What became of the Streaker?

Where have all the Streakers gone? Why doesn’t anybody do it any more!!

It used to happen all the time years ago, one of the most popular streakers targets was the Wimbledon tennis tournament, its famous for it both women and blokes doing it, showing off their magnificent wares to the unsuspecting public, bringing colour and joy to a usually uptight and stuffy crowd.

Is it the case now that people just haven’t got the the balls to do it anymore, or is it because we have all evolved since the the 1970’s and 1980’s and have just learnt that over the years that this sort of self-indulgent and exhibitionist behaviour is just totally unacceptable.

Wouldn’t it be so funny if you saw a streaker making a come back for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. All streakers love a special occasion after all, streaking a long-side her Majesty’s carriage down the Mall in the Buff with waving the Union Jack flag in each hand and jubilantly shouting ” Whahey, Whahey!! etc.

Id like to do it myself but these days I think the police and secret services would conflate Streaking with an act of terrorism.

I would like to streak the Queens Platinum Jubilee but I think Id be shot or incarcerated at her Majesty’s pleasure for a very long time. I don’t think she would be amused.

Nominated by: Baldieboyz

(Does MNC’s flashing at short-sighted OAPs in the local park still count? – Day Admin)

48 thoughts on “What became of the Streaker?

  1. Soshul meeja………..provides so many more effective ways of gaining attention that streaking just doesn’t cut it anymore. You can also become a tranny, tree hugger and general SJW and get yourself all over the MSM.
    Tits and willies have no shock value when cunts are cutting them off or having them grafted on. That’s progress.

  2. Get fatarse Emily Thornberry and AnalEase Dodds to flash at the Labour Party Conference – not only would it help Kweer to look less boring, it would turn even more MPs to poofterdom.

  3. Streaking is probably classed as a hate crime nowadays (depending on skin colour obviously). Parading ones willy, fanny or tits is probably regarded as offensive to those who haven’t got them and wish they had them. And all that imperialist white skin on display would surely upset the fuzzy wuzzies.

  4. Ericka Roe that above,
    She had massive jugs!
    Awe inspiring.

    I see streaking as truly British, and hugely approve of it,
    It’s patriotic.

    I saw ms Roe on telly awhile back,
    She’s a old biddy now,
    And what struck me was how posh she was,
    Twinned with a gap in her front teeth,
    Sort of like Terry Thomas but with big titties.

    It really excited me.

    • I just Google her, Older, greyer but still fit, very voluminous and voluptuous fun bags. You could spend a nice afternoon in there.

    • Miss Roe because very good friends with a few of the England lads later that night.

  5. Can we expect Owen Jones, Eddie Izzard or Fat Reg do streak across Lords Cricket Ground during a Test Match?

    I think I’ve gone right off my breakfast as that thought!

  6. Streakers?
    Check out “Pussy Rebellion”-they never keep their ducking clothes on?

    Anti-maskers should have swamped Londstabistan wearing nought but face nappies-that WOULD have been a statement?

  7. With field marshal. You’d probably get ten years for hurty feelings cause to trannies. No cock no fanny no point cunts

  8. Streaking has probably declined in popularity because the naked body no longer shocks any more. In an age where programs like Naked Attraction are shown and explicit nakedness is only a few touches of the keyboard away, nakedness has lost its power. Another victim to 24/7 no holds barred entertainment and the Internet.

    Back in the day it was a thrill to see Erika Row’s magnificent breasts. There were months worth of jerk of material in that sight. Life was simpler then.

  9. I suppose streaking is already for those who are more modestly endowed than myself….I am,of course, hung like a bull elephant…streaking wouldn’t be easy for someone who is liable to trip over his own bellend….and I’m afraid that vaulting the wicket at Lords would be a physical impossibility.

    • @Dick. Ethel streaked once, gave herself two black eyes.
      Had to forbid her from doing it again.
      People were thinking that I was a wife beater. ?

  10. Streakers were always white.
    And got good natured cheers.

    It wouldn’t have been in the same spirit if it’d been a Chinaman or some Stanley stripped off on the pitch.

    And the coppers would of quite rightly given them a good hiding.

    Nowadays streaking wouldn’t work,
    Tranny’s and cunts in wheelchairs would join in,
    Right car crash.☹️

    • It was jolly fun when Andrew Symons RIP tackled a streaker, cheered everyone up. It wouldn’t be the same if he tackled a special needs non binary indeterminate. Bet he would’ve put the boot in though.

    • And non inclusivity, especially among midgets and the disabled.

      Then there’s the singular lack of racial diversity. Sir Lenny Henry was bemoaning this very fact on the radio this morning. He also said that he can’t go to Glastonbury because it’s for whites only.

      • Then he should go to the Black Music Festival, formerly known as the Leeds Reggae concert. For dark-keys only, but I suppose that’s ok !

      • He should thank his lucky stars that Glastonbury operates a strictly whites only policy.

        I wish the same applied to Premier Inns – no way would I book into that place knowing that Lenny Henry might have slept in the bed previously.

      • Whenever I see that furiously unfunny cunt he always seems to have lost more weight.

        I end up wishing he’d been on one of his charity jollies to Africa and caught some new and completely incurable tropical disease.

        Unfortunately the cunt isn’t dead so the whole episode is very very upsetting.

  11. Attractive Women streakers with huge tits?
    Good form!
    Bit wasted on the bumlord footer players .(Billions of them in every game, apparently)

    • It’d not be the same with some mentally unstable 50yr old plumber who calls himself Daphne running on the pitch with 5 o’clock shadow , badly applied lipstick,
      And bogroll still stuck between his arse cheeks.

      Streaking is dead.

      • Mnc@ – Never mind that – there is a Chinaman running round the pitch at the Etihad shouting “Where mincing brack poodle, me hungly!”
        Shifty no good Chines streakers..

      • Foxy@
        Morning mate, if a Chinaman streaked it’d be a grey area whether it was lewd or not due to the miniscule genitals of the yellow man.

        Hung like field mice, nobody would see his little yellow winky,
        Like half a wotsit®

        Good name for any Chinese cunters thinking of joining ISAC!
        Arfur wotsit, chipshop proprietor
        “You go now”

  12. Erica Rowe, what a pair of lovely big tits, invites you to bury your face in them and then have a good old tit wank.

    • Ah, the tit wank. How I miss those days! All the fillies out here are fit as fuck, but sporting less than the requirement of British Standard Handfull. Still, can’t have it all I guess.

  13. Not exactly streaking but….. do a search for “world naked bike ride” and click on images. That should keep you going for a while. CAUTION – there are also blokes. Don’t look while you’re having sausages and mushy peas.

    • It’s amazing just how many people, particularly women, don’t know what ‘naked’ means.

  14. I bet Prince randy Andy was desperate to get his kit off on Friday while skulking in the background watching Tony ‘Warmonger’ Blair getting his knighthood.

    Nice little teenager party to attend to at Pizza Express after this ceremony finishes, which would have been a very odd thing for him to do – if he remembered…

  15. These days it would be the old fucker with the Union Jack who would be arrested.

    • Far right old Fucker would be piled on by 15 sobbing police officers.
      They’d offer the crowd group counseling and eyewashes.

      He’d be at the top of the list of UK terror suspects and have to attend a deradicalising program with Prevent.

  16. I saw one at Twickenham a few years back. He sprinted from one to t’other and swan dived over the try line. Best performance all afternoon – the lard arse stewards had no chance. Trouble is, the TV cameras never show it now – spoilsports cunts.

  17. A mate of mine did a streak when Manchester United won the league in 1993. It was at Wimbledon during the last game of the season. He was a fat bastard at the time, and we pissed ourselves laughing because he had a knob the size of a cheesy wotsit. Even the coppers were laughing at it.

    • ………to the solitary black in the crowd, pretending there’s loads of them.

  18. Remember when Linsey Dawn McKenzie did it at that football game that time…?

    Best streak ever ?✊?

    • The one I liked most was Sheila Nicholls at Lords in 1989. She was fit and had a nice bush. They trimmed rather than shaved in those days, and that was preferable.

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