The Home Office (2)

The Home Office are Cunts…

News Link

Doesn’t your heart bleed for Rastus Um’Bongo…forced to travel a few miles regularly to report in….managed the 8 thousand miles from Zimbabwe Rhodesia without any bother but the 50 miles to Middlesbrough is too much ( if he’d said that Middlesbrough is a fucking bomb-site and nobody in their right mind would willingly go there,I’d have had some sympathy).

Now we get to the reason that he has to, so unfairly, report in…the Cunt did time for Actual Bodily Harm !….and yet he still considers himself the victim…just surprised that a taxi hasn’t been laid on for him…and a packed lunch of fried chiggun and banana sandwiches.

Just ship him back and be done with the whinging Cunt.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

And on the subject of the Home “Invasion” Office, here’s one from Technocunt

The Home Office

Seems that the tiny village of Linton-on-Ouse, North Yorks (pop. 700), is about to welcome over 1500 male asylum seekers courtesy of the Home Office.

An old RAF airbase is about to be converted into an asylum processing centre, and the residents were not even officially consulted and despite local opposition have been told in no uncertain terms to live with it!

The village only has one school and a couple of shops and minimal transport services. So how it is supposed to cope with the sudden influx of 1500 unchecked men looking for something to do until their claims are processed is moot.

Naturally there is massive concern from the locals, but the lefty media are constantly race baiting some of the residents that they interview. One Sky reporter asked a woman “You were quite happy to have thousands of RAF personnel on your doorstep prior to the base being decommissioned. So why are you so concerned now with these new arrivals?”

Typically, any criticism will be seen as being racist, and that diversity is our strength etc.

Strange you don’t see many asylum processing centres in the wokey areas of London. One wonders how some of these journos would react if they found out such a centre was being built on their doorsteps. Would they be so understanding?

Daily Mail News Link

Just noticed in the Daily Mail link that comments have been switched off and existing comments removed.

What does that tell you?

66 thoughts on “The Home Office (2)

  1. Look, the Umbongo Geordie is wearing the black and white stripes! As the article says he’s just a “Newcastle dad.” Moan moan raaaaay-sism moan moan. This cunt should be on the next plane back to Rhodesia. What are they going to persecute him for back home?……… being a violent, layabout good for nothing?

    • Just a regular Geordie Freddie. At the weekends he is supporting the Toon and chasing drunk slappers at the Bigg Market.

      • The Bigg Market, yeah. That’s probably where he picked up his ABH conviction. A fine upstanding citizen.

        Fucking cunt!

    • No FtF, I only just managed to escape with my head still attached to my body, can I chase him away from Newcastle with a panga, or is that waycist!!!

  2. A few days ago I placed a nom for our old friend “Milton”. I don’t know yet if it will be published (it is a follow up) if it isn’t I will, as the Bard said, “a plain, unvarnished tale deliver” of a man very reluctant to tell anybody his second name.

    (If you come out and admit your undying love and raging ardour for your secret bit on the side – Analeze Dodds – then we might just publish it in the next few days – Day Admin)

    • All right, DA – you win – I admit it. I’d rather shag AnalEase than either the spouse or the daft bitch Stella Creasey – certainly where this matter is concerned:

      Certainly, AnalEase is right on this one, and as I have recently had a very bad head cold and have lost my sense of smell (no it WAS a cold not Covid), perhaps I could even stand ripping of Dodd’s drawers, and the hideous stench that would eminate from them (reminds you of the Bard again when he has Othello saying that he woiuld “rather be a toad, and live off the foul odours of a dungeon”. I am after the Radio 3 repeats again.

      As for Stella Greasy, if anyone is in Waltham Forest, I suggest they shout out to her – come on Stella – show us your nob. That poor little baby she straps to herself – it he doesn’t grow up to be a poofter with a mum like that, it will be a miracle.

      • I’m not far from the People’s Republic of WF. Apart from parts of Chingford, it’s a shithole. Back in the day, Stella Creasey was eminently doable. Not now.

      • No poor old Creasy is like a moggie that has had too many litters – the thing is even the plainest moggie has a better personality than that old minger. Probably necause there are so many lesbian ladees in the Labour Party, Creasy thinks they are all like Jess Phillips and Kim Leadbetter and they all wear strap-ons.

  3. What’s the difference between 1500 dinghy raiders and 1500 RAF personnel?
    If you need that explained to you then you work for the Guardian or the BBC and you probably don’t know where Yorkshire is.

  4. i say it again .this is being orchestrated by an elite set of sociopaths that work the banks of the collapsing Fiat system. They will do anything to remain in the bubble of arms dealing and wars and conflicts within countries also bullying smaller nations into their Petro dollar cuntdom.
    its fucked unless there’s someone out there to stop these roth child Damiens
    and if you tell me my vote for government in elections will change this shit, well just like all the other elections in the last 30 plus years changed it into non stop shit
    This is the reason the worlds shit is being dumped on everyones doorstep

  5. It stinks to high heaven the whole shenanigans around gimmi gration

    The gimmi cunts the home office and the cunts that challenge every effort to deport the Cunt s in the courts.

    Stinks like an Afghan public bog

  6. What a tremendous benefit to our society all these foreign cunts are.

    Unfairly treated?



    • They should be dumped in Syria based on looks alone.

      The subnormal cunts.

  7. Werent the other ex forces bases used deemed not good enough for these cunts? Only good for British servicemen but below the standard required for the scum of the earth.
    Locals should get the BBC and the Guardian in to report on the horrendous living conditions – no room service, communal showers etc. Soon get them closed down.

    • Indeed, the conditions were so bad they set fire to the fucking place. I suppose when you are expecting a 4 star hotel a military barracks is a bit of a disappointment. They could always fuck off back where they came from but we all know that’s not happening.

  8. To paraphrase Richard Littlejohn, this country is “going to hell in a handcart”. After the Queen dies, I’m afraid it’s game over. Charles, William and Harry are all fully paid-up members of the NWO Globalsphere, and those cunts in Wankminster couldn’t give a monkey’s throbbing bell-end about this country or it’s people. Carpetbaggers, chancers and charlatans, the whole bloody lot of them. As soon as my nan kicks the bucket, and I get my inheritance, I’m off!!

  9. Put them in an ex military camp, I hear Guantanamo bay is a good place, then give them a shower to refresh then over the mid Atlantic open the rear doors and launch the fuckers outside from 30000 feet without a parachute

    • Ooh, I say. You can’t just lob the cunts out of a plane without anything? How about a couple of concrete blocks?

      • Sorry moggie, how remiss of me, lead weights, cadmium, boron steel too, to help the fuckers get maximum velocity

  10. Why is this Umbongo cunt still in the country, it’s no wonder the channel invaders see the UK as Utopia, get here and never leave no matter what you do.

    Mark Wright did a report on GB news about all this shit, 30,000 hotel rooms block booked by the government, mobile phone video of a couple of ‘asylum’ aka cunts propositioning some 15 year old school girls (obviously they will make excellent taxi drivers). He did a report on the shit show that will befall Linton-on-Ouse, and a breaking news update that it has been paused due to legal and logistical issues ?

    I don’t get it, I if they put 1500 cunts in a barracks, why the fuck are they allowed to wander around the local village, just keep the cunts in the barracks, I mean what the fuck are they going to do in the village anyway.

    The country is fucked, run by weak cunts, just send the cunts back to the shitholes, that’s the only solution.

    • Yeah if they had barbed wire, watch towers and armed guards it wouldn’t be a problem. But you can’t do that…….yewman rites you see. Never mind about our yewman rights, they’re fucked.

      • Exactly, the Chinese model seems to work with a big fuck if to human rights.

        Surely if the law was changed to say entering the country by channel dinghy was a criminal offence then detention (proper detention) wouldn’t fall out with human rights.

      • SOI. It IS illegal but our government don’t care. They’re after votes. They will never even see these cunts until one comes after them with a machete. I say, Go jihadist! take the fuckers down.

      • @moggie, how ones the law work, illegal v criminal offence, if some cunt arrives at Heathrow with no visa they are just returned to the point of departure, washing up on the beach is a whole other ball game

  11. His wife could carry him, and the rest of the family, there every week. Look at the arms on her!!

  12. Thousands of RAF personnel! Visited once in the 70’s never thought that thousands were based there. Pretty cold and the crash one land rover was bright pink that’s about all I can remember. Then we fucked off somewhere else.

  13. Virtually the entire political class in this country will only be content when every aspect of British / English culture has been completely diluted, subsumed by mass immigration and multiculturalism.

    • I’m sure they’ll be really happy when these 10’s of 1000’s of 3rd world baboons start running smock all over the country. Gated communities won’t be any help to them at all. If I survive that long, I will feel honoured to piss myself laughing at the squeals of protest at the raping, looting, murdering going on in posh, white, rich enclaves. Fuck ’em, they will get what they deserve. The shame of it is that we, who really don’t deserve it, are getting it first.

  14. The villagers should look at themselves as enriched and think themselves lucky that there will be plenty of black cock around for those bored Yorkshire housewives.

    I bet there will be a few brown babies in the area after a few years too.

    • You bet there will.

      A lot of white women are easy pickings to swarthy types because these women have been brainwashed thanks to the television and vacuous coal burning slebs types.

      • Yep, walking around Yorkshire Pudding land with their black dicks slung over their shoulder….you can imagine the local over-sexed under-fucked gravy eaters foaming at the mouth…literally.

  15. I think there’s a plan at work here. Think about it. These open borders, people trafficking, high tax, big state, anti law and order, anti energy independence, anti armed forces, anti pensioner, anti Britain, spineless “Conservatives” are determined to be removed from power. Then Captain Hindsight will make it into No. 10, possibly in a coalition with the LibDems, Greens and SNP. Then the process of rejoining the EU will begin….

  16. There will be hundreds of villages that will have to take in these cunts. Rural, pleasant, rustic perfections will be as stuffed with Iqbals, Mohammeds, Abdollahs, and Husans, as the towns have been fucked over by Pavels, Andreis, Yuries, and Dimitrus.

    As if we haven’t got enough drug-dealers and rapîsts.

  17. They ought to deport the cunt just for nobbing that every night. Couple of lookers those two. Make Frank Bruno and the Flabbapottamus look like Sidney Poitier and Beyoncé in comparison.

  18. I pity the patient that has to deal with Mrs Bongo-Bongo, who is a nurse.
    She probably steals their breakfast, lunch, dinner and any fruit brought in by visitors.
    She leaves the salads alone.
    Obviously ?

    • Racist pig. She steals the salad to feed the rabbit that she has later, as a snack.

  19. They ought to deport the cunt just for nobbing that every night. Couple of lookers those two. Make Frank Bruno and the Flabbapottamus look like Sidney Poitier and Beyoncé in comparison.

  20. One look at the kids?
    Anther 20-30 single mums on benefits, incoming.

    I bet the “nurse” mum, does the minimum number of hours to get full benefit entitlement.

  21. I thought it was Newcastle United’s latest big money signing when I seen the nom pic

  22. Please tell me he wasn’t one of those poor fuckers. Who back in Africa had the misfortune of having to walk 20 miles everyday to get a drink of donkeys piss?
    Well my long lost African brother the walking is over. Welcome to dear old blighty. Probably not much donkey piss knocking about. But I’m sure all your other needs will be provided for. Live long and prosper said the man with the pointy ears.

  23. These fighting age males are part of the replacement population of the UK and most of the West for that matter.

    I say part of the replacement population because there are many many many many more on the way to other parts of this green and pleasant land.
    (Which continues to become less green or pleasant)

    An entire country invaded without a bullet being fired. All in the name of tolerance.
    Get fucked.

  24. It would be quite interesting if the MSM, and the BBC/Guardian in particular, did a survey as to where most of these “refugees” have been reallocated/rehoused.

    Chances are not many will be found in the leafy parts of London or Suburbia, or anywhere olde worlde where most of these self-righteous cunts live.

    Clearly there is a political agenda going on in this country:-

    Monkey Pox
    Fossil Fuels
    Open Borders
    Climate Change
    Identity/Sexual Politics

    All part of the WEF’s Build Back Better agenda of getting rid of the views of the over 50s, and replacing them with brainwashed twats coming out of university and secondary schools. Feed them bullshit at a young age, and make sure there can be no dissuading arguments and their plan will almost certainly work!

    Meanwhile whatever happens at this village anything bad will never get reported on the MSM. Or if it does it will be revised to suggest the locals were at fault blah blah.

    Another 20 years or so and this country will not be the same as it was, and that’s what these woke do-gooders want. Out with the Old: In with the New

  25. Middlesbrough is 38.5 miles by road from Newcastle. That’s a 77 mile round trip, not 100 miles.
    Sell the Toon shirt and use the money for your bus fare, you cunt.

  26. A violent umbongo?

    I’ve never heard of such a thing. Must be fake news, innit?

  27. I wonder what will happen to the local crime rate ?
    Answers on a postcard to…..
    Priti useless, fat arsed Patel,
    Home Office,

    Great Britain.
    Nice while it lasted.
    Get To Fuck.

  28. 1500 savages 25 miles away from me. No consultation, no thought for the locals who will have their entire lives made a nightmare by these rat scum and the attitude of “do as you’re fucking told, racist whitey” as baying mobs of lamestream MSM propagandists bang on doors shouting “Fascists! Wanting to live your lives in peace without murderous Peter Phile beasts on your doorstep!”
    I imagine the thousands of homeless ex services personnel feel so valued..
    I have noticed over the last two years the small place I live in has been flooded with bin bag Women, always a ton of fat, filthy looking kids behind them and their filthy, sneaky looking “Men” and from a Town which had 1 black person in it there are now dozens of Africans who do not speak a word of English and literally look like they have just jumped off a dinghy – designer clothes, Nikes and expensive new phones swanning around like they own the fucking place.
    This is happening on the sly in all the brokest parts of the UK, it is not accidental, it is deliberate and premeditated replacement of the white population by people who have been assured by their masters and financiers that they will be immune from the coming carnage.
    If we, as a Nation, do not vote out every single MP at the next Election and replace them with an independent Nationalist right wing Government our Country will be gone in my lifetime.
    That is now the stark reality, and the only positive part will be watching all the people who called me a “racist, fascist, nazi, bigot, gammon, white supremacist” etc lining up meekly to be butchered in the brave new caliphate that used to be the UK.

  29. The locals need to cause more of a rumpus than they are currently doing at Linton-on-Immos.

    They have tried the peaceful democratic route, and that has failed.

    It’s time they roped in the surrounding villages and resorted to violence and vigilante tactics.

    Surely it’s got to be worth a stint in the nick if your forever home is to be surrounded by this filth.

    Fight shit with shit. We’re too soft.

    If I was a bit younger and they asked for assistance I would gladly give them a hand.

    • The simple answer is for the village shops to refuse the gimmegrants any service.

      • Odin@ – If that happened the dirty little fuckers would burn it down.
        If I was the parent of a young girl in Linton on Ouse I would be very, very worried.

    • DvD@ – From my knowledge of the local area I think that is exactly what will happen.
      This is akin to letting a bunch of wolves into a field of lambs, and when the first sex offence is made known (they always do it – the dirty little bastards think it’s their right) the locals will not be calling the police in my experience.
      If they made all the people demanding the rats stay take four each in they would soon change their tune.

      • Absolutely Vern.

        As soon as one of them lays a finger on some young lady, hopefully all hell will break loose.

  30. All illegal migrants should be sent, before they are deported to the people who actually want them. Step forward the cunts in Chipping Norton.

    • Entering the UK illegally is a serious criminal offence and every one of the lying cunts should be subject to very harsh measures to boot them out within hours of their arrival.

      Pure fucking vermin.

      • UT@ – We need my good vessel “The Black Pig” to skirmish with the invaders on our annual IAC booze cruise to France!
        *Note to self* – Do not allow Sir Fiddler near the medicinal brandy this time..?

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