Our next King really is an out-of-touch moron. I expect if you are surrounded by security guards,you probably can afford to be a bleeding-heart Gobshite….you and your parasitical family won’t ever get to experience the joys of multiculturalism which so many of these illegal immigrants bring with them…perhaps he can invite a few hundred of them to move into his Palaces with him.
Really, the thought of this silly, dim man having any influence on Govt. policy now or in the future is ridiculous….what on Earth can he know about “normal” life?…and what the fuck gives some unremarkable arsehole like him the right to try and influence an ELECTED Govt?….Off with his head…and make sure to get the rest of the rat’s nest too.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
(Gawd blimey, Dick! A man of your status not a royalist! Heavens to Bettsy – Admin)
And another, this time from Geordie Twatt
He just doesn’t get it, does he? The deal is, you thick cunt, in return for the obscene wealth and privilege you keep your opinions to yourself. Like Mummy does. It’s that simple. Stick to opening Parliament and launching ships and leave it at that.
But no, he’s too full of his own self importance. ‘Private conversations’ my arse, this him meddling in politics yet again. I’ll tell you what, Jugears, you fuck off to Rwanda with your gruesome bird and we’ll put the Channel invaders up in Highgrove House. Then when Mummy croaks we can house the rest of them in Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Sandringham and Balmoral. They must have hundreds if not thousands of empty rooms between them. Sorted.
Sorry mate, you’re just an ornament, a constitutional bauble. Suck it up and shut the fuck up, you tree-hugging wanker.
And here’s one from Cuntybollocks
Prince Charles
Camilla’s tampon has been flapping his gums again, this time over the ‘appalling’ scheme to send dinghy chancers to Rwanda.
If he’s so concerned, as the UK’s biggest landowner with countless properties on his portfolio, surely there is a simple solution to this ‘appalling’ state of affairs?
That’s right. Old big ears can house them all himself!
Oh, what’s that? Not on my land or in my properties. It’s for the ‘little people’ to pay for and then put up with the scrounging, moaning, chippy, entitled, backwards, rapey criminal cunts, isn’t it?
Sit on your throne, wave at the ‘plebs’ once a month or so and try not to have too many expensive marriages at our expense for no reason, eh old chap?
And keep your hypocritical trap shut on matters you know nothing about.
One needs to get to fuck. And get a fucking proper job, you scrounging cunt.
Chimp Boy is making the same mistake as The Jellyfish………appeasing the libtard cunts who hate the pair of them. Both of them are as naive as each other.
Or maybe they are both equally pussy whipped?
No end to this man’s wisdom is there, silly fucker.
More cheese Gromit?
I was very disappointed when all these parasites were on the buck palace balcony for jubilee Arse fest and one of the typhoon pilots didn’t do a kamakasi into them taking them all out in one go.
That would have left the bastard prince first inline, that certainly would have been the end of HR in GB…?
Met him in 1966 (school visit) – he showed his lack of intellect back then and has not improved since.
He’s the best advert for stopping the whole royalty show, except that might result in the ghastly Blair as President – arrgh!
Can always vote those cunts out, not retard royals….☠️
I’d rather have Kweer Charmer on one knee in charge, rather than this entitled, out of touch, jug eared fool.
Christ on a bike.
The cunt needs to keep his gob shut. Go open a few umbogo centres, unveil the odd statue, but shut the fuck up. I would say he should not take the top job and pass it on to William, but his son is just as big a twat as his old man. Perhaps George word be a better option than the two in line.
A fucking garden gnome would hold more gravitas than this wing nut cretin.
Chuck it in the slurry.
Best one was Margaret.
Would suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
She was a fit ‘un in her younger days too, King Cunt.?
Indeed a dirty royal minx
Sad news NONE of the dinghy riders are en route to Rawanda.What a farce.These sympathetic twats want shooting.Chimp boy Charlie is a cock gobbler.
Never going to happen,was it..
Unfortunately true, Dickie. But the European court of human rights? We’re not in the EU snakepit any more. So Priti Daft should have told them to fuck off. Not that she will, of course. The bottling fat cow.?
Hello Sir Fiddler
Red faced alcoholic prick and his dreadful Rod Hull lookalike wife can go fuck themselves. Deviants.
Camillaaah is more like emu. Charlie-boy likes to get his hand up a raddled old bird…