Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges (2) – Trans are Not a Threat in Sport

Trannies not a threat to women’s sport,

what cunt thought this up, all you need to do is look at the above pic of that Chewbakka looking cunt towering above the woman stood next to him on the podium, she, s 2 feet shorter, half the width and subsequently has lost to this abomination who appears to have skipped the feminization op.

Trannies are men, men tend to beat women at sport, unless it’s show jumping, were the Chewbakka looking mother fucker would be bigger than the actual horse and therefore would be at a disadvantage.
This also means you can’t lech and perv at women’s sports anymore, not that it’s hard to confuse most Trannies for women, but it certainly ruins the mood…… Cunts…..

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

And then we have the one for Emily Bridges, courtesy from Sick of It

I just watched ITV news and thought what the fuck.

A cunting for Zach Bridges (dressing up name Emily) Diva magazine and ITV

The pictures in the link have been photoshopped to fuck and it just shows that all this tranny nonsense is all about trying to convince everyone that these mental cunts are real women.

Zach is a cunt because he has taken the opportunity to cry about online abuse blaming Boris for saying that biological males shouldn’t be allowed to compete in woman’s sport, well the right thinking majority fucking agree you weird twat.

Then onto ITV for actually indulging this cunt who as recently as March competed in a ‘male’ event and won a race, even though she/he was 12 seconds slower than when He started reducing testosterone a year ago (but probably still faster that real women).
Nothing to stop he/she racing against men, it is after all a fucking bloke, but no he/she doesn’t want to do that (rather be a cunt and make female riders feel like they are not on a level playing field)
‘She just wants to be herself’ great do whatever you like but you ain’t a fucking woman! If he/she had any female empathy he/she would just say ‘ok, fair enough I won’t race against women’

ITV Link.(I guess he hasn’t saved up enough to have his voice ‘done’ yet – NA)

Nominated by: Sick of it

70 thoughts on “Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges (2) – Trans are Not a Threat in Sport

  1. These deviants will insist on pushing their boundaries. This will not cease until they have what they see as fair and just parity with females.

    This will include legislation to prevent heterosexual men from passing them over for dating/sex/marriage. It is the natural progression from the kind of shit we see now from this pair of hairy bollocked Wendies.

    Fuck off.

  2. This is mental illness supported by the establishment.
    Forty years ago people who thought they were a different sex were placed securely in institutions – there was not usually a cure but they were kept safe from bothering other people.
    When Men can say they are Women to cheat it has gone too far, but what astonishes me is that none of the 99% who HATE this madness are speaking out.

    • Speak out and be labelled a ‘transphobe’.

      Once they control the way you speak, they control the way you think.

      Thank fuck for ISAC.

      Morning all.

      • To be labeled as ‘phobic’ implies that one has a fear of something. Transphobic, homophobic etc. Well, I don’t have a fear of them, I just don’t fucking want one as a neighbour or friend! Dirty, mentalist cunts!

      • Exactly it’s like when I say I don’t like gays (I don’t mind the manly ones who don’t dress up in tutu’s and are fucking relatively normal). Doesn’t mean I go out of my daily business to attack them because they are queer, I just don’t have an interest in it… I just live and let live but the shoe on the other foot they shout out homophobia, which isn’t the case I don’t want it normalised and rammed down my throat. Bumder!

  3. If only real women said more about this and kicked the whole shit show out of sight.

    Looking at the male swimmer and bike ist I’d have thought they would put more effort in looking lady like. You know a shave bit of lipstick ? maybe a decent wig.

  4. If the public can be persuaded that Bill and Ben here are birds and not flowerpot men then they can be persuaded of anything. This is one great social experiment to test how far you can push the credulity of the masses.
    Trannyism is the new religion, the new fairy story…….literally.
    Looks like it’s working to me.

  5. I simply don’t have the words to express my contempt for these people.
    They failed to successfully compete against their own sex, so they pretend to be women, to compete and win, against women.
    They should hang their heads in shame.
    No right thinking person buys it, you pair of piss poor cunts!
    I’ll take bets that when they’re both too old to compete, they both suddenly discover that they were “confused” and start living as men again.

  6. About time this fucking shitfest is cancelled. PROPER ladies should refuse to compete against these freaks. When the trannie faux cunt has finished, run the fucking race. Simples.

    • I’m saying nowt.
      As UK javelin & UK shot-put champion in the women’s I’m both groundbreaking and brave.

      You lot can get fucked.


      • Mnc@ – Morning Mnc – I am glad to see you are “holding up your end” in the pantheon of sporting greatness – I am also looking looking forward to my World Laydees flyweight champion boxing match later – I won’t even need an anvil in me glove this time! ??

      • Morning Foxy?

        I remember the good ol’ days when freaks like this had to watch their manners.

        Where they’d be openly laughed at in the street
        And as kids we might of thrown stuff at them,
        Can of coke, half a brick, etc

        Tolerance is the 21st century sickness that’s got us in this mess.

    • Oh yes, that’s my view too. If the cunt is on the starting line on it’s own and the real women have gone home there’s nothing to see. Sponsorship will go and, hopefully this shit fest will end. The women are as much to blame as the media and trans rights activists in my mind.

  7. I’m sure there used to be a programme on Saturday lunchtimes call ‘Transworld Sport’.

    • You’re right, there was a Trannïe programme on Saturday morning.

      It was called Swap Shop.

  8. As that fine woman athlete Sharron Davies said yesterday, “You have to put facts in front of feelings… you can’t feel your way into the bantamweight division if you’re a heavyweight boxer.”
    As a former Olympic-level swimmer, hopefully her voice will carry more weight against these sick, degenerate cowards.
    And the transbumders themselves, cunts though they undoubtedly are, aren’t the worst people in the swamp…it’s the trans lobbyists and their useful idiots in the legacy media and on social media, the ones perniciously pushing “the message” that are even cuntier and hopefully will die of monkey pox or some other fağgoty activity.

    • Morning Thomas ?
      Sharon’s a fine one to talk!
      She looks like she’s hit the hormones herself and was previously a truckdriver called Bernard.

      • Morning MMC….I still would though…wouldn’t you?
        She looks like she could withstand a sustained campaign!

      • Sharon Tina Davies.

        She cheered on Daley Thompson at the Olympics as he stood on the podium.
        Later that night, she gave him the “clap”.

        If you tackle Ms Davies, don’t forget your P.P.E:

        Hands. Face. Space.

        Morning Thomas?

      • I’m not sure Tommy..
        She’s nice enough looking if a bit butch but I prefer my wimmin a bit more,
        Not frail but weak,
        Sharon opening jar lids for me would eat away at my ego,
        Same if she beat me at arm wrestling,
        I’d go into a sulk.

        And would she be a comfortable fuck?
        No padding,
        Sort of like shagging a sack of cobbles wrapped in leather.
        Besides she ‘likes the taste of liquorice ‘*

        *Fondness for black cock

  9. If other,genuine XX chromosomes refuse to take part this shit will be repositioned into its own niche.
    Male competitors.
    Female competitors.
    As ever,compliance is for cowards.

  10. Maybe they could have races like the Marathons. The trannies can go first and ‘win’, then the rest can go and have a proper fair race.

  11. The thing is, there’s a large demographic of wimminz who have contributed to this current muddled thinking. Men dressing up as wimminz has been greeted by them with whoops of joy and ‘don’t you look wonderful darlings’ patronising for years now. Hence, when it blows up in their faces, they either don’t know what to say, or say nothing. Those competing in sports where trannys are entrants should refuse to compete, but money and a fear of being on the wrong side ultimately prevail.
    I’m by no means suggesting that all wimminz are to blame. Some like their men to be men, but all to many like the pretty effete types. Public trannyism is a mental illness, someone who cannot draw a line between sexual perversion and everyday life. It needs treatment, not celebration.

  12. There is a distinct lack of competitors born with unambiguous XX female chromosomes who try to compete in all male competitions, even if they have had hormone treatment and mastectomies. Gender confusion is exactly what it says on the tin: muddled delusional thinking. The main problem is with the media and the supporters of these abberations. Unless born with genital abnormalities, if you have a cock and balls you are a man for life, if you have a cunt you are a woman for life. If you think that you are somehow the opposite of how your genitals define you, you are indeed a CUNT, despite the tackle you are carrying.

    • Excellent link CC?

      Sharon Davies makes a very salient point, with regards to the Eastern Block countries dominating female sport in the 1980’s-using female athletes whe had received massive amounts of testosterone as young girls.

      It was very clearly cheating then and is very clearly cheating now.

  13. The scientific facts don’t appear to work with these nutjobs, so we might have to park that for a moment
    So perhaps the solution is to base it on a belief system, and don’t believe a man can become a proper biological woman. End of.
    Not end off !
    If people don’t agree with such beliefs, they could be charged with blasphemy, blown to bits, or even chop a few heads off.
    It seems to work with other belief systems…

  14. “Transwomen are women” is the Wokies’ equivalent to the Islamic declaration of faith “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.”

    The only reasonable response to such a statement is “Are they fuck.”

    I wonder if anyone got the horn from the pictures of the lovely ‘Lia’ and the fragrant ‘Emily.’

  15. There’s one roams around Brixton in a Bob tube and hot pans with 40” tits calls it’s self philis looks like Arthur fucking Mullard fuck knows who it’s trying to kid

    • To quote the League Of Gentlemen tranny taxi driver : Nipples Like Bullets…

  16. The header pic is hilarious, it should have one of those speech bubbles ‘I’m a Lady, I’m a Lady’

  17. I wonder how well this would go down in Islamic countries?

    But of course the woke elites wouldn’t dare push their agenda on them because they would kick off big time .

    Islamaphobia Vs transphobia

    Which side would the wokies take I wonder?

    • Techno-the left are eating themselves alive-the latest accusation from the tranny lobby, being gays are transphobic ?

  18. I want to see one at Wimbledon, hear the ghost of commentator Dan maskell saying oh I say as the ladies cock and balls hang out of her knickers after a particularly strenuous rally, new balls please

    • As I have said before, the cameramen (probably camerawomen now) no longer linger on a pert little bottom as the lady tennis player is taking her serve. A little peak as the skirt whips up. Oh happy days…

  19. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. These genuine women bitches will make their lives hell. Trannies in sport will make it difficult for genuine women to compete. Big Paula on the right looks well pissed off. The trannie on the left side still has cock and balls. Unfair. I wouldn’t touch her with yours.

  20. Do fellow cunters suspect that those Williams “sisters” who dominated tennis for decades, received additional testosterone as youngsters?
    Or is the IsAC theory that their grandfather was a Silverback gorilla, more realistic,


  21. Although I do enjoy “admiring” certain female athletes I’m all for more of the Mad Evil Trannies in sport.

    It will eventually force sporting bodies to stop tying themselves in knots trying to appease the nutters or competition will be destroyed.

    Either way it’s fun to watch it burn.

  22. It would surprise me if this trannyism finds its way into any sport where real money is involved.
    Tenis and golf for instance.

    But I don’t give a fuck as all women’s sport is shit, regardless.
    And if the female competitors want to put up with this nonsense then so be it.

    Sharon Davies would be my ideal partner to be stranded on a desert island with.
    She could give me a blow job and then swim for help.

    • Not sure about golf but tennis is definitely by far the most lucrative of wimminz sport and the only one that can pull a big tv audience. Any half way decent male pro could blast every wimminz off the court no problem.
      So a trannie in tennis would cause a really big problem ………what wins……big money or wokie ideology?
      Now that would be interesting.

      • FtF@ – Morning Freddie – in golf the Women play off the red (closest) tees, the Men tee off on the longer distance yellow or white tees depending on handicap. South Korean monsters the size of pigs dominate the “Ladies” game but they would still get their humongous arses handed to them by any Male golfer in the top 500.
        Wimminz demanded entry to all Male golf clubs, all sorts of legal action and whining but they do not adopt the same zealousness when it is “Women only” taxis, gyms etc.

      • Foxy@

        If your a tranny and you get anal bleeding,
        Does it count as being on your period?

  23. Who the fuck is that brokeback mountain character on the right in third?

    Any cunt who thinks trans should be treated as equally in sport as females should have a lobotomy.

    Perhaps their cock has been cut off and they’ve taken more hormones in comparison to Maradona’s coke habit, buy physically they are still men. I am no doctor but I am pretty sure they’re strength doesn’t diminish. That said I’d behave like a women if I had the chance to jump in the shower room with them all; sexy times…

  24. If they wanted to put an end to this bollocks, all the cunt authorities would have to do is change the title “women’s sport” to “female’s sport”. Failing that they could keep men’s and women’s sport and add female’s sport as a third category. But they won’t do any of that because it would go against their lefty woke agenda of bringing Western civilisation to its knees.

  25. I am very open minded but these freaks should be burned at the stake.

  26. Is Chewie too large to fit into your oven Unkle?Gas mark 6 for 2 and a half hours? Ugly freak.

  27. Any freak who wasn’t institutionalised, back in Victorian England would have appeared in the circus, for a paying audience to laugh at. That’s the way it should have stayed. Would have been a big deterrant in reducing the sort of nonscence that we now see today.

    • Ah yes, the “Bearded Lady”……..the staple of any Victorian travelling freak show. These days they’d be reading the news on Channel 4.

  28. So simple, if it has a dick its not a chick, fuck off, if the packets gone its still quite wrong but its making an effort.

  29. If your born with a cock you must be a man, biology dictates it .
    Trannies are simply men masquerading as women . End of

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