Jeremy Corbyn (29)

Not content with making the Labour Party unelectable for a generation, this Commie simpleton has now popped up again to regurgitate his dangerous mantra that NATO must be dismantled, presumably because its existence might make life difficult for Putin and any other anti-West peace loving comrade wanting to try his hand at invading Europe (or any independent sovereign nation that takes their fancy), assuming Putin manages to ‘liberate’ Ukraine before moving on to Poland, et al.

Jeremy explained:

“I would want to see a world where we start to ultimately disband all military alliances,” he told Times Radio. “The issue has to be: what’s the best way of bringing about peace in the future? Is it by more alliances? Is it by more military buildup? Or is it by stopping the war in Ukraine and the other wars … that are going on at the present time, which are also killing a very large number of people?”

News Link

Reminds me of that Monty Python Blue Peter type sketch ‘how to rid the world of all known diseases.’

But back to Comrade Corbyn. Asked whether he supported President Zelensky, he said: “I’ve never met him. I don’t know.” Asked about Keir Starmer’s decision to tell him to sling his hook, he said it was a “wrong, totally unjustified decision”

Truth be told it’s about the only worthwhile decision that gormless twat Starmer has ever made.

Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler

141 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn (29)

  1. He makes Michael Foot look debonair, sophisticated and worldly. It’s idiots like Corby who give rise to Dictators. Maybe Putin doesn’t give a flying fuck but NATO may give him second thoughts about being even more cunty than he is at the moment. Corbin is the living embodiment of why socialism is the decent man’s enemy. All for itself and fuck everybody else.

  2. What is going on with the work from home, middle class cunts, less than a decade in a regular job, receive a pension and cunting working pyjamas. On one got a answer to anything negative, like 70 000 cunts , turning up on are beaches, getting as much aseverything I have worked 30 years for, in a few cunting weeks. When it’s their to start paying taxes, their be back across the channel.
    Labour was for the working man, all these cunts behaviour like T Blair witch, oh I must so popular, to everyone, it may well be a female thing, come home from work bitching about her colleges and then meet them at the pub, it’s all huges and kisses, hippacrits.
    Let’s have a big hand for the RNLI, Join all the other cunts in the halo club.

  3. His senile dementia is obviously making him think he still has some influence in politics, along with that other lacking working braincelled cunt, Blair, whose definitely got Cherie’s hand up his arse and using him as a glove puppet.
    Give me strength, and a sniper rifle. I feel like I need to go vermin hunting.

  4. Appeasement didn’t work in 1939. Don’t these cunts learn anything from history…

    Thick as dog shite, twice as dangerous….?

    • The price of democracy is accommodating his kind of imbecile. In the 60s they used to turn up at university hustings dressed in black, with nhs spectacles, probably with a bomb under the the coat. I was naive enough to think this was all very interesting and part of the experience. Nowadays it’s just downright dangerous. This country is finished.

  5. Yes, he is some hopeless Monty Python character. As long as humanity exists, there will always be opposing factions, and wars, ergo Magic Grandpa is a pathetic muppet.

    Don’t forget also that he porked The Flabbott, a truly depraved act!

  6. This cunts face looks like Michael foots ball bag.

    He is about as much use as screaming “monkey spunk moped” at a dead badger.

    Hateful IRA loving cunt who deserves a pointed frozen turd inserted down his japs eye.
    I won’t go on, I will only start ranting.

    Fritzell loving goat looking cunt

    Not a fan then? – NA.

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