of wank international news and why is so much time devoted by the cunts in charge in trying to figure out what a women is. So here is my guide to the political elite as to what a women is not. A person with a dick and balls with a beard wearing a frock is not a women. Possessing a functioning dick and bollocks both in their normal setting means not a woman not that difficult so far. Ok hormone use and enhanced breasts, shaved Adam’s apple and other feminising surgery but keeping dick and balls a la ladyboy not a women just a man with tits. Everything cut stitched packed and pinched, vagina crafted from part of their colon., a man that looks like a women.
Another point why is all the fuss about using womens facilities coming from persons who would need a fucking miracle to look human let alone female. Worlds gone mad fuck the meds time for the beer.
The next deviancy is defo P, or, to give it its new name, “minor-attracted.”
Time to get bonfires ready across the land.
I already include the P in the alphabet label. Fuck anyone who finds it offensive, it’s clearly where it’s heading with the trans/drag kids weirdness and widespread handing out of puberty blockers.
Stunning and brave? No a freak. Fuck off
That shite women wear doesnt look all that comfy?
Shoes with big fuck off heels,
Little knickers,
Its just not designed for a blokes body.
Bollocks spilling out the sides, helmet peeping over the waistline like a nosey bald neighbour peering over a hedge,
Hairs sticking out everywhere.
I dont even know my bra size?
And what wig do you get?
I dont like that Michael Fabricants,
Its ridiculous,
Id probably go big?
Full Dolly Parton!
Darling! You’d look wonderful!
stop it, please stop, MNC, your turning me on and i just woke up
As with the vegan, I have never knowingly met a transgender. I’ve seen a few on the telly, some talking much common sense, others spouting utter bollocks.
There was one on Politics Live last week, Paris something or other, got really threatening and nasty, I thought she /it was going to nut the unfortunate black woman sitting next to her who politely disagreed with her about an online abuse bill going through Parliament but was unable to get a word in edgewise because the tranny was shouting and gesticulating aggressively with it’s massive masculine hands and dangerous painted fingernails.
That said, most trans activists aren’t even trans; they’re the usual lefty wokes who can’t win at the ballot box so instead are doing whatever it takes to promote as much division in society as possible.
You didnt fancy a last tango in Paris?
I would give that Inaya Folarin Iman a bit of white winky ?
Morning Miserable. ?
Saw Last Tango at the cinema around the mid ’70s. A bit boring as I remember it, apart from the scene where Brando greases the tart’s arse with Lurpak. Or was it lard?
@Ruff, don’t bring up the lard/lurpack thing, Mis is still feeling ‘sore’ from yesterday ?
#MeToo, Mr Sick!
Re: Inaya Folarin Iman.
Back to that Lurkpak nom!
I watched that, the black girl mentioned Scotland who for some reason have decided that anyone can legally just decide that they are trans, the Paris (thing) went off on one ‘the sky hasn’t fallen in on Scotland’ , very true but just wait for the shit to hit the fan when it starts causing issues for prisons and womens refuges, not to mention misgendering.
The thing with the tranny activists and their liberal supporters is that they don’t give a fuck who gets trampled on as long as they get their own way.
I haven’t spent much time in Scotland but I didn’t get the impression they were that tolerant in these matters. I worked with a chap from Motherwell who told me a local transgender person had taken a shine to him when he worked in the newsagents up there, and was often outside staring through the window at him. Instead of embracing this experience, he locked the door and shouted through the letterbox ” go away, I know about you”.
The tranny should have considered itself lucky Mary, to get so mild a response from a Scotsman. The Scottish lads I worked with I think would have given it a beating which would have put it in a wheelchair.
Spot on, Ruff.
As E.T said to Elliot in 1982: “GO HOME!”
That Elliot Page bird, with her lopped titties, 8st soaking wet and 5’1 is still MORE masculine than speccy cunt and wokerati spokesperson, Daniel Twatcliff?
I would have shagged Ellen Page before she had her tits off. Would this have made a difference if she’d known? Would she admit it if she was asked? I don’t suppose I’ll ever find out.