Internet Trolls (3)

A bit of a random nom this.

As with most aspects in life there is always a small minority who are nothing more than total cunts.  The school bully, the loud-mouth drunk, bitter and twisted Karens, the speeding driver, entitled benefit-scrounging parent(s), and so on.

And over the last 30 odd years the internet has become far more accessible to not only the normal law-abiding majority, but also a new breed of small-minded cunt – The Internet Troll.

Their main purpose in their sad little lives, is to disrupt other people’s enjoyment of – in this case – the internet. They just love to come onto a thread and totally derail it before fucking off into the shadows waiting for a reaction and a bit of attention.

Some can be tolerated by simply ignoring them and hope they bore off and go away, while others just love to stick around and poke the fire from time to time. And quite often, as we’ve seen on this site, the moderators will sweep in and put the troll on notice or more often ban him/her/it.

But for me there is one kind of troll that really is the most tedious wastes of space.

When you visit a YouTube channel (for example), and you watch a video about whatever, and take a look at the comments underneath, nine times out of ten, you’ll always get some cunt post “First!” purely because they’re the first cunt to post on the thread!

And then they never bother posting on that thread ever again!

It really takes some sad, zit-squeezing, Billy-No-Mates, wank-sock-wearing, trolling twat to want to lurk for new videos to be uploaded just so he/she/it can be the first cunt to post “First“.

Trolls of any description are all cunts and need a damned good thrashing.

At least we don’t see that kind of childish wankery here on IsaC

Nominated by: Technocunt


52 thoughts on “Internet Trolls (3)

  1. I got no further than the first couple of lines and immediately recognised this as a thinly veiled personal attack…..” The school bully, the loud-mouth drunk…nothing more than total cunts”

    For Shame….I shall,of course,be seeking out and reporting this vile calumny to anyone prepared to not just tell me to “Fuck Off”…not an easy hunt,admittedly.

    • PS….In all seriousness, I find some “trolling” enjoyable…stirring the pot occasionally livens the job up.

      Do agree about those comments on youtube….another is ” Who’s listening to this in 2022 ?”….who gives a fuck ?

    • DF-F@ – Morning Sir Fiddler – it is indeed a “fucking disgrace” and I shall use my huge political influence to have the curmudgeonly cove responsible debagged and removed from The Hellfire Club with immediate effect!
      B&WC was also considering contacting his Lodge for a consideration of “black balling” – it gets no more serious for a gentleman! ??
      Hand finally working, back to graft, four days to catch up on.

  2. ‘most tedious waste of space’

    Not ‘most tedious wastes of space’

    Just saying.

  3. Worse than the trolls are the drainers. Pop up every now and then to whine about all the “howwid right wing waaycists” ? but will never fuck off to their spiritual home of twitter to join all the other sobbing wickle babies.
    It’s almost like these Pound shop Owen Jones impersonators had an agenda..

    • Vern…I’d never call you a troll….I don’t for a second believe that you post anything with the intention of stirring up trouble..I think there is genuine conviction in what you post….just as I think that other people can find your “robust” opinions slightly OTT sometimes.

      You bash on,Vern…and I hope that the people who disagree with you continue to do the same.

      • Morning DF-F – trolling is just daft to me – it’s like a kid threatening a grown up and then running away, but as I am pretty sure all are aware I am a thoroughly dreadful Man with the same empathy and sympathy as a lump of Yorkshire granite! ?
        I hold strong views based on nearly sixty years of life experience, and appreciate they may not be the views the majority are ordered to have but I work on the Winston Churchill mindset – “you have enemies? Good, it means you have stood up for something sometime in your life”.
        I have only had occasion twice in around 2 and a half years on IAC to lose my temper, both well justified (in my opinion, obviously!) and I have made the conscious decision not to respond to the childish nastiness of one or two “contributors” I simply cannot stand.
        We can’t all get on all the time, but rather than waste my time being annoyed by a back and forth with people I despise I just do not give them the oxygen of my time.

      • Hi Vernon.

        Some good advice there.
        I particularly like the one about enemies.
        Seems I am making them left, right and centre.
        It is getting to the point that I don’t want to start a friendship with anyone, as I know what the eventual outcome will be.

    • You keep fighting the fight Vern, action speaks louder than hurty words.
      Glad you’re on the mend ?.

    • These bedwetters could always put up a non offensive nomination if they think standards have declined.
      It’s like fagbook or twatty, finger wagging lectures but zero contribution.

    • Sir Mali.

      As some of the posts above are replies to previous posts you are actually forth.

      I don’t think that replies should count.

    • sMp@ – Morning sMp – speaking as your lawyer I highly recommend you plead the fifth! ?

  4. Ahhh shite, I’m first to post!!?

    I never knew what constituted a “troll” till a year or two back on here.

    I’d obviously heard the term,
    And mainly aimed at CS,
    But didn’t really understand what it meant.
    So I asked Admin to allow some on ISAC to air their views.
    Fuck me, big mistake!!

    They ranged from odd to outright sinister and abusive.

    One was particularly unsavoury who had a go at Sixdog Vomit,
    But he handled it perfectly.

    As for them commenting on YT etc,
    I was on Pinterest and there’s a image of this young girl who had loads of facial tattoos and piercings and someone wrote “you look a right mess” on the comments.
    Loads of comments sprung up defending her,
    But he was right,
    She did.

    • I thought CS was articulate and entertaining.
      IsAC is a virtual pub where we can pop in and “Cunt Cunts.”
      Don’t take it too seriously and never take it personally.

      Has any cunter ever attended a school, college, university, place of employment, social venue or event where you can honestly say, hand on heart, that you got on well with every single person in attendance?
      Did it / would it stop you attending?
      it shouldn’t.

      Life is a rich tapestry and IsAC should reflect that.

      • CS is probably the highest IQ troll I’ve ever seen.

        Mad as chips, but a clever fucker, I’ll give him that.

      • Hi Gene?
        I was thinking about you a couple of weeks ago: I had a long conversation with a Paramedic, which afterwards, left me wondering-“was that DCI Gene from IaAC?”

        Of course I would never expect a counter reveal their true identity?

        I hope you are well?

      • Did he appear to be a misanthrope with a throbbing vein in his forehead? Could have been me!??

        Me, I’m okay, but, am close to burnout. Definately have Compassion Fatigue! Run of fucking awful jobs.

      • Gene: you need to come on here and vent your spleen??

        Re: that Paramedic chap-it was the nature of the conversation-we both fell into moaning about the sort of things that are often discussed on IsAC.
        Moderated language. Obviously?

      • Conversations you won’t see on ‘Inside The Ambulance’! I swear, if I did another ‘fly-on-the-wall’ thing, my crewmate and I would be sacked before it was aired!

  5. A thread about people hiding behind their keyboards?
    Is this what they mean, when they talk about “Micro Aggressions”?

  6. Instead of posting ‘first’ on YouTube videos it would be very helpful if people posted in the comments section of Pornhub videos the exact moment that they spaffed.

    1 minute 23 seconds, for instance.

    That way we could fast forward the video to that point and get straight to the money shot.

  7. We used to have our very own Pet Troll on this site a few years ago. TD was the handle, andd those who will remember can fill in the detail. Right Cunt he was! In fact. Did he not receive a cunting ?

  8. Who remembers Tricky Rickie Doubleday?

    He used to be a massive troll on here. I recall his address ended up being published on another site. He clearly had ‘issues’.

      • Got shut down in a classic sting operation when trackers found his address.

      • Ricardo… I remember him well…?
        And ‘Disabled Toilet’ and ‘IRA member’ Dave. Pure comedy.?

  9. Some places/people deserve trolls and more of it, we had one nominated the other day Ewan Obi-Wank, there are many more ?

    • The thing that’s laughable about that is not so long ago, the Star Wars ‘community’ (don’t laugh?) was riddled with gleefull trolls, who hounded a certain young lady out of her job. Now, those very same cunts are denouncing the ‘trolls’ who have ‘offended’ Disney’s latest woke pet and dark hued sacred cow. One minute trolling is acceptable. The next minute it isn’t. And McGregcunt is as guilty as the rest of them…

  10. Is there a difference between a troll and someone who is just old enough to not give a fuck anymore? A long time ago I was an actual troll, when some god botherer, politico or purveyor of crud had the misfortune to ring my door bell, well. I would initially be polite and engaging, it wasn’t until they had backed up to the end of the drive with their eyes wide open and a bead of sweat forming that I felt content. Now I don’t care, they ring the door, see a cross between Wilfrid Bramble and shrek and we both know.

  11. I once felt compelled to congratulate an American burlesque performer on YT, who in addition to providing a long and complicated routine, with great spirit and athletisicm, ending with her unhitching her admittedly small G-string and throwing it into the audience (they dimmed the lighting as she run off-stage) had the most full and beautiful knockers, with succulent large nipples. Within ten minutes some bastard had written uncomplimentary things about the lady in question – no doubt a hic, and no doubt out of jealousy. People just like to burst your bubble, but nobody could have burst that lady’s lovely mammary glands. Bigger busty substances than Lisa Nandy.

  12. Saw a bloke just like this on my way to GP earlier.
    Uncanny resemblance…

  13. I like Trolls. Being a hard headed tufcunt, they do not effect me, but I know they are wasting their miserable rotten lives. Keep trolling you sad cunts.

  14. I always thought there was an art to trolling, the best forms are to wind up the self-righteous and pompous into an essay of pique with a minimal amount of effort.

    I think people get trolling and plain abuse/bullying mixed up. The media certainly do.

    Tearing people down, bullying and stalking are not trolling in my book.

    Writing ‘U Mad?’ After some neckbeard’s egomaniacal rant is.

    One of the greatest acts of trolling was making Hilary Clinton gnashing and wailing about a cartoon frog.(the ‘Pepe’ meme).

  15. Nearly all the wannabees and posers on the internet deserve to be trolled.Most of them are sof fucking idiots that deserve it totally.

  16. I love internet trolls.
    I love to lead them on, to let them think that they are winning.
    Then I starve them. Starve them of the attention that they crave, just like their mummy and daddy did.
    It’s a good sport.

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