Torsten Bell-end

What sort of wanker has a name like “Torsten”, especially when he posers as the guardian of the working class?,

I hear you ask, well – Ding Dong Torsten is the head of The Resolution Foundation. a “think-tank” (if sticking your tongue up Kweer’s arse can be regarded as thinking), who like that other BBC favourite placeman, Simon Calder, is always ready, following a blast from the marshall’s whistle to turn up on Wireless 4 to give his advice and little opinions on the state of the economy – independent, of course, but always vaguely anti-Conservative.

Even though currently out of Britain (he is in the States and in my opinion can keep him along with Harry Hewitt and his tart) he vouches his latest thoughts:

Yahoo News Link

I just don’t like the cut of the man’s jib, and if you appoint yourself the spokesman for the poor, for fucks sake call yourself Bill, Steve, Jack – fuck the Torsten -that is definitely for the Islington and Oxford set, when they are quaffing the champagne.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

75 thoughts on “Torsten Bell-end

  1. Torsten is a Danish / Swedish name meaning Thor Stone when directly translated.

    It’s a common name in Scandinavia and not one that this cunt should be using.

    Lortspan would be more fitting.

    • Can’t access the Yahoo links on my tablet but it looks like his mummy was a Swedish human/family rights academic which explains the forename he has (and why he has a brother called Olaf). His daddy is/was English.
      It’s interesting to note from mummys biography ( that from the age of around 8 she was brought up in England “in a rural haven with a lake and boat on a Herefordshire country estate” and was educated at an Independent girls school in Monmouth.
      It would seem, therefore, that the Bell / Henricson family were not short of a bob or two. If that (as seems likely) is the case it would appear that Torsten is another champagne socialist having been one of Ed Millibands senior advisors. That connection alone entitles him to be labelled a cnut.
      Given the “Thor Stone” translation I wonder if he was the inspiration for Millibands 8 foot tall “Ed Stone” carving of the 6 key Labour Party pledges fiasco in 2015?

      • Most Socialists are of the champagne variety. The real poor can’t afford 21st century socialism which is all about making green sacrifices and moving over for Abdullah and M’Bongo.

      • “A country estate? – that’s something I’d hate!” – the only line I can remember from “Who Wants To Be A Milloinaire” (the song not the TV show). Clearly Torsten’s mum did though. I can’t stand these sort of people being patronisingly “nice” to the people they consider beneath them.

        Anyone heard Dame Kweer offering to resign if given a FPN?. He still sounds as fucking pious as Justin Welby – funny without being vulgar, I’ll give him that. Angie has offered to resign too, and so even now, we may still see her flashing her growler at the audience at the Steaming Pussycat Club in Soho. I hope the air conditioning is working that night – I don’;t fancy the front rows chances if it is a hot night – it will smell like a consignment of putrid kippers with dandruff.

      • Socialist?
        There is more the look of the National Socialist about him.
        Is that a hint of a little toothbrush moustache under his nose.
        Does he have to have his right arm restrained.

  2. Well I don’t know anything about this but that Nadine Batchelors-Soup in the link looks like she goes like a shithouse door in a storm.

    • Her life is a Minestrone.

      She looks effnick to me. No Batchelor or Hunt in there.

      She’s got a head like a cone of chips, with an ear stuck on it. Ugly trout.

  3. Simon Calder is a national treasure and I won’t hear a word said against him!

  4. Never heard of the cunt but economists are fucking fortune tellers, except less accurate. Their biggest talent is hindsight.

    • Thomas Carlyle called economics “the dismal science”. He was right.

    • As someone who has spent 53 years in Economics I have to agree with you .
      But the money is good!

  5. You don’t need to be CEO of a fucking think tank, to know how to help people save money, without effecting the tax revenues.

    No 1, scrap the TV licence, £150 kerching.
    No 2, force the petrol suppliers/retailers to stop profiteering, cunts are making a killing.
    No 3. Scrap the green levy on electricity
    No 4. Stop spending 10 billion a year on ‘overseas aid’, and reduce vat on domestic fuel to the equivalent of 10 billion.
    No 5, Kick out all unemployed foreign nationals, this one just for fun ?

    Cost of living crisis, cut your fucking cloth to your earnings, the cunts today seem to want everything and think they are entitled to everything.

    There you go Torsten Tosser, sorted, now get to fuck ?

  6. Tungsten has a very flat head?
    Not Eastern European is he?

    Dunno who he is, what he does,
    He can get fucked.

    Anyone who has a small pond atop his head when it rains cant be trusted.
    Herman Munster motherfucker.

    • He wants tungsten embedding in his skull.
      About 50, 30 gram darts would do.

  7. Talking of bell-ends, driving up to our lane, I spied a lad walking down the road in a school uniform.
    A FUCKING GIRLS uniform☹️
    Must have been 13/14.

    This country is finished?
    ©️RTC 2019

    • There are a lot of them about CG.
      Some time ago I had to take a radio back to a John Lewis store.
      I was directed to the tech support department where a nerdy looking cunt was behind the counter sporting a check flannel shirt, when he stepped out from behind the counter, he was wearing a skirt.
      It didn’t even match his top!
      I walked out and haven’t been in the store since
      CUNTS! ?

      • The thing is, he is probably being heralded as a hero or role model by his teachers & parents.

        It is just so WRONG on so many levels☹️?

      • Schools are devoid of any common sense now.

        I read in the paper that a white male caretaker about 60 odd, grabbed a boy around the throat and threatened to “break his neck” if he didn’t pick some litter up he dropped. He had asked him once to pick it up and he refused and just kicked it.
        He resigned the same day, and this incident went to court and he was convicted of common assault.
        The boy was “traumatised” allegedly.

        We need more people like this gentleman in schools, to teach children respect and normality.

      • Well done Cuntalugs, your course of action is the fix for this problem. John Lewis is a commercial enterprise and if they lose enough customers they will change their ways or go broke. Either way problem solved.
        In a related area when companies run adverts featuring high proportions of deviants and effnicks we make a mental note to buy goods and services from a different brand.
        Morning all.

    • I knew this would only be a matter of time.

      Schools and media have been fucking about with kids’ heads for a while now.

      Hopefully he will get the piss taken out of him and see sense, before it’s too late.

      I suppose the school will be overjoyed with this sort of behaviour, and will probably actively encourage it.

      • Going back to your comment about the 60 year old Caretaker that grabbed a kid… This has nothing to do with Schools anymore it has everything to do with what the system calls Safeguarding. Teachers and Caretakers are controlled by Legislation so the Government trumps Common Sense at all times…

      • I drove past the cunt, not stop and start filming ?

        On a serious note: If he is allowed access to the girls facilities, surely this must present “safeguarding” issues.

        I hope parents protest?

      • I think the wimminz’ rights brigade will win the war on blokes going into ladies toilets etc.

        And rightly so.

        It’s only a matter of time before somebody abuses their so-called rights to be in these areas.

        After a few ‘incidents’ common sense will prevail.

  8. Fuck Torsten the turd tosser. Keep your business in the US and focused on what sleepy Joe is doing, while you drink your soya, caffeine free, spunk bubble latte coffee you goatee prick.

  9. Is he the new Owen Jones????

    If so does that mean the old one has died ?

    Dead pool.

    • I scanned ‘Owen Jones’ and ‘Dead Pool’ and I thought we’d lost the little tortoise out of its shell.

      I bet some other cunt has just done the same scrolling my message.


      • Little Owen is more likely to evaporate than actually drop dead…

  10. I don’t know who the fuck this cunt is, but he seems the sort who’d put his nob through a glory hole.

  11. A gay or not, that name makes me immediately think he’s a homosexualist. Reminds me of that Pete Buttegiege “spouse” Chastyn.
    Masculine names are being phased out I fear.
    “Torsten!? A half caff soy latte with vanilla for Torsten?! Oh there you are. I could have guessed. Have a good day….sir is it?”

  12. Never heard of him, but quite frankly having a foreman like “Torsten” and especially a surname like “Bell” he is just asking for ridicule!

    I guess he sees himself as some kind of undemocratically elected spokesman for the poor and unwashed; a bit like other woke cunts who somehow appoint themselves as head-honchos for other issue groups. But I suspect he wouldn’t be seen dead anywhere near a sink estate or want to go wining and dining with some benefit-living chav family.

    I guess just like those cunt leaders of the BLM who have somehow managed to become millionaires overnight and buying mansions in posh white-privileged cities in the US, this cunt is no different.

  13. He looks like most “graduate” coppers.* Seriously, we now have a force of soy-boys and fat wimminz?

    * I bet he takes a knee.
    Regularly ?

    • The average copper looks pathetic these days. The ‘Specials’ look even worse.

      The force is full of 5 foot wimminz and soft looking men. A lot are fat and out of condition too.

      Coppers should have to be over 6 foot like they used to be.

      They used to look intimidating with those tall helmets on. Now they look a joke, and could do with a free gym pass and some exercise. Fat useless cunts.

  14. Torsten Bell.

    Ding dong.

    Definitely a shirt lifter.

    ‘Former’ head of policy for the Labour party.

    Well, he did a fine job there didn’t he?

  15. This one doesn’t give a lot away on the internet. Back in 2014, he was still only 31 but was head of policy for the Labour Party. Really? What life experience did he possess at that age that qualified him to have control of such a responsibility? Fuck all would be my guess. Straight out of uni and into the old boys club where jobs are invented to keep them employed in the civil service, all at tax payers expense. I don’t know who the bigger cunt is. Himself, or the establishment that nurtures this type of parasite.

    • He looks the sort of lad who would have appealed to Mandy (and in fact the “Adolf” hairstyle is not unlike the masters). Perhaps he got the job because he became a special friend of Mandy’s – “sit on my knee, duckie, and I’ll give you a raise….”

      • Funnily enough. It does say on the interweb that he hasn’t updated his marital status. I suspect ‘renting out my arse’ doesn’t count.

  16. Cunts like him are the future of British politics. They are there for the Generation Zoomers, Alphas and whatever comes next on the wishy-washy generation list for the next 20-30 years.

    The Boomer and Gen X generations are no longer deemed relevant (apart from still paying taxes). Therefore politics is geared to the current and future generations, and with it an ever more woke list if priorities from cunts like Bellend, who have probably never worked in a proper working class industry but feel that they have the right to speak for “the common man/woman/it” while at the same time keeping a good arm’s length away from those very same people.

    Politics is well and truly fucked both in the here and now, and the future.

  17. It edifies me to think that the little poor people can be assisted in their plight by very rich people being paid a lot of money to virtue signal about the privations of the little poor people.
    But this method appears “ineffective” so how about an alternative plan – stop sharing the wealth of one small Country with the world as long as we have one UK National cold, hungry, jobless or homeless.

    • Most younger people don’t know the meaning of proper poverty.

      It doesn’t mean you can’t afford the latest iphone or a takeaway or a sofa on ‘the tick’ from SCS.

      It means eating tripe and ox hearts, chittlings and other offal, picking mould off bread, sticking cardboard in your older brother’s shoes that had no sole left, and were 3 sizes too big. Frying bread in old bacon fat because you could afford any meat that day. Poaching and scrumping, and other shenanigans in order to obtain food. And never being fussy about what you ate. You just see it as ‘fuel’.

      I also get sick and tired of the phrase ‘choosing between heating and eating’, there is no choice, you eat else you will die.
      Heating was never a necessity, it used to be considered a luxury. This is Britain, not Siberia, it’s not even that cold. Put a jumper on or something, and stop moaning.

      The youngsters of today consider everything a necessity, the world exists only to serve their ever increasing needs.

  18. I really don’t understand how someone can appear on the idiot box offering opinions about ought bar the number of tadpoles he expects to successfully hatch from his garden pond, unless he’s an MP/local Councillor/sports pundit.

    • My pond is a hundred year old horse trough.

      Just saying.

      • Did you keep the trough when you got rid of Hercules the horse who pulled your rag and bone cart ?….I see you,Albert Steptoe.

      • I was rather suprised that Wilfred Bramble wasn’t mentioned in the Jimmy Savile documentary…one can only imagine the sort of depravity in which he indulged…

      • Hehehe ?
        Evening Dick, ?

        Its true!
        Gifted two stone horse troughs years ago off a old bloke retiring who had a riding school.
        Heavy as fuck obviously ☹️

        Probably worth a few quid?

        Im very stylish as you know.?

      • Good Evening,Mr.Cunt-Engine.

        How are things in your disturbing World ?…..Have you ever tried speed dating ?….I feel sure that 1 minute in the company of some ugly fat spinster would be ample time for you to build up a full head of steam and splatter her under the table before waving your spunky paw at her and telling her to “Fuck Off..I’m all done”.
        You’re an utter disgrace,

      • Evening Thomas
        Evening Fiddler

        You getting any Thomas?
        Single bloke now, own home, nice vehicles, should be able to drain your spuds easily enough?

        Read the local papers,
        Any recent widows, get in there!

        Turn up at funerals on the pull,
        Theyre a hotbed of sexually frustrated women!

      • I did offer one of the ladies a go in either my Galaxie or the Cortina and the cheeky cow described them collectively as “horrible old death traps”.
        Horrible?! They are lovely old death traps

      • Evening Mr F, hope you’re well?
        I’ve actually been out on a couple of dates…fucking appalling, birds these days. No sense of humour.
        I had to keep most personal anecdotes and 98% of my opinions suppressed and even then my most milquetoast observations about Roe vs Wade, wanting Bono to undergo a “blood eagle” or wanting to see Dianne Abbott’s sexually excited pussy were deemed as ‘inappropriate” at best.
        Miserable old bags. Ah well, got another date on Friday night.
        I’ll be more accessible and relaxed then as I’m going to take a little kratom before I leave my house. Wish me luck!

      • I ought to add, this bird is only 47, so should have some semblance of a working fanny.
        Evening MNC!

      • @MNC…..Indeed…between the Cunty Cream,artisan-made gate and stone trough,I expect the Country Life editor will soon be in touch about doing a special feature…. ” Oil Drum Lane Landscaping….. Capability Miserable Northern Cunt gives us a tour of his tasteful cobbled back-yard”

  19. I always pretended I was riveted by them Thomas,
    Like they were the most exotic interesting creature on the planet!
    Never heard a word they were saying,
    Probably waffling on about ironing or dusting or something.

    I concentrated on getting them bladdered.

    Also dont tàke them places your a regular!
    Theyll keep turning up.

    “Im pregnant”
    “I want my purse back”
    ‘ you said you were in the SAS”
    “Can I have that £20 back?”

  20. I always give the purses back……. empty ?
    Now I must be off.
    Somewhere out there, there’s an embassy that needs storming ???
    Who Dares, cunts.
    Good evening, Gentlemen.

    • Evening,Jack.

      Will the camper van be revisiting Northumberland this year ?

      • Hello, Dick. Hope you are well ?
        Northumberland is on the cards, later on in the year.
        We’ve had a couple of outings, to Shropshire and Worcestershire.
        Off to Somerset next week.
        I just hope that Ethel doesn’t defecate on Jacob Rees Mogg’s doorstep.
        She doesn’t like him at all ?

  21. Just googled it. Looks like our kind of place.
    Not many people ?
    Cheers, Dick ?

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