The Family Sex Show

I would like to nominate these sick cunts. The family sex show, aimed at families and children as young as 5. The show involves the actors (nonces) being naked and discussing sexual topics from gender identity, trans, masturbation and a play doh session for children to shape into genitalia.

This show is run by the usual LGBT+ freaks who want to normalise sexualisation of children and to normalise pedos. There are nonces currently who are arguing there sick behaviour is a sexual identity, hiding behind the usual gender ideology and before we know it the P as been added.

This is also a concerning response that their show is suitable for small children. Apparently sexual behaviour starts at birth and this is backed up by the NSPCC, although I can’t find anything on their website that supports their sick ideology.

“Sexual development and behaviour in children starts from birth. It’s important that children are supported in their exploratory development, safely and comfortably. You can see the common stages of sexual development laid out by the NSPCC here”.

This shitshow is even funded by the England Arts council and they were given nearly £20,000.

Thankfully due to the outrage and complaints they have been forced to put their so called show on hold. True to leftist form they are the victims.

“It is regrettable that violent and illegal threats and abuse directed at the company and venues by a small group of people with extremist views has prevented families from opting to attend something that was transparent, consensual and legal.

We believe that what has happened is reflective of structural and societal attitudes towards Relationships and Sex Education as well as art, culture and who is allowed to create and what we are allowed to engage with in the UK.

The creative team will spend the next two weeks finishing the show, ready for a time it might be able to meet a public. We also want to respond to the events of the last few weeks and how we move forward. Removing work that celebrates freedom of expression from stages cannot be the answer“

They even use the Freedom of expression angle, sorry but safeguarding of children trumps freedom of expression. What happened to the lefty response that is, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. They cry harassment and abuse but I’m sure that any hate was actual criticism, so the usual leftist tactic of being the victim is used.

Perhaps the authorities should be checking out these individuals, perhaps starting with their personal hard drives. Also there should be an investigation into how a government body funded by the taxpayer gave money for this. If you wanted any proof that they are coming for your children, here it is.

The Critic News Link

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Kyliefancunt

(** Anyone who endorses the actions revolving around paedophilia in this nomination will be banned! – Day Admin)

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