I would like to nominate these sick cunts. The family sex show, aimed at families and children as young as 5. The show involves the actors (nonces) being naked and discussing sexual topics from gender identity, trans, masturbation and a play doh session for children to shape into genitalia.
This show is run by the usual LGBT+ freaks who want to normalise sexualisation of children and to normalise pedos. There are nonces currently who are arguing there sick behaviour is a sexual identity, hiding behind the usual gender ideology and before we know it the P as been added.
This is also a concerning response that their show is suitable for small children. Apparently sexual behaviour starts at birth and this is backed up by the NSPCC, although I can’t find anything on their website that supports their sick ideology.
“Sexual development and behaviour in children starts from birth. It’s important that children are supported in their exploratory development, safely and comfortably. You can see the common stages of sexual development laid out by the NSPCC here”.
This shitshow is even funded by the England Arts council and they were given nearly £20,000.
Thankfully due to the outrage and complaints they have been forced to put their so called show on hold. True to leftist form they are the victims.
“It is regrettable that violent and illegal threats and abuse directed at the company and venues by a small group of people with extremist views has prevented families from opting to attend something that was transparent, consensual and legal.
We believe that what has happened is reflective of structural and societal attitudes towards Relationships and Sex Education as well as art, culture and who is allowed to create and what we are allowed to engage with in the UK.
The creative team will spend the next two weeks finishing the show, ready for a time it might be able to meet a public. We also want to respond to the events of the last few weeks and how we move forward. Removing work that celebrates freedom of expression from stages cannot be the answer“
They even use the Freedom of expression angle, sorry but safeguarding of children trumps freedom of expression. What happened to the lefty response that is, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. They cry harassment and abuse but I’m sure that any hate was actual criticism, so the usual leftist tactic of being the victim is used.
Perhaps the authorities should be checking out these individuals, perhaps starting with their personal hard drives. Also there should be an investigation into how a government body funded by the taxpayer gave money for this. If you wanted any proof that they are coming for your children, here it is.
Nominated by: Kyliefancunt
(** Anyone who endorses the actions revolving around paedophilia in this nomination will be banned! – Day Admin)
Just when you think the world cannot get any weirder.
Sex is a very powerful tool to use in the destruction of society. This is why the rabid push for abortion rights here in the US. Being able to fuck anyone and everyone at anytime requires the options to avoid or erase the consequences. The real damage is moral and psychological though. Children believe what they are told and that is why these sick cunts need to get to them early. Sex with children will be legal soon mark my words. Marriage and family are critical to a prosperous and stable society and are being destroyed. Great nom.
Its telling that they labelled concerned parents as “extremists”, Biden’s administration and the legacy media did the same in the U.S regarding Critical Race Theory branding them “domestic terrorists”.
Between the grooming gangs, social media and this lot, who would want to be a kid today? Like most on here, I’m glad I had my childhood when I did.
I’m well into my second childhood and enjoying it immensely since I can drink and fuck in this one. Although, thinking about it, I did both of those things in my first one.
Almost as bad as these sick n*nce bastards are the parents, and you know they are out there, who will think this is a great idea, part of their child’s “progressive” education. This is where all this poof and tranny stuff is going. As mentioned above destroy the family and you have social breakdown, a herd of rootless confused thickos who can be easily manipulated. That’s what they want and they are well on their way.
Most poofs are no more in favour of this sinister stuff than most straights are. After all, the nominator is a poof, as are a number of my friends and neighbours, and they most definitely have no interest in undermining the family or facilitating social breakdown, quite the opposite in fact.
Some of my best friends are poofs ?
Why are the cunts not arrested and sentenced to some porridge. They could put their perverse on inside. I’ll let fellow cunters decide an appropriate climax to the performance inside strangeways!! Other nicks are available. Cunts.
This is the way of the woke. The normalisation of preversion. And was probably funded because some pen pusher was terrified of being branded some sort of phobe on twatter.
What Hell is this?
I’m assuming that whoever approved funding from public money is not a parent, either that or they are as sick as these ‘actors’, and a right bunch of freaks they look, too.
I would imagine young children would find this display both frightening and confusing. It would teach them nothing at all.
Parents are best equipped to answer they childrens questions about their bodies, not some strangers, who at best are exhibitionists, and at worst are dangerous predators.
I’ll just call this what it is:
Pure unadulterated evil.
Oven.Slow burn, make the cunts suffer.
It’s not only TV show. This cancer is being spread through our schools, rubber stamped by this so-called “Conservative” government which has all the hallmarks of a Marxist front running a politicised state education system which is one of the worst in the world.
Since September 2020 the degenerates running our schools’ sex education have been teaching 4 and 5yr olds about homosexuality, transgenderism and gender dysphoria under what they secretly refer to as “queering primary schools”. Degenerate-In-Chief is former headteacher Andrew Moffat.
Moffat wrote the guidance “No Outsiders in Our School”, approved by Theresa May’s “Conservative” government, which now forms the guidelines for teachers. It’s nothing less than a paedophiles charter, allegedly!
Moffat was also one of the speakers at No Outsiders seminar at the University of Exeter in 2008 where he co-presented a paper with Dr Elizabeth Atkinson, the project co-leader. The title of the seminar was Queering the Body; Queering Primary Education. An excerpt from the blurb gives a flavour of proceedings. “The team is concerned to interrogate the desexualisation of children’s and teacher’s bodies, the negation of pleasure and desire and the tendency to shy away from discussion of (sexual) bodily activity in No Outsiders project work. The danger of accusations of the corruption of innocent children…..has led team members to make repeated claims that this project is not about sex or desire – and that it is therefore not about bodies. Yet, at a very significant level that is exactly what it is about…”
Let’s just unpack THIS bit of sickness for one second: ‘At what cost do we deny children’s and teacher’s sexuality? What do we lose if desire and pleasure are banned from the classroom? What is the place of the research team members’ own bodies, desires and pleasures in this research?’ Can SOMEONE remind Boris and his merry band of Marxist fellow travellers that the BODIES in question here are those of adults and the children aged 5 to 11 who are in their care to learn?!
The thread that runs through this whole awful project, now a feature of YOUR CHILD’s primary school, is the policy that teachers who are gay should be able to be their own gay selves in front of their pupils (they call it “challenging heteronormativity”?!?!). There’s word a for this : paedophilia!!
(Edited for clarity – Day Admin)
Cunt me in: a superb post.
Thank you?
This freakshow of nonces being free to display their nonce behaviour in front of kids titled “The Family Sex Show” being held in Norfolk should hardly be a surprise given the carrot crunchers have been practicing keeping it in the family for some time.
Every man or woman that allows this perverted behavior to continue unabated especially to their own children are epic cunts that deserve nothing but UT’s oven after a thorough beating with pool balls in socks from the ISAC Justice Society.
(A quick note. The word “nonces” is something WordFence doesn’t like and dumps comments into the Mod Q. Best find alternatives in future. Cheers – Day Admin)
The logical next step for these wokie fuckers is a reduction in the age of consent. It is 14 in many European countries, including Germany and Italy, and 13 in Japan. Surely we need to come into line with these progressive societies? You know it makes sense!
And the EU would love it.
So would another ‘cultural’ section of society.
Guy Verminhoftwat probably loves it already, he looks like a full-on pea dough.
I got my first sexual activity aged 8 3/4, but at least it was from a stable-girl, probably about 13 or 14, and NOT some dodgy priest or scoutmaster. No doubt about it, but the alphabetti-spaghetti will soon include P, or MA (minor-attracted, as they prefer to be known).
Biden DISGUSTS me, oven Mx 7, while he is still alive. Dirty, kiddy-sniffing perv.
‘at least it was from a stable-girl’
Theresa May?
Child abuse, in plain sight.
The agenda of LBGTQP+ activists and the support they are receiving from teachers, local education authorities, local councils, governments, the armed forces, national security institutions, the media and global corporations is frightening.
Another “tool” to destroy the family and polarise society-to the benefit of those who seek to remove freedoms.
An excellent cunting ?
It actually makes my head warp that we permit this. As recently as the 1950s entire towns would have marched on the venue hosting this horror and probably beaten the participants half to death.
Now it’s applauded and even those opposing it dare not speak out.
If any more proof the worlds gone insane is needed I don’t know what it is.
I think we are the cunts for doing nothing to stop it. For evil to prosper you just need good men to do nothing!
1950s? I’d say as recently as the 1970s.
Or even yesterday-in Florida.
Go Mr Desantis?
In the early seventies the civil service regarded homosexuals as disabled. Regarded as a completely reasonable point of view by most at the time.
As for the shower peddling this stuff, why are they not in custody?
Flay them alive and then gibbet them as a warning to other n0ńçes.
The continued destruction and demoralisation of a once great civilisation appears to be continuing on its path, unabated.
Only a fractionally small minority of freaks and dirty cunts will be into this.
The average person with even half a moral compass, no matter what their sexual tastes and preferences, would quite rightly distance themselves from something so utterly fucked up.
You can burn the bastards who promote this alive for me. Repugnant cunts.
It’s not a bigoted reaction to your show, no it’s because you are nonces and fucking deviants. Now fuck off back to your holes you total fuckwits. You should be lucky you did not try this shit 30 odd years ago. One intentional flashing of “tackle” at my daughters and I would have used your scrotum (once tanned) as a gear stick knob cover. I still would but would have to ambush the knob juggler fair bit slower now
Bloody hell imagine the application form for this legalised n@ncery. Do you think that waving your dick at small children is an important part of the childrens development to a more rounded societical belief paradigm that will in the long turn blah blah blah.
Please tick one of boxes with your firm belief or disbelief of the passage above.
Any box other than totally in agreement will disbar you from this position because you are a facist right wing nasty bigot person.
Cleanse with fire.?
Usual bullshit, when the weirdos pervs, lefties do not like something, it is cancelled. Boot on the other foot they start screaming about extremists and fascists. They fucking cunts should be burnt alive
The only thing that young children should be thinking about their genitals is this:
That’s where I wee through!
Anything else is unnacceptable. Inevitably they’ll ask (aged 7 or 8) how babies are made and their parents (not commie teachers) should explain in language they’ll understand.
These scumbags are pædo apologists, like Harriet Harman (PIE).
A recent QC stated that he was horrified at the direction society was heading and the amount of court cases that end up dishing out lenient sentences.
Boil up the piss and turn the oven on,we need to do some dunking and roasting of these cunts.
Recipe of the day.
Traditional “fruit” pie.
Take your shortcrust pastry which should have been resting in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Roll out on a pre-floured surface, allowing enough for a deep pie dish or tin.
Now prepare the filling.
Take your pre made sign-
“NETFLIX product recruitment”
Place sign on your gate.
Select only the fattest and most brightly coloured LBGTQP+ activists that congregate around the sign*
*blue haired trogglypuffs, bum-fluff faced soy-boys and q.ueer primary school teachers, make a particularly satisfying filling for this recipe.
Prepare the fruits by removing facial piercings, internet related devices, ? badges and then thoroughly wash.
Place fruits in the pie dish/tin, sprinkle with cinnamon to sweeten.
Cover with a pastry topping, trimming excess with a pastry knife.
Glaze with milk, using a pastry brush and sprinkle with brown sugar.
Place on the middle shelf of a pre-heated Unkle Terry’s Oven, 180/160 fan, until cremated.
Open a bottle of 20 year old single malt, to celebrate?
I say!
Quite fancy.
Although this nom is about evil incarnate I do appreciate a bit of levity CG,so thank you.
It may prevent me going postal.
That acronym CG, LBGTQP+, it’s just clicked! Very good, subtle. It will be my default reference for these deviants from now on.
Wordfence doesn’t like that N word?! WTF?! What does that tell y’all? These cunts are a protected class now. FFS what’s next? Pretty soon more admins will be needed as all comments will end up in mod Q.
Makes you wonder who’s running Wordfence.
Paed0philia is one subject where no-one should be bothered if the n0nces are upset.
It should be open season for these cunts to receive verbal and physical abuse all year round. The names and addresses of anyone guilty of, or supporting kiddie fiddling should be freely available to all.
Sexual degenerates trying to justify their vile behaviour.
We ALL know what these people are, and what their intentions are toward children.
Anyone endorsing this is one as well in my opinion.
Disgusting, and although I would of course never condone it I think it’s kind of inevitable some of these dirty bastards will end up very badly hurt.
Ask yourself why they are trying to engage young children in quite unnecessary sexually explicit material.
The answer is hiding in plain sight. Note they like to use the word ‘extremist’ to describe anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their deviant behavioural ideals.
These warped pea-does should simply be destroyed by fire and heavy grinding machinery.
They have also invented a neutral term as paedophile, a scientific \ medical term, now carries obvious and justified stigma. They are now ‘minor attracted’.
Not the first time we have seen behaviour given a new label, in recent years, to disguise the bleeding obvious.
When my blood stopped boiling I looked the company up behind this absolute cuntfest. It’s called Thissegg Ltd. Two directors: Mx Gayathiri Kamalakanthan this one is supposedly British but it looks like a brown one to me. And Ms Josie Dale-Jones, half Swiss half Welsh, I then had to look up what Mx was, apparently it means gender neutral or something along those nonsensical lines. The utter cunt at the Arts Council that authorised payment for this outrage should be dragged before the bench, he/she/it needs locking up. I’m glad I’m not a parent of a small child these days, I’d probably be in jail for hurting someone.
I don’t think you need to be a parent to be potentially guilty of an offence that would attract jail time.
Hanging by the bollocks would work for me. Hoist the sick cunts up and batter with baseball bats until dead. Then down the pub for drinks on the house.
Both of the director of the company are female.
By the tits in their case and a red hot dildo inserted. Then baseball bat.
Sadly, shit like this is nothing new.
Decades ago, the Paêdōphìle Information Exchange operated quite openly, for a long time.
There is a section of society that is determined to legally bring children into their sexual orbit.
Anyone involved in this type of abomination should be jailed for life.
Personally, I’d string the cunts up and leave them for the Crows.
Get To Fuck.
Our old chum Peter Tatchell was one of their ardent supporters.
Wonder if he leaves that off his CV these days…
The sexualisation of children persists unabated, chiefly supported by the woke and the unhinged.
In the old days the old bill and the media would be kicking the shit out of these cunts and naming/shaming (unless you’re the BBC of course). But these days the Establishment, media, the Progressives all seem to want children to “enjoy” the same sexual discoveries of those of legal age claiming that age shouldn’t have anything to do with what a child should and shouldn’t learn about!
There are any TV shows and social media channels that are already pushing the boundaries, especially some parents who want to show off their kids in provocative clothing, defending themselves by saying “she’s my child and I know best what is right for her!” And anyone who criticises her is deemed a bigot/extremist.
How would Analese Dodds react if some dirty old woke cunt demands to have sex with her children? Or the same with libtard Hollywood celebs with kids. Would they allow Peter Files anywhere near them?
Give it a few more years and sex between adults and kids or kids and kids will be the norm unless someone in authority has the balls to say enough is enough of this sick shit!
All peedouhgs should be burnt alive. Simple as that.
Told you before about when a teenager witnessed blokes on our estate battering and torturing a pee do .
I agreed with it then.
I agree with it now.
Theyre a danger to children,
Like a venomous snake or a scorpion in your house,
They should be ‘dealt’ with.
I saw one killed id not bare witness against the murderer.
Id buy him a pint.
Good nom Kyliefancunt!?
Hope your well?
And not been swearing?! ??
“It is regrettable that violent and illegal threats and abuse directed at the company and venues by a small group of people with extremist views”.
40,000 complaints with demands that you fuck off and take your freak show with you is not a small group of people with ‘extremist views’.
That is a very large angry mob, concerned for the welfare of their children and that is just the ones in the vanguard.
I’d say you’re fucked and would advise against showing your faces in public ever again.
You fucking perverts.
Odin-the venues (Bath, Bristol* & Norwich arts festival) deserve an equal amount of public wrath and disgust.
*ironic that Bristol stool chart-explains the consistency of your bowel movements, was one of the main supporting venues?
Well fuck me dead, that shitshow is actually a thing. ?
I did have a seriously disturbing thought in the meantime.
Did some adults somewhere actually take small children to see this?
If so, they need to be on a national register.
Odin, such was the outrage I belive it never made it to public viewing.
Quite frankly, any parent who considered taking their child to view such a spectacle would have to be a bob short.
I suggest their audience should be entirely made up of 16/17 year old feral males who are off their faces on White Lightening & skunk.
I’m sure the lads will be suitably appreciative.
I got sick to death of seeing that stool chart thing around the town centre in Bristol, what sort of cunts spend ages pondering the shape of bowel movements and comparing them to pictures on a chart? I have noticed over the years that pervs do seem to be obsessed with shite . It’s usually masquerading as some sort of health advice as well.
They missed out (or should that be MX’d / MS’d?) white streaks in your shit.
I imagine that is quite common in certain Bristolian neighbourhoods ?
It makes me sound like a fascist and in line with the current mind control of the state, however there should be a mechanism for detecting these freaks in their early age then attempting to remedy it before they wreck the lives of children and their families with their perversion. Otherwise when found guilty, croc fodder.
Its like something out of Brasseye