Behind the ‘New’ Mayor of Tower Hamlets: A historical in-depth investigation (Documentary)
This is more a ‘Public Service Announcement’ than a cunting … I can’t add more than what this credible and thorough documentary (now relegated to YouTube) has to say. What’s worrying is that it was broadcast 12 years ago.
This was then. Imagine what position this party holds today?! They’ve just managed to get their crooked Tower Hamlets Mayor back in. Not under Labour this time, but a new (and as it seems) extremist partisan party.
Key message – the planned and rigorous infiltration of the political and cultural landscape of the West, with a view to total take over. Straight out of their own mouths via hidden camera.
Ironically, this doc probably would not be broadcast on MSM today.
Fight or flight Gentlemen
Nominated by: Fuckwittery
It only took one lifetime for Great Britain to start to completely disappear.
I wouldn’t want to be around in the 22nd century..
Unless of course the country had woken up and booted the foreign dross into the sea.
Time will tell.
Great Britain. Soon to change its name to Mediocre Britain. Finally settling on the Islamic Republic of Britainstan.
All that’s required is a mosque, a multitude of generous benefit cheques and a kebab shop or three to ensure a town or city becomes unrecognisable within a generation.
Remove one, two or all of those common denominators and a town/city has a chance of surviving the invasion.
A small country, run by weak politicians and full of soft lefty wankers.
Easy target.
You could say the same about the whole of western Europe.
Burn the fucking lot, it’s the only solution.
Somebody who has been convicted of election fraud shouldn’t be allowed to stand again. But you would assume that if they did nobody would vote for the cunt.
Not the Peacefuls. They vote for their own. Look after the Peacefuls, fuck the Infidels. Destroy the Infidel, he is the enemy.
By the way I saw a photo of Prince Baldybollocks and his two sons at the Jubilee. Who was sitting in the row behind him?………..Suckdick Khunt, the Emir of Londonstabistan.
We are digging our own graves.
Arming the indigenous people and allowing them to let loose is the only answer.
Going slightly off topic but still on the subject of the scum (Angie’s favourite word) that is the Muslim community.
I emailed Cineworld customer service to question their decision to dump the the lady of heaven, I think they must have had shit loads of complaints because I just got a generic reply (Dear Sir/Madam rather than my name) ‘safety of cuctomers and staff’, fucking spineless bastards ?
We are indeed a country governed on what is allowed by the Muslim extremes, Muslim political interference and Muslim enablers.
I think I will try to emigrate to Hungary, my CV of hating Muslims and the indoctrination of kids with LGBT shit should get me in ?
Refuses to kneel for St George and BLM
Rejects alphabet people propaganda.
Rejects woke bullshit.
Promotes the indigenous Hungarian birthrate.
Deeply suspicious of Islam.
Erects barbed wire fences along its borders to keep fighting age male African and Middle Eastern detritus out.
USA and Western Europe, please take note.
I spent five happy, fulfilling years living and working in Lithuania, with a further year in Russia.
I can confirm our Eastern Brethren hate Sooties and are fiercely proud and defensive of their national heritages. If you tried any of the knee-bending, carpet-riding appeasing toss in any country East of Berlin, you’ll be laughed out of town.
I was in Vilnius at the time when Stürmbannführer Merkel let The Dark Hand swarm the continent and with the exception of a few blue-haired types, the locals went fucking apeshit. No pun intended.
The Lithuanian government grudgingly accepted a few families of swarthy types, and relocated them far out of the city centre with a meagre allowance with the premise of “integrate by learning Lithuanian or Russian, sort your papers out like everyone else, or fuck off.”
After a few months, said Sand N!77ers had fucked off elsewhere within the European Union to suckle upon its shrivelled tit. That was 2015, and when I returned to the UK in 2019 I saw but a handful of swarthy types in Lithuanian and not one N!gnog.
Tonnes of Vietnamese though. Cracking people!
A far cry from 30,000 hotel rooms in the UK for the Channel invaders, nice hotel with 3 square meals, free to roam around and with a £5 a day allowance and safe in the knowledge that some woke organisation has employed an army of lawyers to ensure they will never leave these shores.
The cunts still bang on about dangerous crossing, how many of the 10,000 cunts crossing this year didn’t make it, fucking none.
More cunts have died in the back of lorries than paddling across in a rubber boat.
My piss boils every day, I think I will explode soon ?
Hungary sounds like Xanadu compared to this woke infested, immo infested land we call home. Tower Hamlets, Jesus wept. I’d rather live in the gaffers office at Mariupol Steelworks.
We are entering a new Dark Ages. The oppressive religion this time around is not Catholicism. It’s Wokeism or Leftism. The cunts are seizing control. The Age of Cunts is upon us. How long will it last? I don’t think I will live long enough to see an awakening from it.
With that in mind, have a nice day.
About time the Government recognised that the UK is being subverted by a Mohammedan rabble and did something about it. I wouldn’t hold your breath though.
MMCM (by the way, I liked the full version) the traitors in Cuntminster know full well what’s happening, just not in their circles.
Divide and rule.
I had to go there once. From half a mile away you could smell shit. You’ll never see a more wretched hive and scum and villainy. It ought to be cemented over. Utterly dreadful.
Mos Eisley?
Actually, Bradford looks like the cantina scene but less attractive.
Like most of Londonistan. A third world shit stain.
These aren’t the Groomers you’re looking for.
Tower Hamlets has two MPs, both Labour of course………
Rushanara Ali
Apsana Begum
Beautiful British names!
Wasn’t that dirty daki RaaaaaMaaaan (said with a Jamaican accent) done for fiddling votes?
Tower of Dakis.
Funny enough, I was in Canary Wharf last night, then decided to use one of those hire bikes to cycle to Stratford. I must have looked a right twat in my Triumph t-shirt peddling along at a snail’s pace. Anyway, I couldn’t believe the demographic of either Canary Wharf or Stratford. I haven’t been there for about 3 years. Apart from the obvious office workers, all of whom were young and white, every other fucker was either black or asian. And, as for the delivery rider cunts. I thought, what world have I strayed into. London is just a fucking abysmal shit-hole, run by, and for, foreigners.
My first ever nomination on IAC was on islam. My opinion now is the same as my opinion was then – islam is not a religion but an evil terrorist cult bent on world domination through slavery and murder – the evil leading the stupid and morally bankrupt in a war against humankind.
The Crusades were a necessary and needed response to the wholesale land grab, infestation, theft, brutality, rape and murder by muslims of Christians.
And in 2022 fuck all has changed except we aren’t hacking the bastards to bits for it – I have worked with enough of these dirty, sly, thick, inbred evil fuckers to know what they say in public and what they hiss in private like the fucking vipers they are are entirely different. Christian speaker and former muslim Hatun Tash is voiciferous about the evil of islam, and receives daily death and r*pe threats as well as being assaulted – IN FRONT OF THE POLICE at Speakers Corner then subsequently stabbed when the pigs did fuck all about credible intel she was to be attacked with a weapon – I wonder if WPC Ruby Begum took the statements, shall we say. (I cannot expand on that for legal reasons but I will say that the police have a duty of care to investigate when a credible threat is made and a duty to offer reassurance and protection to the stated target, and this cannot be selective based on their religion and political views).
We have one last chance to save our Country and this is by getting rid of the politicians who not only allow but welcome and facilitate this invasion and destruction of the greatest Country in the world.
We have two years to save the world and the future of a free humankind – this is not bellicose fearmongering or “waaycism” – it is FACT.
Time to saddle up, grow some balls and deal with this menace (and a fucking lot of others) once and for all or meekly accept the alternative of being removed from existence.
I have studied islam for over thirty years, and can say with confidence that there is not one good or decent thing about this pernicious, evil, savage death cult and if there is such a thing as “devil worship” in the world it manifests itself as “islam”.
Remove it or die from it.
A convoy of good British JCBs and plough the cunts into the sea, it can’t come soon enough ?
It’s “passive Jihad” – infiltrate and occupy. Then it’s Sharia and so on. Nowt short of invasion and genocide.
The MoD should be putting CCTV / Audio into ranty Friday prayers in Mosques nationwide. But then Al Beeb and the Woke will turn a blind eye.
It’s genocide or civil war.
Thing is peacefuls make a lot of noise. Still a minority of the population but have managed with the aid of traitorous arsewipes to punch above their weight. People need reminding that peacefuls are a minority even if they do get most of the benefits.
The thick leftwing pig force do not realise that when this shower of shit take over, they will be the first ones in an orange suit.
Who do you blame?
They didn’t force their way into this country.
They were invited in.
If you know this about what’s happening you can guarantee the government knows,
It’s their business to know.
Yet still they come.
It’s your political fucks who are to blame .
You really think they want to stop the dinghies coming?
You really think they’ll deport to Rwanda?
They’re welcome here by the political elites,
Of all parties.
It started straight after WW2,
And has gathered pace ever since.
Replaced by human shite .☹️
Mnc@ – Yep – our traitor “leaders” have facilitated, encouraged and supported this, and – surprise surprise – there are legal challengers against the invader shit being sent to Rwanda.
My preference would be Davy Jones fucking locker.
Currently working on Fiddlers election campaign – I have been fundraising, and have further received a “strongly worded reply” from the Jewish Tailors of England Association regarding a bill of some sort!
Genuine question but why don’t all the ‘patriotic’ / ‘national’ / ‘true conservative’ / independent etc parties amalgamate? Surely there would be more strength in numbers and give a very solid focus for us away from the shite that is mainstream now? We’re gagging for it (as it were).
The facilitators and apologists are the true villains in all this.
The peaceful culture is one diametrically opposed to the West, yet a select bunch of clever bastards who knew best, decided to invite them here by the thousands and the numbers have increased steadily year on year.
To the point where it’s a practically a free for all for any carpet kisser anywhere in the world who wishes to rock up here unannounced.
Labour shortages in the 50s and 60s blah blah fucking blah.
What’s the excuse now? A shortage of giro claimants? A surplus of hotel rooms? A shortage of kiddy fiddlers? Get fucked!
Shit has been going on now for decades and as much as the peacefuls and their backwards superstitious culture is a pile of cunt – the facilitators and celebrity apologist’s need fucking hanging.
The people of this country were never asked.
These cunts are laughable. They will be moaning about a plane load of freeloading future Labour voters being deported to Rwanda next week (if it happens). Yet they weirdly seem more than happy to turn the UKs inner city’s into a Mogadishu-like shit hole.
Norman@ – These traitor fuckers are more than happy to turn anywhere THEY don’t live into a sub human shithole.
Any “politician” or “celebrity” in favour of this invasion should be made to live in any muslim run town in the North of England for a year and see the fucking reality of what THEY force on US!
I Visited Whitechapel last week. It’s an Arab/parking souk shit hole . Unbelievable even 5tears ago. A miiilion here a million there and puff you don’t have a country anymore. People outside of London and Birmingham have no idea the disaster that is occurring, all under a Tory government
i was upset when this large eared innocent was wrongfully accused of trampling a corpse.
this underlines everything that is wrong with the independents reporting. it’s racist wrong and libellous.