NHS (20) Maternity Care is Racist & Sexist

Racist Britain strikes again, NHS maternity care is racist according to some half baked charity called Birthrights (All women so not very diverse init)

A year long study concluded that black and Asian women suffer racism in maternity care, well maybe some do but it doesn’t mean the system is institutionally racist. Aren’t there shit loads of ethnics in the NHS, I mean where would we be without Asian, African and East Asian nurses.

There is no reference to white women who may have not had the best maternity care experience but I am sure there are many, the problem is they are white so can’t cry racism only incompetence.

I would hazard a guess that the numbers who have problems during maternity care are proportionately the same across all women, but then that wouldn’t be a ‘real’ story would it.

When will this bullshit stop!

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Sick of It

And seconded by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

In support, can I set out the downright nonsense that this report contains.

Below are quotes that allege racism:

‘She believes her race played a role in her care: “I experienced microaggressions and was stereotyped because of the colour of my skin.”

“The staff would say ‘hello princess’, and while I was having contractions in a corridor a midwife walked past and said, ‘Oh, you’re definitely going to need an epidural’. I had never even met her before.”

“Racial stereotyping has got a lot to do with it. There is an assumption that black women have a higher pain tolerance. I don’t know where this comes from. It doesn’t hurt any less because I’m black.”

”Black and brown women reported feeling physically and psychologically unsafe during their care”

”Black women are more than four times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than white women in the UK, while women from Asian backgrounds face almost twice the risk.”

The only actual evidence listed, apart ‘microaggression’ whatever the fuck that is, is the last paragraph. However there is absolutely no link to racism to it except in the minds of the professional victims and their allies at the BBC.

And there are numerous maternity hospital scandals which are completely random regarding race, whatever is in the minds of these fuckers and their supporters at the BBC. But that doesn’t support the narrative of racist Britain.

And on a similar wokey NHS subject, this time the definition of “Woman” here’s another one from Sick of it

The NHS this time, why can’t these fuckers just leave things alone.

The latest attempt to be woke appears to have angered everybody (including some trans people), for some strange reason the great minds at the NHS have decided that removing the word woman from Heath matters specific to WOMEN is a good idea.

There are lots of links on the net but I chose the mail because it shows the ‘before and ‘after’ and to me and many others it doesn’t make any sense, why take out the word woman from health advice for cancer of the womb or ovaries.

This never ends and until the legal definitions and biological sex are put in fucking stone the woke will continue to erode the biological realities.

Woman = Adult Human Female (how long before that phrase becomes hate speech)

Daily Mail News Link

60 thoughts on “NHS (20) Maternity Care is Racist & Sexist

  1. When the queen goes soon, and she will all the bongo banging countries will be hanging up their cauldron ladles, steeping out of the jungle, getting all pimped up in pin striped suits and employing dame Kweer to sue us whiteys for racial, colonial, discrimination. Flabbot will be the spokesman and Lammy hanging around like an unwelcome Orangutan.

    If I were a Barrister I’d argue that we taught you how to use a knife and fork you cunts and you still KFC for some finger lickin good.

  2. Don’t they realise?
    Everything’s racist.

    If only it was, these fuckin leeches from the 3rd world taking up hospital beds, doctors appointments, council housing etc

    If they want a real racists opinion,

    They should all be sterilised before being gassed.

    How’s that?

    • “They should all be sterilised before being gassed.”

      Who is going to pay for that?

    • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – perchance a “bit of a kicking” before the sterilisation?
      Failing that, they could all fuck off to the third world where they belong and have some strangely dressed chap dance around some bones?
      I will help them to the airport..

    • Hello MNC, my old fruit!

      I understand you’re a Peak District Dweller like myself. Hope you’re doing well.

      Today whilst nipping into the Waitrose on the high street of Buxton at around 17:30, the local Moose Limbs were playing their swirly groomer sounds from their car in a non-parking area on the High Street outside of their cash only shop.

      I won’t lie. I felt intimidated. Then again I thought fuck ’em. The nasty, bangra-listening cunts. The day Buxton Mosque happens is the day they’ll have to prise my pork stinking, alcohol ridden bloated grey corpse from its doorstep.

      High Peak for White Folk!

  3. People should have to pay for maternity care if they have more than 2 children…they might not be so keen of popping out endless brats that the taxpayer is forced to support.

    • PS…Personally I’d make them pay for the first,second and every benefit sponging whelp that they drop…. but I won’t say that when I’m on the hustings at the next election…every vote is going to count and I don’t want to alienate the Slappers and Slags.

      Save the NHS…Vote Fiddler.

      • DF-F@ Good form Sir Fiddler, I will send some chaps I know to “support your cause” – every coerced and threatened punters, er, ah, I mean “well informed voters contribution” is vital!
        “Vote Fiddler or else!” – it’s a catchy phrase everyone will remember!

    • Why is it always grossly overweight , as in f###ing big huge fat lazy black women who complain that their babies were sick after birth or that they themselves were ill after giving birth ?
      MUST BE RACISM !!!

  4. The NHS is fucked, full of diversity officers and other penpushers , desperately looking for raaaay-sism and “offences” against bummers and trannie freaks, to justify their overinflated wages. If some cunt was paying me a big wedge to identify cruelty to spiders I’d fucking find it don’t worry about that. I’d have them all living in hotels by the end of the month, a protected species.
    What a load of bollocks!

  5. Everyone can find micoaggressions if they are looking for them.
    Can the NHS just surgically remove the fucking oversized chip on the shoulder of any patient who is OTW (Other Than White)?
    These words the woke come up with. “Microaggression” PFT!
    Hyper sensitive victim card playing useless human debris. Just push out your spawn, get discharged, and start getting your bigger benefits payment and STFU!

  6. how long before nano and pico aggressions become ‘flavour of the day?’

    femto, anno, yepto and zepto will be sure to follow.

    cunts cunt cunts.

    • Femto, Anno, Yepto and Zepto.
      Sorry GFWC, but what have the Marx brothers got to do with it?

    • I had a boss in the eighties who went in for microaggressions. Once, when I suggested to him that he was starting to lose his hair, he responded with; “Fuck off and die you cunt”.

  7. Doesn’t stop the cunts breeding. Everything is either racist or nazi…

  8. What a load of shit.

    If this “report” is in any way accurate then the NHS is involved in a gigantic,organised racist plot.

    What these cunts are doing in reality is continuing to brow beat the majority white population into thinking they are doing something wrong.

    Well my report that I’ve just made up states that blek and daki mothers are more likely to die in child birth because disproportionately they are fucking fat cunts.

    More Quisling cunts for oven.

  9. There are 1.2 billion of the cunts in Africa. No birthing problems there it seems. Maybe if they wernt so obese,and lacking in vitamin D they wouldnt have such a problem.

    • Smugcunt@ – Well I see a workable solution – ship the chippy cunts back to the third world.
      And fucking KEEP them there!

    • You see, if you take an animal out of its natural environment, let’s say marmosets, for example, they are more likely to struggle giving birth, because they just aren’t where they are supposed to be.
      Let’s extrapolate from that premise.

  10. Given the amount of time it takes a sheboon or carpet rider to complain and bitch if they have to wait more than 5 seconds for anything it is white people who are ignored and left to wait all day because they do not complain which is the REAL racism here – it has been my experience (and that of my friend the white South African Cardiothoracic Surgeon) that the NHS walk on eggshells and give the black and brown rats preferential treatment over white people because they don’t want the normal accusations of “waaycism”.
    They could of course solve this alleged problem by fucking off back to the stinking, diseased, undeveloped, crime ridden, inbred, corrupt, filthy fucking shitholes they came from.

  11. Excellent cunting. These ‘reports’ aren’t fit to wipe my arse on. They’re written by Woke cunts with a massive agenda. Every cunt know that ethics are not discriminated against in the NHS. The opposite exists: they’re treated better because white staff are scared shitless of being accused of racism and their careers ending up in the shitter. Believe me, I’ve seen it.

  12. This report is definitely true.

    While walking through the local maternity ward (trying to get a look at some snatch), I spotted a midwife dressed in full SS regalia. She gave the shocked mother a Roman salute then drew a little tache on the little bleeder’s face. After that, she sent that Beverly Allitt to ‘look after’ a load of gypoes and non Aryans.

    Fuck off.

  13. “Racist and sexist”?
    Well, it’s certainly racist and sexist for some huge sweaty zero IQ Momma to waddle her huge inbred arse to the taxi I pay for because the fucking pig won’t use a bus and refuses to wait more than 40 seconds for patient transport services, to be taken into the hospital in a wheelchair because the fat lazy cunt won’t walk ten feet and then have all her self caused “health problems” treated for free as she she queue jumps over “waaycist whitey” to get the treatment she has never paid for.
    There, I said it – call me harsh but how long can we be bled dry by every chippy piece of foreign and domestic shit paying nothing and using the service only dumb English whitey funds?
    The NHS is a shambles led by marxist cunts – I would privatise it and bring in REAL competition and REAL choice of treatment, because I am sick of paying 70% tax to fund every fucking ungrateful parasite in the world.
    The public sector does not work and it is time to radically reform it or privatise it.

    • You’re right Vernon but that’s what Dominic C*mmings got the sack for. Too many self interested overpaid useless cunts riding the gravy train.

      • FtF@ – If I ever got power half the people “managing” the public sector would be sacked with immediate effect and the rest would be told to do their fucking jobs and knock the anti white left wing socialist extremism on the head or face the same fate in 3 months.
        All my lifetimes experience dealing with the CUNTS in the public sector has taught me that it is not fit for purpose and needs reform or privatisation.
        And I hear the little nazi CUNT at York hospital who recently refused me admission unless I was wearing a face tampax has been “removed” and the cunts at the hospital are now working on an out of Court settlement. (Not so aggressive now are we?, you little soyboy cunt)
        But I want my day in Court.

    • Well, it’s certainly racist and sexist for some huge sweaty zero IQ Momma to waddle her huge inbred arse to the taxi I pay for because the fucking pig won’t use a bus and refuses to wait more than 40 seconds for patient transport services, to be taken into the hospital in a wheelchair because the fat lazy cunt won’t walk ten feet and then have all her self caused “health problems” treated for free as she she queue jumps over “waaycist whitey” to get the treatment she has never paid for.

      Could not have put it better myself, Vern. And all absolutely true. They are cunts. Cunts and complete and utter bastards.

  14. Mass deportations to their country of origin if you cannot trace your family line back 6 generations in Blighty…. Housing problems solved, lots of job vacancies, less drug sex/ trafficking , I could go on, but what the fuck.
    More chance of me scooping the lotto…..????

  15. I’ll buy it, the NHS is racist, the NHS staff are all card carrying KKK members, everyone involved in the NHS hates anyone not white!!!

    The BBC etc were lying to me all along because they continually told me the NHS could not survive without all the migrant staff it employs.

    I’m confused now, because surely it’s the front line staff many of whom are we are continually told are migrants who would give a different level of care to the non white patients?

    • They all hate each other, just because they are brown, they’re not bruvvers n siestas!
      You from Jamaica, I is Sierra Leon.
      Yeah, stab.

    • Yes it’s one of those wokie contradictions……..the NHS would collapse without the immo staff but the immo staff are raaaaay-sist towards the immo patients. It doesn’t make sense……..unless, of course, it’s a pack of fucking lies in the first place.

  16. Siestas, try Sistas.
    And fuck you very much, auto fucking correct.
    I’d like to dowse you in petrol and set fire to you.
    Utter, utter cunt.

  17. This country is definitely still racist.

    Or at least we judge people by their colour/ethnicity.

    I’ve just been in a shop and a Pàki woman was in front of me at the till. She payed using two twenty pound notes. The notes were scrutinised by the till
    girl under this black contraption.

    I used one twenty, and my note went straight in the till.

    This is equality working at its best.

    Evidently, it’s not just me that doesn’t trust the shifty bastards.

    If a big fat dàrkie woman was giving birth, I can well imagine some midwives not giving a fuck about her and her soon to be stabby offspring.

    • Quite right Dick.

      I was a nurse I’d swap the sootie kids name bands around,
      It’d amuse me knowing not only had the husband fucked off when she got preggers,
      But she was raising another Robertson’s kid .

      My shift would pass faster that way.

      • Evenin’ Mis

        It would be funny swapping a half caste kid, and giving it a white woman.

        Then stand back and watch the argument when the father arrives.

        I would have made a great midwife.

        An opportunity lost.

  18. In terms of ethnicity and inclusivity and given the hot potato of the possible imminent demise of HM surely it is time we had a real queen as our Queen. There is always Prince Edward in the wings or perhaps we jump to Eddie Izzard. Not been doing a lot lately.

  19. Seems that the Woke are gradually chipping away at nearly all British historical and contemporary institutions:-

    Schools and (re) education
    History, monuments and statues
    Freedom of Speech
    The Media
    Sport and in particular that old working class game of football
    British Library and “acceptable” books
    Retailers & Corporations
    St George/Union Flag
    WASPs and in particular the Working Class
    Travelling/Holidaying abroad
    Pubs and restaurants
    ..and now of course the good old NHS!

    Just so long as the woke themselves are unaffected then that’s all that really matters.

    • I think it’s about time we fought back.
      I think I’ll stand as an independent.
      My slogan
      ” I am listening”

      • Go for it JP ?

        My slogan would be

        “Shut the fuck up and listen to me”

        And it’d only be available in English
        No translation in Urdu or Punjabi,
        Or fuckin African bush clicks.

        I’m glad I got a glimpse of this country before it turned into a dumping ground for the flotsam and jetsam of the third world.

      • I wasn’t thinking about having my slogan changed to anything other than English.
        My pamphlet will be in English. 0

  20. My youngest daughter is a midwife she thinks this report is utter bollocks.
    I have been told that a report finding God transphobic will be published shortly.
    What the fuck is micro aggressions? Is it like say hitting someone with a wooden match rather than six foot of scaffold pole..
    They shall fear the retribution that is at hand for the authors of this crock are great in cuntishness

    • I wonder if that Archarsehole of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will come out to criticise Mary and Joseph for their white privilege, and that Jesus is/was a non-binary Middle-Eastern person. And that God created Adamena and Evenette rather than the historically inaccurate and racist transphobic white privileged Adam and Eve.

      It all makes sense now

    • Bb@ – “Microaggression” is wokeflake speak for something which is not there but they will invent because these fucking rats have the psychological default setting that all “whiteys” are evil racists.
      Time to get some people in charge who give more of a fuck about getting things done than being popular with Peter Philes and commies.

  21. I suppose if WW3 kicked off no doubt the Woke and the Elite would insist the lower orders (white working trash types) are automatically conscripted and sent to the Front Line.

    Everyone else can stay at home and carry on.

  22. I’m disgusted to hear that the n*gn*g is 4% more likely to die in childbirth. I think these lazy NHS staff should work harder and get that percent to a much more healthy 75% by 2024

  23. Microaggression? These Jungle VIPs love their weasel words, don’t they?
    Microaggression basically meaning nobody was being aggressive in any way.
    Just like Megain Mantis whining that some person ‘looked at her in a racist way’ meant that nobody at all said anything remotely racist to her, and that the human locust was making the whole thing up.

    But, that’s the thing with these plastic treeswingers. They love racism, and they want it. Because it makes them look good with social media mongs and MSM woke zealots. And if it isn’t there (and it often isn’t), they will just make it up like Megain does. On my dialysis ward, I have never seen one trace of racism from any NHS staff. Even though the African types try their patience to the hilt. It’s all totally made up, and – I’ve said this before – these cunts who are perpetually offended and parasites like Megain are the ones keeping racism alive.

  24. That little cricketer turd also falls into the ‘racist’ lies category.
    Little fucker blabs about some hearsay and ‘racism’, and we only have his word that it happened. Yet he brings a cricketing institution (Yorkshire) to a standstill and drops everyone in the shit. Toxic little bastard, I hope he gets his…

  25. As far as I’m concerned there’s a thing called a pecking order where fully paid up English man comes first and black one eyed monopod transvestite Jews on benefits come last and if you don’t like it suck mummys cock

    • Hail o S, your comment, if only.
      Though I will take you to task because your spot on comment triggered an horrific vision which will haunt me for days.
      Into my enfeebled mind flashed an image of two school friends walking home after a hard days woke. They decided to stop for a drink at the first boy’s house. Snaffling some cans of mega pig bear fucker electric strawberry triple caffeinated with added kale juice junior energy drink they womble into the conservatory to be confronted by the awful sight of Daddy buttfucking Mummy and providing Mummy with a reach round. Both parents are of course beaded with hipster hair styles.

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