KPMG Accounting and Unconscious Bias

KPMG Accountancy firm, for telling its employees not to talk about expensive foreign holidays because that would show unconscious bias and prevent inclusivity.

They are also cunts for ordering their staff to attend unconscious bias classes and threatening them with loss of bonus if they don’t attend.

Daily Mail News Link

Probably just a matter of time until my employer does something similar. Judging by the woke bullshit emails we get from head office on a weekly basis, it can’t be far off.

Nominated by: mystic maven

56 thoughts on “KPMG Accounting and Unconscious Bias

  1. Woke socialist mantra ? let’s all be the same equals Other than us fuckers at the top who tell you what to do. Cunt

  2. This mass woke hysteria,
    The people that get into it are the same type who got into National socialism in 30s Germany, Pol Pots year zero in Cambodia,
    Or the McCarthy witch-hunt in 50s America.

    They never question anything.

    If any employer told me I couldn’t talk about something that isn’t work related I’d defy him.
    Instantly do just that.

    Possibly scratch his car …?

  3. It’s this kind of authoritarian woke bollocks that made me finally tell them to fuck off.

    Self employed now and never been happier.

    Fuck them. Hard.

    • This was 7 years ago but I worked in education and they were well ahead of the curve.

      Shudder to think what it’s like now……

      • A friend if mine is the CEO of several colleges.
        He said it us awful.
        He thinks he is heading for a heart attack.
        He wants to leave but fears he will lose the benefit of the pension he has paid into.
        In top of that, he doesn’t know what he could outside of education, that would equate to the ridiculous salary he is on now.

        He said they recently had a staff meeting.
        One of the staff members, who he is after sacking, suggested that everyone put their pronouns on their email signature.
        My friend said over his dead body would he enforce such woke nonsense.
        He further stated he won’t stop people from making a fool of themselves, but he won’t enforce it as a rule.

        A while back a member of staff had him on a sexism charge, all because in a meeting he used the phrase, good housekeeping.
        The case was dismissed, her colleagues no longer trusted her, and slowly but surely, she was pushed out, along with those who backed her.
        I think after the case was dismissed he had a meeting with those who backed her, and he made sure witnesses were present.
        He stated things along the lines of maintaining professionalism, and other standards he expected on his watch.
        He also stated that if there was anyone who didn’t want to adhere to those standards, they were free to pursue their career elsewhere.

    • Andy, your friend is a man with sense aplenty but one of a diminishing breed; wokeism is like a nasty cancer, it eventually wins.
      Let’s hope that a cure is found.

      • He has sense aplenty for sure.
        I am proud to have him as a friend and proud to have his friendship.
        He has stuck by me through thick and thin, and I him.
        He doesn’t even judge me that I am in benefits through the cards that fate has dealt my family.
        Yet a lot of others do, which I have no time for.

      • I’ve always found that a boot in the bollocks works wonders for most ills.

  4. It’s ridiculous, jealous nonsense…..poor people benefit from hearing about their Betters lifestyle…it gives them something to aspire to….I know that all bar the most churlish are agog as I tell them about my exclusive Public schools, safari holidays,vast private estate and gilded,jet-set lifestyle.

    • To be fair, Lord F, most on here are envious of your vast supplies of quality tinned pies, Guinness and single status??

      • Oh,I know General…it’s not easy being one of the Beautiful People..a heady life of self-indulgence,opulence and exclusive masked Balls isn’t for everyone…one needs breeding and class to carry it off… hence the “envy” from thr likes of artisan-made “Cunty Cream” garden gate owners.

      • I bet since the Goblin factory closed in Urmston, he has a massive void in his tin cupboard that just can’t be filled.

      • I’ll have you know that Gemma Arterton,no less, compared my “gnarled old todger” to something that “haunts her very dreams” least that’s what it said in her statement to the Police after I dangled it through her letterbox and bellowed ” Howay,ye auld slag….get yer lipstick on me dipstick and yer gums around me plums”

    • DF-F@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – the worthless workshy regale in my tales of being so rich I can afford a chip butty AND tomato sauce – the chance for a brief peek into my world of privilege as I cast them disdaining sideways glances leaving the fish and chip shop! ??
      On other news I have your election posters ready – you are portrayed as a Greek God, laurel leaves on head, gazing wistfully toward the Heavens, kindly hand on the shoulder of some snot nosed little fu, er, “poor abandoned child”, young Arterton standing (given the dreadful rumours circulating from the servants at Fiddler Towers it will be a while before the poor gal can sit comfortably!) at the side of you clutching a biography of Winston Churchill and a sort of light of heavenly radiance behind you – fk all need for those Saatchi and Saatchi bastards when you have “21st Century Fox” doing the PR!

  5. KPMG is added to my list of companies with whom I shall avoid dealing. Show them where wokeism takes them.

  6. All big public institutions and private companies are the same: run by Woke lunatics, terrified of stepping out of line and being branded unorthodox by the Stalinist Twitter Stasi. No independent thought allowed. White male heterosexual = evil. Purge yourself of privilege.

    Cunts from Hades, all of them.

    • I’ve never been to public school OR had a skiing holiday ☹️
      Do I resent others that have?

      Yes .
      Well the skiing bit anyway.
      Don’t think I’d like the public school thing?
      If I want to get bummed I’ll go to Manchester.

    • For want of something better to do, I was on the Wimmins Institute website yesterday. Fuck me rigid if they didn’t have the old rainbow emblazoned WI logo, same as everywhere else.

      There’s nowhere to hide gents. (Except Debretts, which remains a woke-free oasis, and -usefully- you can learn how to hire a servant and address the local Mayor)

  7. Strength Through Joy…….yes that’s what we need! One big happy family, working together, playing together, going on holiday together…….everybody thinks exactly the same, nobody steps out of line. Now where have I heard that before? I’ll give it some thought while I’m polishing my jackboots.

  8. Maybe the government should adopt this kind of directive for those they blindly hand out benefits to. They could tell them not to flaunt their newer phones, designer clothes, nicer motability cars, rent paid for 4 bedroom houses, free school meals for the kids, special energy bill payment plans etc etc. That way, us people that actually work to live might feel more inclusive ourselves. Cunts!

    • Just remember that not all benefit claimants are workshy.
      I was working and then had to become a carer for my disabled partner.
      I am making plans for the future to get something part time, but that depends on her health, and support around me, which there isn’t any.
      The benefits system is great for people who fall on hard times.
      I feel fortunate in that sense.
      But I can tell you now that we don’t live a millionaires lifestyle.
      I have a tiny car that is barely kept on the road.
      The main reason for the luxury if a car, is that if one if her conditions flare, we have to get to hospital, ten miles away, straight away, otherwise her sight will be lost.
      We have a car for other reasons as we are isolated, and public transport isn’t public.
      Yes we have mobile phones so we can stay in communication.
      A sim from sky for me is only £6.50 monthly.
      The constant rise of bills is difficult.
      Holidays are pretty much off the table unless a family member lets us use their caravan.
      We rarely drink, don’t do drugs or smoke.
      We take very little keep off the remaining elder as he is saving for a car.
      We want to give him a head start.
      We put what spare money we have into keeping the house looking nice, etc.
      So please don’t take us all with the benefit brush.

      It was always my intention in life, to have a career, my own house, to be financially stable, and have a quality if life.
      I didn’t want to struggle like my parents.
      But the twists and turns if life had other plans.

      A lot of so called life long friends, stopped being friends because I live in benefits.

      • Point taken most certainly. I was thinking of a particular type of professional benefit claimants. You know, ‘single’ mums with feckless, undeclared boyfriends and the like. They are the ones giving genuine claimants a bad name.

      • I couldn’t agree more FMC.
        Those cunts make it hard for those in genuine need to get the support available.
        Let me give you an example.

        DLA, or PIP as it is now known, is like a game of chess.
        In order to get it, for example, you have to show yourself at your worst during assessments.
        My better half is a strong woman, and has learned to put a face on, as she feels that if the pain got the better of her, she would be miserable 24/7.
        In the past, when she has gone for an assessment, she has had to overact.
        This is because you can’t see the pain as such.
        But what us she meant to do?
        Be a miserable Sid and draw attention to it at all times??!!
        She tries to get on with her life as best as she can.

        Yet, if you are an alcoholic, (which is self inflicted and not a disease), you will get full PIP, which entitles you to a motability car.
        (Don’t get me started on those motability cunts!).
        How the fuck can you legally own and drive a car if you are pissed continually??!!

      • Sorry about my grammar.
        I don’t always check posts before submitting.
        Whoever invented predictive text seriously needs to go and fuck themselves.
        I would rub their head against concrete until all that is left is a bloody stump.

      • Andy@ – A point well made – those in need get screwed, those “with needs” are like pigs in shit.
        The system is skewed and the genuine end user is screwed.

  9. This really is becoming an Orwellian nightmare.
    1984 and Thoughtcrime, is in the here and now and we’ve somehow let it happen seep through the way we lead our lives and how we communicate with others both consciously and unconsciously.

    It is one thing to verbally come out and say something that someone else doesn’t agree with. But now we’ve come to the point where even thinking about an opposing view, even shaking one’s head or making any negative body language motion is going to be construed as some kind of thoughtcrime!

    Every morning, you go to work, sit at your desk and say to the person next to you “Good morning. Did you have a good weekend?”
    The other person will reply “What do you mean by that? How do you know I’m having a ‘good’ morning. and what concern is it of yours if I had a good weekend or not? I shall be reporting you to my team leader!”


    “Could you open the window please?
    “Why should I? I am not your slave! Or perhaps you still do because I am black. You are a racist and I am going to report you!”

    • Spot on.
      My wife is from abroad and has decided it is better to not say anything these days as too many of my fellow ‘countrymen’ seem to take offence.
      She was on a course once and gave everyone a Christmas Card. She was surprised and shocked when a peaceful threw it back across the room at her.

      • So Long@ I would have assisted his integration into humanity by removing his fucking teeth.
        Filthy little cunt.

  10. What are the staff at this company supposed to talk about, eh?
    How many beans make five, perhaps?
    They’re a firm of accountants, ffs, not a Government steering committee.
    Who gives a fuck if KPMG want to make massive cunts of their selves?
    Did they think this would appeal to the general public, it certainly doesn’t appeal to me along with every other twat who gets faint when they hear a hurty word.

  11. At this precise moment my Unconscious bias is focused on doing naughty and despicable things to those 3 bints in the header pic!

    Does that make me a sex pest deviant? (Suck Dick Khan would probably think so and his latest mantra on the London Underground to suggest that if you stare at someone its tantamount to sexual abuse!)

    • To be fair they have probably already had naughty and despicable things done to them.

  12. No chance of that shit where I work. We are a gang of middle aged white fellas who pride ourselves on our knowledge of Bernard Manning jokes.

  13. My philosophy about work has never changed.
    If you don’t enjoy what you are doing then don’t do it.
    If you wake up in the morning and you hate your job then don’t go, look for something else to do.
    If you are thinking about quiting your job then do it and find another job as quickly as possible.

    With that philosophy, when running various companies I have found it very important to make the workplace as friendly as possible.
    Of course business comes first, but your staff should be able to have fun while they are doing it.

    If your staff enjoy their jobs then they become better at doing them.

    To increase productivity it is always a good idea to create some friendly competition.
    Set one department against another for instance.

    The quickest way to send your company down the shitter is to create resentment.

    • We have similar philosophies Artful.
      The world needs more people with your way of thinking.
      Get the cloning machine started up!

  14. KPMG, alledgedly complicit in financial fraud and money laundering world wide. They set a fine example.

  15. Excellent.

    So an organisation riddled with liars now has a training course about telling more lies.

    Keep it up you cunts.

  16. What did you do on your holiday

    ‘I spent two weeks doing charity work in Africa’

    ‘Oh really that is wonderful’

    ‘Nah, not really I had two weeks in St Moritz, Africa can fuck right off’


  17. All these rules, regulations,laws and codes are there to get the indigenous population to shut the fuck up. “Do as your told, dont step out of line or we will make your life a misery”. Worked rather well.

  18. Don’t think Robertson’s go skiing?
    Don’t like the cold ,
    Their lips deflate and the perm goes limp.

    Or swimming!
    No Rhyl suncentre for Mtembe Umbongo!
    Death sentence that .

    But I’d like a skiing holiday,
    Alpine air, log cabins, yodelling, avalanches that they can’t prove you caused,
    And hot Bovril round the fire?

    Probably go Llandudno again

  19. One of the many reasons I do not have a boss.
    And if anyone tries to order me what I can and can’t say I will be more than happy to “educate them” with a right hander.
    Because it has been my constant experience that getting in their races and making them realise their aggressiin will get them a fucking goiod hiding shuts them REAL quick.
    Well, got me black paint, off to the local Town Hall to “decorate” the massive rainbow flag some cunt has decided to waste my taxpayers money on.

  20. I went to a top Public School, take at least 6 holidays a year, live mortgage free and debt free. One needs breeding. You can’t buy class.

    You can however buy trips on my favourite little ship, the Hebridean Princess. Look it up and eat you heart out you common little irks.

    Wokery be fucked. It’s a mantra for morons and lazy little bastards who would rather stick their hand out than work for a living. Even my butler thinks they’re cunts.

    As Dick would say, fuck ’em

  21. My brother in law works for an American company. I asked him what goes on at these brsin washing sessions. “No idea do don’t listen to a single word”.

  22. None of my biases and I mean absolutely none of them are unconscious.

    What a fucking pile of cunt.

    It’s just more smoke and mirrors designed to distract from the real shit that goes on around us, day in, day out.

    I’m under no illusion those paid to peddle this nonsense believe it but as usual they’re just paid advocates of those that seek to divide – and rule.

    Wouldn’t it be refreshing to attend one of these talking shops and declare yourself as a proud bigot, racist, sexist and just about every ‘ist’ you could think of, even ones that haven’t been invented and watch the meltdown begin.

    Then watch the meltdown begin.

  23. We have to do these online bullshit courses at work. Forget to do them, because you’re busily working and you get a snotty email from HR.


    The unconscious bias course was a fucking breeze.
    Just ticked every box which would be the polar opposite of the way I think and it was over in ten minutes.

    I still have no idea what it was about though.

  24. Anyone on this site with any cash might start up a new ‘platform’ for us disenfranchised / frustrated / fucked off Brits.

    Along the lines of ‘FaceCunt’, CuntBook, Twatter, YouPube and so on. No censorship. No woke shite. The last reserve of common sense and for people with a sense of national pride.

    Win-win for the unspoken majority.


  25. Fuck diversity and inclusivity….I’m having a rethink and have settled on a career change as a Bernard Manning tribute act.

  26. …BTW that bird in the pic could poke the index finger of that big blue hand up my browneye any day.

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