The BBC (64) and the Platinum Jubilee

The BBC again… and still cunts…

As the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is imminent, I just know that the BBC’s coverage is going to be shite of the highest order. Those woke fanatics will shoehorn all sorts of PC crap into their coverage of the event.

Those downtrodden long fucking gone dey da vic-tim slaves of yore will undoubtedly be mentioned again (yawn!). The ‘evil doing’ colonial past of Britain will be dug up yet again. And blacks, peacefuls, wimmin, trannies, dykes and poofs will be thrown into the mix whenever it’s possible to do so. It’s an absolute certainty, because the BBC simply can’t help itself.

Even their recent adaptation of Around The World In Eighty Days was just episode after episode of woke lecturing and trying to sell those ethinc and ooh duckie types to us ‘uneducated’ riff-raff.

Her Majesty’s final Jubilee should be handled and covered with dignity and respect, as it’s obviously going to be her last big do before she passes away. But fat chance of that with the BBC. No, I don’t have any links to prove they are going to ruin the television coverage of the 2022 Jubilee. But I know they will. Sure as eggs is eggs, shit is shat, and cunts are cunts.

And the bastards don’t even play the national anthem any more. It used to be one every night during the closedown. Now the BBC doesn’t give a fuck. They probably think ‘God Save The Queen’ is too British, that we should be ashamed of it (fuck them), and that it will upset those lovable dark hued types (what doesn’t upset them?) and those peaceful personages.

The BBC…. Yeah, them cunts.

Nominated by: Norman

103 thoughts on “The BBC (64) and the Platinum Jubilee

  1. 95 years of a Kraut picking my pocket for the worlds biggest giro.
    And, of course, the BBC constantly calling the very people who fund them “racist”.
    (The highest majority of people who pay the BBC theft tax are middle aged white people).
    The BBC are the definition of the enemy within.

    • Afternoon Vern

      How do the Beeb reward those license payers?
      They plan to get rid of BBC 4 which is probably the only channel worth watching for many white middle aged license fee payers.

      Fuck the license payers and what they’d like to watch – no let’s instead pander to the yoof and ethnics (who ironically don’t pay the license or give two fucks about the Beeb.

      Complete and utter stupid treacherous bastards.

      • Afternoon HJ – it is not good business practice to constantly call your largest customer demographic “racist”.
        I am SO glad I do not contribute to this shitfest.

    • A Kraunt picking your pocket? She has served the Country. Everyone has an opinion but frankly most hate comes from the council estates which have no ambition. Which everyone pays for there homes – I’d love to sit on my arse all day everyday. I’d rather pay for one massive house and the head of the country than the shit that comes to these shores. Politicians should be improving people’s lives and listening to them, they’d get more satisfaction from their jobs and actually get a consensus. Respect is gained and not a given!

      • CCtM@ – I do not hate the Queen – I just do not see why a Family of parasites live off our backs.
        And it is arrogant and insulting to claim that “most hate comes from the Council estates with no ambition” – who can have any kind of ambition when they know their entire life will be an uphill struggle where 99% fail by design and who the fuck would not hate someone born into wealth and privilege lording it over people with nothing and expecting those with nothing to pay for the privilege.
        “Outcasts from the underclass”, as some group or other probably said.

      • I was mearly stating it’s hyprocritcal to state the Queen is some sort of benefit sponge. It’s actually the honest working class that gets fucked in the arsehole, ears and mouth. If I am some sort of benefit sponge I’d get everything chucked at me. I feel very sorry for the disabled and needy and they should be treated with respect, I hate benefit frauds.

      • Also, they own large estates and actually do a roaring trade for business, so the fact the Queen is a big entrepreneur. Who owns Portland stone company?

        It’s not just taking tax. She doesn’t even need to pay tax on the Dutchies but they still do. They also do lots of charity like the Prince’s trust etc. I can’t have a bad word to really say about them to be fair.

  2. The wokies are already complaining that Regent Street, which is festooned in Union Jacks, “resembles a street in Nazi Germany.” Really? I’ll give “em Nazi fucking Germany given half the chance.
    Fucking commie anti British bastards.

    • The Union Jack is the very flag which represents the Nazis’ defeat. As we all know, the wokies would rather see Regent Street festooned with a different flag. Hint: it’s blue and has a circle of gold stars on it….

      • I hate to be pedantic, but it’s the Union flag – it only becomes the Jack when it is flown from an RN ship

      • Cunt Me In@ – Just got my licence back in the post after a change – a marvellous Union Flag on it – good form!
        I think “our betters” would prefer a flag with a swastika, a hammer and sickle or a crescent moon..
        And if they carry on with their destruction of the UK that is exactly what the evil fuckers will get.

    • Remaniac cunts. Utter fucking loons. Brain dead boors without an ounce of decency or respect. Brussels bastards and patriotic EUnuchs. Morons, cunts, idiots.

      Sorry run out of expletives.

      • With a king sized Union Jack Flag fitted, waving in the wind of course!

    • What’s that nice black flag with the Arabic writing on?

  3. Boggs TV Productions (Lithuania) Ltd were proud and priviliged to make a special programme for the great day, and we made “Old Queens On An Old Queen” with Alan Carr, Graham Norton, Philip Schofield and Peter Mandelson. To give it BBC style gravitas we had Bendover Bradshaw as interviewer. No expense was spared, but then in the middle of filming, a very angry and jealous Anthony Blair broke into the studio in a tantrum “It’s me you should be talking about duckie. I’m a cult I am. I am the biggest cult you’ll find round here, dear”.

    Suffice it to say there was much beating around the head with handbags, tearing each others hair out and screaming and cries of “ooh you bitch – get her, duckie” – and that was just the cameramen. We made our excuses and left…. The programme, alas, was not of broadcastable quality.

    • What about the workers, you know, the ones permanently on benefits, what do they have to celebrate, isn’t Thursday dole day ?

    • Pidcock gifted the tories a safe Labour Seat; I’d thought that she would be still too ashamed to make public utterances.
      But these cunts have no shame.

  4. Luckily I can’t stand the Royal family of leeches so will happily give all this bollocks a wide berth.

    I’ll probably watch a David Attenborough film about fish or something so he can tell me that I’m guilty of killing them all and everything else.

    What a set of absolute cunts.

    • Speaking of fish I had a nice piece of haddock for lunch. Five fucking quid that cost! We’re an island surrounded by the bastards so why is fish so expensive while the Dutch and the Frenchies are robbing them off us hand over fist?
      Fuck you Johnson, another fucking traitor. If Her Maj has the cunt executed on Tower Hill I’d watch it on the BBC.

      • Harry, I would far rather have that slimy smirking cunt as President for two reasons;
        One, he would have to raise enough votes to get the job.
        Two, he would not automatically hold the job until he carked it and then the job be handed on to his eldest son.

      • Why do you have to have a president if the royal family is scrapped, plenty of other countries don’t have the scrounging bastards we have at the top of our cap wringing forelock tugging society, tell the whole German House of Windsor to fuck off

  5. I don’t mind the Queen personally, but I cant stand the rest of her virtue signaling sprogs and her toadies, I will celebrate the jubilee, but when HM goes, the rest of them should be put out to grass too, forthwith!!!

    (After a sjamboking of course, where are my manners)

  6. A full 4 day weekend with Nicholas Witchell, suicides will go through the roof, he is the most ? forming cunt on earth

    • Personally, I couldn’t give a monkey’s either way but that National Anthem is utter toilet. It’s a hymn to the longevity of the monarch wheras it should be about England and how fucking ace we are, how ace we were, and possibly a verse about how we’ve given gifts and inventions to the world whilst helping bud-bud Indians and thickie Ooga-Doogas.

  7. I refuse to celebrate anything to do with that ancient parasite and her vermin offspring but if you enjoy it, knock yourself out.

    Ex military sleeping on the streets and then we likes of Andres’s children swanning around in huge mansions. Makes me sick to the core of my stomach.

    Fuck em.

    • The reason why ex military might be sleeping on the streets is actually to do with the Wets in Margaret Thatcher’s government because she didn’t listen to old school liberals like David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. I liked Maggie Thatcher by the way. But at the same time she wasn’t perfect she had a lot of people who surrounding her stopping what she wanted to achieve. Most people won’t achieve greatness because of democracy. No one is perfect. Except labour of course. No wonder this country is going down the shitpan, for everyone born that has to go back in the system everyone has the same rights. If people stood on the main stage and slag off the country they have earnt their crust in my eyes. Need some decent politicians in this country not some wet weedy people going on about having a few beers in lockdown which most people secretly done anyway. It’s easier to attack someone telling the truth.

  8. Call me a bit slow on the uptake here, but I recently discovered that the fucking BBC spend who-knows-how-much on producing output in a bunch of foreign languages.

    The official first B in BBC stands for British. Last time I checked, Britain was an English speaking country. Why then are the BBC producing output for people who don’t speak/read/understand the national language? Rhetorical question of course. I didn’t realise I could despise the BBC any more, but somehow I’ve managed it. Cunts.

    • Money is the answer IY. They sell their shit all over the world and make a fucking fortune from it. I believe, at it’s height, Top Gear was the biggest TV money earner in the world.
      Of course this is never mentioned when it comes to licence review time. The cunts always want more…….obviously to blow it away on bastards like Linekunt and June Umbongo’s diversity brainwashing shit. They are CUNTS!

      • Here you go IY. Its where all the drill artists and moped muggers get the latest on geopolitics and world events.

        BBC Pidgin

    • Freddie & LL –
      Cheers fellas. Wow! I guess this is one of those times where you have to ask yourself, ‘how did I not know about this?’.

      So they use the telly tax extorted from Brits to make umbongo content that they then sell abroad which, presumably, is then consumed by umbongos for free – because they’re not paying the telly tax.

      I’m reading the Pidgin website. It’s a piss take, right?

      • I know IY, its clown world. Imagine if there is a news channel for this (maybe there is?) and some cunt has to give a report on “de monkeypox” with a straight face.

      • LOL. Yeah, that would be funny, LL.

        I absolutely loathe and despise anything and everything to do with India. I literally hate everything about it and anyone who comes from that 3rd world shit hole. So when I catch a mini-headline on the news about a flood or famine or bus/train crash, etc. I always say the same thing: Good.

        Let’s hope they all get Monkeypox too. That’ll slow down their fucking call centres. “How are you be havingly most splendid nicer days today. My name is being Steve, most excellent service providing by me also this day. How can I is be helpingful you this moment? Oh, please being holding on, my is whole body being coveredly with boils.”


      • Not a puss take, beleve it it not.
        Dem Afro-cuntfinder really do speak like the bastard chimera if Ja-Ja Binks and Dizzy Wascal?

      • CG – Cheers mate. I looked at the URL and noted it includes, so I was thinking it can’t be a piss take website. But you look at the wording and content and it looks like a piss take. But it isn’t. OMG!

        I am stunned. I think I need a lie down.

  9. The BBC

    The Grand Masters of lies by omission.

    Looking for the report on that uncomfortable news story you recently heard about somewhere which unfortunately blows a hole in the whole unicorn utopia of 21st century woke Britain and perhaps makes a non white person sound bad?
    Yes you’ll find it in a vaguely worded report, practically buried away in the local news sections somewhere.


  10. Brilliant nom, there is nothing the ministry of cunt wont pollute with their vile agenda. The tangled web they’ve woven is so fucking tight you get the feeling that even a tiny sliver of truth would blow the whole thing to pieces. They really are a shit sandwich, square peg round hole nutjobs, burn it, burn it down.

  11. First class cunting, Norman ?. The BBC can never be cunted enough, largely because they are anti-British, woke, metropolitan cunts. They should be immediately defunded.

    • They are cunts. They just sit there and slag everyone off. Mainly race/LGBT baiting.

      Fuck off BBC we don’t want to see gay blokes snogging whilst we eat our fish and chips as Little Englanders. Most of the fuckers don’t even know where little England comes from… It’s actually to do with St Bartholomew hospital which teaches lots of NHS, co incidentally lots of them hate the country too.

  12. They could have the reanimated corpse of the Queen Mother yodelling a medley of Macc Lads classics and I still wouldn’t be for tuning in.

    I hate it pisses down on those fucking idiots with their little plastic flags.

    • So no Jubilee garden party at Fiddler Towers, Dick? All your IsAC chums will be most disappointed. Miserable told me he has had a bespoke Union Jack flashers mac specially made, along with a posing pouch with the queens face on it, complete with peekaboo feature.

      • I’m just hoping that the wind will be in the right direction from my bonfire to get those Cunts in the village when they start with their “Community” street party…..utter fucking shit-houses.

      • “hope”…not “hate” Mr Fiddler. That’s not like you. But then again under you gruff exterior…

    • Fast-forward >> to 2032. Your local ‘village’ will be absorbed into a surrounding brick ghetto of cheek by jowl square new-builds in which in which have been housed the dinghy and lorry invaders plus family of the intervening last 10 years. Any pubs or churches in said previous village will be a madrassa or mosque. The sound of the daily call to prayer will prevail over the birdsong. Turkish barber, kebab shops and halal goat butchers will line what’s left of the original old high street with its English hardware shops, bookshops and pie shops.

      It’s happening already in some places.

      I’m happy to wave a union flag for the 4 days that its still just about deemed acceptable this weekend. A final hurrah for good old green and pleasant England and our customs which are just about to go down the shithole.

      Fuck it, I’m patriotic and our future does not bode well.

  13. Fuck the BBC

    God save the Queen
    God save our gracious Queen,
    Long live our noble Queen,
    God save the Queen!
    Send her victorious,
    Happy and glorious,
    Long to reign over us,
    God save the Queen

    hipp hipp hooray

  14. You can bet the BBC will be all over Sparkletits and her ginger poodle even though they won’t be allowed on the balcony with their horrible American brats. Watch how much coverage they give to that quartet of cunts.

    • I hope she come dressed in a degenerate Lady Gaga type ensemble of dead corgis glued to her naked body, Satanic horns and her playing Never Mind the Bollocks from a ghetto-blaster.

  15. When the BBC cover a Royal Event, it’s like watching the that sport, ‘curling’ where dull cunts slide a rock down some ice and another dull cunt scrubs the ice with a brush and another dull cunt does a dull commentary and dull cunts watch it. That’s how I approximate BBC coverage of a Royal Event.

    There should be a red-button option where Johnny Rotten comments on the pishy pageantry. Or David Icke going full Lizard talk on the cunts. Frankie Boyle (viewers in Scotland only) doing his, “the Queen is so old, her pussy is haunted,” and other quaint imagery…

  16. I hope that lightening strikes the balcony, as the whole bunch of scrounging German twats are busy waving??

    Then, as Queen Me-again is walking into Westminster Abbey for her inauguration, the south transept collapses on her, leaving her dead from the nose down.
    Doomed to sit in On a “Bench”, in her own piss and shit.
    In Oprah Winfrey’s yard.

    The rightful man then crowned Lord Protector of England-King Richard (Fiddler) the protector-his first action, to unfurl the Dragon and head to Scotland, for “pest control”.


  17. What the fuck is there to see?

    Cunts sitting around tables in the street? Although most councils probably won’t let you do this and instead, demand you only go to a designated spot and pay entrance of over £30. Also, you probably won’t be allowed to bring grub or drinks (must buy their overpriced shit). They’re doing this around my mum’s town.

    The TV footage will be of cunts eating fish paste sandwiches washed down with warm pop. Leeches waving on the balcony and a few clips of the Queen in her younger years.

    And ‘the Great British public’ being asked their opinions on her Maj. None of those clips will be live though. You won’t get to see the cunt that gets interviewed by Nicholas Winchell who says, “Waste of money, these fuckers. But I’d have done Lizzie up the wrong ‘un when she was a young woman, you ginger prick.”

    96 hours of fish paste butty clips, waving and Nicholas Witchell. I’d rather be in the middle of a tramp bukake.

  18. What a great celebration. 70 years of doing fuck all, living in multiple palaces with 1000s of flunkeys and producing the stupidest inbred collection of cunts anywhere on the planet. Paid for by us while she has a personal fortune of 700 million.
    I hope the BBC do what they are best at – slimy arselicking by that Witchel cunt and introducing as many fucking irrelevant darkies, lifters and wokies as possible.
    I wont be participating.

    • Don’t worry Cuntstable. The wish is your command because another 1500 fucks are invading our shores everyday because the haters in this country ‘hope not hate’ the only thing I hope for is not dying to a macette with no second amendment cheer Chiggun George and the Dunblane nutters what fantastic humans. A real specemin of love.

  19. Final Jubilee? Not so sure on that one. Her mother lived to nearly 102. Don’t forget, the queen has the best healthcare in the country. Every time she coughs, she is surrounded by at least five doctors! Don’t put the Jubillee Decor away yet. The Diamond Jubilee is only just around the corner.

    • In the event of this event happening, it will be referred to as the ‘Elizabeth Jubilee.’

  20. It’s a well know fact, that money earned during Jubilee celebrations is tax free.
    Consequently, I shall be working.
    God help any of these pesky street parties if they get in my way.
    Trestle tables and folding chairs will be no match for the Defender, as it thunders through cunting, bunting clad streets.
    Good evening.

      • @Lord Scunthorpe. It’s a fucking disgrace. People partying, in celebration of the head of the most privileged dysfunctional family in the land.
        All while Dear Old Blighty goes down the pan.
        Rumours that Randy Andy has been put in charge of ‘ Children’s Entertainment ‘ are completely unsubstantiated.
        Get To Fuck.

  21. On royal yacht escort Nassau 1966 somebody in our party returning late shouted, The Duke fucks pigs and the Queen wanks cats.
    The following morning we had to muster while the skipper took the tannoy and asked who shouted the Queen wanks cats.
    200 laughing like fuck and it descended into mayhem.

    Corgis more like.

  22. This will not bother me one whit, I will unplug the idiot box, shove earplugs in and read several books, until I’m too fucking drunk to see straight.

  23. Not having a telly or bothering with newspapers, I won’t have to suffer the jubilee celebrations.
    At least it will bring Lefty piss to boiling point.
    (Until the hypocrite bastards get offered a Dame or knighthood of course…)

    Gawd bless ‘er ?

  24. I’m no republican but I fucking will be when Her Maj snuffs it. If Charlie the Chimp Boy and Prince Baldybollocks think they are going to keep the Leftwaffe off their backs with all that green bullshit and mental elf fuckwittery they are even thicker than I thought. Of course you can’t expect any help from Randy Andy and Harry the Halfwit.
    They are doomed I tell you……..DOOMED!!

  25. Well I’ll be celebrating.
    Not about the monarchy for me.
    It’s more about me.
    Being a Englishman
    Loving my country
    And my people.

    And hating foreigners.

    Let the Union flag fly
    Let the ale flow
    Celebrate your country
    The wokeys will hate it ?

    • Fuck um, they stick BLM posters everywhere. Let’s here what they have to say about their downtrodden rights. Get a passport and then fuck off the buttered side of the bread. I’ve got all the flags.

      Call me a facist I dare them.

    • Just as well you won’t be celebrating the monarchy because I heard on the radio this morning that that would be racist! ?

      • I’d be dreadfully hurt to be called a racist or fascist!
        Nothing worse!?
        I’d cry myself to sleep.

        Racism got me kicked out of the National Front.

      • We have a Spitfire flypast over the weekend, I would have liked a few smoking Messerschmitt wrecks too but you can’t have it all.

      • Dinghies would make excellent Messerschmitt substitutes.

        “Tally ho Rabbit Leader”

  26. The beeb will be fucking raking it in selling coverage of this bollocks internationally. The foreign networks will lap it up and pay through the nose for the privilege of broadcasting the crap.
    None of that revenue will find it’s way to improve programming of course.
    It’ll disappear into the arse pockets of the directors and upper echelon at broadcasting house, and the astronomical wages of the plethora of talentless, worthless sycophantic “celebrity” cunts who’ll be falling over each other to get their toadying obsequious faces in front of the camera.
    A truly sickening prospect which I will be avoiding.

  27. I hope that Harry the orangutan and his slag, Megain Markup, Cuntess of Sussex, will be barred from the Jubilee.

    Because if the Buana Broadcasting Cuntporation even hears a rumour about Megain being there, they will devote hours of the coverage to that gold digging race baiting manicured tapeworm, and how wonderfully ‘black’ she is.

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