‘Travellers,’ and the current price of scrap metal.
Who else? But the usual low life scum, ‘doing the rounds.’ – allegedly!
They are however even more likely to plunder just about anything right now. Not just the stuff people have kindly left out for them. If it’s not screwed down, or chained and padlocked up to a heavy duty ground anchor, with the holding down bolts rounded off, it will disappear.
These ‘Tinker Tours’ will be more frequent right now, as the market for any such ‘metal scrap’ is at an all time high.
Working on my car, recently, doing a fine afternoon. I had removed the battery to give it an overnight charge and; a wheel that was suffering a slow puncture. While attending to the kettle, for a short caffeine break, some thieving cunt (or maybe two) had sneaked into my garden, and then made off with the removed items, in broad daylight.
Such a violation! and no one from the local Neighbourhood Watch had seen anything. A wheel though, with the tyre still fitted, wtf? They will grab literally anything, with metal in it. Barbeques, bicycles, garden furniture, manhole covers, mowers, trailers, nothing is sacred. & paying a lucrative return, for their ill gotten gains!
So my advice is, hide it away from view. Screw it down, or wire it up to the mains, because if you don’t, it will suddenly develop legs, and; you will never see it again!
Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe
Good tip My Lord. Most of us wouldn’t know the price of scrap metal but we know that there are always thieving pikies about. As you say you wouldn’t expect some cunt to nick a single wheel but if they are flogging it for scrap it’s worth the effort. Even if you knew his name and address the coppers wouldn’t want to know.
Thieving fucking gyppo cunts.
Oh Scunny,
You can’t trust em.
Caravan scousers, diddicoi,
They’ll nick anything.
They’ll especially be after petrol and diesel at the moment.
Either siphon your tank or put a hole in it and drain it.
The middle class think they read fortunes and play violins but anyone who’s met a gyppo knows they’re keen fiddler’s…
A customer of mine said she met some camped in a field while out walking with her friend and said how polite and well dressed they were. I couldn’t let this naivety go and told her I’m sure that was the first thought of PC Andrew Harpers widow.
My Mrs thinks that Miserable. She sees them as Vagabonds, Romantic people of the road, something mystical about the thieving cunts. Her naivety is jaw dropping sometimes.
ff@ – Invite the Good Lady to visit Appleby this week – I believe her “view will change”..
Few do Fenton.
Like the girl from the old Cadbury Flake ad,
Horse drawn barreltop caravan,
Flowing skirts and headscarves,….
Then when they see a untaxed filthy lorry full of Irish tinkers the romantic image shatters! ?
Wasn’t David Essex a pikie lover . He liked to hang out in a Barge wearing bells and bangles .
Yep, David was a river rat,
A water gypsy.
They banned him from top of the pops for stealing showwaddywaddys socks.
David Essex can’t read or write so never got royalties for songwriting.
David Essex is a Gypo.
He was chairman of theGypsy Council of Great Britain – or similar.
You could be right Mis. Fuel is becoming a very lucrative commodity as well. Many of these cunts have a body like a poachers dog. They will easilly fit under the back of the car, then drill & drain the tank. Oh! & while the fuel is draining into a number of jerry cans, they will chop off your cat converter, with one of those devices the emergency services use & no one will see, or hear a thing! You have all been warned!
Poachers dog!
I’m stealing that.
Your welcome J.P. to any one ( or more) of them. Most have had many uncareful owners. Serious neglect is endemic. Not one is anywhere near a pedigree. Don’t suppose any answer to the name of “Lucky.” Take your pick from the plenty. A good home will be salvation.
Made me laugh several years ago there was some Asian (P*ki type) being interviewed, the subject was a massive influx of Romanian and Slovak gypsies, it was some back street in a northern town and the ‘Asian’ was complaining about the number of these gypsies hanging around on the street, made me laugh.
Channel 5 did a documentary about a Romanian gypsy who came to the uk just to claim benefits, got his national insurance number and did some work with another cunt driving around the streets collecting scrap. The cunt actually went into peoples gardens and took anything left outside, his comment was ‘if they leave it outside the don’t want it’ , cunt did this for a few weeks then went on benefits, no fucking shame at all ‘it’s my life and I will do what I want’
Scum of the fucking earth, worse than the Stanleys (but only just).
Good one Sick of it, especially my life do what I want yeah you thieving horrible wankstain on someone else’s money.
There again old Vazaline always had a good word for Romanians. Reckon he went at that Romanian rent boy like a tramp at a Cornish pastie, filthy lying cunt. We are fucked for sure.
I know a bloke who runs a craft brewery who had some empty beer casks nicked from the brewery yard. He drove round to the local pikey encampment and there they were, blackened by a failed attempt to smelt the metal down by the thick cunts. He reported the find to the rozzers who yes, you guessed it, did absolutely fuck all about it. The law simply does not apply to those parasites, and the coppers are fucking useless.
Yeah the coppers don’t want to go near pikies, especially since some wokie cunt decided that they are a “race”. I bet they have a good laugh at that one down at the caravan site.
Another great misnomer along with Liberal Democrats or “people’s vote”.. To fucking where are these rats “travelling”? The local tip? The betting shop? Bringing the foul odour of rotten onions and chopped liver piss to your local pub? As much of a blight on a countr.y as those from Paxtan or Ni-GEE-ri-aa.
Afternoon Cap, do you think there are any Tower Hamlets gyppos? I mean the similarities are uncanny. Big families with a fondness for marrying cousins and lavish weddings, BBC special interest group and don’t mind a bit of scamming, scrap metal and crash for cash respectively.
I reckon so, Liquors. Imagine a family of Paxtan poîkees wearing threadbare burquas and setting fire to their caravans whilst trashing the local boozer and shitting in the urinals.
I dunno
Apart from nicking stuff it is their cruelty to animals I can’t stand.
Driving along the front in Swansea about 6 months ago there were half a dozen horse and traps. The bastards were standing up to whip up the horses who were terrified of the traffic.
I don’t often advocate Uncle Terry’s oven but for them I would make an exception.
When the lord made this fly blown heap of an excuse for humans he must of been suffering a migraine . Nothing but Untermensch, Cousin fucking, Animal abusing, elderly robbing, slavers and fraudsters who dont pay Tax, fly tip like it’s the latest Paris fashion and cant Tarmac to save thier truly worthless lives. And of course use the ethnic group argument to get out of jail free. The latter would be my open excuse to move all Eastern European Roma onto English Gypsy sites. The Irish gypsies I’d send back to bog and potato land.
One of theses euro pikey turds robbed my 90 year old mother, I would have skinned the cunt alive if I’d a caught him. Coppers did fuck all, three other pensioners were done the same way/ day…..?
We’ve had these scoundrels here in Hove. ( The Oirish variety )
They send their kids into the local Sainsburys to create a diversion while the older ones thieve as much as possible. I loathe these parasites with a passion. Where’s Adolf when we need him ?
I’m sure I’ve posted this before, but to me the obvious fix for the pikey problem is to target their vehicles. On occasion the police will run an exercise where they set up ANPR cameras on a well used road particularly in the rush hour in towns and cities. When a car flags up with no tax or insurance or MOT it is stopped and taken off the road immediately at that point. Turn up at a pikey encampment at 5am with enough muscle to enforce order and I would bet you could impound every fucking vehicle. There would be no come-back for the scum-bag “human rights” lawyers and the pikeys would have to walk to the docks to get on the boat back to Oireland.
Where did the caravan Beckett cunt nom go?
It was stolen by some…
Recently I’ve seen a few headlines that cheered me up……..
“Misery for Travellers”
Then I realised it’s about flight cancellations and train strikes. What a disappointment.
Does gassing the filthy cunts work?
Has anyone tried it?
Anyhow it’s a long queue.
Yeah it does UT, some chap in Germany tried it (his name escapes me), but very popular back then, probably secretly popular now with the masses if truth be told!
Zyklon B was pretty effective, a few years back Uncle. Don’t think gassing the cunts has been tried since. Could try throwing in a lighted match, if you caught them robbing your fuel I suppose. Recon that would work.
Give the Appleby set a free tour of Sellafield.
The reprocessing plant would be a good starting point…..
Or a free tour of Chernobyl
Fuck that, make the cunts pay for it.
Just regularly round a bus load up and keep them in a cage around the back of the zoo. Then, each morning , randomly grab one and post them into the lion or tiger enclosure. I know it’s cruel and barbaric but the lions will soon get over it after their meal.
Send the cunts to Ireland, they can keep the dinghies they cross in.
Was once doing a job in the front garden, and one of these unwashed types attempted to pick up/nick my stepladder. I ferociously chased him out of my driveway . Also, if you ever hire a skip, watch out for these gyppog cunts. They think it’s a free for all. Cunts.
Could have been a mistake Norman. Maybe he was going to use the ladder to hang himself.
A certain gentleman had the right idea.
They are a human plague.
The fucking animals breed like rats and are about as cunning. The filthy animals have more tricks then harry Houdini ever had.
Don’t see much of them where I live.
They’re frightened, and won’t come here.
Do you live in the Donbas or something?
No, Woodthorpe Lord B.
It’s even scarier than the Donbas.
Ah I was wondering as caravan rats will go anywhere as long as there is a thieving opportunity.