Can you spot the difference between this:
A sad story of a lad being bullied.
And this:
Where it has been seized upon and twisted to fit an agenda.
I don’t know why this lad was bullied. Kids are cunts but there was no mention of racism in the initial reports. It seems that any transgression against someone of colour is now blown up into Racist Britain, or Wales in this case.
On the same day a pair were jailed for torturing and killing their 3 year old. I don’t expect there to be any outcry about their ethnicity.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
And on a similar theme, here’s another from the Cunstable
”Cineworld cancels The Lady of Heaven film screenings after protests”
Bolton Council of Mosques chairman Asif Patel said the film was “underpinned with a sectarian ideology” and “misrepresents orthodox historical narratives and disrespects the most esteemed individuals of Islamic history”.
I like the description of a fairy tale as ‘history’.
”Here’s why Roy Chubby Brown is banned from Sheffield City Hall”
”Sheffield City Trust and a number of councillors received emails from the Sheffield Race Equality Commission which said it was disappointed the show was being held at the City Hall.”
It implored SCT to make a stand and asked the council to support it”.
What their ‘disappointment’ was isn’t clear although to be fair, nobody was threatened with beheading.
As far as I’m concerned there is no difference. It’s either medieval cultists doing what they do or woke limp wristed cunts doing what they do. Both are deciding what the rest of us can see.
If the film was anti-Christian it wouldn’t be pulled. If the comic (comic??) was Nish fucking Kumar there would be no problem.
A couple of things stand out for me concerning Islam.
If Allah is so powerful, why does he need a bunch of inbred goat molesters to stand up for him? Surely he would go and sort things out himself if he / she / they were that offended. Unless of course he / she / they doesn’t exist.
If you read the Koran (don’t bother, it’s shit), Mohammed’s wife (aged 9 at the time), points out to Mohammed (piss be apon him) ‘Isn’ t it strange Mohammed, that whenever Allah speaks to you, he always tells you to do exactly what you wanted to do in the first place’.
Odin@ – I have studied the koran – if I may quote: “A handbook of savagery, theft, lying, deceit, wealth envy, jealousy, Speedofillya, r*pe, incest, slavery, land grab and murder”.
Be right or be fucking gone, sand rats.
I have a copy of the Koran, which I found seriously heavy going as it is disjointed and has no continuity.
Almost as if it was written by an epileptic desert bandit who was into little kids.
Still, it comes in handy when we run out of Cushelle.
“A handbook of savagery, theft, lying, deceit, wealth envy, jealousy, Speedofillya, r*pe, incest, slavery, land grab and murder”.
Sounds like a cracking read, if I’m honest.
I think it’s almost the same story as the House of Commons Code of Conduct.
My book club gave the Koran 1 out of 10.
Terrible plot.
One dimensional characters.
If they make it into a film it’d have David Baddiel and Nish Kumar in it.
That’s how unfunny it’d be.
I only read 2000ad comic and hostage letters.
Sounds like a good Harold Robbins novel.
Dear Mis,
May I suggest anything by Neil Gaiman, instead of the Koran for your book club.
The characters are very three dimensional and he writes excellent thought provoking scripts.
The man is an underrated genius.
His books are much less likely to make you want to blow yourself up in a stadium full of kids too.
I’ve read a bit Odin.
My favourite was Terry Pratchett.
Escapism at its finest.?
Getting “bullied”? Take up boxing and spread some noses.
Don’t like a film? Don’t watch it.
Got a problem with “whitey”?
Come see me – I’ll soon put you fucking right.
This has been a public service announcement from Great Overlord Fox of the “Shut up and stop fucking complaining about everything” party! ??
Hmm, time to award myself some medals methinks..
On other news, a “friend of mine” was doing a perfectly reasonable 90 last night, to be assaulted by a police ARV M5 which went by “a friend of mine” doing about 140 down from York (I was expecting a bollocking and a speeding fine, but that fucker went by me like I was stood still) – they usually send them when someone has been stabbed, which is getting to be a weekly fucking occurrence where I am – maybe plod should concentrate on this instead of “hurty words online”.
Coming to a street near you…. Don’t mention the ‘Prophet’ and his youngest wife, nudge nudge…. Someone made a comment in India and it all kicked off
One of the highlights of all these tales of woe is that it’s obvious a great many people couldn’t give a fuck about foreigners and their pathetic sob stories.
Perhaps there is hope yet.
Oh and the MSM are a complete set of click bait woke traitorous cunts.
Full oven.
I think we all know what “the narrative” involves.
Who is this ‘man’ that the BBC keep taking about? You know, the ‘man’ who keeps stabbing folk or driving cars into crowds?
He sounds a right cunt. Evidently so much so, that they daren’t print his name or photo it seems.
What a bally rotter.
Although sometimes it’s a ‘car’ that ploughs into crowds.
Not a good advert for those self driving Teslas, one thinks. That Musk needs to spend some of his cash on sorting it out innit?
Let’s hope those self driving Teslas don’t get hold of a copy of the Koran.
That’s the new Tesla model “R”, exclusively for the market.
Sales slogan: Model R-totally Radical(ised) man.
Cuntybollocks@ – “In other minor regional news a mentally ill follower of a peaceful religion who accidentally drove a lorry into a church before burning it down and to cap it all then accidentally discharged an assault rifle into the crowd outside the church – Officer Kneel Weightgain of Twat Valley Police states that climate change is the prime suspect and that Tommy Robinson has been arrested for breathing out CO2 in a manner designed to alarm and distress”..
If P G Wodehouse collaborated with Hannibal Lector “The Narrative” would be the result.
Well with so many folk not knowing what a woman is, nothing would surprise me.
It wouldn’t surprise me to see your scenario become reality.
Clown world.
Although I have a new saying and I like it.
If some cunt pipes up with woke shite like ‘It’s ‘they’ not ‘she” I just say, “Sorry, I won’t play your stupid games.’
A religion so peaceful, so dominant, so all encompassing, yet so insecure that no part of it can be questioned. Ever.
And if you dare to even raise a smile at its expense then expect to have your head lopped off with immediate effect.
What a load of bollocks.
“Luckily, Raheem can still hold a bladed weapon with three fingers and a thumb and make stabbing motions,” said the consultant surgeon.
They offend ME ! ,to whom do I make a complaint ?.
You don’t count.
BLM the BBC et al demand equality.
Well, they’ll never convince me to join in on the rape of 20,000+ dark key women a year and stab another 10,000 people.
Are the BBC as quick to play the race card or even report when a white kid is bullied at a school that is majority peaceful?
Genuine question although I suspect I know the answer.
To answer your (rhetorical) question in part, how many articles or television reports by the BB-fucking-C did you see, when 15 year old, white Scottish schoolboy, Kriss Donald, was murdered by a gang of Pakistani men?
Contrast that lack of coverage with the coverage of a certain Stephen fucking Lawrence.
And the media would quite happily try to have you believe this is a society based around white privilege.
What a crock of shit. Lying bastards.
Still – Gareth and his snowflakes will be dropping to their knees later on no doubt to help remind us of that privilege.
And I bet my wrinkly love sack that it goes on in many ‘inner city’ schools.
You know, the ones with the one white kid and 29 dark keys in the classroom? And I bet the fucking teachers are at it too, ‘teaching’ about ‘white privilege’ and making the kid’s life hell on Earth.
It’ll be going on a lot, but no cunt, certainly not the BB fucking C, will touch it.
No cunt in the mainstream media or the left in general would touch it because by doing so – they would have to face the reality of the policies they have unashamedly supported and celebrated.
They wouldn’t do that because they are spineless treacherous bastards that would rather bury their heads in the sand or just revert to default setting and call you a racist for making any connection between mass uncontrolled immigration, a generation of anti white propaganda and white kids being left to rot in “diverse” schools.
I know many on this site don’t believe in God but it sure is hard to not believe in Satan and the Bible’s claim that he is the god of this world.
His influence away from all that is true, decent, pure, and sensible couldn’t be more apparent these days.
Satan wants things as far from God’s way as possible.
Example: “…male and female made He them.” Gen 1:27.
One thing he needs, in order to gain greater control, is to break down the barriers God purposely and wisely put into place that divide mankind like race, language, borders, culture, economies, etc.
Why else would Christianity, western culture, and Jews be the constant targets of destruction?
Although an atheist I see the sense and logic in this.
Western civilisation and values are founded on the bible. We can also say that our enlightenment saw that the nastier bits of the Old Testament were not to be observed, unlike Islam which enshrines hatred for all that care to find it. Which seems to be the majority of muslims.
Thje woke are on a similar path through self loathing and lack of patriotism. They are the enemy within. The useful fools of the forces of evil.
I watched a bit of GB news last night and they had the bloke who made the ‘film’ and some cleric type who a professor at a university, it was a joke the bloke who made the film was calm and put forward his arguments but the cleric was just going off one some sort of hysterical rambling, I think it was English but barely understandable.
Even the supposedly educated don’t seem to understand the being offended and blasphemy are not illegal in the UK, he was asked if he had seen the film, the answer was No, but he has been told about it ???
There you go a university professor can’t even be bothered to do his own critical research, piss be upon him.
Waste of time education for blacks.
They’re naturally dumb as fuck.
Same with Stanley’s.
All they need to know is how to slice kebab meat, drive a taxi and unhook a training bra.
Your average sootie can barely put his socks on.
Saint George Floyd’s brother thought George invented the banana butty!!!
Dead impressed, like he’d split the atom or discovered penicillin,
The empty headed cunt.
George could have been an astronaut.
Little known fact.
You mean a Afronaut?
Like life of Brian
Re the Agenda.
The first report was of bullying. This was then picked up by some Welsh Labour cunt and turned into the usual self loathing horseshit. A useful fool.
A load of UK Slimes are whingeing because the country that controls the Hajj to Mecca is changing travel rules, and it will no longer be covered by ATOL.
But surely, Allah in all his… whatever…wiill bless them and protect them?
HBH@ – “I’m sorry Sir – Aviva do not provide flying carpet sandstorm insurance”..
Most of the bollocks about this film is because the film sees a Shia interpretation when the maj of peacefuls complaining are of the Sunni persuasion with a big dollop of Wahabi thrown in. Fuck the lot of them.
Bb@ – Whelpby will be outside Cineworld protesting, couple of heavies with collection plates – “I need a new minaret on my Cathedwal”..
There’s no point debating Muslim intolerance of our traditional western freedoms. You won’t convince them, because it’s Islam you’re dealing with. The fact is that when you bring Muslims into your country, you don’t bring in people who have a tradition of western liberalism, you bring in Islam. The Muslim outrage at this film is in fact British Muslims trying to make Britain Sharia compliant, and they’ll eventually succeed because, as so many of you have already said, the MSM and our politicians run a mile from the issue; we’re talking about the very people who should be at the forefront of defending traditional British values. What was the first thing David Cameron said after Lee Rigby was murdered? “This has nothing to do with Islam”. That’s the Establishment’s position.
Jeeeebus -can you imagine the fucking stench, sitting in a cinema full of stinky peacefuls?
They think Our Yorkshire Farm is X-rated porn…
Cop a feel of all those sheep!
Narrative, narrative, narrative. Fuckin buzz word.
Our country is a farce
It has a long climb to reach the dizzying heights of farce.
Send the cunts to Rhwanda..?
Absolutely.And no returns
Masculine wimminz and feminine men is all Labour knows. If Stella is a chick with a dick, no wonder there are so many poofters in Kweerland
Fuck me, the BBC’s glee when finally a whitey commits a crime. His mugshot, name and address all over the News.
When it’s the stabby norm (a minority someone with ‘mental problems’, no pic, name or race divulged) the report is threadbare and perfunctory.
Boils the pis$ and all other bodily fluids.
So little black sambow got his jewellery caught in a racist fence,is that right?
Next time maybe wear some Mr T style necklaces?
Or would he prefer a Soweto style necklace …..
Asking for someone who gives more of a fuck than I.