”Priti Patel ‘must consult young Londoners’ over new Met Police chief”
Or so a load of race baiting woke cunts in London are demanding. They also cite the case of that black sprinter cunt who was arrested and cuffed merely because she refused to stop for police officers. Not because she drove off. Because she is black innit.
And apparently: –
“Trust won’t be rebuilt overnight, but effective leadership is crucial to set the right tone needed to begin that process as a matter of urgency.”
They added: “In light of this, we would like a commitment that the recruitment process will involve people from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who have experienced policing, and that their views will be considered and valued.”
Yes, the views of drug dealing, thieving knife artists must be taken into account because stop and search interferes with their activities.
Given London’s record of mayhem and murder I would suggest that Cressida’s Dick’s replacement was a zero tolerance disciplinarian. And there should also be figures published of offences by ethnicity.
But that would be racist, innit.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Most of those she’s referring to will be unable to understand what she’s saying either through solid-bone-from-the-neck-up IQ or the fact they’ve never spoken any more English than “gibs me dat”.
heres a good one.
guess what demographic the UKHSA has identified.
clue finish the sentence owen blank
right honorable
Get To Fuck.
From sunny Somerset.
What London needs is no consultation and the appointment of Chief Constable James Anderton (sadly deceased, so I guess that’s out of the question).
His corpse would still do a better job than the
next inevitable incompetent.
I read recently ( on the fucking BBCNews website ) that ‘black people are more lonely than the general population’.
Obviously, all their chums are either stabbed to death or in prison. Daft cunts.
Ex-NYPD/LAPD man Bill Bratton expressed an interest in running the Met before the appointment of the hopeless Cressida Strap-on. He got binned of course because of being foreign and his no-nonsense style of policing. If he’d got the job I rather think we wouldn’t have had feral gangs of knife-wielding ethnics running amok in the Capital, or wrong ‘uns like Wayne Couzens allowed to commit vile atrocities against ordinary decent people. The Met is an Augean Stables well overdue for a good wash out.
Indeed, if they could divert the Thames ( and it’s tributaries) into London in general, preferably during flooding season, and it washed away some of the stains and stink, I’d consider that a result.
he’d be fighting an uphill struggle given the likes of dame kweer who’s ‘for grooming gangs’, and mayor stabbistan.
but yes no nonsense would be nice.
or you can try the arec bawl win method of, it’s not loaded…
That Priti fatel has piled the weight on hasn’t she?!
Fuck me!
Doesn’t use a plate
Has a nosebag.
Saw her on telly,
Like one of those ‘its a knockout ‘ costumes ,
Wobbling about.
Know what her problem is?
Comfort eating.
She’s only fuckin comfortable when filling her face .
Fatti Patel, incompetent mega nut.
Mega Cunt!
At partygate when they were getting Boris a birthday cake,
Priti ordered one for herself on a barn cake.
She should show Nina Champion some old school policing.
Invite her in for a casual chat.
Then on arrival, cuff her,
And help her hit her head on every wall on the way to the cells .
“Your fuckin nicked me old beauty!”
People like Nina have forgotten how helpful a good hiding is for you.
It should be a priority for the government to make sure no young people or ethnic minorities goes without a rightful battering .
It’s their rights!?
Mnc@ – The 8 foot high cake for Boris (is there a stripper in it? Tell me there’s a stripper in it Carrie!”) disappeared – there were just a few crumbs and an “overfilled” piggy Patel found snoring, grunting and farting on the floor after the 3 chairs constructed by British Steel collapsed under the weight.
Patel last reported being shoved into trailer of Eddie Stobart vehicle by a forklift driver..
Her khazi must need jetwashing at night Foxy?
Fuck me, one of those handrails to pull herself up after dropping half hundred weight of partially digested beef Madras down it .
Once again a name that is the exact opposite of what it really is.
Qualifications for the next Commissioner
Effnick ✅
Woke ✅
Remoaner ✅
Always going on
about the “far right” ✅
Arselicker ✅
Totally incompetent ✅
Yes man ✅
Yes, it’s Neil Basu ! Get your money on.
Neil Neil, orange peel..
The UKs Closeau.
The cunt can’t catch a cold
And couldn’t find his arse with both hands .
He’s a comedic disgrace.
The far right is on the rise, 40% of referrals to Prevent were far right, so that means 60% are from a minority group and you can be sure they are Islamic.
The far right are an easy target because they don’t have a race card in the back pocket, easy win for the security forces.
The far right is now anyone who reads the Daily mail and has an opinion of their own
If black people committed less crimes they would not be arrested, fined, in Court and in prison so much – the thieving, stabby, drug dealing cunts.
And if they don’t like “racist whitey and the UK” they are welcome to fuck off to any other Country in the world and never come back.
The vast majority of crime committed constantly by a tiny majority speaks for itself – facts are not “racist”, they are just facts.
Ruby Begum, Cressida Dick and Neil Basu all showed what a disaster hiring people on quotas instead of quality is, and I strongly believe pretty much all muslim and a lot of black police officers use their uniform to display their hatred for whitey, every day.
I have an alternative plan – anyone of dual nationality who is convicted of a criminal offence has their Citizenship revoked and is deported under pain of a whole life sentence if they are foolish enough to try and return.
Time to weed out the shit.
Where ever there is a large Black or Asian community you can bet your ball sack there will be trouble, it follows them around like the stink that they also bring.!
If the new Commissioner is to reflect the population of Londonstabistan then the cunt is bound to be an effnick as the official figure of white British is 43.4 %.
That’s not counting all the illegals and the dinghy raiders living in hotels until they get a council house.
Trust, ffs, the blick underclass are a menace, all these street pastors and ex cunts just talk bollocks. It’s no a difficult concept, stop carrying knives, stop committing crime and the police won’t bother you.
I watched and interview with some bald blick bloke who said the police don’t understand the community, when asked to explain what he meant he had no fucking answer.
Instead of consulting Yoof who have been on the wrong side of policing let’s consult the majority law abiding citizens.
Stop and Search must be intelligence lead, well it doesn’t take much intelligence to work out that if Blicks are are the ones stabbing and being stabbed then stop and search Blicks ?
as my mate says, it’s a simple test: when you see a load of white kids in the street, you don’t think anything of it. See a load of black kids together, and you try and avoid them. They’re just trouble.
Blacks in a pack will attack.
That’s common knowledge.
I’d prefer stop and shoot.
Hehe, USA, USA, USA.
I saw a video of an incident in Dalston last week. Police were, quire rightly, nicking cunts on leccy scooters and uninsured mopeds. All of a sudden, a huge crowd gathers who had been summoned via social media with the tale that the police were there to carry out immigration arrests (and why shouldn’t they?). Funny thing was, the shit-stirrers and rabble-rousers were the usual lot of white, middle-class twats.
London will soon be lawless like Stockholm, so why not just leave them to it.
John Carpenter has already come up with the perfect solution for London- build a wall around the 3rd world toilet and use it as a dumping ground for all the scum and vermin from the rest of the country. Leave them to their own devices, and machine gun any cunts that try and get out. Of course, like the film, they can be given the option of suicide if they don’t want to go in. Their families will have to pay for the electricity, though……
The final solution to black criminals:
No welfare.
No free health care.
No free abortions.
Enforce the law.
Stiff & swift punishment.
After one generation things would be very different.
I know, I know. Yes it’s racist of me to suggest such common sense measures. If you don’t allow them to be like animals, they will have to assimilate into orderly human society.
Solution for all other criminals of other races: Same.
I`m thinking of applying for the job, as I feel I could blend in quite naturally.
You social media activity will exclude you from the Job, anyone logging into ISAC = enemy of the state ( or fuck off to the woke left bullshit).
Nah, Sam could say his meedja stuff had been hacked, and to call him a liar would be..
This would be hilarious bureaucratic bullshit but it does seem as though they take it all very seriously,thus undermining their very purpose.
The law applies equally to all (haha) but when identity politics is introduced and used as a means to arrange preferential treatment then the whole game is up.
Unfortunately there is no point in discussing corrective measures as it seems the police and their political masters are hell bent on making the entire country into a third world hellhole.
The end result will,in due course,be a right fucking violent mess.
The limp cunts.
The police need to liaison with minorities.
Work together to bring forward the message.
Maybe in the form of a catchy jingle?
MNC you have kick started a burst of creativity! How about this for an all inclusive cheerful jingle.
Stop stabbing everyone you dopey bastards,
Why not fill your spare time with a job?
You need to sell your ganja and crack, but it’s not very helpful to you.
The old bill occasionally search you and protest at that you do.
But reality is fucking painful when your bro stabs you.
This verse is for our other friends, most of the peaceful persuasion, if you don’t think we are worthy just fair game for your fiddling chums the n feel free to fuck off to shitstabistan and so on.
Last verse addresses transbenders and other peculiar freaks if tackle has gone then your not really a man so ladies rooms could be used, however if your called John and still have a dong then stay out of womens changing rooms, womens wards and so on, cos no matter what size when you get outside you will get a damm good kicking.
Chorus “Diversity is our strength, diversity is the way, just become some freaky weird bastard, you will have your “government supported to the makers plate” sayyyyyyyyy. Drum roll oboe solo and cymbal crescendo?
Let the crim s choose who runs the police ?♀️. Makes loads of sense just look at Chicago, Detroit et al. Loads of Cunt.
Makes me laugh.
Stop and search isn’t used much on women apparently because statistically they commit far less of the crime.
Men don’t tend to moan about this as it is an undeniable fact.
Same basis is used to stop and search more black people.
Proportionately they are committing more crime and that is the only reason they are being stopped.
Stands to reason if you stop fucking doing it, eventually that will feed through to the stats and won’t get stopped .
Window dressed subterfuge.. Revolution now !
Their Simian brains can’t understand.
All lefties are on the side of the criminal. They want economic and social chaos. From the chaos emerges Phoenix like ……guess who? Yes, the very same middle class posh cunts in charge of an all encompassing State that pushes us around and tells us what to do. The effnicks and poofs they’ve used to get there won’t get a look in. They’ll be worse off than they were to start with.They’ll be plenty of stop and search then, not to mention the special camps for “re education.”
Forgot to say……….it’s all for your own good. You know it makes sense.
Time to cut the head off the snake the bloody BBC & Crapita.
Trust and respect will instantly be achieved by appointing a white indigenous male candidate who is prepared to nick any cunt who fucks about, regardless of colour. That’s what the majority of right thinking people in this country want. Te dark keys and peacefuls version of trust and respect involves an ethnic appointment who doubles as a doormat. Once upon a time we had a government in Westminster that made decisions we had to accept, not debate or approve. It’s high time we went back to that method. As Ted Heath once asked, who governs?
“A white indigenous male candidate prepared to nick any cunt……”
Those days are long gone Field Marshal. Never gonna happen again.
I hear a Tory MP has been arrested on charges of rape and sexual assault. I hope it’s Gove.
Alas you are correct and I’m living in fantasy land.
I’m rather hoping it’s not a white conservative MP for obvious reasons. But Gove would be a fantastic consolation.
I notice old bill are not giving a name. Funny. It’s almost as though MPs have different rules applied to them. Maybe I’m just getting cynical.
Could be any of them from Boris down….
West Bromwich’s filthy, stinking pakıs will probably calling for justice for ‘criminals”/infidels after this hilarious mix-up:
I bet the kids now want a bacon sandwich and quite right too, this is England, you cunts, not Islamabad.
I doubt if it was a mix up. Some cunt probably did it deliberately. I would, given half the chance.
Ho ho, so would I! Not that I’d want to be accused of grooming pakı kids by being a honky man tempting junior carpet riders with my sausage.
The Hypocrisy knows no bounds, you have Paki’s working for banks who do ramidan who don’t believe in interest. They don’t believe in insurance either. But they still work in it. Don’t very often see them working the fields do you? No because they are used the fucking Sand.
Sorry not Pakis, Arabs. Pakis just are genuine fucking liars who are the most racist fucks ever. Who harboured Bin Liner for many years.
It’s Islam.
I just think we should build a huge fucking wall around London, and block any tube station that goes out of its boundaries, close down trains and airports, and any means of escape.
Then sit back and watch them eat their selves.
“…all bridges and water ways are mined…there are no guards inside the prison, only prisoners and the worlds they have made…”
It’s been thought of before.
Great idea….just don’t waste your time watching the embarrassingly shit sequel…
SP, I’d be interested where you got that quote from.
Sounds like my personal opinion.
Evening JP…if you’ll pardon my interjection, it’s from 1981’s ‘Escape from New York’.
I am sick to death of political policing in this country. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white a corporation or the state. Law is law. Have some damn respect, I’ve been punished by it before I wasn’t gobby about it I took it on the chin and regretted it.
Watching your country die is very painful.
Can’t say anything now. I will assure you it will slap the woke in the face because it’s about as funny as them being silenced with a Kaki Hat. Best the shit out of them for the truth.
I wonder if they are working to tackle the ‘race inequality’ that’s happening right now every time you turn on the TV and see an advert for pretty much anything?
Fucking ridiculous.
Fuck off you wokey dickheads