Chris Spivey….Again! What a cunt he is .
This was the cunt who said that Lee Rigby never existed, it was all a staged false flag or some such bollocks and many other total shite “considered opinions “.
Even though he says he is seriously ill with Bladder Cancer and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( please send me your money ) he has raised himself from his sickbed to rant about how the recent Texas School shooting never actually happened and is all a false flag just the same as the Sandy Hollow School shooting.
I don’t usually wish for bad things to happen to people but I hope that this cunt quickly succumbs to his supposed ailments .
Plough through this shit if you have the stomach for it.
Nominated by: Grumpy Old Cunt
(This cunt can’t even spell “Sponsors” on his website link above – Day Admin)
As cunts go this prick seems a cut above.
How many deluded cunts like this actually exist??
Two. Sorry too many.
I do not know who this mouthy cunt is.
I’d like to see a Lee Rugby Memorial Day,during which a convicted terrorist is hung in Parliament Square.
Have one a month.
This is that tinfoil hat cunt isn’t it?
Up his meds.
Fuckin headtheball.
I would of been happy to have the media NOT try to dehumanise him, by referring to him as “Drummer Lee Rigby”.
The cunts.
On of the radicalised Africunts who beheaded him, was a well known paranoid schizophrenic.
Nice job, HM security forces?
One a day unkle. Do the job properly.
“A hanging a day-keeps Mohammed away”.
Also…’girls over twentay keeps Mohammed away’
Morning CG!
Good afternoon Thomas/all?
Possibly CM,but the anticipation of seeing the vermin swing needs to be savoured.
Is this silly arsehole still peddling his tinfoil hat shite?
Really takes me back to the early days of visiting this fine website…
It was interesting when dogman had some sway.
I wonder why he’s never turned his great intellect onto the question of why “the conspirators” haven’t silenced him ?
Some of his pieces are laughable and some just downright offensive…the product of a deeply disturbed individual.
The tin-foil hatter’s milliner of choice.
Morning Mr F…one of the conspiracy theorists declarations of choice for the last couple of years was that taking the vaccine was going to utterly destroy your immune system and last winter was going to cause dozens or even hundreds of thousands of immunocompromised people to fall down dead.
This was certainly a scenario I could get on board with but, inevitably, it didn’t happen, alas.
This country could do with a jolly good thinning out of useless Ant and Dec-watching, Iceland-shopping simpletons.
I’m still hoping there’s some sort of mRNA time code waiting to be activated.
With the population decimated by 98%, the roads would be lovely and empty and I could spend my days driving round in my Lamborghini, burglarising very expensive houses….aaah, bliss!
You’re a very naughty Cunt-Engine…or perhaps “pot-stirring” Cunt-Engine would be more accurate. 🙂 .
Single life still suiting you ?
Oh, most assuredly! Without a nagging old trout on my shoulder, I’ve achieved great success with assorted horticulture, mycology and chemical experimentation research programmes…very interesting stuff indeed.
DF-F@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – I could not be in Spiveys company and not hit him. Nasty, big mouth full of shit narcissistic attention seeking bully.
Luckily most just treat him with the utter contempt this pathological liar and fantasist deserves but the real tragedy is that there are people who take this evil little excuse for a Man seriously and some are even daft enough to pay him for his ridiculous drivel!
One born every minute I suppose.
He’s off his rocker, at a guess he’s followed by some of a similar lack of mental acuity and allows others to dismiss all opposition to the bullshit as fruitcake.
The (ugly) truth is out there but it ain’t on Spivvy’s radar.
UK column are good,they don’t theorise.
The daft cunt reckons Megain Sparkletits is a photoshopped Pippa Middleton.
Does he really believe the tripe he lays down or is it just to earn coin from tin foil hat subscribers to his wanky website? There seems to be a never ending stream of disciples.
PM@ – Afternoon PM – methinks definitely the latter!
We’ve all met a spivey.
Every pub has one.
Abducted by aliens an ‘probed’.
They know who shot JFK.
The Loch Ness monster is a trans dimensional dinosaur
They had their benefits stopped by MI5.
Funny at first, but 5minutes in I’m bored of this bollocks.
They always sit alone notice?
There’s a reason for that?
Spivey is just the pub nutter with some platform.
And the probing is always centred around the anus.
Strange, that.
Do recall a time in the mid eighties that if Mercury was in Uranus you were doomed.
Aye,Mis…..I’m glad we don’t get any of them on here
Well, as you know I’m no conspiracy theorist, apart from the one about the late Duke of Edinburgh being the biological father of ginger bollocks ‘arry! I’m convinced that that the Duke had an affair with the brats mother in revenge for Lord Porchester siring n.oncy boy Andrew!
Oh, and of course Sir Cliff wearing a colostomy bag! Let’s not forget that one, eh!
It’d certainly be a turn up for the books if the Loch Ness monster turned out to be a trans…fake tits and sparkly eyeshadow on a Plesiosaur (or, more likely, a Baltic Sturgeon) would be simply adorable.
TtCE@ – Afternoon Thomas – Oprah Winfrey and the Loch Ness Monster have never been photographed together!
Just saying..
Quite so, Vern. Nor Diane Abbott and Jabba the Hutt!
Pronouns in the bio.
MNC, there’s a pub in Buxton full of the tin foil-hatted fuckers. I used to drink in there until this time last year because they had Paulaner on tap.
Why did I take my shekels elsewhere? I got friendly with the owner who’s as deluded as this cunt we’re chopsing about here. She thought it’d be a good idea to start sending me extremely obscure WhatsApp messages including “why 9/11 was fake” and an invitation to one of their “Freedom Evenings” where they talk about lizard people and chemtrails.
What’s the pub king cunt?
There’s a pub in Birchover where your guaranteed a nutter,
Last time I was in there was a pagan wedding on,
And some space cadet asked me if I’d noticed helicopters in the peak District.
I said yeah, probably Mountain Rescue training.
He said ” government”.?
A mate of mine (I don’t have many but there you go) used to go out with a ‘white witch’.
Into going into the woods chanting, wearing robes and pagan shit. I asked my mate previously if they had orgies in the woods with Druids and shit, but alas, there was no sexiness involved (although my mate’s bird was a moose, I was wondering if there were any fit dirty ones, like that one who knocked on the door in ‘The Wicker Man’.)
I once had a migraine, not something that happens often but I get once in a blue moon. Her advice was some chanting and ‘crystal healing’. Something to do with my aura and chakra or some shite.
I said “Sounds great!” as she was gobbing on and took a migraine tablet from the quacks as she spoke bollocks, and amazingly, it seemed to work fine.
Wheel, fire, moon!
Fucking crystals. I ask you.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention ‘vibes’ , sound baths and remote group meditation.
The biggest load of contemptible bollocks since that story about the Kings new clothes.
Fucking hippies.
MNC, it’s opposite the Old Sun Inn. Dubbin Good Food or something? I’d normally not give the name of places out, but the owner is a massive arsehole, and some of the shite she espouses is beyond offensive.
Word on the streets of Buxton is that she’s a bully to her staff by all accounts if they don’t go along with her “free thinking” ways. Plus £13 for a beef curry with microwaved rice is taking the fucking piss, innit?
Go in there and wind ‘em up. My mate who looks like a Mancunian Josef Fritzl does it after he’s had a few drinks at home,
Mnc@ – “They had their benefits stopped by MI5” – I fell about laughing at that because it just sums these cunts up perfectly.
I note Spivey says fk all about the plot by the Moonmen and their evil leader Dame Judi Stench in her REAL role as leader of the Chinese locust people to take over the Earth and enslave us all!
And if Spivey knows whats good for him he had best keep it that way..
Kevin Turvey?
His creator has been associated with “that sort of thing”.
Rik a conspiraloon, in real life? I don’t blame anyone, guilty myself, but there are limits.
Push him in front of a bus
In one respect I am reassured that he still has the right to express an opinion, no matter how extreme or unfounded.
Techno@ – A very valid point – the principle of free speech allows people like Spivey and the malicious drivel they spout to be called out and exposed for what it is.
But, just like the shouty libtards Spivey tries to shut down any dissent by shouting and bullying.
But that daft boy will meet someone like me one day.
I actually miss David Icke, mad cunt.
MBTT@ – Well take better aim! ?☠
He just had a knack of dragging a smile out of me with his mental ranting, he really believed and that in itself made me chuckle out loud.
Fucking lizard people……
Like a body builder. A hard man. He has two very inky sleeves.
He worked on building sites. I mean I thought he would be some journo type.
Maybe he shovelled the sand and cement into the mixer too many times. Watching it go round and round and round…
Turned his head.
I’d be surprised if anyone would trust the daft cunt on the back of a mixer.
Spivey looks the type who would bash the shit out of the drum and turn it egg shaped with a length of scaffolding pole to clean the hardened mortar out, purely as he was too lazy to clean the mixer out the previous time he used it.
Yeah I hate the cunts who do that. Always other people’s mixers because they never buy their own tools.
The Spivey Household
‘Hard day Conspiraraltorialising ?’
‘Aye lass’
‘A bin looking into moon landings…’
‘You’re doin’ on too much’
‘But a got to bring light to the plebs’
‘I know love, but you look shattered’.
‘Passus sauce’.
A mental.
End of.
I haven’t just jumped on the bandwagon here, I have just spent half an hour going through his website and here’s my considered opinion;
Bell end! (Possibly a nonce looking at him. Put it this way, I wont be hiring his services for any baby sitting work any time soon).
His whole “thing” is based on the kind of half baked crackpot theories you’ll hear in any nuthouse.
That little squiggle in his banner “just sayin” speaks volumes. This is a man who thinks he knows better than the rest of us and (for a fee) he will let us into what’s really going on.
Noncy looking narcissistic snake oil salesman and grade A twat.
OT but somehow appropriate:
My Girlfriend Bet Me She Could Write Any Swear Word On My Calculator, I Bet Her $50 She Couldn’t
Sorry, can’t get the link to work!
But copy’n’paste into Google will take you there. If you’re interested.
For those that can’t be bothered, the girlfriend simply wrote ‘cunt’ on the display in black marker. Won the bet.
Remember ghe good old daze before some cunt invented the www, yes Sir Tim. Only had the Sunday Sport to indulge in……
I don’t know, I think Spivey would be well at home on IsaC, probably already a contributor, 30% conspiracy bullshit, 70% national front boot boy race hate bullshit.
Good to hear from you.
Afternoon Dick, hope all is well.
I seem to have upset the poundshop Himmler with my return, but he needn’t worry, it’s only a flying visit.
He can go back to canvassing for the make Britain hate again party without anyone asking for pesky evidence of the facts being guffed out.
Where have all the good guys gone?
I’m sorry to see people go but I’m a firm believer in fronting up if something sufficiently offends me rather than (probably sensibly) saying nothing or leaving… I’ll probably end up being banned in grand style at some point but at least I’ll have had my say.
I’m not sure if RTC has gone or merely changed name but I’d be genuinely sorry to see either you or him permanently gone.
I did try fronting up once, but got told by admin that if I didn’t like it fuck off elsewhere.
ISAC isn’t the same forum I joined 7 years ago. Back then there was more diversity (oops, that word is going to upset someone!) of opinion, and there were some great thought provoking discussions, and good laughs and banter.
Now it seems fixated with racial and religious hatred, gays, trans, and how the great reset is going to kill us all.
As this agenda seems to have pushed away some folk who just want to cunt cunts for cunts sake, it’s become a bit of an echo chamber, which is fine if you like that kind of thing, but it’s not for me.
To be fair, I’m not the same cunt who joined ISAC either. Back then, I was a grumpy middle aged misery guts, angry at everything and nothing in particular. After some proper shit years, and the possibility of a few more in the pipeline, I’m happy to say that isn’t me anymore. Life is way too short to be poisoning what’s left with pointless hate, and I have a far more positive and upbeat mindset, and find little I can agree with here.
If that makes me a ‘woke snowflake’, meh, I’ve been called far worse. ?
Have I upset you Gutstick? I do hope so.
Get where you’re coming from,GJ.
On this site there are people who adopt a persona….personally, as a vast estate owning member of the Aristocracy,I find this reprehensible…and I do occasionally wonder if some people let their wishful-thinking get the better of them…it’s a case of either call them out or shake your head and think ” For Fuck’s Sake, mad as a fucking March Hare” and move on.
@Miles…I may be wrong but I don’t think that GJ meant you.
Dick, I have always found your contributions entertaining, whatever the subject, as they are usually meant to be. Likewise with MNC, always makes me smile, even with the stuff I’ve outlined above. Others though, particularly those with an agenda I find distasteful, and to be honest, boring.
Miles, sorry to disappoint, but you, nor anyone else has upset me. I would be a right snowflake if I did get upset at some random on the internet. Especially those that believe in dancing suns.
Hear, hear.
My reply was to Gutsticks post.
Is that really you,DCI ?…..I thought you’d been banned…good to see you back.
It’s me, Dick. I stayed away for pretty much the same reasons as GJ. Shame, as this site is (mostly) comedy gold!
You’re a legend around these here parts DCI.
Stick around.
@DCI….I understand your thinking but I’ll say the same to you as I said to GJ….”Don’t let the bastards grind you down”….if everyone who disagrees with a viewpoint were to leave,the site would be reduced to just myself and a few other bloody-minded Cunts.
“I don’t know, I think Spivey would be well at home on IsaC, probably already a contributor, 30% conspiracy bullshit, 70% national front boot boy race hate bullshit”.
Hear, hear.
I’ve got to be honest Mr Fiddler I don’t know what he’s on about.
He says –‘Now it seems fixated with racial and religious hatred, gays, trans, and how the great reset is going to kill us all.’
But that is the meat and tatties of the site.
He says hes a happier person now from earlier. He doesn’t sound happier.
I believe it is an unresolved religious question within him.
He’s got to say that he is happy/contented with his philosophy. But I don’t think he is. Because he’s stuck in the material existence which will never satisfy.
Hes a ‘normie’. Witness his undying unquestioning support for Ukraine.
He’s the type of bloke that if his position his challenged he takes his ball away.
I don’t know,Miles….some people just don’t go in for conflict….possibly wisely. You are prepared to argue your point backed by your Beliefs…me,just because I’m a bit of a Cunt.
Gutstick Japseye
DCI Gene
Nice to see you fellas?
Your contributions are greatly missed by myself for what it’s worth.
As Dick says I wouldn’t put too much stock in what people say on here,
Mostly frustration at the modern world,
And mixed with dark humour and kidology.
Glad your feeling happy pal,
That’s what matters ,
Everything else is just window dressing ?
‘let the chips fall where they may’
Miles, you call me a normie like its some sort of insult. I’m happy to be normal, if you are the opposite.
Plus, I’m not burdened by all that guilt that kafferlicks have to suffer, so trust me I’m doing fine.
Gene, you have been sorely missed!
DCI and GJ. Both please stick around. This site really needs you!
I know it can be hard, but try ignore the wankers on here. Thankfully they are few but they can stretch one’s patience.
I hope Ruffers sticks around too.
Cheers, gents. It was mostly the conspiracy bullshit that was making me massively hypertensive, spouting absolute bollocks about things that I was actually witnessing, but, when that was pointed out, you were directed to some cunt’s fucking website with a ‘video’ that was unadulterated tin-foil-hatted shite! I actually caught Covid, early this year and was absolutely fucked for a while, SATS dropped to <90% going up stairs and I still get breathless on exertion, although it's improving. I'm still fit, I'm not a fat cunt, (I can still put my original flying suit on I was issued with well over thirty years ago – a bit tighter, mind!), but it knocked me fucking sideways. I appreciate this site isn't an echo-chamber and you'll always piss on someones chips, but, some of the best, funny and erudite posters seem to have left, replaced with a couple of two-line wonders. Jack, Dick, MNC, Paul, TTCE, Unkle Terry, to name a few, always make me smile, Miles, erudite and thought-provoking. RTCP? Great shame.
Glad to hear of your recovery.?
My missus had it and says she’s still not 100%
I wisely never mentioned she’d been functioning at 70% for years?
I never got it, not sure why?
But glad I didn’t.
Chin up pal,
Your angry exchanges on here always made me smile,
I thought I could get people upset but I’m the fuckin karate kid to your Mr Mayagi!!
It’s a talent that shouldn’t go to waste!
All the best MNC
I think my exchanges were of incredulity, not angry, MNC! I can’t even remember the name of the Colonel-In-Chief of the Tin-Foilers, but, I think he/she/it may be banned, now. Plenty more trying to take his place, though.
Sometimes my style of posting upsets others.
I don’t intentionally do it but know it does.
When I know someone takes umbrage I see this as a green light to keep it up ,
This site’s about free speech,
I’ll make a speech
Their free to fuck off.?
COVID is a very controversial topic. If you recall, I was one of the few who felt the same as you on here.
A mate’s brother died from it. Fit as a fiddle in his early 50s. I didn’t want to ask if he’d been vaccinated, but my guess (knowing him a little) is that he wouldn’t have been. Could be wrong, of course. Family members of mine work in hospitals as nurses. If any cunt wants a punch in the gob, try telling them they were dancing around empty wards in TikTok. They saw death every day at one point. They had silly cunts trying to take photos (for their social media) of corridors with a few empty seats, ignoring the fact the COVID ward they had no access to was packed . Lots of death was seen by my relatives on those wards and they shat themselves when they caught it before vaccines were available.
Anyway, most on here leave the topic alone, I think we’re all (mostly) bored with it.
I’ve probably set off a row now lol.
Good to see you back DCI.
Cheers, CB. That’s the difference, though, isn’t it? Actually dealing with it, witnessing and trying to pick up the pieces – (I’m on the verge of burnout, not just Covid, but the whole job) – and getting your ‘facts’ from fucking websites with absolutely no agenda whatsoever… I used to read some of the posts with absolute incredulity!
See Mr Fiddler Gutstick annoyes so much because he ‘cancels’ me.
As earlier-‘Especially those that believe in dancing suns.’
See thats cancelling me.
He believes that just saying that means I am not worth listening to.
RT was guilty if that. Really poor stuff.
I susoect that’s why B&WC left.
@Miles….you might have been correct when you said that RTC had admitted defeat and could no longer continue attempt to justify his position after reading your latest irrefutable nom……personally, I suspect his head exploded.
Thanks MNC, and Paul!
It’s funny, that a lot of the contributors I like here I don’t often agree with, however they can take as good as they give, and to me that speaks volumes about a person.
Miles, you started with that very unchristian bit of shade, yet takes offence when it returned. I don’t cancel people, I’m pretty thick skinned when it comes to petty stuff, but I do like the right to reply in kind. I mean, you didn’t turn the other cheek eh? ?
Conspiracy theories are BS obviously, like the Wuhan lab theory, the Trump Russia collusion, Hunter Biden laptop etc. etc. Bloke’s a nut but he speaks more truth than many politicians. I like all the posters (pretty much) on this thread but can’t argue with the criticism that site has gone a bit too racist (guilty myself) and lost a bit of the fun I used to enjoy. Used to be on a redboard (F169 if i remember correctly) which had uncensored free speech, it went tits up when the lefties gave up and went and it became a Trump supporters site with porn images. Laughed my balls off many times there so no regrets. Time I had another sabbatical here, will pop in from time to time but need more silly noms and comedy nonsense, and less squabbling. Was going to cunt Naked attraction for putting me off masturbation but there was a fairly hot bird the other week that got my todger twitching. Good luck guys and keep up the good fight.
This is the cunt who said that Rolling Stone, Brian Jones didn’t die, and that he actually changed his name and appearance to that of David Bowie. Seriously….?
I personally would put Spivey in a cell with the two savages that killed Drummer Rigby (RIP). I would then give said savages a big tub of margarine.
They’d eat Spivvy and rape stab the margarine.
A bit of snow appears to have fallen today in IAC land.
Who would have known Owen Jones was a contributor?
The trouble with our society is the Spiveys of the world are shunned but luvvies who suggest the Manchester Arena bombing was also staged carry on appearing on TV.
I will not dignify the words of a fool.
I have learned in life never to look down.
The wonder of the internet, anyone can become a royal grade bell ender cunt in seconds, World wide too, Fucking love technology me.
Bb@ – I remember the bad old days when I had to visit people to insult them! ?