Caroline Henry-Speeding Cop Chief

Caroline Henry.. Oh dear!
The classic example of not practicing what you preach.

BBC News Link

Now, should we follow Caroline’s example, and scream about every, several mph over the limit, whilst claiming to come down hard on speeding, or should we just put her in the village stocks and throw rotting food at her?

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

84 thoughts on “Caroline Henry-Speeding Cop Chief

  1. Set an example.
    Sack the leadfooted bitch.

    Rules are for the little people,
    Not important types like Caroline .

    Hope she goes through the windscreen,
    The fat frumpy lump of shite.

    (Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, Miserable? – Day Admin)

  2. 35 in a 30?

    If you’re gonna speed, at least make it worth it. 90 maybe?

    What a puff!

    • In all seriousness though, I’d have jailed the cheeky cunt, when she came out with that shitty excuse for trying to keep her licence.

      Husband has a car and she says she won’t be able to visit her son in hospital using public transport?

      Fucking bollocks!

      As the judge pointed out, her fucking husband can take her if it’s true (highly doubtful).

      I’d have said, “You cheeky cunt. How does 5 years in the nick sound instead? Take her down!”

      • Guzziguy@ – It still did well though – transporting a ton and a half of kebabs and cakes as well as the dribbling ballast behind the wheel..

  3. It’s hardly surprising she wanted to retain her licence. Imagine that lardpile being forced to waddle everywhere, barking out staccato orders to the lesser types before she runs out of wheezy breath
    Fucking Jabba the Slut,married to an MP of course.
    “It’s OK when we do it”.

  4. “Speed limit cameras are sited… not at places where they can issue maximum amounts in fines, but for safety reasons.”

    Can’t believe the judge actually said that with a straight face.

    • Exactly. A fucking disgrace. We have a mobile one, sets up outside a school. Great, you think? At 0730hrs on a Sunday? Never see the cunt there when the kids are going to and from the school and whilst they’re in the school, plus there’s never been an injury accident there, either.

      Fucking parasites.

      Lying, leeching cunts.

      • DCI@ – Morning DCI – exactly!
        Which is why I always use DF’s number plates when I am creating high speed mayhem – I imagine young Fiddler laughs like a drain when his Butler brings the mail! ??

  5. But she never boke any rules. ( Laws yes , but not rules ) You see, it’s how you spin it. Whist on official “sweetie Patrol ( searching for big Mars Bars ) “speed creep” encroached on her driving and without her consent. It is “speed creep” who ought to be in the Dock. See. Its that simple

  6. Hypocrite politician married to another hypocrite politician……do as I say not as I do while I suck on the public tit. Speaking of tits she’s got a good pair there. She would definitely get Freddie’s special pearl necklace.

    (Not a pleasant thought while I contemplate breakfast – Day Admin)

      • In the old days it was said if you put bromide in tea it would reduce a bloke’s sexual ardour

        These days just show pics of Heffalump’s like this Jabba The Hutt wannabe and the results will have the same desired effect.

        In answer to your thought provoking question, CC, I can quite categorically say and without fear of contradiction, there is definitely and absolutely no sign of a horn here!

  7. Those boobus maximus would get my saveloy between them and covered with copious amounts of organic mayonnaise.

  8. Maybe she can take up jogging for six months. The fucking tusker could do with the exercise

    • But then the locals might think they’re having a 6.5 Richter Scale earthquake in d’hood!

  9. Does anyone actually understand what a PCC does? We seem to ‘need’ these positions, never needed them previously. Gravy train for an MPs wife. Fat cunt needs sacking.

    • I’m still not sure what the 650 members of parliament do..apart from rob the taxpayers blind..

      • At least with MPs you get to decide who to vote for.

        How about the House of Old Cunts. We have no say about who goes into that den of inequity and debauchery, other than to foot the massive bill they acquire on a daily basis.

    • Nail on the head there Bert. Don’t think any ordinary person knows what the fuck the purpose is of a PCC. Their election is held on the same day as local authority elections because otherwise the turnout to elect them would be derisory. Turnout at local elections is unsurprisingly piss-poor anyway and I’m sure most people just vote as they do for all politicians, i.e. cross next to the least bad one.

  10. Police cars have their speedometers calabrated on a regular basis.

    They can follow a car and know exactly how fast that car is travelling.

    However, the general public do not have their speedometers calabrated.
    Checking the function of a speedometer is not even a part of the MOT.

    Therefore you can be happily driving along at what you think is 30mph when you are actually exceeding the speed limit.

    It’s ridiculous that people should be followed, photographed, taken to court, fined and possibly lose their licences for such minor infringements of driving over a speed limit.

    Driving at 34mph in a 30mph zone at 4am is totally different to doing the same speed when there are kids crossing roads on their way to and from schools.

    But the law, and the speed cameras don’t take this into account.
    They should, and the overriding factor should be of the driver is being reckless.

    This is not an excuse for the fat, hypocritical cunt in the nomination.
    After getting nicked for the first time she should have been much more careful with her speed, but instead she considered herself above the law.

    • About 20 years ago I went on a motorcycle course run by a police force. Their chap said that his boys would not pull you over for doing 90 on the M5 at 5am on a summer’s morning if conditions were perfect and the road deserted. However, 29 mph outside a school at 8.45 on a wet morning would earn you a stop and being told that whilst you were not speeding, you were not being sensible.

    • I believe AC, that a car’s speedo is legally required to be accurate within a 10% margin. The car makers always err on the high side, i.e. your speedo is displaying a higher speed than your actual speed. An after-market sat-nav usefully will tell you your true speed rather than revs per minute of your final drive shaft/s. By this method I have found pretty well all speedos to read 5% fast. Bear in mind also that if you change the circumference of your wheels by fitting different diameter wheels or changing the aspect ratio of your tyres you will throw out your speedo readings.

  11. Why didn’t the fat cow just tell the judge that her tits were covering the speedometer, and that in every occasion she was rushing to a chip shop before it shut.

    She loves a sausage does our Caroline.
    Battered preferably.

  12. I think she should be put in the stocks and pelted with rotten house bricks the do as I say not as I do cunt

    • Put her in the stocks and her nipples would be resting on the ground.

      We could just let the dark keys of Nottingham abuse her for the day whilst she was in there?

      That would be humiliating.

      • Dickvandyke@ – Morning Dvd, my Brother lives in Nottingham – crime is everywhere, the “police” are so appallingly bad that criminals are flocking to Nottingham from other areas because they know there is zero chance of them being caught. (Luckily my Brother is ex military and a fkin maniac!)
        Nottinghamshire Police should be in special measures and a hell of a lot of people need to be sacked.

      • I took the grandkids to the Goose Fair years ago.

        Never, ever again.

        There were blakkies walking round in gangs, and even the white kids were talking like dark keys.

        There was a part of the city nearby that was like a exclave of Pakistan.

        What a fucking shithole.

        Afternoon Vern.

  13. I’m surprised she hasn’t been caught eating her dinner off her tray tits while hogging the middle lane on the motorway.

    • Whats wrong with judges?

      Soft as shite.

      He should of sentenced her to 20 situps, for her crap excuse alone.

      “Do you think im fuckin stupid?
      You cheeky dollop of shite!
      2yrs imprisonment and im sentencing you to a diet.

      Dont stand there red faced puffing and panting!!
      You slackjawed mare.”

      Officers take her down to the cells .

      • I think she’s past the Slim-Fast plan.

        If I was the judge I’d have sentenced her to a gastric band, citing crimes to the human skeleton.

        Morning Mis.

      • It’s the entitlement of it, MNC.

        Suspend her licence and her and her husband will only have one car?

        Boo fucking hoo! What, you mean like most couples? Some don’t even have any transport of their own.

        And if the public transport links are shit, didn’t someone say her husband is an MP?

        If so, ask him to improve the fucking public transport links then!

        That’s if the ‘sob story’ is true anyway.

        What next?

        “I’ll have to catch the bus to the opera. That will look terrible!”

        Get to fuck. It’s a shame we’re not in charge MNC. I’d have her doing 5 years for trying that on.

      • Mnc@ Morning Mnc – could I possibly weigh in to suggest a good horsewhipping as well?
        Arrogant, piss taking bitch is Caroline “the rules don’t apply to me” Henry – her position is untenable and she has to go.
        The cunt.

  14. I see, she has her own built in airbags incase of an accident
    Fat fuck bag of shite

  15. Competition time.

    How heavy does one of Carolines tits weigh?

    I’m guessing about 20lbs each?

    Answer on a postcard please to Admin Towers.

    The person who guesses the closest wins a crisp fiver from the ISAC treasurer.

    Please include an SAE, and a brief description of what you would do if Carolines knockers were in your possession.

    Any pictures of your wife, girlfriend, ex, etc would also be greatly appreciated.

    (Unfortunately, the ISAC Treasurer informs me that the 2022/2023 budget of £5.50p has already been exhausted thanks to a request for financial assistance by one MNC and the maintenance of his artisan-made country cream gate. – Day Admin)

  16. I bet she could make a fortune during lambing season..she could have a whole flock hanging off those..

  17. Fat, hypocritical trollop, doing a ‘job’ that no one needs and no one, apart from a few dull politicians, wanted. Get rid of useless, overpaid, unnecessary mega-cunts like this and put the money into employing REAL coppers.

    As an aside, I know exactly how fast you can go through speed cameras around here because I test them whilst going on a job, at increasing speeds until they flash. Our speedometers aren’t calibrated, so it’s a rough guess.

    • DCI@ – Morning DCI, hail to that – cops on the beat, not cunts on the grift.
      Poor Caroline – that “exceptional hardship” must be terrible with her 74,000 a year salary and her (what a surprise) Tory MP Husbands 84,000 a year salary, plus clearly all the free pies and cakes in fucking England on the never ending expense sheet.
      Pigs at the trough, yet again.
      We do not need PCC’s – get rid.
      Of them all.

  18. ? “Will it be chips, be chips, be chips?”? ……….

    “Fucking hell, it can’t be, i’m banned. Looks like another pizza or kebab off Just Eat. Does that judge even realise what he is doing to my figure?”

  19. Quote – “The district judge dismissed Henry’s application to keep her driving licence due to “exceptional hardship”.

    Her defence solicitor, Rhys Rosser, urged the court not to ban her so she could visit her child in hospital in Salisbury, in Wiltshire, arguing it “cannot be done by public transport”.

    But the judge said despite it being an “inconvenience”, her husband could “facilitate” it.”

    And that she is “Truly sorry!”

    Utter bullshit. If she was caught speeding once, then being sorry might just be believable. But being caught 5 times and then saying “truly sorry” is just taking the piss.

    And as for “Hardship”. Bollocks! Join the plebs and make do with public transport/walking/cycling/taxi to get from A to B. Or perhaps she should have thought of that before booting it down the road at speed on 5 separate occasions.

    Entitled cunts like her need to set an example when the shit hits the fan, otherwise you have the classic case of “one rule for one…”

    Oh, and the BBC are also cunts for not only mentioning that she married to a Tory, but she herself is a “Conservative” PCC.

    A subtle dig perchance?

    • Must be the only hospital in England that doesn’t have a bus stop near it..I imagine that’s how half the nurses get to work now..

  20. I often wonder about major fat cunts like this in that, when do they have the time to actually work. i mean more than half the day is stuffing their face and what’s left of it must be shitting.
    Multitaskers i suspect

    • You wouldn’t want to pay for Caroline’s weekly bog roll bill.

      Bet it comes via Tuffnell’s on a pallet every Monday.

      Imagine the 24/7 livestream from her ‘toilet pan cam’. Especially if you’re eating your breakfast.

      I bet her sphincter is like a twenty year old elastic band. Slack and perished.

  21. The give away is “Nottinghamshire”. She’ll be getting bred by ebony yoots in the name of diversity.

  22. Busting someone doing 34 in a 30 area does seem a bit OTT (I think many of us are guilty of straying a mile or two over) but this arrogant bitch telling a pack of obvious lies and trying to pull rank and favour like the law doesn’t apply to her is what rankles.
    She is as fit for purpose as the bone idle 24 year old unicorn child I have (unwillingly) as my PCC – but I see “an enforced absence from doing my astonishingly overpaid comedy “job” due to toxic masculinity and climate change” – the bitch is as full of shit as she is fucking bone idle and just gets her monkeys to send generic emails – North Yorkshire PCC Zoe Metcalfe is not fit for purpose, wholly dishonest, incompetent, sly, bone idle and needs to be fucking well sacked.
    And it appears pretty much all PCC’s are the same.

    • It would be interesting to see if this sack of shite supports the train strikes while whinging about the lack of public transport Vern.

      • LL@ – “We have 3 cars plus an official vehicle and a chauffer, but we are special because we are rich, arrogant and better than you – how dare you order me to your little Court my Man? – Don’t you know who my Husband plays golf with?”
        Judge Fox will always be accompanied by a black hat and a Gatling Gun – good old fashioned discipline! ?☠

      • When you see the shit they get away with at the top in Westminster whilst simultaneously filling their pockets with public money and lecturing the little people, its no wonder these provincial wannabe dictators think they can justify and behave however they like.

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