Peacefuls, MPs and the Media Silence on the Murder of David Amess

Peacefuls, David Amess, MPs and the media

Another Peaceful cunt slaughters an MP (one of the few decent ones from what I can tell) and it’s shut down in the media at the time, and hardly reported when said Peaceful goes down for it. The MPs banged on about Jo Cox forever, because it was done by a supposed “far-right” nutter. When another Peaceful, out of countless others gets in on the same act, fuck all is done except for awarding the MP with an award for “Parliamentary Dog of the Year”. They’re shit scared about saying anything true about Islam and the old Peaceful cunts. And if I hear another person go on about why people aren’t taking Afghan refugees, when they’d take a Ukrainian, it’s not because of their race, it’s because Afghans generally follow a backwards, paedo-promoting, 7th Century cult religion. Renounce that or fuck off. And have a wash while your at it.

David Amess
Spiked-Online Link

Dog of the Year
BBC News Link

Nominated by: Death by a 1000 Cunts

66 thoughts on “Peacefuls, MPs and the Media Silence on the Murder of David Amess

  1. I followed it. The perpetrator nonchalant about what he’d done.
    A debate about ‘radicalisation’ then. I thought of conspiracy theorists for some reason. It is in the same kind of thing. Their minds are ‘trapped’.

    I’m not one to think all Muslims are extreme like this. It just happens.
    I think the parents were as shocked as anybody else.

    Though I do think that Islam with it unrelenting monotheism is a danger. No variety in their conception of God.
    A form of Dualism.

    And that’s what happens to Conspiracy theorists. All is bad but good people like themselves, the people of light, have to find it out.

    Dualism again. Good and Evil.

    • Maybe because I keep seeing the face of Russell Brand on my feed. He’s gone from not a very good comedian to an out and out conspiracy theorist. He has lost what little humour he had. And is lost in his theories now. Everyday there must be a new revelation. ‘They (its always ‘they”) didnt tell us that’. Or ‘It all makes sense now’. His eyes wide, staring atyou.

      ‘Now I understand…’

      The fella that stabbed David Amess will have thought that as well. –

      ‘Now I understand…’

      The difference though I very much doubt that R Brand would go out and kill someone because of his beliefs. Wheras fanatical Islamists do.

      • Maybe there should ‘de-radicalisation’ courses for Conspiracy Theorists now.

      • Afternoon Miles.

        A curiously almost contradictory post.

        You’ve spent the last couple of months on another thread having a multitude of pops at the influence of the Jews in Europe and beyond.

        Now you’re talking about de-radicalisation courses for conspiracy theorists.

      • Speaking of Jews, it probably didn’t help that Amess was also a strong supporter of Israel and the UK Jewish community, something which would not have gone down well with some of the Peaceful persuasion.

        Last year, speaking at the Holocaust Memorial Day debate, Amess said:

        “Although I myself am not a Jew but a Catholic, there is Jewish blood in each and every one of us. I would certainly have been proud to have been born a Jew, and I stand shoulder to shoulder with our local Jewish community. I simply do not understand and have never understood antisemitism. The most important lesson from the holocaust is that although we cannot police the world, it is simply not acceptable to stand by and do and say nothing when genocide happens.”

        Sir David previously served as the honorary secretary of Conservative Friends of Israel.

      • Funny I have a Nom in moderation now called ‘Zionism’.

        I reject I have a ‘pop’ at any people. My stuff is always thought out and considered.

      • I think it worth saying RT that the Muslim community were equally upset about what happened.

    • this is the UN 2008 statute directive at work.

      ‘even if true, nothing maybe said that is negative about the peacefuls’.

      answer remove UN, remove WHO (afro warlord gang) and EU the limpdick money grabbers.

      then humanity might just stand a chance

    • Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim, enough said.

  2. To be fair (which I’m loathe to be) the MSM did report quite extensively on the trial and subsequent sentencing. Even the ABBC referred to the Peaceful cunt as an “IS fanatic” who “was motivated by a desire to seek revenge against MPs who had voted for airstrikes on Syria.”

    • The trial and the verdict were covered on radio four, and I don’t remember them shying away from any of the salient points.
      Didn’t the cunt go to prison for murder, not Broadmoor for being criminally insane?
      Unfortunately, for those on the far right spectrum, anything less than the MSM calling for them all to be exterminated is considered pandering to minorities, and makes it difficult to have a discussion about genuine concerns.

      • I really think that the only way to deal with violent killers is the rope. In prison they just make a fucking nuisance of themselves – look at the killers of Lee Rigsby and their constant complaints – the same is true of one of the two killers of Jamie Bulger.

        If fanatical Muslims who hope to be killed in action, so to speak, knes that many weeks after their murders they would be facing the 8.00 Walk and end up dangling from the end of the rope, it might stop their violent daydreams about being “martyrs” and all the virgins – not that we have many of those these days.

  3. If only the UK government was a quick and as confident to condemn all things peaceful as they are all things Russia for example then at least you couldn’t accuse them of double standards.

    Not defending Russia or Putin here but if all Russians and all of Russian culture historic and present is somehow guilty in the eyes of the UK media due to the Ukraine invasion, then what the fuck does it say about peacefuls, their countless atrocities and their guilt by association?

  4. Firstly, it’s David Amess not Arness. That’s a fairly bad – not to say disrespectful – start, and I think the error may not have been your own, Death by a 1000 Cunts. Even so, it’s a bit ironic that nobody bothered to spell check it.

    Secondly, the story was not “shut down in the media at the time”. It was extensively reported over a period of several weeks. Lots of details about the killing itself and a load of puff about Southend getting City status. Weeks and weeks of this. I actually thought it was a bit overdone.

    Nor was it “hardly reported” during the trial or at sentencing. There wasn’t really much to say, but there was plenty of stuff in the news at every stage of the legal process. That Spiked article is basically complete bollocks. Not sure what the relevance of the linked BBC article about Amess’s dog might be, but there was plenty of coverage of that, too.

    This nomination appears to be a rather odd, pointless, factually inaccurate and pretty ugly “competition” between the reporting of the killing of Jo Cox (or should that be Cocks?) and David Amess. Weird.

    Typo corrected. Thank you for pointing it out. Absolutely no disrespect to Mr. Amess or his family intended. Carry on – NA.

    • EK@ – Have to disagree with you on this – the MSM and politicians were both clearly walking on eggshells as they briefly described “mentally ill” people etc.
      It was clearly biased reporting and equally clearly was swept under the carpet by cowards and deluded appeasers.
      Those are the facts, whether they are palatable or not.

      • My stuff above about ‘radicalisation’ and Conspiracy Theorists. A shocking thing to say but maybe they are both forms of ‘mental illness’.
        I know if you go down that track you explain away almost anything. But still…

      • What I mean is say Ian Brady. He was an evil cunt no doubt. He got a kick out of what he did.
        This fella did it for a cause.
        I woild say Brady was not mentally ill. And this fella was.
        I think.

      • I don’t understand what you mean, Vernon Fox. There were no “eggshells”; bluntly put, the reporting of the killing of Amess was neither biased nor was anything “swept under the carpet” by “cowards and deluded appeasers”. As noted elsewhere in this thread, the reporting of the killing, the subsequent trial and sentencing of the killer, and everything in between was more than adequately reported.

        I appreciate that the thrust of the nom is to highlight the fact that there is a significant tendency to under-report crimes by non-indigenous persons. My point was that this nomination is a very poor example of this, admittedly real, phenomenon.

      • @MP
        Apart from him being an Islamic terrorist, what makes you think he was mad rather than bad? Bear in mind, neither the defence nor the prosecution played the mental elf card.

      • You get up in the morning MJB. You get on a train. You go to a constituency meeting. And you stab the MP to death.
        It came out that was going to go for Michael Gove. But Gove had moved when he split from his journalist wife. So he changed his plan and chose David Amess.
        For no other reason it seems than that he was MP.
        My point here he didn’t HATE David Amess. It could have been any MP really.
        He said it was because of the West’s involvement in Syria.
        He got a whole life sentence.
        He hasnt complained.
        Is that the same as say Alex Belfield killing his victims? Belfield must have got some gratification out if what he did. I dont think this fella did.
        It is different.

      • @MP
        Just because he wasn’t motivated by sexual gratification doesn’t make him mad rather than bad. Do you not think he received gratification from striking a blow for Islam and his co-religionists against the wicked West and putting the fear of Allah into its citizens? Of course he did. He’s no more mentally ill than your average IRA murderer is.
        By the way, Alex Belfield has never to my knowledge been found guilty of any crime, much less murder.

    • Aye but why do we put up with any of it at all?
      If you blow children to pieces in a country that bends over backwards to house asylum seekers and pander to every whim of minorities why do they keep committing acts of barbarism on their saviours?

      The answer is that they are savages.

      Appeasement and mealy mouthed excuses are for naught,enemies should be confronted and destroyed.

    • The debate between whether the perpetrator was mentally ill or not has little relevance here.

      Mentally motivated, or otherwise, the result remains the same, a good man stabbed for no apparent reason, by a man of a dubious background.

      These nutcases, or otherwise sane persons. who follow this cult religion, should all be dispatched in a humane manner.

      I appreciate that this is now virtually impossible, as the numbers are so great.

      I’d get rid of the lot of them. Why take any chances?

  5. Such uncomfortable truths as the thousands of radical islamists that live here and the occasional but depraved acts of savagery they commit must be blithely swept under the carpet by our Great Leaders with such rubbish as “Lessons will be learnt”.

    No they won’t.

    If the Manchester Arena atrocity wasn’t enough for decisive action against the enemies of our way of life to be immediately put into effect then nothing will.

    The political class are cowards who couldn’t give a fuck even as one of their own is butchered by yet another fanatic who despises us all.

    At some point I hope the gloves with come off both with the evil vermin we harbour and their supporters,which include the MSM.

    The fucking cunts.

  6. Enoch Powell and his Rivers of Blood speech. How right he was. Britain, a haven for the detritus, rubbish and scum of the world.

  7. Compare this to the murder of Jo Cox by an extremist and the subsequent MSM and political hysteria (to be followed by a By Election strongly believed to be rigged).
    Islam thrives on cowardice and appeasement.
    My thoughts? Any foreign or dual national in the UK who commits a serious crime has UK Citizenship removed and is repatriated. “But what about their human rights?” the usual deluded traitors and do gooders will whine – well FUCK their “human rights” – don’t go around behaving like savages and you won’t have a problem will you?
    I would further immediately stop the building of any new mosques in the UK, get the 50% of muslim “Men” and 70% of muslim Women into work (the fucking freeloading parasites) and have a law – no English, no benefits.
    Then I would close and bulldoze a mosque every time there was an islamic atrocity committed on UK citizens, and ban sharia Courts – the law of the land or fuck off somewhere else.
    Since its creation islam has spread like a disease around the world creating nothing but dictatorship, enslavement and death.
    Islam and socialism are the biggest threats to the future of humankind, and unless we do something about both of these ideologies – and fast – it does not bode well for a good future.

    • I watched a YT video yesterday which an audio/visual enthusiast had primped to full colour etc. It was from approx 1940s London. Some chap with a “different” name posted the comment (very recently) “In 50 years time, we will win, there will be no more English churches left in your land” (not verbatim, but words to that effect). I reported him to YouTube for hate speech (works both ways?) and cannot find him today. Be vigilant, people. We are at real threat. They bang on about our takeover on every ‘angry Friday’ rant down the local pizza / chicken / kebab / dormant cell shop.

  8. I see in today’s Times that an Imam who spoke out about extremism at The Didsbury mosque – going back years and attended by the filth that bombed Manchester Arena, has had serious threats.
    I suspect that this ‘extremism’ is the norm amongst these verminous cunts.

    And ‘far right’. What the fuck does that mean? The nutter who killed Cox was just that. A lone nutter. No ingrained philosophy of evil, no support network, nowhere he could top up his derangement at Friday prayers.

    • I also find it odd (well, not really…) that MSM never speaks of “Left-wing extremism”…
      I remember some filthy slime travelling all the way from Bradford to Glasgow, to kill a shopkeeper who was of a more moderate persuasion than his own swivel-eyed sort. What was the Glaswegian’s crime? He kept a small corner of his shop for the sale of Easter eggs..

  9. I think any moozlim is a potential killer. After all, those who aren’t stabbing or bombing really aren’t following Islam as they are told in the Koran. To them the rest of the world is to be regarded as fair game for whatever atrocities they wish. It’s all ok as long as it’s to an infidel.
    Keep every single one of those camel turds the fuck away from me and mine.
    I’m Islamophobic you say?
    Damn right I am! For good reason.

    • It came out of the Desert didnt it. Has anything come out of the Desert that was in anyway civilised.

      • Christianity, possibly? Although many will disagree considering all the suffering brought about in its name.

      • Same shit, different bucket. Bible Belt Christians in the US scare me as much as the peaceful types, more so, because they have a significant say in the running of a superpower, and half the mouth foaming wankers are happy to bring about the rapture!
        Religion is a mental illness. Fuck them all.

      • Yeah were all terrified of Bible belt Christians.

        How far Sectarians will go.

      • Mind you Gutstick I do blame Patriarch Kirril and the Russian Orthodox Church for being the ideological cover for this war in Ukraine

        Something you dismissed as unimportant when I brought it up.

        I wish you’d grow up.

      • Just another lever for putin to pull. Utilise the religious idiots by telling them its a crusade, mobilise the nationalists by telling them its about border security, another lot about combating nazism.

      • How could I have forgot about that! And NATO expasionism too.
        Nothing about being a terminally ill closet homosexual wanting to go out with a bang.
        Evening RTC.

    • ‘Do you not think he received gratification from striking a blow for Islam and his co-religionists against the wicked West and putting the fear of Allah into its citizens?’

      Good point.

      Ive got to be honest though your referece to the IRA. They were always decribed as the ‘men of violence’

      Sometimes the ‘mindless men of violence’.

      It wasn’t really mindless it had a purpose.

      Same with this fella. No matter how hateful the ideology is.

      Just a mattet of fact. That’s all.

      • Its not just anotherl lever. It is the lever for all this mayhem.

  10. I can’t believe any religion still has a place in modern society,none appear very peaceful.

  11. Saint joe cox knew exactly what was going on with the rape gangs right under her nose. Cunt.

  12. I am not islamaphobic, I just hate everything that evil “religion” stands for.
    The brainless left love the fuckers, until they take over
    Religion of peace my arse, they just want world domination, leaving only the chinks to stop them.

  13. I cannot think of an MP less deserving of such a fate. A highly symbolic event, yet still the authorities’ heads remain buried in the sand.

  14. Did anybody catch the BBC news story a couple of weeks ago about how the sister of that Muslim teacher who was murdered by a Albanian immigrant claimed that if her sister had been white they would have been treated better and received more publicity than the Sara Everard saga?
    Now let’s look into both:
    Sabina Nessa was murdered on the evening of the 17th Sept 2021. No one reported her missing and her body was found on the 18th, her murderer was arrested on the 23rd and there was widespread coverage including lots of allegations of racism, until of course they found out her killer was an immigrant.
    Sarah Everard went missing on the 3rd March. Her boyfriend reported her missing and a nationwide call was made regarding her disappearance, her killer was arrested on the 9th and her body was found on the 10th. The reasons her case received more coverage were:
    1: She was missing
    2: Her murderer was an active Policeman, which is highly unusual……
    …..and yet the BBC aired a racism story. It was the same with the killer of David Amess, an ISIS fanboy, where the BBC were more than happy to promote the view that he murdered Amess in which to protect Muslims by painting the picture that Racism is rife in the U.K.
    The BBC then ran a story about the Sudanese asylum seeker shot dead by the old bill after he went on a stab-a-thon in a Glasgow Hotel. In a nutshell, police were called after a refugee stabbed 3 other asylum seekers and 2 staff, and then after attacking and stabbing a policeman he found out the hard way not to bring a knife to a gunfight, and yet not only did the BBC article blame the Government, they allowed a pro-refugee group to claim there’d been a cover-up!!
    Next came a Muslim Sky news reporter who complained that the coverage from Ukraine had been too white. Personally I feel that those idiots who play the race card and are found wanting (along with their white bedfellows) should be prosecuted for making false claims and ….racism.
    Finally, a huge manhunt was launched for a black man who raped a woman. The BBC headlined the story (as they should’ve done), but within a few hours removed the story from their UK and England news pages and relegated it to their London page.
    Sky News also took the unusual step of disabling the comments on their Twitter feed regarding the story, only allowing replies from those they mentioned.

  15. Stop the world I’ve had enough.Send them all via their own boats.Scum.

  16. Peacefuls are cunts, always have been, always will be.

    When you see and hear peacefuls condemning atrocities like the Manchester arena bombing or the David Amess murder, it is100% false.

    Sweden are finding out the hard way, let in hundreds of thousands of unchecked raghead males and you reap what you sow.
    There are now two separate populations living in parallel in Sweden, fucking good luck with that.

    • The rape rate of white girls by disgusting muzrats must be appalling in Sweden, eh SOI?
      Particularly in crapholes like Malmö (the Swedish equivalent of Bradford or Slough).
      It’s because the Swedish girls eat surströmming and the rotten, fermented fish stench emanating from them reminds the mużzıes of the smell of the fannies of their pillar box-clad sisters back home in shitholistan.

      • Sweden and Islam has to be some kind of oxymoron, yet here we are – a country which is one of the top destinations for 3rd world male detritus and the most dangerous in Europe for women.

        Politicians eh.

      • Those in power buried their heads in the sand and refused to allow ethnicity of perpetrators of crimes to be recorded, finally the penny has dropped.

  17. The do it when it’s Ramajan.
    They do it when it’s not Ramajan.
    We’re importing endless amounts of these killers and the media ignores it all.

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts/

  18. Have the words racially motivated been used to describe this? If they have, fair enough, but it’s not been in every single sentence like it is in dive circumstances.

  19. I’m not sure if this is the greatest joke ever told or the most unoriginal joke ever told but that terrorist found David a living person, but left David a mess……… on the pavement.


  20. Friday angry prayers. Everywhere. No obvious mosque in your town / village? check out the local kebab / chicken /barber shop. Even if it looks like it’s shut, there will be something going on upstairs. Men, be ready with bacon and for fucks sake lock up your daughters. The quiet invasion is happening and will out in our time ??

  21. It beggars belief that we ( the great unwashed whitey Christian’s) let these Muslim crimes persist. Retribution should be savage, the message should be made very clear through violent actions. Attack us and our Christian beliefs and you will suffer, commensurate with our military might and proven ability to defeat an enemy….☠️

  22. I used to think it would 40 or 50 years before the peacefuls became the majority
    ( wishful thinking, I’d been long dead by then)
    But looking at what’s happening here and Sweden I think it’s going to happen a lot quicker. They will not be as liberal and forgiving of Christians or any one else that doesn’t believe their form of delusion
    We can do nothing about it. Nothing

    Enoch Powell was on the money, but has been relegated to just a simple racist.
    No discussion, no subtleties.
    All modern ills are due to unfettered immigration, but we have let in a cancerous ideology that’s going to have the whip hand . No one wants to or can stop it
    The Great Britain we all want and love is dead, but we just don’t know it yet

    I’m getting more and more embarrassed by how fucking depressing I can be
    ps. Do you thing the above would would be a good opener for a best man speech I’ve got make in a couple of weeks?

  23. I think Europe now needs good fucking lesson from Russia and needs to be blasted to fuck. Harsh lesson for all of us and those fucking scumbags that have invaded illegally.
    See you in death.

    • Aye, you’d think a rain of fucking nukes would thin the filth out a bit, but as far as I remember, cockroaches are touted to be the creatures that will survive the nuclear winter & if there are any filthy creatures less like cockroaches than the fucking dinghy riders, I’ve yet to see them!

      Come the ‘Morning After’, you just know the mud slime will come slithering out of the ruins…

      • Probably should say ‘MORE like cockroaches’. It’s early & I haven’t had a litre of coffee yet…

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