Liz Truss (2)

Liz Truss is a gobshite cunt,

it never ceases to amaze me that you can have a tart who is MP who obviously cant think about what she says before she says it, you would think that this spunk trumpet would have half a brain, or they wouldn’t let her out of her box, or just gag her, tie her up and lock her in the basement before she can rub anyone else up the wrong way.

She’s now pissed off the Irish with her fuck her fuckmuppery and this is fresh on the heels of nearly starting a nuclear war after pissing Putin off to the point where he mentioned her by name, the next fucker to get Novichokked is going to be this dozy tart i bet.

Boris for her own safety sack her, or at least tell her to shut the fuck up before she starts a war you cunt…..

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

58 thoughts on “Liz Truss (2)

  1. It is rumoured that Liz Truss will be leaving Westminster to manage the new Islington superstore Starmer’s Truss Boutique. Kweer thinks she will be a great support who won’t keep him hanging about. “nothing gets past old Liz Truss” he said.

  2. Fuck the Irish, turnips and all. Fuck Putin. Nothing Truss says will make the little gay goblin do anything worse than he has already. He knows the nuke option will reduce Russia to dust. He’s not bothered about his people but values his own cowardly miserable skin.

  3. I expect she knows a few farmers with eleven toes and turnips in their trucks as her constituency is in Norfolk.
    I still would, mind you.

    • I wouldn’t climb off her until either my cock wore out or my balls dropped off.

  4. Fuck Liz Truss? Definitely.

    Give her the sack? She could empty my sack any day. (If there was anything in it).

    Start a war? I’d like to declare war inside her sweaty knickers, and give her fanny a good fisting for a start.
    And then slide a small warhead into her back passage. Phwoor.

      • Afternoon CG

        I bet she’d be an animal in bed.

        She would probably emerge from the bathroom wearing a 12” black strap-on.

        “It’s your fucking turn now, bend over!”

  5. If Liz Truss has pissed of the Irish and the Russians then she must be doing something right.

    • Lets face it.
      They’re not the most amenable.
      Both could fall out with a brick wall.

    • I’ll add my name to those who say if she upsets the Russians and the Oirish, good on her. They’re both a bunch of cunts.

    • Agree. She’s also one of the few government ministers who don’t boil my piss on a regular basis. She’s right about Ukraine and Putin and right about the NI protocol which is a fucking disgrace, something Johnson should be hung on piano wires for.

  6. I don’t think Putin ever recovered from being told to “shut up and go away” by then Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson following the Salisbury Novichok poisoning.

  7. I don’t respect Liz Truss at all. She was a strong Remainer who said publicly that Brexit would damage the UK economy. Someone with no principles, just like most current cabinet ministers, and now she’s peddling more bullshit about the Northern Ireland protocol.

  8. Posh, thick as shit, ex Lib Dumb and Remoaner. Wouldn’t trust her as far as I can gob.

  9. She is a serious politician, all these comments about ‘doing her’ are disgusting, but I would go for a threesome with Esther McVey, oh yes ?

    The EU is now getting worried about Russian gas and oil, or lack of it, the news today predicting power cuts in the uk this winter, let’s get digging that coal and start fracking

  10. She’s not as bad as Nadine Dorries, the female version of Alan B’stard, who the fuck votes for these Red Tory cunts anyway!!!

  11. As some might be aware,I’m not a huge fan of politicians.

    Mrs Truss seems keen on equality from what I read,so I wonder how keen she would be to send her daughters to fight the Russians should all the sabre rattling badly backfire?

    I presume not,just like all her posturing windbag chums.

    Arse piss.

    • Not only is she political scum I wouldn’t fuck the plain Jane twat either.

      Bet she’s sorry now.

      And to cheer up the Irish lot,
      Mecuntry, Mickey, potato Davey, Kathleen’s bike etc
      Some nice diddly diddly music

      • Fuck me, MNC!
        I practically had to throw the mobile at the wall, to make it shut the fuck up.
        That was horrible.

      • Hahaha ?
        That’s Mulligan & O’Hare!
        A fine musical duo .
        Bigger than U2 in oirland.

  12. Thin Lizzy sometimes comes across as Thick Lizzy. Like her “new Thatcher” act, her threats are unconvincing and about as potent as a Trannîe man’s man-yoghurt. Mind you, she’s probably got bigger balls than that Starmer dalek.

    • She can only dream of being a significant enough of a figure in British politics like Thatcher that she could provoke a reaction for someone to bother chucking a load of red paint over her statue.

      I watched it being pressure washed off this morning, there would be less of an outcry by the usual cunts if it was one of Jimmy Savile diddling George Floyd as black Jesus.

      • Liqors, if there was a statue of Blair, would you be tempted to hurl some dogshit at it?

      • I probably would if I could be sure it would stick El Cappo, they don’t call the bastard Teflon Tony for nothing.

    • They are the best ones, Fugly.
      You’ll notice that the less profane I am it’s because I’m deep in the wine lake, and trying to be so, so careful not to go too far.
      Like now.

  13. Silly mare should be careful touching any door handles in her house or on her car. Upset Princess Vlad at your peril. Cunts like this bint seem to itching for a nuking for some reason.

    Is she thick or genuinely pushing for conflict? I think the former. Gob running without thinking. A gobshite gossip type.

    Try shopping at Waitrose when there is nuclear fallout everywhere and all the water is poisonous, you fucking silly tart. You won’t get your ‘flat white’ (whatever the fuck that is) from your zero hours contracted Dooshka in Starfucks an’ all.

    This is why gobby women should be in the kitchen. They used to gas over the washing line.

    Now they run the fucking country, along with gaylords, trannies, dark keys and Joe dakis.

    We are fucked.

    • Dunno how true,but story online saying Vlad is going blind and has three years to live.
      Nowt worse for a gay bloke.

      Reading Freddy Mercurys biography in Braille,
      Cant watch Mama Mia,
      And his fuckin Labrador will outlive him!!

      Poor potato headed cunt.

      • Are they waiting until he’s totally blind before they slot him, do you think?

      • Not sure JP?
        I’d just leave a banana skin at the top of the stairs .
        Film it too!
        200 roubles for it on russian you’ve been framed!

  14. Like most of the government she’s out of her depth. She’s a fucking idiot but when you have an idiot boss he’s unlikely to make good choices based on his self serving criteria.

  15. WW3 has already started.
    Come on Liz, goad him some more !
    Call him a little poōfter cunt.
    Then send a Cruise Missile, shaped like a massive cock, through his bathroom window when he’s taking his morning shit
    Fuck Putrid.
    Fuck Russia.
    Bomb their Black Sea fleet to fuck.
    Get To Fuck.

  16. Grandpa Winston had the same opinion of the huns/fenians, etc as I do.
    Nuke the cunts.
    Truss is ugly.
    That is all.

    • Yet grandad was west Indian Foxy?

      Explains your love of playing dominoes loadly! ?

      • Loudly ?
        This new phones chances are worse than fuckin Vlad’s if it doesn’t behave itself.

  17. Do you think Liz takes it up the muck shoot, followed by a throat soothing “helmet de la creme”?

  18. Why is it that every female who appears on here is inevitably assessed according to the imagined quality of her tits, arse and minge and the imagined sexual activity, or otherwise, associated with that. You people are dirty and you know who you are.

  19. I’d like to fuck her from behind, then turn her over and knock her teeth out.

  20. (knock on door)…Ahem. Good morning I’m collecting for the Prince’s Trust.

    Oh really? I didn’t know the poor cunt was ruptured.

    …Max Miller 1947.

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