As a slightly younger, and definitely angrier man, I watched quite a few of this cunts videos and found some of it resonated with me. Fuck, I’ve even posted links to a video or two of his here! But, like a stuck fucking record he just goes over the same ground, and without being remotely objective.
Also, I was never a fan of his smarmy delivery, and the fact that Uber prick Alex Jones is a trusted friend and comrade meant you had to take what he was saying with a massive pinch of salt.
Even when Jones was making a massive prick of himself saying the the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax that would herald stricter gun control (it wasn’t and it didn’t) Watson did nothing to distance himself from the swivel eyed fat cunt.
However, Watson has basically become a Moscow mouthpiece of late, his sneering videos pour scorn on the plight of Ukraine, the despicable behaviour of the west in helping them counter an unprovoked Russian invasion, etc.
But, its a free country, he can say that kind of shit if he so wishes, even though halfwit impressionable fools will believe it, and donate money to the Haw Haw cunt, following his pleading for cash at the end of his videos.
Today, he went too far in my opinion. In his latest sneering spectacular, he attacks those people disappointed that America is thinking of banning abortion in a lot of states. It wasn’t so much his opinion, but how he framed it.
According to the cunt, women who have abortions are baby murderers, who use it as contraception. And, anyone who isn’t in favour of banning abortion is a pathetic lefty, and a murderer enabler.
Tell that to my friend, who halfway through having her planned second child was advised to terminate the pregnancy because the baby, if it had survived long enough to be born, would have a short and extremely painful life.
It was a decision they didn’t take lightly, and not a day goes by that they don’t mourn the outcome. But, they made the right decision.
Fuck off Watson, you millennial bellend.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
I’ve absolutely no idea who this bloke is?
As a millennial there’s bound to be some issues he’s carrying around?
Probably depressed his daddy never breast fed him or summat…
This whole thing is a mouthpiece of misdirection.
The whole Ukraine thing is cause by EU. Not the Ukraine, but because EU has ensured eating into the buffer zone established with Russia and Nato. Putin has said enough is enough.
A parallel is how much of your garden do i pinch before you start ‘over reacting’. Your reasonableness up to then counts for nothing.
Given there hasn’t been any elections in France nor the USA as the EU and lefties are hellbent on their agenda regardless of facts. The law doesn’t matter but subversion does.
The populous needs to wake up and take back what has been wrongfully squandered and stolen from us. Left or Right we’re all fukkin pawns and a mass cull of the elite is on the cards and will happen. When I don’t know but it will.
It’s a point of view, I suppose…..
Was your pregnant friend a “they” as mentioned 3 times in your nom, or a she? Just curious.
I think by referring to her as her, that would have been enough. When I said they, I was referring to both parents. It was truly heartbreaking watching them go through it, and to watch a smarmy little prick like Watson make fun of it made me want to light the cunt up.
That’s a noble and genuine answer. It saddens me that we are in a place where I even had to ask the question, sorry 🙁
No problem, apology accepted.
Hatched from the same sulphurous egg as that other smug and self-congratulatory egotist, Alex Belfield.
Another smarmy prick.
Afternoon RTC.
? Afternoon Gutstick. ?
He got kicked off you tube, can’t say I blame them, the irritating ginger cunt
Paul Joseph Watson does some funny and insightful blogs, and has long been a thorn in the side of the “establishment”.
One of very, very few commentators seen as “right wing” who has not been “cancelled” by shitrats who will not hear or allow a different opinion.
Free speech is the RIGHT to have an opinion or point of view which some with a mission to be “offended” by everything which does not fit their agenda may deem offensive, and it is under threat like no other time before.
So trying to put a whiny boot into people who engage in free speech does seem a little counterproductive.
Exactly. I watch PJW from time to time, when the video title sounds like it will be funny. Abortion hysteria is a distartion from 2000 Mules, the 2020 election fraud documentary:
Lots of distractions these past few weeks: Johnny Depp trial, abortion hysteria, LGBTQ shite. So you know what to do – watch 2000 Mules!
Cunty Gordon-that you?
The whole abortion debate is a very complex and wide ranging matter and to sling insults such as “baby killer” or “murderer” around willy nilly without individual context is just absolutely ridiculous.
The way PJW seems to always shout and the way he edits his videos ends up something akin to a relentless audio bombardment.
Some of his subject matter and opinion can be pretty much on point where as some of it is absolutely not.
Like many YouTube personalities – he’s best taken with a pinch of salt but at least he’s not Owen Jones or Benjamin Butterworth.
Don’t get me started on Benjamin Butterworth Herman.
That’s one cunt i would like to administer a beating to
Benjamin Butter all, Onkel Tel’s installation, set to pyrolytic.
Afternoon HJ.
I think Watson and Owen Jones are virtually the same cunt. In fact, I’d love to see the pair of them fight to the death in a gladiator style contest, though I think the sight of each other oiled up would bring out the closet gay in Watson and they would end up having a jolly good old bum.
Afternoon GJ.
HJ@ – Agreed – PJW does trade on a loud (Man, is he loud) and slightly obnoxious reputation and shouting about “baby killers” is out of order – abortion is a sensitive and personal subject which should not be taken lightly.
But he is one of very few political commentators who do not have the normal hivemind mentality of the many, so despite the fact he can be a jerk and can get it wrong he is one of few people railing against the creeping authoritarianism which is being forced on us every day.
When the Epstein horror was coming out, he did a good video on it:
Afternoon Vern.
Yes I agree that PJW is on point about quite a few topics and anybody that criticises or mocks liberal leftist woke hypocrisy is generally fine by me.
His series of “Modernity” videos which critiques the retarded world we live in are excellent and that’s probably more to do with the fact that he doesn’t appear in them and just leaves the footage and music to do the job.
I remember he posted a video a few years back where he was talking at length with some American fella where they both denied the existence of depression – which I found more than a bit odd to be honest.
He can be entertaining and funny but he can be well wide of the mark.
Some say abortion is murder, as the way they see it, it’s from conception, not birth. Well I will go along with all that, when the time is right. I will retire nine months earlier, thankyou! Not that long to go now. Don’t for one minute think that will go down too well with the D.W.P though.
Murder or not I see the rabid support for it by the left as a way of trying to make and keep promiscuity mainstream. For millennia pregnancy was a check on promiscuous sex. But being able to erase or prevent consequences is key to their plan to breakdown the institutions of marriage and family and ultimately society. In other words make it easy to gratify any lust you have with no penalty. However there is always soul damage and the capacity for the very unselfish endeavor of a good marriage can be destroyed.
We see many ways the left is trying to feed our selfish lusts and it’s working.
By “the left” I mean Satan and his unwitting minions.
There are some grim videos on YT of ‘serial abortion’ women, one I saw had this… ‘thing’ that was screaming, “I’VE HAD EIGHT ABORTIONS! EIGHT! FUCK THOSE BABIES!” It’s like… these people aren’t about anything except nihilism or even Satanism. And there are people in American politics who are watered-down versions of these 8-abortions banshee cunts.
Back for another meltdown Gordon.
Satan my arse……
I tried to watch the link but 20seconds in got distracted by a ladybird, then I just lost all focus.
He’s a bit of a boring cunt isn’t he?
Reminds me of that goggle-eyed, wet mouthed cunt off Peep show,
David Mitchell?
He is like a Harry Enfield character’s son. Dreamy eyes, though!
Yep, me too MNC, except I got distracted by a large glass of wine.
Funny to hear that as it’s only 11:30 am here in Texas.
Well, the sun is over the yardarm somewhere.
I make no apologies. It was shortly after 3pm, UK time, and after watching this, this thing, I needed a drink.
Sue me!
It’s always happy hour in Sheffield eh JP? ?
I think he was trying to put the debate in the American context. They have a very different attitude over there to the issue. In the US abortion clinics get bombed and doctors have been assassinated. It’s all tied up with the religious history and culture of the country, very different from ours. Over here we have very small Catholic groups like SPUC who get fuck all publicity. It just isn’t a controversial issue in this country whether you like it or not. Watson’s point it seems to me is that the wokies want medical freedom of choice over abortion but want to take away that choice when it comes to the jab and face masks etc. A classic example of lefty cognitive dissonance.
Yes, his style can grate on the nerves but I like him. Not a cunt.
PJW’s style is annoying, but he’s not a cunt, he is fighting the corrupt cunts. Mark Dice, another American YouTuber is better:
It’s YouTube, it’s your choice who you follow, it’s not like BBC where the cunts make you pay 8 quid a month for the privilege to be patronised.
On a side note, that recent shooting in Buffalo, New York is wacky. An 18 year old who had a brilliantly written 180 page manifesto? Not an emoji in site? Okay, seems legit.
I’m with you on this one, Freddie.
I like PJW, his style of delivery and the way he nails his targets to the mast then runs rings around their arguments, making them look the fools and tools that they are.
This particular video wasn’t his best and seemed OTT to me. By the end I think he was trying to make the case the left are fucking hypocrites, but the way he did it was, for me, not up to his usual high standards. Not his best video, but also not a cunt.
And I don’t give a crap about the abortion issue either. Doesn’t affect me – hence I don’t care.
I remember when Paul Joseph Watson exposed Tony Blair as going to Bohemian Grove in California, where the world leaders perform a ‘mock sacrifice’ to a stone owl:
It’s the creepier stuff that goes on that matters. Abortion is fucking creepy no matter how you describe it. After 12 weeks, that’s a human being you are killing. But this world is sinister, we let psychos take over everything, not we have the 2020s, an evil clown world.
As soon as the cunt started to Rubbish Ukraine i unsubscribed him from youtube along with that monotonous arsehole that goes by the name “ We Got A Problem “ and Alex Belfield who has become a self obsessed self righteous shit.
I’m not against abortion.
I’m fact I think for certain demographics it should be compulsory.
If someone is told their kid will be in a world of pain and look like the fuckin elephant Man than its for the best.
As for Right/and Left viewpoints,
I’m not fond of been shouted or preached at off either.
My ignorance is all encompassing.
I don’t listen to any cunt.
I make my own mind up .
Never spunk in a pussy. Even when having a baby. IVF for the best sperm and let some speccy quack do the hard work while you’re down the pub every night.
More black babies were aborted in the USA than live births. Black lives matter eh?
The life only matters once it becomes a pawn in the game.
Christ on a bike! If you had a policy like that in Brixton, fathers day (The definition of confusion) wouldn’t exist.
I can vividly remember when abortion was finally made legal in Ireland. That was back on late 2018. Didn’t help at first though, as the backlog was so big, it meant there was at least a nine month waiting list to get seen.
“9 month waiting list” for an abortion! ???
Son, that’s some funny shit rhat thar!
Is abortion murder? I believe based on what Scripture says that a soul is given by God at birth. 2 cells coming together to make one cell does not a living human being make.
That said, if a fetus could survive an abortion we have a problem. My opinion? No abortions after 2nd trimester.
Yep! “Irish Logic!” Lol..
Good cunting.
I’ve watched his stuff and it’s entertaining, funny, and fully pokes at the loony left’s hypocrisy, refusal to debate, and obsession with Trump. He’s a Brexiteer who has shone a light on Remainiac cunts.
Nonetheless, he seems to be rather religious which is probably what drives this anti-abortion stance. Religious Republicans are frothing about abortion despite it never being mentioned in the Buy-Bull.
Don’t like it?
Don’t fucking watch it ,there’s freedom,freedom of choice.
I agree with a lot of what he says. He can be a gobby, ill informed bellend about 20% if the time. Most of the time he’s on the money. Has a very effective way of getting his point across.
More importantly, he’s woken up quite a few libtards down the years.
I can think of far better targets than PJW to be honest. Fuck it.
I quite like the cunt.
Anything that’s an antidote to the lazy leftwaffe lies of the BBC is fine with me.
An anti-dote to Auntie. That’s what’s great about YouTube – if you find a channel crap, obnoxious, dangerous, you can start your own that very day and just improve upon it each day, and before you know it, you can have 10,000 subscribers, then 100,000, then a million. I prefer channels of around under 100,000 who do it for the love of it, not money. But these days, being a full-time YouTuber beats working in an office or factory with cretinous co-workers, so more power to any cunt who can make $30,000 per year talking to their PC camera.
Vaguely aware of this cunt as yet another “New World Order” conspiracy theorist. His pro-Moscow take on Ukraine puts him beyond the pale in my view. An obnoxious swivel eyed loon, amply demonstrated in the nom photograph.
I think Paul Joseph Watson was trying to frame it in an American context pertaining to the controversy pertaining to Roe Vs Wade over there hence the OTT delivery – but the Yanks take it to a scary level – religious nutters targeting planned parenthood clinics, libtard slappers who regard abortion as free birth control and constantly scream “my body my choice” whilst simultaneously demanding people wear masks and get stabbed with experimental medication against their will – that seems to smack of “your body, MY choice” you hypocrite cunts, shootings, bombings – very galvanised, angry people on both sides of the argument.
America seems to have an excess of violent nutcases.
Yes, it’s the Roe v Wade hysteria in Yankland. No one in Britain ever gets hysterical over abortion the way that the blue-haired banshees in the Colonies do. It’s all a distraxction as I say, from the 2000 Mules documentary exposing the 2020 rigged election:
Be sure to have a strong ad-blocker turned on when you use that otherwise great site.
I saw an anti abortion demo in central Stabistan once. About 30 old Doris’s led by a Catholic priest. They weren’t bricking windows or glueing themselves to the road so nobody gave a fuck. It’s a dead issue over here whatever your opinion might be.
Indeed. Dead issue (pun intended?).
Medical shit in Britain is still treated in a Carry On Matron / Harold Shipman manner, ie. with humour or horror, but never hysteria, as the Yanks chose to play it.
A dead issue over here definitely.
Is that something to do with having a government run health service I wonder…?
I think it is somehow.
I was under the impression that the Demonrats were advocating for abortion for up to ONE DAY before birth.
Which is fucking murder?
That was in New York. To be fair, if I was in a womb of a New York harridan in 2022, I’d want to be hoovered out, too.
But seriously, absolutely fuck all will come of this. It was a leaked document that was destined to gather dust, but it got out and stirred up the spastics. Meanwhile, we have Hunter’s laptop, 2000 Mules documentary exposing the 2020 ultra-rigged election, food crises, fuel crisis, the coming chaos this summer and beyond.
Nah, thass conspiwacy feary innit.
Let these cunts conspire, it all ends in tears for them.
You have to go looking for PJW, you don’t stumble across him looking for new curtains do you?
His videos often pop up on the YT main page, but not as much as they used to. I used to watch every video he put out, got the alarm bell notification, but he has gotten pretty repetitive over the past year. And I hate that choppy editing style that many Tubers do. Just do several takes until you get it 100% perfect, be professional. But weighing in abortion is dumb in 2022. It’s a dead issue, very 1990s. The issues of today are huge and in your face. I’ll be surprised if we make it through summer and to Christmas with smiles on our faces.
He’s always reminded my of Terry Christian and that rules him out for me!
Ouch! That’s a bit harsh. Christian is a grade A supercunt , thankfully seldom heard from these days.
I’m in two minds about abortion.
Sub Continent cunts over here abort girl fetuses as they regard them as not useful:
(Plenty of other links on the interweb about this).
Don’t hear about many demos about that though do we?
I usually wind up the more rabid pro abortion people by asking them if they believe in Capital Punishment, usually get the repy “Er but, but…”
The more lefty wokes have abortions the better. More power to their Drano® and metal coat hangers, I say!
He looks like Kenny Everett and fat reg had a baby, I bet he is an uphill gardener like ken and reg,
I locked my keyes in the car in front of an abortion clinic once. You should’ve heard the protests when I came out clutching a coat-hanger.
That’s the thing about abortion jokes.
They never get old.
Neither do the babies..
That was the gag, Sidney!
I wasn’t born yesterday…
Obviously the rabid rights’ stance on abortion is fuelled by their reliance on the religion maniac vote. Nothing like a bit of oppressive Bible Shinto get them on message. There is a lot of absolute nonsense about the issue, some peddled by that cunt Watson, that abortion for many is seen as just another method of contraception. What fucking rubbish. Sure, there will be a proportion of mentals who might do this, but most will not. For the majority, it will always come with some regret and shame, even when they have made the best choice in that situation.
It’s crazy that there are those that would rather drag an unwanted child, or force someone who can’t afford to look after child to have one, many who go one to live miserable lives, empty of love and care, who turn into the problem people that society has to manage, to pay for, to police, to prosecute and jail. The same kids who fall prey to grooming gangs and filthy priests.
Because, once they are born, those crazies don’t give a fuck about them.
Well said, sir.
Bet his mam hears “abortion” at the dinner table an goes all thoughtful.
“Umm, if only….”?
And, for anyone who’s interested, here is the cunt caught on tape saying what he really thinks.
I have looked, but he doesn’t seem to have responded to this story.
Evening Gutstick ?
Good nom!
No fuckin sacred cows on here!
This shouty PJ cunt seems quite popular?
All the more reason for a nom.
If you shout about ‘Free Speech’ no tears at the unpalatable I say!
I don’t know who the little cunt is, don’t care either,
He’s not the Messiah he’s a very naughty boy!
Chin up lad
Keep rattling the cage?
Cheers Mis. Who needs another echo chamber?
The far left and the far right are in touching distance. On the clock face of cunt, the far left are 11.59, and the far left are 12.01.
Both think they are right beyond reproach, and both offer drastic solutions to anything they see as a problem.
I’m about 5.30.
I don’t wear a watch.
Like the abortion issue, PJW’s take on the pandemic was hopelessly simplistic; an Us vs Them narrative full of Karens and finger wagging officials. His condemnation of simple gestures of solidarity with the Ukrainians was also dismissed as ‘virtue signalling’.
I guess he’s just playing to the gallery of moronic wall-punchers and teenage malcontents who dink a bit too much Red Bull.
Not only is he a cunt but he’s also a prick.
Indeed, if you stack your little videos with only stuff that represents the extreme opposite to you and pass it off as the norm, there will be enough dull cunts who will buy it, literally and figuratively.
“Send me money on subscibestar, or free speech will be banned”
I am 1000% pro choice: panties on or panties off? That is when the choice is to be made. Don’t be a slave to lust. Be master over it. Then there is no abortion to consider.
Stop being a slag-slut-whore you open-legged shameless cum dumpster!! Maybe dislodge your ankles from behind your ears and become a lady. Abortions should be rare in a world with integrity and morals.
So, only slags and sluts get accidentally pregnant? With no help from blokes either!
Like I said integrity and morals would take care of most of it. There was a time when ladies and gentlemen saved themselves for the right one. Now days by the time a woman marries she has seen more dick than I have- and I’ve got one!
What about little girls whose consent is not a consideration?!
Boris Johnson was aborted and look at him now!
It shouldn’t hold you back..
Music please!
Are you sure MNC… looks to me like Boris was born and was a full time birth, I bet when he came out of his mums growler they threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth
Well he crawled out of a bucket, so think so?
Haven’t by any means seen all of his content but I’ve never seen a video of his where he’s said anything that can be called untrue.