Jeremy Corbyn (29)

Not content with making the Labour Party unelectable for a generation, this Commie simpleton has now popped up again to regurgitate his dangerous mantra that NATO must be dismantled, presumably because its existence might make life difficult for Putin and any other anti-West peace loving comrade wanting to try his hand at invading Europe (or any independent sovereign nation that takes their fancy), assuming Putin manages to ‘liberate’ Ukraine before moving on to Poland, et al.

Jeremy explained:

“I would want to see a world where we start to ultimately disband all military alliances,” he told Times Radio. “The issue has to be: what’s the best way of bringing about peace in the future? Is it by more alliances? Is it by more military buildup? Or is it by stopping the war in Ukraine and the other wars … that are going on at the present time, which are also killing a very large number of people?”

News Link

Reminds me of that Monty Python Blue Peter type sketch ‘how to rid the world of all known diseases.’

But back to Comrade Corbyn. Asked whether he supported President Zelensky, he said: “I’ve never met him. I don’t know.” Asked about Keir Starmer’s decision to tell him to sling his hook, he said it was a “wrong, totally unjustified decision”

Truth be told it’s about the only worthwhile decision that gormless twat Starmer has ever made.

Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler

141 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn (29)

  1. “If you want peace,prepare for war.”

    Oh and completely ignore this commie halfwit cunt.

  2. Fucking hell, have they wheeled the dusty useless old fuck of and sat him over by the sunny window until his Moggadon kicks in.
    Happily i thought i was never going to hear from this wizened old cunt ever again,
    im assuming theres going to be more shots of him leaving his council house, climbing into his aged Vauxhall Astra and siting on the floors of empty trains.
    This fuckwitt is the only reason Boris the buffoon got in, im starting to thing i might run for parliament, i couldnt do as bad a job as the latest collection on idiots…..

    • In all honesty, if we did form a political party, making a manifesto from the comments here, we would probably win by a landslide.

      • If we made a public manifesto from the comments here,we’d probably all be locked up

  3. Jeremy Corbyn could be an endearing crank if he just supported lost causes and hopeless issues, but instead he constantly gives relief to those who represent a menace to our way of life and threaten to undermine national security.

  4. Thank God for Jeremy Corbyn for making the Labour Party unelectable to this present day.

    This is the worst Tory Government since Ted Heath’s or possibly even Anthony Eden’s administration.

    If the opposition cannot capitalise on this calamitous car crash of a government, they will never hold the keys to number 10 again.

    I’m Tory though and though, and this government, like Heath’s, has made me embarrassed to admit so in public.

    Can we please clone Thatcher somehow, and have somebody decent at the helm?

    The whole house is devoid of talent and common sense, save a few backbenchers.

    I’ve never seen the commons in such disarray.

    Corbyn and that sneering little arse-wipe Bercow have left their shitstains, or so-called legacies, smeared all over the Commons walls.

    Boris is something else. I don’t truly despise the man, but he seems more like a brand than a politician, the same could be said for Corbyn.

  5. What the fuck is it with Corbyn the twat?
    I’m not surprised he wants NATO dismantling though, he wouldn’t want his Muzzie friends getting hurt now that their invasion of the UK is under way.

  6. It will be interesting to see what Steptoe does at the next election. I imagine he will stand as an independent and Starmzy will put up an official Labour cunt against him. He ought to be retiring at his age but you just know he can’t give it up. On with the Revolution comrades!

  7. Jrzza is a daft old irrelevant cunt indeed but cunters to give him credit for making Labour unelectable is wrong, socialism makes Labour unelectable.

    Lots of daft cunts voting libdem and green yesterday oblivious to the fact both parties are socialist and should be avoided like a whore with Ebola.

  8. Steptoe says “I would want to see a world where we start to ultimately disband all military alliances,”

    What world is that – Never Never Land?

    I know it’s trendy for some commentators on this site to criticise NATO as an “ aggressor” whilst excusing the very naked aggression NATO is designed to deter and protect us against. This topsy- turvy back to front world view is exactly the same as Corbyn, who would happily let us face Russian with no more than a prize marrow dug up from his allotment.

    I don’t know what planet Steptoe lives on but it’s clearly not Earth.

    • Isn’t the ‘topsy- turvy back to front world’ you talk of to think that NATO forces on the very edge of Russian territory is a ‘defence’ alliance?

      • @Miles .If you were a citizen of one of the Baltic States or Poland etc. Then yes.
        Evening, Miles.

      • Evening Jack.

        I get that. Just in the bigger picture sort of thing.

      • Of course NATO’s presence is going to be proximate to Russia. That’s where the threat is. It’s also what it says on the tin. Not much point in NATO restricting its activities to West Africa in case Russia is upset.

      • @ MP “the bigger picture”
        Yes, without NATO we’d likely be all speaking Chinese now. Perhaps we soon will be, considering the amount of useful idiots now in this country. Meanwhile Russia is a failed state, Putin has seen to that. We know it’s not worth jack shit without its nuclear arsenal. God bless NATO and all who choose to shelter under its umbrella.

      • Miles dear boy – the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO only forced that Putin cunt’s hand; it was invade now or never.

        The ‘reason’ he had to invade had next to nothing to do with NATO – he doesn’t think Ukraine is a ‘real country’ and simply ‘belongs’ to Russia. Much like many other parts of Europe.

        We know this because this is what he has said.

        NATO is just this pesky kid who complicates his very serious business of expanding Russia’s territory and greatness. Despite being members, Poland and Estonia are taking this shit in Ukraine extremely seriously as they know they are next.

  9. Preferred the old commie to Serf Kneel Smarmer. At least you knew where you stood with old Jez, no fence sitting.

    • Except you didn’t. Corbyn campaigned for 30 years to leave the EU, yet switched sides at the last minute to Remain.

  10. I do wish old fossils like Steptoe, Major, Maybot, Hezza, Lawson, Blair and other crusty failed politicians would just shut the fuck up and die someplace!

    They’ve had their day in the sun and fucked things up badly for most everyone other than their best mates of course. But now its time they all fucked off to a care home or some mental institution similar to the one in “One Flew over the Cunt’s Nest”.

    Maybot would make a marvellous Nurse Ratchet, and Steptoe should have a daily dose of 10,000 volts zapped through his skull!

    • Theres plenty to dislike about Jeremy.
      And his tinfoil brother Piers.

      But more than anything its that little hat he wears that pushes my buttons.
      Sort of a little brimmed sailors hat?
      Id push him under a bus just for that.

      Like all politicians hes a solid gold cunt to the core.

      • Worn in adulation of Lenin, who often wore similar.
        He was a cunt too…

      • Also John Lennon.

        Based purely on his associations with IRA active members, Comrade Corbyn should receive a guided tour of Unkle Terry’s oven.

        Also, his appearance at the Centennial Remembrance Sunday ceremony, was an affront to the circa 50 million casualties of the great wars.

  11. Not this old hypocrite again. Listening to his hackneyed claptrap is like watching old re-runs of Steptoe & Son but without the comedy.

    “Ohh ‘arold, it could’ve all been diff’ren if I’d come clean abaat the Brexit.”

    “Shut up farver, you old dirty, old cunt.”

      • “Ah nevver wanted to be a leftie lawyer, farver. Ah always wanted to be… leader of de Labour Party and drink beer wiv Angela Rayner.”

        “Ahh shurrup, Starmer. You jus’ wanna stick your todger in dat ginger minge. Loike I dids to dat chubby, black one.”

        “Yow dirrrty, old cunt.”

  12. Jezzer says of support for Zelensky “I don’t know, I’ve never met him.”
    Well he’d never met Trump either but that didn’t stop him slagging him off left, right and centre. Typical fucking lefty double standards.

    • What Corbyn really meant about support for Zelensky;

      “I don’t know, I’ve heard he is careful with money”
      “I don’t know, I’ve heard he can smoke a cigarette in the shower”
      “I don’t know, I’ve heard he was in films like a lot of them are”
      “I don’t know, I’ve heard his mother is worse”
      “I don’t know, I’ve heard he’s a little short in the trouser-department”

      He’s got form for that kind of thing

  13. Fuck NATO.
    Fuck the UN.
    Military alliances are ok I guess but no nation should forsake their duty of having the strongest most formidable force they can muster. The people being armed is key as well. You’d think twice or thrice before trying to conquer such a nation. This is where Ukraine fucked up.

    • Do you honestly think that any European government would allow their citizens to be armed against them?

      ‘When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

      When the government fears the people, there is liberty’.

      They’re shit scared of us and it shows.

    • Ukraine did arm it’s civilians, right before the Russian invasion. It’s that before that, the kids could go to school and not have to worry about being massacred for no reason, or neighbourly disputes don’t turn into bloodbaths because one of them has a cupboard full of assault rifles.

  14. Seems that Finland has at last seen the light.

    Just before the invasion Finns polled 60% against joining NATO, mainly out of fear of poking the so called Russian bear. Now they are 68% in favour of joining – more than double the figure prior to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Only 12% remain against.

    Polling in Sweden also now shows a majority in favour of joining the alliance.

    NATO has rightly indicated that it will immediately approve formal requests from Finland and Sweden to join. Good show.

    • Good news. Putin’s “masterplan” to foil NATO comes unstuck yet again. Dumb bastard.

    • Don’t forget that Finland sided with Hitler because Stalin was an even bigger cunt than Hitler.

      Don’t piss off the Finns. They’re fucking formidable when riled and absolute nutters to go drinking with. They despise the Peacefuls too.

      I like them.

    • I think this is nailed on, probably happen within months and both will join at the same time, safety in numbers etc. Not exactly going to plan for Uncle Vlad. Sweden for a bunch of woke lefties actually does well on military spend and resources with a pretty decent military industrial complex making everything from planes to missiles.

  15. The only way this scruffy decrepit old wanker would get elected was if Diane Flabbott was counting the votes.

  16. Like him or not, at least Corbyn was honest in his intentions,didn’t obfuscate even when he knew what he was saying would go down with most people like a lead balloon….so many politicians seem unable to give a straight answer or actually come clean about what they have planned.
    He may well be a Nutter but at least he was a Nutter who stood by his convictions.

    • I second that dff. I may despise your very entrails but I will respect you if you are honest and up front with me.
      Then kill you.

    • Corbyn has been consistent in his views since he was 14 years old. The trouble is that he has never changed them and they’ve remained at the level of the Student Union. As Churchill said, “if you won’t change your mind you won’t change anything”.

      • Aye… I think it’s his sheer ” I don’t give a fuck” obstinacy that appeals to me.

        Afternoon, MC
        Afternoon, All

  17. Jeremy is into the stop the war! Coalition.
    He believes that everyone should disband their military,
    Dismantle nuclear defense systems,
    All hold hands and sing ‘id like to teach the world to sing’..

    Hes naive .
    And worse, hes ignorant if he truly believes thats possible.

    North Korea wont be keen.

    Its the daydream of some limpwristed pacifist.
    The Woodstock lie.

    Theres never been a world without conflict and they never will be.

    He go a special school?

    • Never met a terrorist he didn’t like! Anytime he hears about ‘the cause!’ from a gruff voiced gun toting Irishman in a balaclava, he goes all weak-kneed and giggly.

  18. Nuttiest thing I’ve heard today is the ‘big’ Lib Dumps boasting about some political comeback or some or other bollocks.

    Talk about delusions of grandeur.

    • A couple of council “protest votes” and they think they are a major party.

      That ugly pan-sexual wimminz-a sort of nightmarish, toothy chimera of human/horse origin, is more deluded than that Jo cuntson.

      At least Jo had massive tits.

  19. I think Jeremy was right about something once, I think it was 2.30pm 5th June in 1967, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was.

    • Must have been his prediction that Israel would hammer the Arabs in the Six Day war.

    • He was right about leaving the EU… except when it came to putting his money where his mouth is, then he decided it would be best to remain. ?

      • Oh…I think he made it pretty clear what he really thought…

        I suspect he was more definite/transparent in his view on the EU than Boris who I reckon just went with the view that he believed would most advance his own political career. .

        Evening,RTC…are you doing anything special this weekend ?

      • Evening Dick.

        I was thinking of going back up to Kielder Forest to drop some acid and maybe forage for mushrooms, but apparently I’m needed here tomorrow as the groundsman has gone awol and we’re expecting delivery of 65 sq. metres of turf. Then again I might commit suicide, who knows?

        Got anything special planned yourself?

        PS: cod fillets in crispy batter for dinner tonight. At least that’s what it says on the packet. ?

      • A guy like Jeremy Corbyn is a creature of habit. He likes his street and the routes he takes, just like a cat who follows the smell of it’s own and not it’s own. Corbyn knows his triangle of piss, that’s why he is so utterly fucking cluless in a land like Israel, where he ended up placing flowers at a the grave of a nutjob.

        Don’t mind these ones. They have no real moxie. Gaddafi, he had the MOX. He was born in a tent and almost saved Africa from the cowards with cash. Always remember that. One day, we shall erect a statue to that great man, Gaddafi. He had balls, style and wit. Bit like me, eh, Ruff? LOL!

      • Hope you’ve got a sprinkler for the turf….lot of people think that a watering-can’ll be isn’t…needs fucking plenty of wet.

        Nothing special for me..I’m on knocking-out and repointing an old barn…tree-work is quiet with the bird nesting season.

      • Of course I’ve got a sprinkler – got sprinklers coming out of my ears! Anyway, I’m leaving implementation in Willie Stroker’s more than capable hands. He’s got an allotment, you know. ?

      • @Gordon. Gave me fits seeing Gadaffi dragged along behind that truck! ? Let’s hope you don’t meet a similar fate…

    • The greatest error that the (fake) Jews of Israel over did was go to war with the Muslims. Maybe the greatest error of all human hubris. Why?

      Well, because the Arabs are a very, very, very tough and smart people, with or without Islam. But WITH Islam, they have a extra Divine charge of confidence that the fake Jews of modern fake plastic Israel don’t have.

      It’s all about how actually smart and tough your are and the Jews of modern, crappy Israel have done a great job of fooling their enemies (goys) that they are powerful, but they face 1.8 billion Muslims and 8 billion goys. Not…. Good… Odds… Schlomo.

      Not that I dig Islam. I think it’s BS hokum pokum Mormonism of the 7th Century from a kid-fucking spaz-clown even if some actual celestial angel named Mike gave you the text for the Koran, aka. the Karen, ie. pussy-book for pussies who need words to act on their instincts to laugh at a thick cunt.

      Was that too heavy for you? Grab another drink, here’s Black Sabbath you to remind you that people who read military books are cunts…

      • Hebrew is the language of cowards.

        EARTH IS FLAT.

        Here comes the ISAC MAFIA. Ruff Bluff, MCCM, Gutless Dip-Stick.

        I’m shaking. I am. Because I am dancing on your graves of pussy-ness.

        Fire away, hard men of no wit.

      • Admin: my sincere apologies before I launch into this lengthy diatribe. I don’t like to argue with dickheads but enough is enough

        I wasn’t going to respond to this.
        I’ll probably regret doing so after I’ve posted.

        TAGD. You clearly crave attention. So here I am.
        I’m giving you what you want. The attention you crave so deeply.
        I hope that in some ways it makes up for the lack attention that females don’t give you.

        TAGD aka Cunty Gordon – lets be honest here shall we?
        It is you isn’t it.

        You know nothing about me or my life. I try not to reveal much about myself online. Especially not on a site such as this.

        You call people cowards and yet here you are, so brave behind your keyboard. Constantly shit posting.

        Trolling used to be akin to an artform back in the earlier days of the internet. I remember it well.

        There were people far better at it than you will ever be.
        Even on their worst day, they were better than you are when you’re at your best.

        And do you know something?
        You don’t even know the fucking difference.

        I am, speaking in broad terms, a decent sort of person.

        The sort of person who, if you were in an accident or suffered some misfortune, I’d probably still try to help you in some way. Even though you had talked to me like a cunt.

        Like you seem to enjoy doing on here. It gives you a kick doesn’t it?

        I reckon in reality you’re some pimply faced teenager with no friends, who wastes his days drinking special brew, smoking weed and spanking it to hentai.

        You know what the real kicker is? What the really tragic thing is?

        Knowing that you aren’t any worse than anyone else in your whole fucked up generation.

        Ok pumpkin.

      • I’m chewing gum so hard I can’t read any logomatric images, sorry.

        (Careful now! – Day Admin)

      • It’s MMCM , Cunty. Not MCCM. You get everything else wrong. You could at least get that right.

    • Gutless Dip-stick. That would be a mote accurate name for… such a “man”. Not than such a cowardly man who claims he is on psychotropic medication would come to such an website.


      Such a man would… well, who am I to say what such a… “man” would do.


      • ‘plastic Israel’

        Yourre plagiaring my Nom that I put up TLGD. And that I expect to see soon.

  20. Who cares about corbyn, he is old news, much better to vote for a bullshitting fat cunt who wouldn’t give you the steam off his shit boris, and his great bunch of diverse mates, rishii, preeti and saj, chuck in kwasi and the transgender one, I bet old school tories are pleased as punch with that lot

    • Labour should be a party that is mostly made up of ex-captains of industry, union chiefs, those women who run hostels, Roy Keane, that bloke who used to be on Speakers Corner who looked like Keith Richards and some other people. Me? No, I’m would get bored in meetings after a while and I’d start bringing up, “voyages to the lands beyond Antarctica,” and being accompanied by high-class call-girls dressed like Colonel Gaddafi’s female bodyguards. It would all end in tears… of laughter, possums.

  21. If we all HAD to vote tomorrow (no spoilt ballots or abstaining), who would you put your ✖️next to?

    Me: Cuntservative-as much as I despise this current cabinet☹️

    • I’d vote for an independent who knew martial arts. Just someone who knew how to choke someone out, but never would as their eyeballs alone choke you out.

    • The Reverend Ian Paisley…his brand of Muscular Christianity would be delightfully whimsical.

      • I barely know who he is, Dick. One of those names that makes you wonder if their is an actual person behind it.

        No, a lot of martial arts men and women are deeply into politics or anti-politics. They are into flat Earth and other harmless topics. In the olden days, getting into politics was for rich cunts, but these days you can make like a right hard cunt and wade into that maelstrom of cowards and hoist the Jolly Roger and speak the basic truth, ie:

        – You have to prove yourself
        – You have to let others prove themselves
        – We then all get along

        Pretty fucking simple. Unless you’re a sociopathic ideologue.

      • ‘Muscular Christianity’

        Sounds like a great idea for a church.


        1. Non attendance=forced exorcism.
        2. No shit stabbers or non honks
        3. No split arse vicars/priests.

        Get to fuck.

      • Cuntybollocks, thanks for your input. I like it.

        I would say that among the gays, you get a good heft of men who have great skills and ideas.

        I like a man who can choke out a bigger man who called him a cunt. We all must learn how to choke out Barry the Big Mouth. He well then enter our Way.

    • I would probably vote SDP if they were standing in our constituency, but they haven’t up to now.

      Failing that, the Reform Party or Monster Raving Loonies.

      But who knows, maybe the Tories will come to their senses and give Boris the bullet and come up with a proper Conservative in time for the next election.

      Yee! There it was again. A little pig, with wings…


  22. I’m sick of all these gibbering old men who have done fuck heroic with their lives having power over us. Who are these cunts? They have as much right to power in this world as I do. If I had power over humanity, the first thing I’d do is give everyone a n arsenal of weapons in case one I day needed to be opposed and killed.

    That’s the one thing saving our Cousins in the Colonies right now from tyranny – they packin’ chrome, lead and brass, God’s favourite metals, Joe Biden, God’s favourite metals, fuckface.

    One day, we’ll hoist the black flags and start slitting throats, me hearties!

  23. If someone remotely intelligent or honest like say turgendhat or hunt was leader I might well vote tory, but with Johnson in charge no chance, he couldn’t give a fuck about anything but himself and his constant bullshit does my head in

    • Boris Johnson should be made to run this year’s London Marathon in Blackface, cold-iron shackles and hair-shirt tutu and for every time he vomited, shat or cried, the government has to give a tax refund of £666.66 to every man, woman, child. And for every time Boris speak in Latin/tongues, Carrie must play round of topless darts against Amber Heard with Steve Coogan in full Savile regalia as referee and for every treble 20, Piers Morgan has to climb one of Munroes in Scotland dressed as Bonnie Prince Charlie coalie-bagging Nicola Sturgeon singing, “LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY!!!” Hit it, Keith…

  24. That deluded, simple-minded, Trotskyite cunt should be euthanised.

  25. Evening everyone. Just back from work, some great comments, thank you.

    I see in other News the Keystone cops are now going to investigate arch lockdown fanatic Sir Keir Starmer. What a fucking farce! By the way, anyone believes he was quaffing beer from that bottle and not champagne must have been born yesterday.

    • Speaking of cops. I see James Anderton has died.
      GMP has gone to the dogs, since he was Chief Constable.
      The man who said AIDS sufferers were swirling around in a cesspool of their own making and that thugs should be flogged.
      Proper copper.
      Not like the present day knee takers and gender benders.
      God’s copper.
      We’ll not see the likes of him again.
      More’s the pity. ☹️


      • I’m getting the impression that he might have been a little bit homophobic. No shame in that. They say diversity, equality and inclusion are fundamental to improving trust, confidence and legitimacy in policing. More power to his truncheon!

      • Evening Ruff.
        James Anderton?
        He wouldn’t approve!

        Starched shirt collars
        Early to church
        Punishing the wicked
        But no tattoos.

        Funnily he was hated by my peers at the time,
        But I always liked him!

        He hated raves and drugs
        Hippies and festivals,
        People having fun etc.

        Hed of dropped napalm on Woodstock ?

      • The cunt tried to stop us going to Salford RL on a Sunday. He was also dodgy in the Stalker affair.

  26. Corbyn gets a boner whilst watching nature documentaries about gorillas.
    Aah, such pleasant reminiscences about his ex-bird.

    • Imagine if Boris got lost on a country bike ride and ended up eating his bodyweight in mushroom and a small rectangular time-vortex appeared and Marx came out of it and Jeremy sex-melded with Marx and this new being of boring thinking was unleashed upon Britain, but within two painful week, all the children of Britain mocked it with such ferocity like when bees cover a wasp and beat their wings so hard that the heat that is generated fries the fiend. Yeah, THAT.

      • Fuck me, TAGD…that was splendidly bizarre…it sounds like you’ve eaten your bodyweight in shrooms.
        And I approve!
        Shrooms are wonderful…?

      • I’ve always like Tom the Tank, you come out with blinding shit! Magic stuff. Cheers.

        Herman Jelmet… fuck me I barely typed that right… yes, I love your stuff, too, clearly an true man of this great island.

        Media is lies.

  27. He may be a thick, degenerate commie, but he shagged Diane Flabbot.

    The man is beyond amazing.

    You try it.

    • I’d rather be brutally raped by Rocco Siffredi whilst french kissing Daniella Westbrook’s rotten nostril hole.

      • I’m just filling up my wank bank for later on, Freddie.

      • Rocco the Italian stallion, he’s had some clunge for sure.

        I particularly liked Roccos babes anal sex orgies series. Looked a jolly jape.

      • Hell no, UT. I’m going to encourage my bird to mismatch her footwear to look extra sexy…scuba flipper on the left foot and one of those high platform black clumpy orthopaedic shoes with a metal frame that people who had childhood polio wear on the right….pphhwwooarrhhh!

      • I simply couldn’t.
        Be limp as a noodle.
        My winky has very strong opinions on race.

      • Rough as Angie is she’s a big upgrade on the Flabbott. You have to give that to The Starmtrooper.

      • I bet Ange could take on all the blokes on here in one 3 hour session, with room to spare!

  28. Corbyn reminds of Comrade Michael Foot. Although to be fair to Foot he was very much a genuine supporter of the working classes, even though he was desperate to push socialism throughout the country.

    Foot was also intellectually superior to Corbyn and I would guess would run rings round him in a political debate.

    Fortunately Thatcher came to power in 79 after kicking Callaghan’s arse down the road, and then went onto trounce Foot’s Labour party in the 83 election, with Labour picking up less than 30% of the vote.

    Never liked Foot’s policies and idealisms, but I respected him for not being a pandering flip-flop cunt like Corbyn or Shitstain Starmer

    • Corbyn reminds me of a guy who hang around the chess club at uni but kept asking, “why does it matter who wins?”

      You find this lack of VICTORY among weak people who have watched too much media like that guy Gutless Dipstick.

      My point is that you need to be courageous and witty.

      That’s me. Pish on Big Ben and the military. The real courage is simply saying, “aye, that’s not for me, why don’t you try the MOON for what you are proposing, pal.” Take it away, Mr Rossi….

      Quo exemplify in music that great British magic of words and action and energy of that, “get on with, you cunt,” philosophy of this great magical cunting landmass we call Brit… a-i-n. The Land of the Laughing Cunts.

    • @Techno. Foot was a firm supporter of Britain’s military response to Argentinian aggression, in the Falkland Islands and South Georgia.
      He gave a very eloquent speech on the crisis, in the HOC.
      In a different league to Corbyn.
      Good evening.

    • I’d kiss-hung him and whisper, “Marx never bathed,” and leave him to cover the round of champagne I ordered to the guy who looked lost.

      Hi, Ruff, MMCCM and Gutless Dip-Stick.

      • I reckon within 3month Vlad will be dead.
        Fair means or foul.
        Hes swelling like infected gonad.
        Looks poorly.
        Clearly puddled.

        Be a kindness to top him really.
        Hes disgraced his country
        Be best all round.

        Play ABBA at the funeral.

      • Which track?

        The winner takes it all?
        Dancing Queen?

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