“Slave” Labour in Victorian England

I have been reading some quite harrowing accounts of enforced child labour (and working class exploitation in general) before and during the Victorian era of the UK (1750s to early 1900s), especially during the height of the Industrial Revolution and the lack of any laws protecting the rights of workers and children.

But I want to focus on the working class children, most of whom were forced to work in mills, factories, coalmines or sweep domestic and industrial chimneys in order to earn a meagre income for their families. But their wages were so poor that they had to work almost 18 hours per day for anything up to 7 days a week in order to earn sufficient money that would provide basic family meals.

Of course there were no unions back then, which meant rich bosses could exploit children with little or no redress. Children who were late to work or didn’t put in a good shift were caned or beaten by their employers and would find deductions in their wages.

On returning home they would be beaten again by inconsiderate parents for not bringing in their full wage!

Needless to say there was no health and safety practices in these factories and as such injuries and deaths were common place. Access to hospitals was quite often impossible and/or expensive for the working class (no NHS back then) and in some reports bosses would dump dead children in shallow graves or rivers/canals miles away and tell the parents their child had run away!

To add to their misery young girls were quite often sexually abused and/or raped by employers. But again they were forced not to speak out otherwise they would have no wages and/or would receive intense punishments. (And it is best not to describe what happened to young teen and preteen working girls who ended up pregnant!)

Yes, things improved vastly over the last 150 years with the advent of new laws, Acts and unions. But the sad fact is the working classes of the late 1700s through to the mid 1900s were treated like scum – slaves in fact!

And yet to some modern day thinkers, such events never really happened. Or if they did they were never as bad as for those “usual victims” from overseas.

There is a photo in the link below, which I hope Admin will use as my header pic. It shows two “slum” children, possibly sisters, alone in the streets of London (circa 1890), alone and afraid, just ripe to be exploited.

It makes me terribly sad to see this imagery; but equally annoyed when I hear woke types dismiss such things as secondary and that this kind of history should be “revised” and “revisited” to tell the truth from a more diverse multicultural/colonial angle.

Clearly these two children are showing off their “white privilege”, and should be utterly ashamed of themselves!

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Nominated by: Technocunt

76 thoughts on ““Slave” Labour in Victorian England

  1. In my book there’s nothing as ungrateful as the n*gn*g. The British Empire gave them an opportunity to leave their mud huts and live in the colonies, gave them jobs and accommodation and now their ancestors throw it back our faces. If it wasn’t for us they’d still be living in trees and eating each other!

  2. I wish kids could be employed at about 11 years old today. Would be good to learn some discipline, routine, and responsibilities early in life. My kid becomes a different person when some money is to be made.
    There was a time when every day life meant all family members had duties. Now kids get out of bed at 11am only to play video games and complain about EVERYTHING.

    • I went down to my sister’s in Teddington on Sunday for a street party. We took the dogs with us who are friendly with her 2 Retrievers. We come in and their is a bit of barking as they are all happy to see each other. Two minutes later a text arrives on my sister’s ‘phone from the woman next door, her 15 year old son is “poorly” and trying to sleep. Could we please control our dogs. That was at 12.15 p.m. he was as right as rain at the street party in the afternoon.
      As an aside it was an interesting street party, as I am often accused of racism by my sister and her left of centre mates. Not a black or indeed light brown face to be seen amongst the 150 or so party goers.

  3. At least they didnt cut the girls tits off or gave them chemical castration hormones to leave them infertile.

  4. Bring back the good old days,that’s what I say….. a spot of chimney cleaning etc. would do the soft.fat spoiled brats the world of good…..be able to do away with fucking child benefits too.

    • Very cuntish of you Dick, if only the chimneys at Fiddler Towers could talk.

      • I climb up nowadays and chuck a live chicken down the chimney….it’s flapping wings do a marvellous job of knocking the soot down.

      • LL@ – If they could they would tell the dreadful tale of Fiddler making me dress as a chicken and throwing me down his fkin chimneys! (“Any more lip and your fucking bike is following you!”)
        AND he still owes me ten bob for doing it!

    • I’m afraid Sir Dick that local children would be too fat for the task, get stuck, die and result in pong like last weeks haggis that would upset yourself, the hounds and imbue itself within your ancestral tapestries. Might I suggest that 30 year old Somali dinghy children would be skinny enough, come with their own inbuilt brush and are easily replaced when they accidentally fall into to the Manors servants long drop.

      • Good idea….I wouldn’t even have to let the fire out if it was a Dark key up there….just chuck a bit of diesel on the flames to encourage the Cunt.

      • The lazy fat cunts wouldn’t go up there as there’s probably no wifi signal.

      • After a couple of weeks SC, they wouldn’t just smell like an off haggis. They would look like one too .

    • DF-F@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – it would cost you more to get the Fire Brigade to extricate these hogs than what you saved!
      Although leaving them wedged in the chimney would resolve the problem, eventually..

  5. George Orwells “A down and out in Beverley Hills and London” was a real eye opener for me. Quite a read. Never been so erect

  6. Excellent nom Techno. Our Island History has ( as described by Techno ) held some very unpleasant periods, many such equivalent to anything that is found even today in some of the worst shitholes of the World.

    We have come a long way, only to select reverse gear and be destined for a return to those awful times. Power is the “whip Hand”. There is no coincidence in the creation of a multicultural society. Unity and common purpose can be neutered quite easily by division of opinions.

    In the book “The Honourable Company of Gentlemen ” John Kaey ( author ) describes the non so subtle measures that propelled the East India Company to financial stardom by some awful acts against many peoples. Indeed, the East India Company gave rise to the EU Strategy of finacial power , and membership but with strings.

    Each time I hear of a Sambo whining, I think of my own ancestry, and find I have ancestors who were held in slavery in America following the Potatoe Famine.

    The biggest Danger now, is the erasure of true history and the replacement by media ( at behest ) of an alternate !

    Im fortunately at the end game of life, and with a bit of luck, will be off planet when the big wake up call kicks off. And surely it will !

    Excellent Cunting Techno ! Compliments

  7. Bravo Techno?

    There is and has only ever been one “privilege” in society:

    We saw that over the media fawning and fuckfest, last week?

    • They don’t have class just inherited and protected privileges, what pisses me off is the numpty British public can’t/ won’t see it, aided and abetted by the kiss Arse celebs and media types..

      ☠️ ? to them all…

      • In the contrary the public do see it, and fully understand where it’s all heading, but just like the Red Sea Pedestrians of the 1940’s war games they have been conditioned to accept their fate. People who stand up and fight are shut down and labeled as racists or fascists! Uncle Adolf showed the entire world the way forward.

  8. Revisionist historians are cunts,usually with a hidden agenda,the modern version of Lord Haw-Haw.

    Working class people in Victorian England had a bloody hard life.

    Everyone living here today should be immensely grateful for the sacrifices of previous generations that built our country and exported civilization across the globe.

    Unfortunately a great many people are clueless,thick or of a undesirable type and so accept the complete drivel served up by various commentators/agitators.

    Perhaps the Quislings and liars of many various stripes will have us slide back to harsher times,under the whip hand of vermin.

    Or we might deal with the poisonous cunts as we did in better times.

    Just ask William Joyce.

  9. The house I was born in didn’t have electricity, gas mantles on the wall, no bathroom, Condemned as unfit for habitation after we had lived there for over five years, council house replacement was a dream compared. Piss poor and started work at 15.

    Try telling that to today’s generation.

  10. Brilliant nom Techno?

    And something I actually know a bit about.
    There’s a pub in Castleton called the Rams head,
    There you’ll find a remembrance plaque for a 8yr old lad who drank gin and smoked his pipe there after his shift of laying dynamite chargers for the lead mining in Speedwell cavern.(Devils arsehole).

    In the dark setting off dynamite at 8yrs old!

    And the 5yr olds painted blue so they could be seen scuttling through the looms of the cotton mills.

    So when some swarthy cunt starts to bang on about slavery I tell the cheeky cunts

    “Get t fuck. You soft cunts just picked cotton!”

    • Not only that Mis, they used to sing while picking cotton so obviously loved it ?

      ?Jump down turnaround pick a bale of cotton?

      • Morning Sicky?

        Cotton picking wasn’t just for flipperlips,
        Although you’d think so the way the Robertson’s cry about it.
        It was a ‘poor’ thing.

        Johnny cash and Carl Perkins (wrote Blue suede shoes)
        Became mates after Cash noticed like him,
        Perkins had little scars all over his fingers from picking cotton.

        If it involves work or responsibility you won’t see a sootie for dust…

      • I can’t understand all these modern sooty types getting upset over historical slavery, I mean they should be proud that their ancestors helped to build a better world for them, obviously under the close supervision and direction of the white man, I mean left to their own devices they would have let the crop rot, shagged out millions of kids and then looked for someone to save them, a bit like modern Africa ?

  11. Its why i have been utterly pissed off with the woke American BLM shit coming here, and the idea of ‘white privilege’ in great britain pisses on most of the indigenous working class of this country.
    The workhouses weren’t abolished in this country until 1948. The American civil war ends in 1865. Its the new norm though – ignore facts, history, reasoning and just pump the narrative. Thanks to my white privilege I grew up in poverty in south Birmingham and should now live in shame. Its a fucking lunacy. The lunatics are well and truly taking over the asylum.

  12. An ignored fact is that slaves in the colonies had to be purchased and were not cheap. It was in their owners’ interests to maintain them in working order. No such protection existed for workers in Britain.

  13. Reminds me of the unemployed scouser at the dole office being asked “What would you need to paint an 80 foot chimney?”……”An 80 foot brush”.

  14. I think I mentioned before, living in a 16th century (small) farmhouse in the Lakes, with no central heating and water from a fell stream-filtered only with various gauges of wire netting.

    Casement windows in my “hayloft” bedroom-getting up for school in the winter, was harsh.

    Cooking on a 18th venture log range, lighting the only fire in the sitting room, to facilitate hot water and ambient heat-we took it in turns to light/tend the fire at

    Today’s generation of Brit’s (of all ethnicities)-don’t fucking know they are born!

    • Stop feeling sorry for yourself CG.
      That sounds idyllic!!

      Your not Beatrice Potter are you?

    • Yummy Mummies and their families pay £200 a night for the same “off-grid vintage rural experience” holiday in the sticks today…

  15. I find the whole white privilege thing absolutely laughable.

    In my local area, the place was once littered with coal mines. There were probably too many at one point to even count.

    As recently as the start of the last century when one of the main pits suffered a huge gas explosion, well over a hundred miners were killed and a number of those were merely boys.

    The widowed wives and mothers who were already living on the breadline with their families beforehand, were left absolutely and utterly destitute after losing their husbands and sons etc.

    Privelige innit.

  16. I was born in the Black Country in 1951. Nostalgia? You must be fucking joking!

  17. This is what kids should be learning. Not bullshit from kaffirs with chips on their simian shoulders or trendy middle class cunts.
    Decolonise that you stupid cunts.
    In the period when there was no black history because they never mastered writing, or much else come to that, we went from serfdom to industrial slavery. And then cannon fodder.

  18. Not kidding.
    Look at any old cotton mill through the north of England and you’ll find a brass plaque listing the names of the fallen in WW1.

    Mostly fuckin kids.
    Poor little fuckers had never left the town they’d grown up in,
    Worked away their childhood in the mill,
    Then died choking on mustard gas in a trench in France,
    It’s a insult.?

    Eagerly awaiting the day one of these cunts says it Infront of me.

  19. Wallsend-on-Tyne (my home town) had ten coal mines at various times in history. In 1835 there was a massive explosion in one followed by a release of carbon monoxide. Miners were warned to put their caps in their mouths after an explosion and breathe through the mouth to try and avoid inhaling the gas.
    Half of the miners underground at the time were boys. When they were found 24 hours later, all had died from carbon monoxide poisoning, each with his cap in his mouth to no avail. 102 of the 105 people underground were killed, including 4 brothers. The youngest victim was 8 years old. The victims were buried en masse in an unmarked grave.

    To put this into historical context, the slave trade had been outlawed in this country more than 20 years previously.

    Top cunting, Techno.

  20. This is a top notch cunting.

    It has also managed to make me despise BLM, the woke revisionists, all of their useful idiots in the MSM, Gareth Southgate and the Premier League et al, with an even bigger passion than I did already.

    I would dearly love to see every last one of these treacherous Trojan horse scum fuck off as far away from this country as is possible.
    Preferably outer space.
    The cunts.

  21. The types who bang on about “muh slavery” today, complain more about it than the poor cunts who had to live through it. I was reading ‘The War on the West’ the Douglas Murray book the other week and he mentions how there are more people in slavery today, almost exclusively in the Middle East and Africa, than there were in the 19th century. No cunt at the BBC or Grauniad wants to talk about any uncomfortable facts that don’t paint whitey as the bogey man though.

  22. Thanks for the nice comments, gents.

    History has always fascinated me, especially British History. And this kind of factual stuff in my nomination is becoming ever more difficult to find without it being revised, edited or even withdrawn from publication completely.

    I think that even the British Library is literally going through the books to find anything it doesn’t agree with – allegedly.

    We live in disturbing, revisionist times and there’s not a lot we can do about it.

    • The great Orme that sits above Llandudno was mining copper ore over 4000yrs ago,
      This prehistoric working mine was dug using antler picks .
      The shafts in parts are so narrow only a child could pass through.
      Working without light using bone tools .

      I know this, and think…..
      Poor Doreen Lawrence.

    • I agree @TC (superb cunting, btw). It’s good to know that in these bleak revisionist times, there is some backlash:


      Fiercely anti-woke and determined to maintain credible academic research to authoritatively debunk much of the risible (and revisionist) bullshit abounding today.

      They are worth supporting and sharing, in order to help preserve our true history (I’m not an affiliate etc, but genuinely appreciate their work (and factual posts such as yours)).

      • The excellent “History Debunked” on YouTube is in a similar mission?

  23. More tales from the dark side at the hospital….

    Sometimes the ambulance transport take more than one patient there or back in one trip. And when the driver asks a British patient if they are willing to wait for the African types, they say ‘OK, I don’t mind. Whatever makes it easier for you lads’. And sometimes the wait for them can be half an hour. But yesterday two dark hued ones came off earlier, and they were asked the same question about waiting for others. Of course, you can guess what happened next…. Some tart going, ‘No! Me no want wait! Me ready now!’ In other words ‘We don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Drivers or patients’. Naturally, they made the noises that get them their own way. And, of course, they also got their way and everyone else who needed the transport had to wait after Bogo Chauffeurs Ltd Had finished. There are elderly ladies aged 80 and people in wheelchairs who will wait in reception for these bastards. But there is no way they will do it for them, Or for anybody for that matter. Christ, I thought they were cunts before I started this treatment, but now it is beyond any dispute.

    • Norman@ – I would have told the chippy fat (they are always fat) cunts to pipe down or wait for a fucking bus.

      • Too true, Vern. The pain in the arse congo tart in the unit is fat. She also coughs her guts up all the time. And even in the hot weather, she dresses like a Tusken Raider from Star Wars. Doesn’t like the cold weather, doesn’t like the hot weather. Always fucking moaning and less manners than a sewer rat.

  24. Bread and gruel for dinner all day up a fucking chimney and a large helping of anal sex before bed that’s what some of these spoilt cunts today could do with bring back the cat

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – my Dad was the local chimney sweep – used to take his brushes etc around in an old pram, could turn his hand to anything and kept us in clothes and shoes in hard times.
        Not sure he engaged in any “chimney bumming” though – he had no time for “fruity gentlemen” ?

      • Foxy,
        Your father was a chimney sweep?

        My father was a viscount…

  25. Takes me right back to my youth. Living in a Council house, chipping ice off the inside of the windows in winter (the local farm owners demanded some Council houses be built to house the slaves as they tended to get beaten up when throwing people out of tied cottages) in an area where the poorest was a multi millionaire landowner, and they hated us – they just assumed we were thieves and scum and the children were told to stay away from us and have nothing to do with us – we were literally “the untouchables” and there is nothing that crystallises hatred more than walking home in the rain to see the local “rich kids” pulling faces and laughing as they were swept by in Daddys Mercedes – but those mouthy fuckers soon found out how good we were with our fists.
    First job at the age of 11, delivering papers and magazines to the rich and privileged to peruse with their coffee, 5 mile walk, very heavy bag.
    Pea picking in the school holidays – 50P a bag and two hours of back breaking labour to fill it. Picking potatoes and turnips for a fiver a day – what fucking “white privilege” I enjoyed! – But ours was the first door the foreman knocked on when he wanted grafters.
    It was either that or go hungry, and it instilled a work ethic which has never left me – I can turn my hand to a lot of things and do a decent job, and I will do any filthy awful job if I am paid – there is no shame in honest graft.
    Which is why it turns my gut to hear fat, lazy, whiny 40 year old adult babies whining about how hard their life is – from a keyboard in a bedroom at Mummys!
    Straighten up you soft fuckers.

  26. The exploitation of the working class men, women and of course children has boiled my piss since the horrors were explained to me by my grandmothers. Luckily they missed the worst, my maternal grandmothers first position was walk three miles to some farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, she had to be there at 5 am light all the fires etc etc start getting breakfast for farmer and family my gran was just 14 and her family were reasonably well off by the standard of the day. She ended up as a nanny to the local doctors family.
    One time I assumed short memories in the general population was the reason for the total lack of awareness about this subject. Now I know the main reason is the vast majority who suffered to put bread on the table were whitey so enjoyed privileges not freely given to ethnics even though the ethnics weren’t there.
    I feel guilty for all that privilege my forebears enjoyed. Just thank the powers that be that no records exist of pre op trannies being forced to sort coal or something. World would come to an end in a fortnight as they appear to be so so vital to our country especially bike riding ones.
    Fucking Ukraine is being blasted to hell, fuel prices ever up and the papers give space to some transbender to winge about his/it rights fuck of devi I don’t care an Ariel act of copulation.

  27. But, but.. Don’t you all know. All UK residents of the white persuasion are descended from aristocracy and/or royalty, which is why we have to “check our white privilege”
    Sometimes, words fail me.
    Excellent nom.

    • JP@ – Well as a landowner in Scotland I have the official title of “Lord”. (It’s “Laird” in Scotland but “Lord” in civilised places).
      I kid you not! ?
      Hmm, perchance some of the working class blighters owe me some sort of tax..

      • Vern, I am also a Laird of Glendower.
        The kids bought it me some years ago, as a spoof, the little rascals.
        Apparently its a square metre of some of the boggiest, swamp ridden, unhospitable terrain known to man.
        Bet they try to build “social” housing on it soon.
        If they think I’ll sell my square, or my late partners, cheaply, they are in for a surprise.

  28. All these grizzling snotty kiddy photos are Fake News. The Bishopsgate Institute in London has boxes of them mostly taken by or for social reformers at the time to grind on their agenda. They sold well and were and still are popular with social worker types to pad out and flog their shock horror books.

      • Possibly.
        That film “12 Years a Slave” that all the wokies use as an example of horrendous racism-it not based on a true story.

        There was a very lucrative market for stories of this nature, it was penned by a wealthy, white lawyer.

      • If a professional photographer going out searching for “subjects” and selectively arranging them for heart rending effect is faking it then yes the header photo is fake.

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