This is just one aspect of what a socialist government actually means. It’s not the magic money tree. It’s not the closet support for Putin. It’s not the uncosted benefits bonanza. These will come but first they come for the children.
”Parents’ legal challenge over sex education lessons in Wales”
“The new mandatory element means that every child, aged three-16, must take part. It cannot be avoided by anyone, and there are no rights for parents to request information on what will be taught, at what age, or to ask that their child sit out.”
From 3 years onwards. With no parental say. What’s wrong with that then?
Well, we can guess cant we:-
The glorification of turd burgling and rug munching.
Trannyism as an option at any age.
An infinite number of sexes.
The devaluing of stable family life.
Give them the child and they will have the man or whatever deviant creature results.
In Wales, vote Labour, get deviancy.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
In the US we have the same things happening. This is why we educate our child at home.
These cunts know well that children are easily molded.
Evil cunts doing Satan’s work.
Modern schools are just indoctrination centres for the up and coming world where people are just worker drones. That was John D. Rockefeller’s plea in the 1920s: “Give me a nation of workers not thinkers.” And then he took over the education publishing houses. Creepy little, unsmiling cunt.
I didn’t have the option of home schooling (expensive alcoholic ex to fund)
I used to tell my kids that when they went to school they’d be schooled, when they were with me I’d do my best to educate them. I made sure they understood the difference.
Excellent nom by the way but not as big a threat to society as the Whatsapp read receipt on/off option.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
Bone-idle communist groomer.
They’re at it right across the board.
All hail Greta!
I expect the Great Reset will be sold to them next, along with support for the Government handling over so called pandemic decisions to the WHO.
The kids will be taught that all this is great.
Not to ask questions about it.
The only thing they want them to question is the boomer ruddy faced extreme right wingers who dare point out a few facts.
If I lived in Wales and my kids were still school age I’d either move or home school.
Fuck these commie cunts .
What the fucks a 3yr old know?
Evil brought about by sex offenders in Jeremy Corbyn hats,
And tranny’s .
This is bound to get opposed!
And rightfully so .
I might enrol myself at Charlotte Church’s establishment, self-identifying as an 11 year-old with an unusually high sex drive, and a fondness for the chubbies. Maybe, if I misbehave, she’ll cane me?
Mark Dripford is public enema no. 1
Give me the child and I will give you the snowflake tranny non- binary with personal pronouns.
You can be fined in America —
“Not using transgender pronouns could get you fined”
Crazy. Surprised it doesn’t get a person jailed.
This is very very sinister indeed. The most significant line……”Relationship and Sex Education will not be stand alone lessons but will be EMBEDDED IN EVERY SUBJECT ACROSS THE CURRICULUM.”
Now if that isn’t Nazi fucking Germany that I don’t know what is. An important part of such an “education” is to isolate and nullify any parental influence. Your parents are old and living in the past……they are stupid, uneducated not progressive like you. You are the new generation…….YOU are the future, YOU are the new society.
You feed kids that sort of stuff and they lap it up……you are throwing raw meat to starving dogs. It’s been done before……Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea. These parents in Wales are obviously switched on to this. I fear they will fail.
Spot on there Freddie,agreed with every word.
We are living in a sinister world. I hope we all fight these cunts when the day comes.
All in the name of “tolerance”
Debauchery is not only to be tolerated, but perhaps even celebrated and worst of all – forced onto to little children through the education system.
The same education system that wouldn’t tolerate little children, who were exempt from wearing pointless face nappies during the “pandemic” and made them sit at the back of the class.
Breathing oxygen without a cloth over the face is obviously very bad but some deviant teaching them that a sex change op, puberty blockers at aged 11 or a cock up the arse is very good.
Tolerance only when it suits these depraved cunts agenda.
As Edward Wallce would say – boil the cunts in horse piss then into Unkle Terry’s oven on full blast.
What’s Welsh for oven?
Morning UT
Pop them in the popty… 240 degrees for 5 hours.
Add a ping and you have microwave. More efficient.
And microwave is popdu ping.?
Just been hearing on the radio some wokie shit that teachers are “too white” and we need more diversity. Of course. We need more effnick teachers not to mention more gays, lezzas and trannies.
While we’re at it let’s bung some kiddy fiddlers in there. We don’t want to discriminate do we?
Our children are indoctrinated by wolves, yet we wonder why they want to bite us?
No need to invade a Country anymore – just infest it with marxist agents and creepy sexual predators and tell everyone THEY are wrong for pointing out the obvious problems this will create. Rig “Elections” so the right puppets can be installed and carry on the dirty work, infiltrate and compromise every public service body and accuse (yawn) anyone complaining of “waaycism, homophobia” etc.
“Wokeism, liberalism, leftism” – call it what it is – champagne socialist white privately educated trust fund marxist shit who who have never done a days proper graft in their life and despite their constant shrill demands for “equality and diversity” would have working class straight white Men straight in an internment camp “for the greater good” – I fucking hate these plastic dictators, they are the enemy of the people.
It is coming to a fulcrum where we elect people who will stop this, and if we are denied this opportunity or get robbed at the ballot box (I believe there is widespread Election fraud in black and muslim areas which remains unchallenged) I foresee very serious civil unrest.
There used to be a word for these people . It’s the P n LG etc. The word gets flagged for moderation so Il just say it how it is . These people want to normalise sex with your children and grandchildren . There is no other explanation.
Smugcunt@ – 100% Correct – sexual predators acting like kids in a sweet shop with “Government” approval.
Why the FUCK are people tolerating sending their children to marxist and p**do training camps?
My mate is a deputy head at a big school in Chelmsford and cannot wait to take retirement in two or three years time. He has seen the education system slip away into what we all say above and wants nothing more to do with it. He cannot fight the system anymore and his new teachers are all the same with the same ideology.
The shit he had over BLM and a certain group of teachers of colour pushing St. Floyd bullshit was the icing on the cake.
He loved his job up until about 6 years ago and it’s sad to see good teachers go to the wind.
He and others feel it’s too late now.
What a shitshow.
Yeah, I know several people in the same situation. Two of them have taken early retirement and one has changed her job completely after 23 years. The new intake are, as you say, wokie zealots obsessed with gender politics and climate change. The females in particular (who are the majority) come in with multi coloured hair, nose rings, lip rings and fucking tramp stamps all over the place. You would not recognise the schools and teachers of your youth.
FtF@ – Got a mates Dad in exactly the same situation – a no nonsense Scotsman who works as a lecturer and takes no guff over political correctness, diversity etc – he has been victimised and harassed into taking early retirement by the marxist rats all around him who call him a “dinosaur” for wanting to teach children instead of wanting to bum them or indoctrinate them into communism.
One of the fundamental principles of any ideology of dictatorship is to destroy history, remove all groups who could provide resistance and indoctrinate the young.
And our inaction is letting it happen.
The public schools are now indoctrinating kids on an industrial scale. Our daughter gets her home schooling from me and Mrs Curtains in about 4-5 hours a week. The kids are stuck in the public brainwashing pipe for 8 hours a day plus homework. Do the math. They have seized the majority of the quality time.
I still have to support this shit show with my tax dollars though. Fuck the entire system and all cunts contained therein.
Are you a Yank Mr Curtains or a Brit living in the US? I understand there is a real shortage of teachers over there with people quitting left right and centre. It’s not just about wokeism but student behaviour so I’m told. At least over here you’re not likely to get some brat going postal with a semi automatic weapon.
Not yet anyway.
It’ll soon catch on…
Yeah I can see some mini bomber getting hold of his Dad’s AK 47, cunningly disguised as a hedge strimmer , and shooting up some school for disrespecting the Prophet innit?
Alan’s Snackbar!
Here we go again, 1930’s Germany all over again,.criticise the regime, next stop labour camp or concentration camp. Bastards
Those that can, do. Those that can’t. Teach….?
Fuck Wales.
Fuck Drakeford.
Fuck spineless politicians.
Totally agree. Drakeford is becoming a right scheming sinister fucking cunt. He’s the Welsh Corbyn but not as naive as Jezzer.
All this shit is beyond the pale. Agree with with most of the comments. Beggars belief
The land of King Arthur is now the land of Kinky Arthur.
But seriously, I hope people see now that the world is ran by evil cunts? They are brainwashing the kids to be degenerate nihilists who don’t know what God is.
Why do we bother sending middle class white kids to school these days anyway? You have to be black just to get into Oxbridge or any red brick institution now. It’s the law….. I think labour call it “levelling up”.