Just after getting into power by not being Scotty from marketing, Albo through the newly minted assistant minister for the pointless waste of my taxes (republic) Matt Thistlewaite, former shadow assistant minister of manufactured issues (republic) has announced the hoary old chestnut of Oz telling Madge to sling her hook during their second term, tactlessly on the jubilee celebrations.
They’re obviously expecting to fuck up during their first term and need a fake cause to detract from it just like constitutional recognition for natives and another tier of government for them, a tribunate for 3% of the population.
Apparently because Oz has so many foreign folk it’s time for one of their former politician cronies to become president, just like some of the morons we’ve had as Governor general.
Many of these people left their home that wasn’t or is no longer part of the Empire because it is a shithole and appreciate the stable life here like other countries with a northern European monarch before wokeism.
Now this gaggle of Blairite, Fenian, blackshirt and communist nostalgists want to turn the country into an alphabet socialist dumping ground for the worlds shite.
Thistletwat even had the gall to tell Governor general Dave Hurley his tenure was secure for now whilst being sworn in as minister. The retired general should’ve thwarted the Golum looking cunt.
I voted “no” last time and shall vote “no” again just for the waste of my taxes this wankfest will cost and being forced to waste a Saturday. The way it’s going we’ll be a republic anyway under glorious leader President Xi Jinping.
Your’e a cunt Albo, for bringing up this shit on the Jubilee, especially before even pretending to do your job, and for making me actually miss that Pommy cunt Tony Abbott.
Too bad your Nonno didn’t catch a bullet from my Grandad in Benghazi, cunt.
Nominated by: Shackledragger cunt
To be fair you really don’t want Charlie the Chimp Boy as your head of state and I suspect a lot of Commonwealth countries will be going down the same route. Presumably that would mean a President of some sort which could, but not necessarily, entail a massive constitutional change.
Interesting, but whatever happens Oz will be full of w*gs……guaranteed.
If the Aussies did fuck off the royals I couldn’t blame them.
It’d be sad though,
Australia has kinship to the UK and the Aussies are a lot like us.
More so than fuckin Barbados!!
I couldn’t give a fuck about them leaving,
The useless cunts.
But Australia?
We’ve fought wars together,
We have kinship.*
*I know.
Barbadian soldiers fought in WW2,
I salute them, brave lads all .
But I’m trying to be racist here if you don’t mind.
Mnc@ – ANZACS are, and always will be, our Family.
Indeed Vern.
The skinnies are like the Albanians of Africa.
Anorexic pirates.
Australia will become another republic run by a black dictator. No-Go Albo is a cunt.
“The peoples socialist Republic of Australia, in partnership with China and George Soros”.
I figured Australians had bigger balls than this, but it seems that (pretty much like the rest of the world) they are meekly bowing down before their oppressors.
Nothing changes unless people stand up and change it.
Not really fused about Australia becoming a republic, have a vote and see what way the people want to go.
Having the Queen as our head of state doesn’t help us, we are full of cunts that any Monarch with balls would have throw in a deep dark dungeon ?
Colonial criminals.
Only Australia could produce a crim (I believe that’s the correct vernacular) like Ned Kelly, running around with a fucking bucket on his head. What a soppy cunt.
I would make Skippy the Head of State, he’s smarter than any of them.
“What’s that you say Skip? Get rid of the fucking Peacefuls? Strewth mate!”
Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours
With a little understanding, you can find the perfect blend
Neighbours, should be there for one another
That’s when good neighbours become good friends
Put a fucking shrimp on the barbie. Harold, get your dick of Madge’s ass!
Ned Kelly wasn’t a criminal, he was an Oirish terrorist.
By looking at the photo in the link I was quite able to assess that pair as Grade 1 Kangaroo Kunts.
It took me a while as they look like politicians the world over.
That is to say,troughing pigs.
I’d rather have a decent monarch,say Henry VIII,than a sham democracy.
Tie my kangaroo down,sport..
Then put them in the oven.
The worst case scenario will be our Aussie cousins sucking the cock of the Yellow Peril as Jacinda Ardern’s NZ commies are currently doing fucking off decades of shared values and beliefs from Western allies.
This Albo wanker sounds like he wants to turn the whole country into Melbourne, Australia’s version of California. Full of coffee aficionados with man buns, street art (graffiti to non cunts) and a big Somali problem.
Does this mean the vegan, “yewman rights”, obnoxious do gooder’s they export to us will no longer have a right to be here, if so, I hope they become a republic sooner rather than later, they do export a lot of cunts from down under!
If The Republic of Down Under ever became a reality I’d put my money on the virtue signallers electing as its first El Presidente a person from the First Nation community (commonly known as an Abbo). It should make state banquets interesting. A medley of unspeakable poisonous creepy crawlies washed down by a glass of the finest high octane unleaded that Caltex can provide.
On the wireless recently I heard that only when indigenous females are running things (as PM, Queen, el Presidente or whatever) will racism have been overcome. No prizes for guessing which wireless operator. So far though convict island has voted down the republic model – travelling around and seeing what various republics are actually like has an effect as does visiting places like Norway, Netherlands, Belgium (I like Bruges) and Denmark.
Wouldn’t an indigenous Briton be Welsh? Or maybe an Outer Hebridean? Some of those islands make pretty decent whisky.
Another way to solve the Head of State enigma (I don’t think that, why can’t the Queen just be Head of State everywhere?) would be to simply abolish the State. Of course then you’d only have a Government and no-one with reserve powers. You could abolish the government I suppose but then it would be down to local Councils. I dread to think what would happen if they were abolished. Street committees?
Thank you.
President Khan of Australia. It’s just a matter of when, not if.
As for those two in the photo, I’d sooner trust a river full of salt-water crocodiles.
G’day cobber.
Personally I’d like to see the end of the commonwealth when the queen finally pegs it.
We’re living in a new era that I’d call the Commiewealth, with most of the old commonwealth countries moving so far to the Left that they’re rapidly becoming Marxist dictatorships and all of them with a loathing for the UK – the motherland.
Time to cut the cord and let them all become republics and so end the relics of old empire once and for all.
Then sit and laugh as they enjoy their famines and firing squads.
Ah the fun socialism brings…
I think the name Commonwealth is literally translated from the Latin for “Republic” and look where it got those dress sporting, grape gobbling paedo fannies. The writing is on the wall….
Now all I can see is John Cleese “Romanes eunt domus”
Prince Andrew’s the man to restore faith in the monarchy….I’d send him on a full-blown “Days of the Raj” style tour of Australia…pith-helmets, mutton-chop whiskers,monocles and retired Colonels muttering “harummpphh”…Andrew would fucking love it,we’d have a break from him and hopefully some enraged Abo would beat the Cunt to death with a kangaroo’s tail.
PS…Kylie Minogue is a buck-toothed, ratty,titless pest….I preferred her sister.
(Funnily enough, we have a nom scheduled about her, her arse and her old Neighbours. Due to go live soon, if you’re lucky lucky lucky! – Day Admin)
And she loves pooftahs.
Steady on Dick, that’s a national treasure and cultural icon to the Aussies. Her glittery hot pants are Australia’s equivalent to the Magna Carta or the Bayeux Tapestry.
Kylie’s a inch taller than Warwick Davis and he has better tits.
I’ve never understood her appeal?
Titless bucktoothed midget.
“Oh she’s got a nice arse”…
Well I hear Stuart Lubbock did too, so what?
DF-F@ Danni Minogue is dirty, rank and disgusting.
Spank me that better arse I will! ??
The slag he was doing knew what she was about- and above the age of consent. It may be untasteful, but I’m struggling to see what law he broke. Funny how’s it ok for pak1es.
We’ll never know what laws he broke because he was allowed to pay £12 million and walk away….I genuinely believe there was a lot more to come out if he had actually been forced to answer questions under oath.
You’re probably right. Money buys the right justice. Evening Dick.
Spot on.
Prince Edward could also go,wearing Kylie ‘s sparkly hot pants.
A boat tour would be nice,it could capsize and the cunts could be eaten by wallabies or whatever made up animals live in The Bush.
I did see today that these cunts have just fucked Oz over some climate bollocks. Well, you get what you vote for.
25 million people Oz Republic will be ping pong oz in 50 years and no one will give a crap. Go , don’t go whinging Australians are nearly as boring as the scotch.
They’re worse. It’s full of Oirish, Greeks, I-tays, and Tiddly-winks. It was always a shit Britain with sunshine hut once the Convicts purge every last piece of Britain from their shores, it will descend into an Oriental shit-heap. Mind you, at least we’ll be able to beat them in the Ashes.
“Aww, shit, moite, thet’s a good strike by Shin Don-Ding whose partnership with Qi-sheng has equalled that of Ting Ting Ting.
I like Aussies,
But I couldn’t live there.
Everything is poisonous.
It’s hotter than a blast furnace.
If it isn’t poisonous it’s still murderous.
And shite ale.
If I’d of been a ‘tenpound pom’ I’d ask for a refund.
Those Abos are funny looking cunts aren’t they?
Seen the noses on them?!!!
@ MNC, my dear late mum said to me as a kid “if you pick your nose you’ll end up with one that looks like a bööng’s”.
With the Abos, some of them really do look like the missing link, very primordial almost like frozen in time from thousands of years ago. Shit cave painters though, even the Tate Modern would think twice.
Yeah when Cook and the British discovered Australia in 1770 he must of been shocked!
That’s pretty much what Abos are, stone age man.
If I made a film about it I’d cast Doug McClure as Cook.
LL – The cave paintings were probably commissioned by the Aussie Tourist Board 20 years ago.
Is that the new Prime Minister on the right? It resembles that actor from Downton Abbey who took out that Super-Injunction.
Locked down to buggery.
All rights removed.
Little protest.
Now boot out the Queen.
Go for it if you want, it’s all downhill unless the Chinese take over and you like that sort of system. At least our crappy government we can still stick two fingers up to.
I have not a scooby what this nom is about.
Keep wombats safe from this idiocy. I quite like Koalas, too.
Kangas can get to fuck, aggressive bastards.
And as for Wallabies, we’ll.
Koalas are rapists JP.
Are aggressive.
Carry Chlamydia (don’t shag one)
And are always stoned.
Don’t be fooled by the dirty little fuckers .
Well, not we’ll.
Piece of plastic Korean shite.
Matt Thistlethwaite
That would be a tough pronunciation if he has a lisp?
‘What is your full name?
‘MaTHhew THiselTHwaite’
Yes but I doubt if he would have a problem at Immigration at Sydney Airport. Not with a big queue of Charlie Chans behind him.
I think the name Commonwealth is literally translated from the Latin for “Republic” and look where it got those dress sporting, grape gobbling pee*do fannies. The writing is on the wall….
Now all I can see is John Cleese “Romanes eunt domus”
Advance Australia fair….
Drop Bears can fuck off though. Nasty horrible critters.
Don’t come close to the cuntitiude of any cunt in Downing Street or the white though
I’ve worked with young Australians in London and I’ve a lot of time for most of them. Like the younger folks from South Africa and Rhodesia they took it for granted that they should work for a living, paid their taxes and didn’t claim benefits. In my naivete I was once shocked to be told by a bright young Australian woman that she would be leaving soon because she couldn’t get an extension to her work visa. I couldn’t help but compare her to the dross that inhabits London and lives off thieving, scamming and drug dealing, not to mention stabbing folks for their watch or phone. As a republican myself I’ve much sympathy with the Ozzies who want to dump Liz and her brood but I’ll be saddened if it leads to us drifting farther apart.
On a different tack if I lived in Oz I think I’d be more concerned about a couple of muzzies getting into positions of power as listed further down the link.
Moderated? What?!
Albo has to be the dumdest cunt ever ever voted in,Just shows how bad the rest were if this cunt is in charge. he wont last 3 months,let alone 3 years.Has no balls.
There is a growing body of evidence emerging that aboriginals were NOT the first here. There are two entries missing from the oldest humanoids discovered register, both dated 5 million years old and in Australia! The world does not know that Mungo Man was not abo, and was recently discovered ‘missing” aka stolen by the locals to re-bury him to ‘keep him safe” which in reality is hiding the truth as they did in New Zealand. If Mungo Man stays hidden *and this is true as the federal police are currently investigating this) the abos can continue the fabrication of their existence and maintain the 32 billion per year tax payer leaching. Think about it, if they bury their dead in ‘sacred places” why dig him up and fucking move him??? Smell fishy – you bet! Spread the word, you wont read about this on the SPU, Socialist Propaganda Unit) – SPU pronounced spew!