Forcing Employees To Promote Wokery

It seems some are now suggesting that Muslim footballers should not be forced to wear rainbow laces to promote homosexuality.

While I agree with this in principle, I doubt a Christian or a member of another religion would be given such allowances if he made a similar stance. Ditto aethiests and agnostics of course.

Indeed, didn’t Glenn Hoddle lose his job as England manager because of his (at the time) Buddhist beliefs? I recall a Christian rugby player getting the book thrown at him too.

There are suspicions that quite a few Muslim players are not happy about being forced to wear the rainbow laces. This would be no surprise. Look up the comments of the lad at PSG, or a former Egyptian international’s comments on this topic.

It is going to be interesting to see who comes out on top if a fight ensure between the gays and the peacefuls.

This is what forced acceptance on behalf of a corporate entity brings. This goes right down to people working in the local supermarket, who are forced to be photographed (humiliated) in rainbow clobber to promote the company.

I think there should be laws in place to stop companies (and school, colleges and universities for that matter) forcing employees/students to join in on promoting whatever woke shite they’re into that week.

Get to fuck

Daily Fail Link.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

85 thoughts on “Forcing Employees To Promote Wokery

  1. Nobody should be forced to wear rainbow laces .

    Your basically declaring your support for alphabet rights.

    If you support that then fine .
    But if for any reason you don’t,
    Religious, political, you shouldn’t be forced to!!

    In fact get a backbone,
    Tell them to fuck off.
    And if they hint it will effect your career threaten them with legal action and publicity.

    Don’t be bullied by the cunts

    I’m wearing rainbow laces.
    Not because I support disco dancers,
    But in memory of George &zippy.

    • Oh I wouldn’t be forced into such a thing MNC, but I can see how some may be scared to kick off and risk getting a mortgage paid and kids fed.

      • It all depends how strongly you feel on a subject matter CB.

        Most wouldn’t be arsed(?)
        But say it was purple laces in support of pee do rights?

        Everyone has a personal line that drawn and refuse to give way on,
        Sometimes you have no option but to take a stand.

        Understand the ‘mortgage &kids’ thing,
        I’ve bitten my tongue because of it in the past.

        But only after evaluating if it’s worth a fight…

    • What was George I never knew. Zippy some fucker from hell raiser world, I liked the moth eaten pipkins.But not Jonny the fucking sootie tea leaf.

      • Jaguarpig@ – George was a hippo.
        There were “unsavoury allegations” against him and bungle after Rod, Jane and Freddie caught them doing something unhygienic and wrong!
        Gordon the gopher still in therapy..

      • George was a shy very sweet bisexual hippo.

        Bungle was a camp bear with learning disabilities.

        Zippy a ADHD orange gimp.

        And Jeffery was a late stage down syndrome.

        I loved them all.

    • Footballers are like sheep, only worse, sheep have brains, tell them the footballers to do something and they’le do it. If they were told to bare thier arses before kick off they’d do it. And as for mussies being able to abstain from the rainbow laces we see yet another example of wokeism and racial discrimination in favour of a certain religion. Either they all do it or no fucker does it unless they choose to do so.

      • If it was a choice between the LGBT and the radical mussies id support the LGBT all day long.

  2. The thinking behind this is that if you don’t fully support a cause then you must be against it.

    There is no longer any middle ground.

    • Fine by me,
      Against them then.

      I’ve stated on here before I’m not homophobic,
      Nowt against Ducky types
      They’re money is as good as anyone’s!!

      But if they pressured me to wear gay laces they’d get told to get fucked .

      And if they try and strongarm me I’ll smash their flower arrangements and pull the heads off their Barbie dolls

      • I remember seeing some supermarket getting its staff to take the knee.

        I bet those cunts would’ve been sacked instantly for telling them to get fucked.

        Should be illegal for employers to force shit like this on employees.

        30 years ago, if you’d said trannies will one day be paid to dance suggestively in front of little kids, or that men would compete in wimmin’s sports or rapists housed in women’s prisons just because they said they feel like a woman, you’d have been called a mental.

        So the pea dough laces thing might just happen one day too.

      • It is illegal to force employees to be photographed against their will, or to sack them for not wearing rainbow laces.
        They’d get compensation and possibly reinstated at a tribunal CB.

        These supermarket cunts are probably shopfloor arselickers, management grasses, or just fuckin dummies .

        I don’t hate Gaylord’s any more than I hate black people,*
        It’s more the being forced to show support.

        I was very pro-Brexit but would kick off if someone tried to make me a Brexit billboard.

        I’m not a media whore for any cunt.

        * Sorry, DO hate black people!
        Hahaha ?

      • Aye it may be illegal but they put pressure on staff to conform. Lots of people on 3 month probation etc. Maybe in a dream job at the start of a career. They probably ‘feel’ like they can’t say no.

        They probably can’t too in reality. Next employer calls for a reference and told the employee is a ‘trouble maker’ or maybe a ‘homophobic racist’ etc.

      • They nowadays aren’t allowed to give you a bad reference,
        Obviously they find ways round it if they have a axe to grind.
        Or refuse a reference,
        But if they give a reference that’s obviously trying to nibble your employment prospects they can get done for it.

      • Nobble not nipple.

        This phones like that tourettes cunt
        John’s not mad

      • ???

        We ever have a ISAC Christmas party them lads should be guests of honour!!


      • “I’VE GOT GAY PORN IN MAH HOOSE”! Sorry, but there’s nothing more fucking hilarious than watch a program about Tourette’s!

      • If I asked a previous employer for a reference and they refused, that would speak volumes ?

      • Working in the Corporate world where this bolloxs is so pervasive. Say “Phuck No” to Gobble a Cock week sponsored by the Alphabet people pressure group, because you are a devout Christian. It leaves the HR Nazis nowhere to go, particularly if you can quote some bit of the book which indicates same gender body fluid exchange is a no no.

  3. The Frog FA invite him to recognise his “grave error.” Grave error? Grave fucking error? The grave error was letting those cunts into the country in the first place and then expecting them to toe the line when it comes to western values. You can’t make them into wokies…….try that and you get a fucking bomb wired to your ignition. Besides anything else this fucker is a multi millionaire so there’s fuck all they can do. He can go and play somewhere else where they are not so keen on sucking gay cock.
    The Frenchies have won first prize in the Cunts Cup once again.

  4. Where I work they are flying the “pride” flag.Everyone is welcome.The world is mad.

    • Eddie go to work in jackboots, black military uniform, long leather coat and goose stepping.

      If they pull you aside just tell them it’s a ‘gay thing’.
      They’ll back off.
      You get to play Reinhard Heydrich at work!?

      Write a list of ‘ undesirable’ colleagues.

      • A bloke I know used to have a framed picture of Reinhard Heydrich on his desk at work. Usual nosey cunts asking “Who’s that?”, just replied “It’s my Dad”. Still on his desk to this day. Might be pushing it if you have a framed picture of Adolf on your desk.

    • EW@ – Set the cunt on fire at 3AM, like someone did recently where I live. They must have been angry – they defaced it with black spray paint the week before! ?
      I WILL NOT be forced to support deviancy, degeneracy and p*****hilia.

  5. Was just in Superdrug where the entire place seems to be plastered in alphabetic tripe and a helpline.
    I commented that there didn’t seem to be a helpline for poor heterosexual males, who are clearly discriminated against.

  6. Lots of people will do anything for the dollar. Look at Gareth Wokegate, he’s sold his soul to keep the diversity brigade a the FA happy and therefore keep his job. I mean, how many of these leftie proponents actually believe the shit they promote? BBC presenters, footballers, F1 drivers etc. Are they really falling in line with this shit because they believe it? Surely not.

    • You are right Field Marshal. The corporations have done their market research and know the younger market have been brainwashed with this wokie shit. This is their target audience……..they have greater disposable income and they need to build brand loyalty among these cunts. The bottom line is always money and profit margins. If they are flogging over 50’s life insurance or funeral plans you won’t see many Umbongos or poofters in those adverts. Always follow the money.
      Is Parky still giving away Parker pens on daytime TV?

      • Indeed, how many people under 40 would know who the fuck he is?……..and why would they want a pen anyway? They wouldn’t know what to do with it.

  7. Compelled speech is illegal. Tell them to fuck off and then take the cunts to court.

  8. Well I think it’s racist, laces should be black and black boots, all this bum bandit stuff is trying to deflect from all the racism in football, it’s no wonder the black players missed the penalties ?

    That BrewDog mob, with a less than squeaky clean corporate image have come up with a right virtue signalling marketing ploy (probably stole the idea like everything else) POP soda (Planet over Profit) with 100% of the profit going to climate change projects ?

  9. All these once sane and sensible businesses and institutions falling foul of the woke virus is incredibly depressing. If there is to be a great reset I hope they start at 1962 or thereabouts. Barely a day goes by that I do not thank the almighty that I am closer to the end than the beginning.

    • I say fuck em.
      Let them.
      Virtue signal all your want.
      Fill your fuckin boots!

      It won’t shift product.
      But it’ll definitely alienate some consumers.

      I like being outside the narrative,
      It fulfills my awkward side.

      They can tie the laces around their neck and I’ll kick the chair out from underneath them when they go into receivership.

      • I’d imagine most of us on here are “outside the narrative”. But it doesn’t make me feel any better about what is happening to our once great and influential nation. I’ve been waiting for the worm to turn for over 20 years but still no sign. Then, what would you expect with the education system having been firmly in the grip of the Left since the 1970s. They don’t need to win elections, they’ve got it all sown up. And that translates into the Civil Service and business leaders, NHS, police and armed services big-wigs. With a few honourable exceptions, most of whom have been cancelled.

      • There’s always pride to look forward too?

        Don’t be so glass half empty!

      • Trouble is, MJB, we got old.
        I’m nearly 70, have all kinds of health problems, the walking stick isn’t for decoration.
        I’m OK, though. Son in law number 1 is well known where I live, and he’s a total berserker.
        I just chuck him a giant Toberlerone, he’s like a daft pup.

    • Cant because of Health and Safety.
      You get afro hair near velcro you’d have to be cut free by the fire brigade .

      It happened to one of the Drifters!
      He has a big bald patch on the side of his head!

      He fills it in with fuzzy felt now before going on stage.

  10. Well said, MNC.
    At the end of the day, it’s all about money.
    Who’s being paid megabucks for
    Housing immigrants
    Promoting alphabet lifestyles
    Encouraging deviant males into female only places
    Bandwagon jumping is the newest industry.
    All you have to do is ask, who profits?
    Well it isn’t the white taxpayer, that’s for fucking sure!

  11. When are people being ordered to take a knee for “White Lives Matter” and the promotion of heterosexuality?
    This is the reason I am self employed.

    • #metoo.

      When I worked for a company it used to make me laugh,
      Some dopey woman on the front of the company magazine smiling

      “Great place to work!”

      Then crying in the canteen because she’d had a disciplinary hearing for attendance looking after her ill husband.

      Or her wages hadn’t cleared and all her direct debits had bounced.

      Still wished the manager happy birthday!!

      • Mnc@ – 30 years in the workplace have taught me one thing – never work with muslims, snowflakes or Karens.
        I was amazed I got out before hurting people.

      • Should have sued the cunts for malfeacance and Corporate bullying.
        I would have been delighted to do it Pro Bono.

  12. It’s a fucking disgrace,that’s what it is…The Fruity Gentlemen should have a symbol exclusive to Fruity Gentlemen….this would enable them to identify each other easily in dimly-lit Public toilets and also warn normal Men to keep their backs to the wall…..I believe a pink triangle has served this purpose in the past…Uncle Adolf really was a man ahead of his time ( and his trains ran to schedule).

    • Just watching “Edward,Britain’s Traitor King”…..apparently he admitted that he “didn’t have a drop of English blood in him”…what a Patriot.

    • Some years ago, Sir Fiddler, some cunt invented an electronic device called “the gaydar.” This was like a pager in your pocket and if you went within a few feet of another cunt with the same device they would both vibrate and you knew you were on for a bit of bum action.
      Sadly for the inventor cunt it never caught on, probably because pillow biters can spot each other a mile off.
      Well, if I can spot them I’m sure your average fa**ot can, no problem.

    • Uncle Adolf?

      Who do you think you are, Geli Raubal? And is it true that he made you shit on his face?

  13. Hmm… top flight football,mudslimes,propaganda and puffs?

    What a toxic brew.

    A cunts paradise.

  14. I used to love Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

    Won’t touch the stuff now.

  15. Makes me want to start a T Shirt company with an extinction rebellion flag over a tied dyed shirt with I don’t want it rubbed in my face. I’d be a millionaire. It’s more than likely already on the slavery belt in China whilst I post this

  16. My firm tried to get me to complete a training module on Unconscious Bias.

    They are arch virtue signallers on all things woke whilst their biggest client is owned by the Malaysian government.

    A government that still fucking canes gays.

    Told them I’d never complete it , so don’t ask again .

    • CotL I won a bid for a local authority contract and was subsequently informed I had to complete a diversity and inclusivity course before I could start.
      I told them to fuck off, they hired a pavement ape who could barely speak English and totally bollocksed the job up due to his laziness and incompetence – he got the boot from the contract and they asked me if I would like to re-tender.
      I told them to go fuck themselves.

  17. Self employment is the antidote to this fiendish aggravation.
    Mithering cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

    • JTC@ – Evening JTC – my self employment is on hold for a few days after North Yorkshire Police were kind enough to assault me and fracture my hand.
      Vengeance will be mine.

      • Go for it, Vern.
        If you need shekels, set up a GoFundMe.
        I’ll through a few your way.

      • Mines the same JP.
        Mind of its own,
        Corrects me, changes words,
        Sends pictures of the inside of my pocket to customers,etc.

        Marvel’s of technology eh?

      • I don’t know why I bother with it. I’ve a perfectly good Notebook with all the shizzle I need.
        It’s just convenient.

        It’s just autocorrected me, sizzle, instead of shizzle.

  18. Surely, in this enlightened age of “Human Rights Lawyers”, forcing anybody to celebrate anything that is diametrically opposed to their personal beliefs, should result in a huge payday?

    I watched a fascinating Podcast (from The Lotus Eaters, where it showed the hypocrisy of these corporate monsters: in the west, rainbow/race flags everywhere on their marketing. In the Arab states, nothing. Nada. Zilch.

    The fucking hypocrites.?

    • “… in the west, rainbow/race flags everywhere on their marketing. In the Arab states, nothing. Nada. Zilch.

      The fucking hypocrites…”

      …which proves that this is not a manifestation of any natural, linear social evolution (I’d oppose it even if it was!) but a highly focussed program of social engineering directed exclusively at those pesky White Western goyim. It is a vengeance born of an ancient psychopathy..

  19. Just watching Live and Let Die. They took out a scene where one sooty gets stabbed by another. Too close to home?

    • Probably, Lord C.
      I wish I could moderate the moderators.
      Fire would be the least of their worries.

  20. There’s a “diverse” party going on at the other side of the street tonight. Getting out the headphones and, ironically, lining up the Hendrix CDs.

    ?Don’t worry…….’bout a ting……cos every little ting gonna be alright.?

    It’s going to be a long fucking night here in Londonstabistan.

    • Well, Freddie.
      We had an idiot who thought we’d enjoy his impressive collection of reggae and trance, played at full volume.
      So we paid him a little visit.
      All quiet now.

    • I’m worried that when my elderly neighbour goes, I’ll get soots or stanies move in.

      • I feel your pain., but with any luck you’ll get Ukrainians moving in.
        Interesting cuisine, refuse all offers of joining them for a meal.

  21. There’s a hateful irony here that the left refuse to recognise and/or acknowledge; where once they were the bane of and counter-weight to corporate power they now gleefully accept being yoked like prancing rainbowed unicorns in (bondage) harness, proudly hauling the corporate tumbrills from the front!

  22. Nobody forces me to do anything, never have. The cunts can fuck right off. Worse Kelly Holmes as come out, always fancied her……

  23. The bloodless corporate cunts who promote this usually limit their virtue signalling to countries were diversity is already fashionable. No rainbow coloured logos in their Middle Eastern promotions.

    I think a few of our own England players wouldn’t wear rainbow-themed armbands or shirts as enthusiastically as taking the knee, possibly because many young black men aren’t very keen on homosexuality.

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