Our next King really is an out-of-touch moron. I expect if you are surrounded by security guards,you probably can afford to be a bleeding-heart Gobshite….you and your parasitical family won’t ever get to experience the joys of multiculturalism which so many of these illegal immigrants bring with them…perhaps he can invite a few hundred of them to move into his Palaces with him.
Really, the thought of this silly, dim man having any influence on Govt. policy now or in the future is ridiculous….what on Earth can he know about “normal” life?…and what the fuck gives some unremarkable arsehole like him the right to try and influence an ELECTED Govt?….Off with his head…and make sure to get the rest of the rat’s nest too.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
(Gawd blimey, Dick! A man of your status not a royalist! Heavens to Bettsy – Admin)
And another, this time from Geordie Twatt
He just doesn’t get it, does he? The deal is, you thick cunt, in return for the obscene wealth and privilege you keep your opinions to yourself. Like Mummy does. It’s that simple. Stick to opening Parliament and launching ships and leave it at that.
But no, he’s too full of his own self importance. ‘Private conversations’ my arse, this him meddling in politics yet again. I’ll tell you what, Jugears, you fuck off to Rwanda with your gruesome bird and we’ll put the Channel invaders up in Highgrove House. Then when Mummy croaks we can house the rest of them in Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Sandringham and Balmoral. They must have hundreds if not thousands of empty rooms between them. Sorted.
Sorry mate, you’re just an ornament, a constitutional bauble. Suck it up and shut the fuck up, you tree-hugging wanker.
And here’s one from Cuntybollocks
Prince Charles
Camilla’s tampon has been flapping his gums again, this time over the ‘appalling’ scheme to send dinghy chancers to Rwanda.
If he’s so concerned, as the UK’s biggest landowner with countless properties on his portfolio, surely there is a simple solution to this ‘appalling’ state of affairs?
That’s right. Old big ears can house them all himself!
Oh, what’s that? Not on my land or in my properties. It’s for the ‘little people’ to pay for and then put up with the scrounging, moaning, chippy, entitled, backwards, rapey criminal cunts, isn’t it?
Sit on your throne, wave at the ‘plebs’ once a month or so and try not to have too many expensive marriages at our expense for no reason, eh old chap?
And keep your hypocritical trap shut on matters you know nothing about.
One needs to get to fuck. And get a fucking proper job, you scrounging cunt.
On the subject of Prince Charles, my hemorrhoids are really bothering me this morning.
Gosh I’m in elevated company with this nom – Lord Fiddler and Cuntybollocks. Two members of IAC Royalty no less.
Fuck off Charlie, you inbred sponger.
Look wingnut,
I understand you feel kinship with another load of inbred freeloading foreigners,
I get that.
What I don’t get is how you think anyone cares about the opinions of someone who talks to fuckin bushes!
You’ve never struggled to pay a bill,
Missed a meal,
Or worked till you feel sick.
What do you know about life?
Oh and your youngest lad?
Not yours.
I don’t think the eldest is either.
I don’t blame The Chimp Boy for being totally out of touch with reality. When you consider the life he was born into what the fuck do you expect?
However, he’s supposed to have “advisers” isn’t he? Well I’d like to know who they are because they are stitching him up good and proper. Trying to appease the wokies will get you nowhere , cunt. They hate the whole concept of Royalty and would happily string you up from the nearest lamp post. At the same time you are losing your traditional supporters with all this soyboy talk.
I’m sure his mother has repeatedly given him the only advice he needs…….turn up, cut the ribbon, wave to the peasantry and keep your fucking mouth shut. She knows what she is talking about, unlike you, wanker.
This hopeless dolt needs to keep his cakehole royally shut.
Obviously if his butler doesn’t read him the nasty stories about illegal immigrants then he’ll be none the wiser.
Education is key.
Force the leeching cunt to have a few hundred Afghans in his mansion.
Let’s see how “appalling” getting rid of the foreign rubbish is after they’ve shat everywhere and made off with everything not under armed guard.
The condescending parasite.
Oh and this boring fucker is part of the appeasement mob.
Never mind stabbed Gays,blown up children and organised peddo files to name but a few..
Let’s have a garden party and pretend it’s 1953.
Would Charles go in a gold-plated AGA cooker, Terry?
Pre-war German oven,ironically.
I never understood why they brought the fuckers back after Charley 1 was disposed of and then again brought in German fucking inbred halfwits decades later.
The lot of them depend on the sycophancy and arselicking of the ‘elite’. Civil servants waiting for Buggins Turn for their Ks, the House of Lords, landowning titled families, the honours system for cunts and stupid fuckers waving flags.
‘ I dont know how they do it Ada. Unimaginable money and luxury, palaces and lackeys. Cor luvva duck. I likes to get out with me flag cos it’s warmer than me flat in Mbongo Towers’
Because the Rothschilds interbred with the Windsors making the Coburgs fully fledged Sabbatean Frankists.There’s credible chronicling of one of the leading Roths of the day…Lionel or Walter gaining breeding rights with Queen Victoria (Albert was apparently a bit light in his loafers for the ‘deed’ )… as payback for then prime minister (Wellington) playing a crucial role in the Waterloo financial power-grab/psyop by the Roths which seized their assault on the British money supply and this was facilitated by blackmailing the D.O.W by enabling him to fall into debt by him overspending on art and treasures for his Hampshire pile.A classic Rothschild m/o.There’s a famous photo online of Evelyn de Rothschild air jabbing wingnut in a very telling gesture of where true power actually resides.
Whiny, immature, spoilt, mollycoddled, indulged thick as pigshit greedy, scrounging cunt. A life of ease, privilege and wealth and all the fucking rat does is whine and try and bully political policy so he can rake in even more money.
Traitor to Great Britain, appeaser of savages and shortly to be head of the organisation of enemy agents known publicly as “The Royal Family”.
Yet a fucking nother privileged billionaire wokeflake traitor, but I notice Prince hog fucker does not rent any of HIS exclusive properties dotted all around Cornwall (the County the greedy old cunt OWNS) to any carpet riding goat fucking Peter Philes – why aren’t they filled with members of “the religion of peace?”
Want to house shit?
Then do it in YOUR FUCKING HOUSE! ??
Horrible bastard, not fit to be a King and not fit to look any working Man or Woman in the eye – when the Queen dies the Monarchy should be self funding and regarded as a quaint eccentric throwback to ancient times where people actually gave a fuck what these parasites said or did.
Their time is done.
Never trust a man who didn’t know what clingfilm was in in 2005.
Le Cunt@ – Never trust a “Man” whose most challenging graft for the day is lifting his legs in bed so his butler can put his £50 a pair socks on.
NO! – Not Fiddler, Prince Charles! ?
Yup ner a truer set of words.They need to be a Claude Butler type monarchy.We don’t need the Guelph chapter of the Black-Nobility and we have that prick Cromwell to thank for allowing the chicken swingers onto our shores with the removal of Charles 1 as the price to pay.That was the real cancerous turning point for Rothschild and co to seize the levers of power in their ‘Crown’-City of London lair.
If it’s that abhorrent to you open up a few of your homes for the cunts. Noddy eared cunt. No fucking idea what havoc these cunts wreak on local communities, sheltered and entitled. The highest order of cunt achieved, perhaps mummy would award you for that, you could have another meaningless medal on you jacket.
BCDCO@ – Morning Bertram – if I had the chance I would make it law that anyone demanding more filthy parasites invade and take over house at least two of them in their homes for a period of ten years. Watch how fast these NIMBYS shut the fuck up then.
I remember as a kid in the 1980s asking, “who is that man on TV, dad?” To which he replied, “that’s Prince Charles, one day he will be the King of Britain.” And then I laughed to hard that that snot came out my nose.
Prince Charles is about as divine as his best mate, Sir Jimmy Savile….
Rule Britannia? Fool Britannia. Ghoul Britannia.
When Charlie’s king, we should have a sweepstake on how long it takes him to open his royal gob once too often and Britain ends up a republic.
It’s even odds if the old spunker will outlive the Queen anyway?
If he does, then can only be a matter of months before he followed suit?
Then we get his only son,
Willy bollockhead.
Fuck me,
Crown resting on that pink scalp, shed hair all over his narrow shoulders,
Toothy chinless inane smile,
King Willy!!!
Willy Bollockhead! ? Classic!
Willy Bollockhead is almost as bad, wanging on about Climate Change.
All the royals have a carbon footprint bigger than Twattenborough and none have an IQ north of about 50, yet the cheeky inbred cunts think they can lecture all the plebs on matters they know fuck all about. They should just stick to what they’re good at: waving and smiling uncomfortably.
cunt needs to mind his own business.
See Andy’s getting all uppity as he is being denied his birth-right, another cunt who I cunted in another post.
Darkie and Half son of Hewitt are going to be back in the UK soon sniffing around, mark my words…
All part of the Grand Build Back Better Plan.
Charles might spend a few months on the throne before being told to fuck off by William. Therefore Charles wants to enforce the current woke agenda of open borders, net-zero and all the usual shite before he wanders off into the wilderness.
When Charles steps down William will continue leading the Establishment/Elite into the New World Order, no doubt poked by Harry and Migraine.
And given most western governments are nothing more than Liberal/Marxist mouthpieces (Canada, US, NZ and Oz to name but 4 plus the UK and most EU member states), they won’t criticise Royalty for poking their noses into political affairs. In fact Boris will probably welcome it.
There really is no escape from this WEF/New World Order mantra. The Silent Majority are being well and truly fucked over from all sides.
You will conform!
P*nce Charles could always fuck off and see if he can be King of Rwanda.
Maybe Darkie Markie could join him and he Queen consort…
Sorry to be pedantic but Oz and NZ aren’t western. Then again, it won’t be long before US, Canada and Europe aren’t either.
Good point. Although I guess I meant “western cultures” regardless of geography.
But you’re right: the way things are going there will be no western cultures, customs, or history left once the WEF have completed their Grand Project!
They were Anglo-Saxon colonies?
Now now cunters come on… I’ll not have Sir Jimmy’s best mate spoken about like that.
I knew a landowner in Lakeland who went to school with ole jug-ears at Gordonstoun.
He said he was an “absolute wanker” and also “unpopular mardarse”.
Nothing has changed in the intervening decades.
An insufferable prick.
Total cunt.
Well cunted.
His late father on the other hand was a right tasty cunt by all accounts.
Total cocksmith?
I like to think that I spent my teens & twenties emulating that fine British tradition??
By that I take it you mean he was a real Nazi
Royals are like children. They should be seen but not heard. As soon as one talks, the whole edifice is at risk of tumbling down. I’m no republican. The thought of President Blair or Bercow prevents me from sleeping at night. If you don’t like the monarchy then trust me – it will be ten times worse without them.
At least we can vote a reblican head of state out??
Yes, but to be replaced by another hopeless cunt.
When I look at the current crop of politicians there is not one that I would want as my head of state. They are all lacking in legitimacy. Any “President” is likely to be drawn from and replaced from the same stock of meddlesome clapped-out cunts that tried so hard to thwart Brexit.
The French public just allegedly voted Macron back into power.
Just as the American public allegedly voted Joe Biden into power and in record numbers.
Proof that even democratic elections are practically pointless at this point.
I must concede that true democracy, is indeed dead.
CG – Once in position they will be as easy to vote out as any member of the EU commission.
There was an interesting poll a year or two ago, about which countries were “happiest”. I am not sure how they worked out how a country was happy or not but out of the top 5 at least 3 were monarchies and not republics.
The hereditary process gives a continuity and independence that cannot be replicated by any other systemn.
Indeed Wanksock. And the truth of that is shown by how many British monarchs have been despised by the people.
The first two Georges and George IV were detested. William IV was amiable but called “Silly Billy” by the people. Victoria became unpopular after disappearing following the death of Albert until she was reluctantly dragged back into private life by Disraeli. Edward VII was regarded as a playboy, despite being a reasonably competent monarch. In his short reign, Edward VIII managed to provoke a constitutional crisis and dallied with the Nazis. Don’t mention the Stewarts – an unmitigated disaster on the whole. George V, VI and Elizabeth II have been exceptional monarchs, contrary to the usual pattern.
Despite this, monarchy thrived and has never been seriously under threat in the UK. Because it works, its legitimacy is respected and the office is bigger than the personality of the monarch, as long as the monarch turns ups for duty and doesn’t fall of his horse.
” Edward VIII managed to provoke a constitutional crisis and dallied with the Nazis”…..he did slightly more than “dally” with them…he urged them to bomb British cities and gave them plans of Allied defensive lines in France.
Such a patriotic bunch, the Saxe Coburg Gotha Windsors….Rule Britannia indeed….unless it looks like the other side is going to win,of course….
This current mob are as British as bratwurst?
Re…Edward V111…..While Allied “deserters”,many suffering from shell-shock,were vilified…the Great Patriot,Edward, was allowed to continue his life of luxury and his damned family allowed to retain their position…The whole bunch of them should have been dropped back in The Fatherland attached to a 12,000lb bomb.
Charlie and Justin Welby are in the position to do something practical – throw the doors of their palaces open to all the rubber boat invaders – instead they just wave their shrouds like politicians.
Jug Ears maybe getting plaudits from the usual leftie wankers but he is an embodiment of everything they hate; royal, white male, privileged and British. Presumably he consulted with his rhododendrons in the palace orangery before opening his cakehole over his latest outburst? Stick to opening leisure centres in Milton Keynes and looking like a pink sweaty Man from Delmonte dad dancing on Caribbean royal tours. Twat.
“One has got shit for brains hasn’t one. Fwarr, Fwarr”. Silly out of touch cunt.
As you know I’m a big fan of HM, having taken her shilling and put in 25+ years, and won’t have a word said against her. As for her offspring, it’s time to brush them aside and skip a generation. I think William will make a damned fine King, but that ginger cunt half brother will be a constant thorn in his flesh, a bit Like Scar in Lion King! Best to get rid of the cunt and his yacht slut wife, first. Thank
Do we need a damn ‘King’ ? what the fuck for ? l mean if they’re merely symbolic and symbolism in itself being a powerful,occultic component in the higher echelons in which they occupy ie-Kabbalistic- Luciferic Masonic stuff,then why don’t they naff orf into history,then l see no earthly reason to maintain this evil institution in any shape or form ? It tells me they have real power in the genuine sense by virtue of sangreal only.The human race should have broken from this monkeyshine spell a century ago.
Plenty of tunnels in LA. Just saying.
Herd them all into Grenfell Tower, then burn it down.
Shout ‘ Hurrah for Cromwell ‘ as the flames roar.
Good afternoon.
I for one think Grenfell should be a annual event.
Even better, herd them into Buck House and burn that down ?
JTC@ – Good afternoon JTC – it could be a Bank holiday and replace bonfire night!
Where my great, great, great Grandfather was cruelly maligned! ?
Afternoon, Vernon
Happy ‘ Fuck Off Argentina Day ‘ ??????
Here here, as my mates just said to me not a peep in the press just some illegal sooties in a London fire. He did risk his bolloxs down there as part 40 Commando.
Him and Welby – what a fucking pair. I used to believe in the rocks of the CofE and the monarchy. It’s what set Britain apart. I’m now a republican (especially after that cunt Blair got his fuckign garter or whatever) and I never go to church anymore. Perhaps we can get Charles out – when he becomes King he is obliged to be defender of the faith – and that means the Christian faith. He’ll start trying to convert to a mozzer and we can then chop his head off.
Don’t need to. Just spread the rumour that he said Mo was a gayboy and…job done.
LC@ – We do not need a Monarchy, we do not need a “Republic” with some slimy treacherous shiteweasel like Blair Lording it over people.
We do not need either.
Fuck me, the cunt has influence, the latest ‘news’ is that the first flight to sunny Rwanda may not go tonight.
Every shister lawyer has been rounded up by the ‘campaigners’ to challenge the decision to send these illegals to Rwanda, the flight can go but sadly without the ticketed passengers.
The country is fucked and the likes of Charley and Welby are fucking welcome to it, keep the fucking assorted rag heads coming and then wait for the inevitable next Manchester Arena and on their heads be it.
When is foxy going to start the revolution ?
Soi@ – Afternoon Sicky – I was planning for this Wednesday but Miss Busty says I’m not allowed as I have to take her out and spend money on her!
Cheeky fkin mare, calling me tight!
Hehe, any excuse to pause the revolution ?
Charles is a gormless, chinless cunt.
He said to Savile “Perhaps I am wrong, but you are the bloke who knows what’s going on.”
Savile did and you clearly don’t, you conch-eared spunkstain.
Fuck off.
I like the Queen ? but Charles can fuck off with his unwarranted opinions. Thick Cunt. The Queen knows how to be an impartial head of state. This Cunt talks to plants and speaks of being the defender of faiths. Silly twat should he ever god forbid assent to the throne would be the head of the Church of England ???????. How the fuck could he then defend peaceful s etc.
If Charles had an ounce of conscience or decency, he’d step aside in favor of his son and do us all a fucking favour.
Queen Camilla my arse. I refuse to ever recognise her as such.
Aside from the human dumpling, Queen Victoria, Camilla could arguably be the ugliest English Queen of all time…
The Queen mother was no “oil painting”?
Camilla is a rottweiler in every sense
The ghost of Phil the Greek needs to come back in his spectral “white Renault” and clean house:
-Andy pandy✖️
-The ugly sisters✖️✖️
That should do for starters?
The Royals are all scrounging parasites and that is all I have to say.
But but but, The Quenn works really hard don’t you know….does she? does she really?
A pox on their scabby cabbage heads.
Never worked a hard day’s graft in her life
Lost any respect (which wasn’t much anyway) for Charlie when he shook hands with that evil murdering cunt, Martin McGuinness. Like the odious Satan Blair, Charles is known for licking IRA arse and pandering to those fenian fucks. The thought of this spineless turd as the king of England makes my stomach turn.
I have long believed that with Charles on the throne, the mongarchy will go down the shitter as fast as Andy would be up a thirteen year old.
Sophie Rice-Pudding gives me the ‘orn.