The Runnymede Trust

This lot have just come out with another searing indictment of racist Britain.

BBC News Link

But that’s not the subject here. The Runnymede Trust describe themselves thus:

”Led by a diverse team, we draw from our lived experience and that of our wide and inclusive community and partnership networks.

We are governed by our Board of Trustees whose expertise and guidance is integral to the production of our work.”

A. Diverse. Team.

Have a look at the attached (Tea and Trustees) and see how diverse and representative of the British demographic they are. Pronouns and all.

Runnymede Trust

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

94 thoughts on “The Runnymede Trust

  1. What… not one of them a “They”?

    Not exactly diverse then. Get fucked.

    • They are all he/hims & she/her’s. But no she/he’s, him/her’s. Not an it anywhere or any other obsqueer combination. Your right M.J.B.

  2. It seems to me this Trust challenges racism by employing far too many foreigners.

    From the photo I assumed it was a police line up of one of those nice Nigerian telephone gangs that help remove all the money from pensioners bank accounts.

    Apparently they aren’t criminals but fuck it,give the cunts 30 years apiece just in case.

  3. Runnymede. That’s where ‘Magna Carta’ was signed.
    A little known fact about it King John gave to Black and Asian people that were living here at the time special privileges.
    Very forward thinking was King John.
    LBGTQ people hadnt turned up yet.

  4. If it looks like an invasion, and feels like it’s an invasion ………it’s an invasion. We’re in the new Raj.

  5. Is that the crew of a dinghy?

    Halimas got one eye!!
    Clearly a pirate.

    And Carol’s got a receding hairline worse than mine.

    Right motley crew.
    Tell you what you scurvy dogs,
    Hop aboard can Miserables ship, join my Gravy Navy,
    Always a spot for a cutthroat who likes his rum and can use a cutlass.
    We sail at dawn for the west indies.

    Rum, sodomy and the lash.
    All the gold you can eat and a black spot for each hand.
    Aaaaargh lad….

    • Afternoon Mis.

      Halima has got her eye on you.

      She wants your body.

      She wants to be sodomised in the back of a Tranny van outside Strangeways.

      It’s her ultimate fantasy.

      How you fixed?

      • Is she paying cash Dick?
        I don’t take cheques,
        If she tries to stiff me over money she’ll lose her other eye.
        I’ll pop it out and eat it in front of her😁

      • No Mis.

        She’s black. And you are privileged.

        She is demanding a freebie.

        She might be able to scrape 2 gallons of red diesel off her brother to cover the fuel.

    • Mnc@ – Rum? Cutlass? (Believe it or not I am quite skilled with a Katana and a Wakizashi!) – I like the cut of your jib Sir, perchance you could sail alongside my vessel “The Black Pig”?
      But I will leave the sodomy to Mince Pie Guy! 😀👍

      • Afternoon Foxy,
        Teaspoon full of gunpowder in the rum gets your blood up!

        Dawn tis then,
        Bring katana and wakizash(not pakis are they?)

        All spoils will be divvied up into equal portions for all hands.

        Then we poison the rum and a flintlock to the back of the head, overboard,
        Sharks that follow my boat are the best fed on the seven seas👍

  6. What a Rogues gallery.

    Halima looks as though she has been wearing Patrick Moore’s monocle.

    It’s fallen out now love, you can stop squinting.

      • Horrible Northern Cunt…are you related to our very own Miserable Northern Cunt?
        And how far north are we talking?
        To a soft, shandy-drinking southern wuss as myself, anywhere north of Worcester is practically the third world…

  7. “Diversity and inclusivity” are just the latest buzzwords because they are not YET bold enough to publicly state their real aim – the destruction of the white race.
    I wonder if they fancy joining me on UNN with David Clews so I can “analyse” their viewpoint? (It will be funny – every time one of them tries to speak I will just start bellowing “Gammon, bigot, waaycist, fascist, nazi, white supremacist, slave trader!” as loud as I can then cut their mikes saying “I am deplatforming you for your racism – we have had enough of the march and the rise of the extreme dangerous far left, you monsters!”.
    Because it has been my experience that the best way of sending these fucking scum into a snarling, swivel eyed, frothing at the mouth rage is to accuse them (correctly) of what they constantly accuse (incorrectly) decent people of doing.
    Time to call them out, expose them, ridicule them and challenge their hateful shit every time it appears.
    Hmm, I sense an email to The Runnymede Trust..
    I also wish to make a public appeal for witnesses after two “Pride” 🤢 flags were vandalised near me recently – some rotter sprayed “FUCKING P***OS on it in black aerosol paint!
    I did not see the feckless felons from my seat in church, but I imagine there will be more of this sort of thing! 😀👍

  8. Not that diverse…didn’t see a single dog-eater amongst those bunch of cunts.
    Can you imagine how little actual work gets done there?
    Presumably they’re all attending meetings about organising more meetings.

    • It’s not diverse at all. Glancing at the photo, I thought it was a lesbo football team from Ghana or some other shitehole in Afrika, although they’re not quite ugly enough to be bean-flickers. Obviously, the manager is bottom right.

      • They’re not ugly enough to be bean-flickers cap’n? I don’t like to think about some of the sights you must have seen!

    • Fuck I’ve triggered myself, calm down lad, diversity is our strength! Not working, more diversity would be the answer then!

      • That’s what really pisses me off. (Whatever) shit isn’t working, we need much more shit. This is how the EU thinks.

  9. I’ll put this in to perspective there’s less non white people in the UK than there was white people in South Africa at the height of Apartheid!

    Diverse my fucking hairy arse!!!!

    • CQ@ – But you can’t deny the success, human rights advances and wealth creation in those democratic Nirvanas that replaced African colonial rule..
      Put an ape in a palace and watch as, yet again, it gets turned into a blood drenched toilet.
      They just can’t help themselves.

  10. “Code-switching?” Another made up term used to manufacture more grievance and victimhood from the usual cunts.

    Luckily in my workforce of one, 0% felt the need to change the way they speak, interact and dress whilst at work.

    • I saw one on TV the other day called Success. Probably one of triplets called Benefits and Diddled.

      • Ha ha, “diddled”!
        Afternoon LL…were you on the site the day (couple of years back) when some young scallywag ‘accidentally’ referred to Dick Fiddler as Dick “Fiddled”, indicating that Mr F had been the victim (or, indeed, a willing participant) of a homosexual assault?!

      • I was indeed Thomas, it must have given his lordship flashbacks from the Young Farmers of Northumberland social from 1977.

    • Afternoon MNC.
      “As if”…isn’t that the name of the only supposedly good-looking pakı woman?!

  11. I once found myself a “bit runny.” It was my fault though, for drinking too much mead!

    • I had a bit of a nightmare! Something about a King John, (& not that one from North Korea) signing some Magna Carta stuff, back in good old 1415. I guess the rest is history.

      • 1415 was Agincourt, my lord. Where the predominantly black English army defeated the Frogs.

      • Yes Cunstable, it was a couple of hundred years earlier. I sad it was a nightmare! 10/10 for observation though!

  12. Looks like the board they put up behind Sue Cook on Crimewatch.

    That thing top right looks like it could go 12 rounds with Tsyon Fury.

    One top centre looks doable.

    To get a job there it seems only apply if you’re a dark key split arse.

  13. Top right picture shouts Gangsta. Innit.

    Not many Vote Conservative posters to be seen in the ratholes any of that bunch inhabit, scratching themselves.

  14. King John signed the Magna Carta, then promptly totally ignored it and tried to destroy everyone involved.
    Moving forward to the Brexit Referendum..
    Could I suggest a one way “fact finding trip” to the dark continent for The Runnymede Trust?
    And don’t bother calling the British Embassy when a group of pavement apes have robbed you, r*ped all the Women and are shoving petrol filled tyres over your heads.

      • Moggie@ – I am sure there will be some king of UN “aid” providing all the raw materials they want, problem with tyres as the locals steal them to turn into swings..

  15. The incoming wave of shite gets an amplified platform to tell us we are all racist cunts but no one speaks for us do they?

    If we were the racists we are accused of we would have burned down our towns and cities when they started to arrive by the boatload.
    I despair that the people of this country don’t even question the wisdom of immigration or the damage it does which will lead to the destruction of our race and culture. Africa, India etc are big enough to accommodate the cunts at home.

  16. What a fucking joke, that poor cow in the BBC story having to fit in at work, like every other fucker black or white, maybe she should fuck off back to Ghana, been her since 2016 and already fucking ‘chippy’

    The spas-eyed cunt at Runnymede is a disgrace, everything is always about race

  17. Halima is either a lizard in an ill fitting human skin or a witch or both. Invasion of the space lizard witches!

  18. Alba looks quite nice.

    If you were nailing her, you’d be thinking of those cheap Hi-Fi’s that they used to sell in Argos though.

    Either that or the fatty peedo Alex Salmond.

    What a turn off.

  19. Does anyone else get the feeling that Carol is the proud owner of a penis and a selection of dodgy wigs?

  20. Oh, here we go, more bloody raaaaaay-sism. There’s no fucking end to it.
    I see that wankpot Christopher Eccleston is complaining that he’s finding it difficult to get work because he’s white and straight. Well, he’s not complaining, the cunt, he’s saying it’s only right, that’s how it should be.
    So racial and sexual discrimination is fine as long it’s target is white straight men? Well at least he had the guts to say it the wokie little soyboy.

    • Just like that fucking midget Dinky-winky who made his millions portraying diminutive characters, then calls for cancel culture to eliminate such roles.

      There is a cunting for Eccles-thump, in this story.

      • What a knobhead.
        Why say that?

        He’s saying his works dried up because he’s a middle age white straight bloke (discrimination) and that that’s right?!!

        The silly cunt.
        Virtue signalling through martyrdom.

        He deserves no work the self hating little cunt.

      • Desperation mate. He knows the only way to prosper is to lick wokie arse. Look what happened to Lawrence Fox.
        It’s the way showbiz, education and fuck knows what else is nowadays. If it hasn’t touched you yet it soon will.
        Trust me.

      • I don’t doubt you at all Freddie.

        I’m lucky in that I’m self employed,
        Belong to no organisation or party or trade body.
        And I’m incredibly thick skinned.
        But they’d target my family to get to me.

        That’s what bullies and hysterical year zero types do isn’t it?
        No deed too low.

        You know troubles on the horizon if you have to hide your opinions…

      • Self-hating lame white people eh, MNC?!
        Sad, spineless, boring cunts.
        Bollocks to them.
        Despite being 50, average height, skinny and not at all handsome, I walk round like I own the fucking place.

      • Me too Thomas.
        I’ve far to much confidence for a slapheaded, middle-aged, scruffy , zz top bearded , whiteboy.

        Thing is, others seem to accept it when I swagger about,

        I get away with murder!!

  21. Like most cunters I’m sure, I like a good laugh. Let’s have a guess what these cunts would do if they had proper jobs:

    Halima: Scarecrow
    Below Halima: Pie Taster
    Alba: Receptionist
    Below Alba: Librarian
    Carol: Circus Performer
    Below Carol: Dodgy Uncle

    • Ellie – Diane Abbott double.
      Carol – Cage fighter.
      John – On some kind of register.
      Honesty – Glued to the M25 protesting climate change.
      Sisanda – Zulu queen.
      Matt – Stop and search.
      Laurence – Brexit rehab.
      Kevin – House hunting in Rwanda.

      • CG@ – Evening General – it is no wonder the hospitals are filthy – every single sheboon I see employed as an alleged “cleaner” seems to spend all day sweating, complaining and waddling their huge fat frames around as slowly as possible whilst managing to be “never there” when there is work to be done.
        Dumb, bone idle savages.

  22. Look like a bunch of slack-jawed fay-guts to me.

    ‘Lived experience’? just another term for anecdotal evidence.

  23. Off topic, but it’s sad to hear that Hilary Devey has died. She was one of the good Dragons.

  24. Again off topic, watching (briefly) “Soccer aid for Unicef” – the supposed “wimminz” players are being humiliated and shown for how utterly lousy they are by being played off the pitch and humiliated by a bunch of fat old Men and Z list “celebrities”.
    Well done “laydees” – now fuck off home and get the dinner on.

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