Rebel Wilson [2]

Rebel Wilson is a cunt, isn’t she?

Who’s this foul-looking, painted-faced, bleach-haired harpee? It’s a “quirky” z-list “actress” from Down Under who’s now taken to hanging out with Hewitt Junior and MeAgain in the desperate hope of exposure.

Aww, yeee, fack moite.

If this Convict is the best the Antipodes can produce, we should kick the vulgar whingers out of the Commonwealth and transport every Aussie barman. I thought since the pound lost ground, we’d rid ourselves of these bogun loudmouths.

What has she done apart from a shit “comedy” about pizzas and a dull-as-you-like BAFTA’s taking pot shots at James Bond? Suddenly, she’s some sort of brave hero for losing weight. Why is it brave to stop shoving Fray Bentos down your gullet? Instead of stapling her stomach, they should’ve stapled her cake-hole.

She used to be an irritating, unfunny, overweight Australian cunt; now she’s an irritating, unfunny, medium-sized Australian cunt. Have another slab of shite lager and Kangaroo steak and fuck off

Express Link. (Link kindly provided by the gorgeous Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

42 thoughts on “Rebel Wilson [2]

  1. A bit harsh on our Antipodean friends I think, they are fairly civilised after all. Don’t really know who this bird is but she’s got a ridiculous name and if she licks the wokie Markle arse she can fuck right off.
    Polo? What kind of posh wanker’s game is that?

  2. “Rebel Rebel ya face is a mess”
    -David Bowie

    Fuckin rebel?
    Who names a kid that?!!

    Used to be a lad on our estate with a dog called Rebel,
    He had a speech impediment and would say

    ‘come on Nebel’

    Much to our amusement ?
    So everyone called the dog Nebel’.

    I know nothing about this sack of shite though,
    Seems Captain Maggie’s real issue is she Aussie?

    I don’t approve of blatant racism(sniff)
    I judge people by what’s in their hearts not by the corks on their hat .

    • Maggie @

      Just a thought,
      Your unprovoked attack on our Aussie cousin’s,

      Your not basing this all on Rolf Harris are you?

      Because I was a victim too.

      Cunt criticised my colouring in.

      • Morning MNC, I feel your pain.
        I sent my picture into Take Hart in 1981 and it wasn’t shown on “The Gallery” despite being shit.
        Tony Hart did write back though, inviting me to attend a pool party round his house with his friends ‘J.S’ and ‘G.G.’ whoever they were.
        Shame my parents didn’t let me go, it sounded like a jolly fun time.

      • Morning Thomas?
        I really did send Tony Hart a picture for the Gallery.

        Expecting critical acclaim and praise from Tony I’d scan eagerly hoping to see my masterpiece,
        Obviously Tony had seen it as a threat and binned it .

        I’ve since held a lifelong bitter resentment to the man and wish I’d had the chance to even the score for his callous treatment.

        I always thought he was a bumboy with his neckerchief and camp flouncing,
        Turns out he was a captain of the Gurkhas!!

      • Old Tony probably used your carefully-crayoned efforts to line the, ahem, ‘catchment area” of Morph’s pencil case, MNC.

      • Bet he did too the callous old Fucker!

        It was getting on for 50yrs ago but I’m still fuming about it

        It was Godzilla trampling on a load of screaming Japs.

        I’m so angry I’ve just spray painted

        “Tony Hart destroyed my childhood”

        In big letters on the co-op wall.

      • And in a bizarre twist of fate, Banksy has just claimed your Co op artwork as his own and it is now worth a million quid.

  3. Must have a new film coming out, I can think of no other reason why she would align herself with Sparkletits and her poodle.

  4. PPS
    Rebel looks a bit like a trans Boris Johnson?
    Sloping honeymonster type.

    • Good Morning MNC

      Charlie Dickens and Bill Shakespeare rolled into one, your descriptive powers of Rebel would have them both green with envy.

  5. ” and it wasn’t shown on “The Gallery” despite being shit.”

    Morning gents, good to start the day with a laugh.
    You missed out on the chance of pancaking both Morph and Gabriel with a rolling pin.
    Pity really.

  6. From England’s dumping ground to one of the many that sends their garbage to England and there’s more coming. Your welcome. xoxo.

    • For fucks sake Shackledragger, we have already cancelled your most ground breaking cultural export, Neighbours, so I suppose all those unemployed cunts will be over here looking for panto work at the end of the year.

  7. Accidentally met the junior Hewitt, now supporting team Sussex, he is fucked.
    Does the odious cunt “betrayed the yoof of Britain again” Corden also hang with team Sussex? He knows how to choose them eh!

  8. Hmm – “Zany, outrageous, irreverent”..
    AKA “Talentless fat cunt sells soul to promote career”.
    There is simply no low these creatures will not stoop to in their desperate pursuit of wealth and fame.
    I would not like to be between Rebel Wilson and Shitty Fattel at an all you can eat buffet.

  9. Fat cunt who promoted the plus size woman, made her name as a fat cunt then decided to coin it in as fat cunt losing shit loads of weight.
    Jumps on the Hewitt/Me Again bandwagon for more publicity.

    I think that sums her up, never seen any of her films, don’t give a fuck ?

    • If it looks like a fat cunt.
      Sounds like a fat cunt.
      Moves like a fat cunt.
      It’s a fat cunt.

  10. There’s a problem with the nom pic.

    That looks like it’s only a four stone bag of potatoes.

  11. I would give her the pokey dokey now though. Those juggs looks delicious.

  12. “Look at me, I’m fat and therefore funny”
    Didn’t work for that Melissa McCarthy either…

  13. Another actress who was a fat cunt then goes on a diet and starts mixing with other slimmer “celebrities”.

    Any daft cunt can lose weight when they are vastly overpaid so can afford a chef and personal trainer.

    Rebel would be fucking bed bound if she lived on welfare in a bedsit in Adelaide.

  14. I’ve gone on the complex ‘Eat less cake, exercise more’ diet to shift a stone off my gut.

  15. Wilson is famous solely for being the token fat big mouthed bird in all those crappy films with wimmin in them. Any of these vomit inducing comedies or chick flicks now has to have a fat bird who shouts a lot in them. And Wilson fits the bill.

    She’s kind of shot herself in the foot though. Because, with her weight loss (Cue wimmin going ‘Awwww! An’t she done well? Awww luv!’), Wilson will no longer be suitable for role of mouthy fat bird. And -let’s face it – that’s the only part she can play.

  16. Sick of these fuckers. How is it brave? Just like the footballer who came out as a poofter. How is he brave?

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.

  17. I think all fat people are funny.

    Sweating and panting and clutching their chest.

    At they’re funniest trying to run!!
    Hehehe ?

    On the Downside they do stink.

  18. This overrated fat whore is about as funny as cancer. A definate no talent fat pig.

  19. Far too many fat women in the entertainment industry these days.

    Keep them indoors, making sausage rolls for fetes.

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