Sir Tony Blair (27) and the Blair Family

The man should feel proud about the fact that he, more than any other politician, manages to get so many excited and involved in politics.

In 2003 a million people marched against his invasion of Iraq. This time it’s over his knighthood…..

A petition which was originally set up to have Blair’s Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter rescinded has been renamed as a “Rally against Tony Blair’s Knighthood ‘Honour'”. As of this writing 1,159,551 people have signed it.

“His policies have touched most of our lives in some way and it is almost always negative. And now, on 13th June, he will be awarded one of this nation’s highest Honours by Her Majesty the Queen.”

“On Monday, 13th June, a gathering of like-minded people is to be held in Windsor, where Tony Blair and the world’s press can witness precisely what the people of this country think about this award. Where people can stand up and be seen by the world’s press voicing their feelings and sending our message that we do not consent to this ill-deserved award.”

The protest by Windsor Castle is officially organised by Stop the War, who are yet to march on the Russian Embassy. What are the chances this protest also has a significant republican element?…..

Change News Link

For the record, I certainly don’t support Blair getting a Knighthood, but sadly, as we all know, he was the turd blocking the pipe, and had to be flushed before Brown, Cameron and May could get their gongs as well…….

Nominated by: Cunt Me In

A very very  late entry, this time from Cunty McCunt, focusing on Euan Blair and his recently awarded MBE

A cunting for the Blairs and the UK Honours System.

Only six short months after his father was rewarded with a knighthood (fuck knows what for: crimes against humanity?), the multi-millionaire-son-of-a-cunt, Euan Blair, has been awarded an MBE (Motherfucking Blair Excrement?) for services to education. I’m 100% certain that no cash was exchanged in brown envelopes. No, siree.

I’m equally convinced that Euan’s big break in business had nothing to do with Daddy Blair’s connections. The lad’s a grafter and deserves every single penny of his £600m fortune and establishment recognition…

The MBE is the first rung of the ladder up the UK Honours System for young Euan. All he now needs to do is: shove his hooter up the ring piece of a US president; begin a war based on fallacious and fabricated evidence; allow hundreds of British servicemen to sacrifice their lives in the name of liberating a dusty and corrupt shithole, which nearly 20-years on remains, erm, a dusty and corrupt shithole; use dark Machiavellian artistry to try and reverse the will of the people; allow unwanted, uncontrolled, low-skilled, high-stabby mass immigration into Britain, all in the name of creating a multicultural utopia; change the country’s demographics for the worse…and he could be rewarded with a KBE.

Daily Mail News Link

After knighting the likes of Savile and Blair, along with countless other bottom feeders, the bar is now set so very low for UK Honours that it wouldn’t surprise me if Paul Gadd was awarded an OBE for his youth work, and Peter Sutcliffe a posthumous CBE for his sleight of hand with screwdrivers and ballpeen hammers.


40 thoughts on “Sir Tony Blair (27) and the Blair Family

  1. Sir Tony Blair.

    Reminds me of the halcyon days when the UK was under his stewardship and illegal immigration numbers appeared almost insignificant compared to Johnson and the Conservatives in 2022.

  2. This grinning prick engineered the increase of the UK population by 3m during Labour’s term in power.

    We are still paying for Blair’s cuntery, in the continual wave of hopefuls to the ghetto cities now created in the UK.

    There are few cunts on the level of Blair’s cuntitude.

    • ….and the population has gone up by 5 million in the last 12 years of Conservative Govt….

      • Yes, mostly thanks to Blair’s yuman roites legislation that none of the spineless Tory successors have succeeded in binning.

  3. Surprised he hasn’t been given a “lead paracetamol”.
    I wouldn’t mourn the cunt.
    Come on Kyle Rittenhouse-the UK needs you?

    • Sadly this country seems unable to produce its own Lee Harvey Oswald, (or even the bloke who fired the third “disappearing” bullet)

  4. I really hope this is a cunning plan of Madge’s and she runs him through the throat with her sword. Holy water on standby to finish the job.

  5. As far as I and many others are concerned, Blair lied to public and parliament over Iraq. Therefore, from a British perspective, he ordered our troops to war illegally. That much and many other things make him a cunt.
    Where I have a problem with immigration etc, is that Blair left power in 2007, 15 years ago this month. In that time, apart from Browns brief reign, we’ve had conservative government for 12 years, and absolutely fuck all has been done to reverse his failed policies. So an underserving cunt he may be, but he’s been followed by others for more than a decade.

      • Well, not according to remainers. They want to live in an unaccountable dictatorship where your taxes fund their lifestyles.

    • “reverse his failed policies”?..if anything,I’d have said that they’ve been enthusiastically embraced by The Conservative Party and turbo-fucking-charged.

      It’s time people faced the unpalatable fact that we have had a Tory Govt. for 12 years and harking back to Blair and Corbyn to use as whipping boys just no longer cuts it. I dread to imagine what would be said on here if we actually had a Labour Govt. that had led us into the position in which we now find ourselves….money spent like water,immigration free-for-all,dishonesty,incompetence etc.

      I’m not saying that Labour would have been better…but the current” Conservative” Govt is making the Corbyn magic-money-tree policies seem rather restrained.

      • Yes.sorry, F.M…..I got a bit carried away while totally agreeing with you.

      • DF-F Afternoon Sir Fiddler, a well made point – if there was any will for change it would have been done.
        Just like in America they are all one party behind closed doors, and every last fucking one of them would be hard pressed to make a case against being hung for treason.
        I am making it my business to bring them down.

      • Apart from wasting an extra trillion or so on top of what Johnson and his cronies have already spaffed up the wall, a Labour government would undoubtedly have kept us in the EU, a situation which, considering the way things have turned out on the Brexit /Brino front, might not have been an entirely bad thing.

    • Also if international law worked the cunt would be in the Hague eating soup and porridge with a dose of cum mixed in for good measure through a glory hole. He likes that ‘Allegedly’.

      • CCtCM@ – No “allegedly” about it – Miranda appeared in Bow Street Magistrates Court on a charge of attempting to solicit sex with another Man at some public toilets and used a false name to avoid publicity and to facilitate his illegal entry (I bet Blair has enjoyed a few of them) into politics.
        Blair was one of the first of the fully paid up NWO puppets, now it seems that apart from Bolsonaro and Orban they are ALL NWO puppets.
        Time to remove them like the cancer they are.

      • And mine. Nothing I’d like to see more than Blair and his henchmen doing the piano wire twist.
        Just give me enough time to grab some popcorn…

  6. I hope I live to see the day that grinning cunts head on a spike. Along with that bug eyed immo loving twat of a wife of his.

  7. 1 000 000 people came here last year under an 80 seat tory majority. Seems to me new labour has been in power ever since 1997.

  8. No fucking way should he get a Knighthood and neither should Brown, May or Cameron.

    If simple service to the country is enough to get a medal every service person should be knighted. On the whole though the military gongs are not given for simply turning up and completing parade every day, even battlefield heroics often go unnoticed! Only the royals get medals for being born.

    Spit on the cunts!

    • That being the case I should qualify for some kind of recognition from HM, in recognition of my services to improve the UK, by fucking leaving it!

  9. The country has been going to shit ever since the expansion of the EU, both Conservative and Labour are to blame for continuing with the shit show, should have pulled out in 90’s instead of signing further into depths of the European project.
    Blair was a cunt for not capping the number of East European immigration, he was cunt for going into Iraq.

    Now we have Boris wanting to use the taxpayer to fund mortgages of the great unwashed to buy their housing association property, wtf. More immigration (allegedly) than before we left the EU and a half baked solution to the channel invaders. 30 years of failed energy security and still cunts don’t want to put the brakes of the fucking Green Agenda.

    Blair deserves his knighthood, he will fit in well with all the other politicians, all cunts , a knighthood being a sign that you have finally reached the bottom of the swamp.
    Kweer has a knighthood and can’t even define the word woman, to afraid to upset some fucking bloke in a dress.

    Conclusion they are all cunts! Maybe Blair is top cunt, but who knows he could be replaced soon ?

    • Nah, the position of Top Cunt is still held and shared by the ginger bastard son of the late Duke of Edinburgh, and his yacht slut wife. That fucking creature is probably planning another glory hogging pageant as we speak!

  10. The fact is Blair is swanning around with cunts that are untouchable. So in a sense he still is in power.
    He couldn’t get his arse over to the good old USA quick enough to kickstart Iraq as if he already knew something in advance.
    Know evidence required as poor Dr Kelly found out.
    They are still orchestrating things as we speak, like messengers for untouchables.
    Democracy at its finest

  11. Let’s not forget the groundwork laid by that back stabbing cunt Major. Honest John was portrayed as a boring, pea loving twat who wears faded grey y fronts but he was far from that. Never forget Maastricht.
    Another fucking traitor who should be hanged. Back to basics………fuck off!

  12. The original shit eating weasel.Gather your family and piss off to Afghanistan you “alleged” bum boy of the New World Order.Die die die you piece of shite.

  13. When the inevitable war starts up against the Russians, will Blair be sending his kids off to fight? Thought not.

    • They’ll be there ‘in spirit’ and watch the highlights on state of the art TV.

  14. All the same.

    Tory, labour, whoever.
    All went the same schools,
    Members of the same clubs.

    Your vote is a vote for all of them.

    The only political voice they listened to was the equally loathsome IRA.
    Because the tactics were hard to ignore.

    You’ll struggle to ignore a nail bomb no matter how aloof you are.

    But they threw them some scraps and got them in line.
    Broke bread together.

    Money talks ££££

  15. Also, predating the Iraq War, don’t forget Blair’s hands were bloodied from the bombing of Belgrade with depleted uranium. All in breach of NATO rules.

    This cunt will surely be sucking cocks in hell through a white hot metal gloryhole.

  16. This cunt was the architect of such a massive shift in the trajectory of the UK and not in a positive sense either.

    All joking aside, I do wonder how this cunt sleeps at night. In his quiet moments, away from the cameras, I wonder if he reflects on what he’s done. He must see what is happening to the country and how traditional values and culture are being eroded bit by bit every single day.

    As I say, I just don’t know how he sleeps at night. You’d like to think that he thought it would turn out differently, but I really don’t think he’s self aware enough to contemplate the consequences of his actions. I think a manic ego and ‘being the boss man’ spurred him on and for a while he thought he had the golden touch, it would all work out great and the country would be forever grateful for his legacy.

    How’s that working out for you, Tony? Bastard cunt.

    • IY@ – How does sulphur Blair sleep at night?
      He starts counting his ill gotten gains, he only gets three or four hours in and he’s away.

  17. He’s truly the devils right hand man,
    And unanimously hated on ISAC as public enemy number one.

    He’s rich as God but every one of us on here can look ourselves in the eye in a mirror.
    None of us are responsible for mass murder or illegal wars.

    We’re to a man ,
    Better than him.

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