”Mum’s fears for boy, 4, excluded from school after attacks on staff and other pupils”
Yes, aged 4 this little twat attacked other kids and teachers. He got excluded from reception after 5 fucking weeks. But now his mother believes he has undiagnosed special educational needs that cannot be handled in mainstream schools.
Yes, it’s not his fault. It’s certainly not her fault. He requires a label. Not discipline. Not standards. A fucking label.
Well, I can give him one. Little cunt.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Id put him in the care of Michael Barrymore till he learnt to behave the little bastard.
When hes to saddlesore to sit down he might calm down,
And hed learn to swim .
The parents are feckless cunts,
They are raising a monster.
Sterilise them.
Little cunt needs a good slap, where is Louise Woodward? Tell it to behave or else the McCanns will take him to Portugal
I bet that the mother would demand any other child who hit Zac to be expelled from school.
Just think of all the benefits that will flow from the State Tap, when her little darling is diagnosed with a number of trendy, non existent conditions.
When I was a kid, a fucking good hiding was the accepted solution to such tomcuntery.
It invariably worked.
Give the little cunt a crack.
Good morning.
Blame Esther Ranson (or however you spell her fucking name).
Not allowed to slap naughty kids?
So parents and teachers are supposed to have reasoned conversations with the little bastards.
There were no labels for disfunctional kids until that bitch started Childline.
In the circles in which I move it is pronounced “Rancid”.
The little cunt already looks like Reggie Kray in that nom pic.
PS: I feel bad now. Should we be cunting kids? His mother perhaps but a child?
Too right!
Get the little cunt now before he’s in his teens an stabs us.
Of course we should.
Tiny Tim was a sponging pretend- cripple who staged a miraculous recovery when he got a waft of roast goose…..The wicked little Cunt.
Fair enough. He’s a psychotic little cunt then.
Bad behaviour in school? from 4 upwards there is on ly one answer: Bring back the cane – flor boys AND girls – the spouse could certainly have done with some early chastisement – and make it a painful experience – cultivate a slicing, stinging stroke, This little sod would soon see his “special needs” cured.
When I was a kid getting caned was a badge of honour. One month without TV and bed at 7.30 was a far more effective deterrent.
Good Morning WC
All the fun went out of teaching when they banned the cane. It made it impossible to recruit the right type of person to be a teacher so you ended up with a lot of lot of leftie Marxist types.
The mother should be congratulated for managing to find some cunt to impregnate her in the first place. She’s also very smart as she’s learned all the benefits attracting labels…….ADHD, autism, special needs……oh yes he’s a right little cash magnet. Obviously she wants him out of the house so she can sit on her arse all day watching daytime TV and eating pizza. Schools are full of little bastards like this these days. This kid will end up with an early death or in and out of prison all his life. Pair of cunts, they deserve each other.
Where is the old fella? I’m even more surprised that it’s not a little mixed race brat.
They say you should never judge a book by its cover.
However, one look at his mothers. “Muggy-fucking-face”, tells me everything I need to know.
The apple never falls far from the tree?
Odd how the mother is qualified to diagnose all these things, apparently without any medical expertise whatsoever. ?
If this child has all the things she says he has then he should have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), which is a legal document put in place to manage any special needs. Typical MSM bullshit – there is never any intelligent coverage, only sensationalism shit.
I feel rather sorry for the little fella. No child is born bad. Hopefully he’ll get some help before it’s too late.
No mention of a father figure, I see…a proper man’d have this shit nipped in the bud.
I very much doubt that we ISACunters who have sons haven’t been there to guide, support and love them.
Too right TCE. The mother is the cunt here for sure.
Have to agree. I well remember my day at school (cough) years ago. Fond memories – more than once – of being dragged up by the hair and thrown out into the corridor.
One can only imagine what sort of utterly repellant little cunt he’s going to grow up to be (yes, mummy dear, think of that when you spoil this brat, should you need any sort of help when you’re older).
He’ll get “justice” sooner or later, but it will be courtesy of some animal in jail or if he gets too gobby with a similar infantilised inadequate down some back alley.
The mother is DEFINITELY the cunt here. Don’t suppose dad is anywhere accessible?
Morning Thomas.?
I think a child can be born a wrong un.
In fact I know so.
Growing up there was a lad in school with great parents,
But he was like Zac in the nom,
A little twat.
He misbehaved through infant school.
He misbehaved through junior school.
Started to misbehave in secondary school but they had enough
Expelled him and he had to go a mitmot school in the hills with other naughty boys.
His parents were lovely people and tried their best to get him on the straight an narrow.
Only thing he respected was strenth,
Hed treat his parents like shite
But if one of us kicked his head in hed be ever so polite.
As a adult he was in and out of jail, drug problems,
Lives on benefits and whatever he can steal,
Stabbed a few people over drugs.
Just rotten to the core.
Born bad .
Morning MNC…were his parents brother and sister?!
That at least explains why pakıs are so ugly inside and out, the damned inbreds!
Morning MNC, morning all.
You are right there. When I was a primary school there was a cunt who not only bullied younger kids but electrocuted the fish in the tanks and set fire to the pet mouses cage.
He came from I suppose a nice home in the better part of Fulham in London.
A real little cunt.
Saw him years later… he was a copper.
That probably explains all.
Morning Cuntalugs?
Yeah, some people no matter what are bad cunts.
Nature over nurture.
Lots of serial killers are little bastards from the off,
The signs are there.
@MNC. I’ve known lads like that, girls too. Their siblings are fine, but no matter what anyone does, they carry on with their cuntishness, it’s because they are wilful.
A customers daughter died in her thirties because she refused to change her ways, couldn’t have had a better upbringing.
But was never physically chastised.
Morning, MNC. ?
I wonder if the majority of the problem here is the school. We only have the “news” article to go on, and what constitutes an “attack”? Maybe he said hurty words, maybe he shoved another kid off the ball in playground football. We had loads of kids at school who were pyschos. You just kept out of their way, or made friends with them. They are probably accountants and doctors now.
There’s a few holes in this story that need filling in. Where’s the father? Is it possible to definitively diagnose a 4/5 year old with ADHD etc? Had mum been advised to keep him out of school till April so that she could instil some basic discipline at home? Ultimately it’s her responsibility as a parent to do so, not the department for education. It’s entirely possible to spawn a wrongun, and I always feel sorry for upstanding, right thinking parents who inadvertently do so. It’s just that in this case she appears to be on the make and blaming every other fucker. They can give him all the labels she desires, but that won’t help when he grows up and starts knocking her about. Maybe she could sell her story to the tabloids when he does.
The dirty little secret is that ALL kids have ADHD and need discipline to get them focused. So few parents care to discipline anymore. Instead they want to be the kid’s “buddy”.
“I tell you what little buddy, lets not kick the teacher in his privates ok?”
Fuck that
I told my daughter that I am not her friend, I am her father. Big difference. My job is to keep her between the lines and that means breaking her will and keeping her arrogance in check.
Not a fun job sometimes.
Speech and language problems?
Obviously, as he apparently doesn’t understand ‘no’.
Autism and ADHD?
Why be so anxious to attach labels like these? They aren’t badges of honour, they are excuses for bad parenting and bad behaviour.
Best one I’ve heard was ‘defiant syndrome’ or summat like that.
Some split arses a few years back at a mates house were talking about some little shit, who would never do what his parents or teachers asked, and at times, get violent with them and other kids, and he must have ‘defiant syndrome’.
No, he’s just a little fucking cunt who needs to be told ‘no’ and have all his fucking toys and privileges (pocket money, computer, phone, sweets etc) taken off him until he learns some fucking manners and consideration for others.
This sort of shite is also a get out of jail card for lazy shit parenting in most cases. There are genuine special needs kids (autistics etc), but in many cases they’re just little cunts who’ve never been shown any boundaries.
Boot camp the little cunts.
It’s called ODD…….Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Whoever invented it was obviously taking the piss.
That was it!
The poor lad is suffering from SAD – smacked arse deficiency.
Had he been born Royal,he’d have been labelled “charmingly mischievous” ….unlucky for him that he fell out of the wrong Slapper’s cunt.
If you want a nice story on this topic, a few years back by chance, I got chatting to an old school pal.
We got chatting about the bully who’d attack kids and teachers at our comprehensive. His mum thought the sun shone out of his arse and would never say her son was at fault, culminating, I shit you not, in a meeting at the community centre with local residents to discuss this little shit. My mum was there and said his mum blamed everyone but her precious son for him beating up kids (including little girls) and stealing their bikes, money etc.
His mum even got the law involved and somehow got him back into school after being expelled. After that, if he’d act up and a teacher told him to stop, he’d laugh and say there’s nothing you can do, my mum will get the lawyers in, I’ll do what I want etc.
Well, I asked what became of him.
Imagine my joy, when I learned that while in his early 20s, he’d got gobby with some local hardnut in a pub.
He then got beaten to death. As in literally beaten to death.
But this is why it’s bad parenting in most cases. When they grow up, they’ll think there will never be repercussions for their behaviour. Until they start on the local hard case, after his girlfriend has just left him, had 6 pints and snorted a gram of beak up his conk.
Funeral parlour.
Morning CB, jolly good story! It’s always gratifying when true shitbags meet their timely end.
The psychopath kid who beat me unconscious when we were both 15 (and beat loads of other kids up too, ending up with one going for an extended hospital stay before the nutter was expelled) died in the massive 10 death crash near Reading in 1991 when he would’ve been about 20.
How I laughed!
Aye. Our family moved away from the area at the end of my schooling so my mum knew nothing too about this little cunt’s death.
I visited and told her about it shortly after I found out.
She was ‘tut tutting’ at me laughing at his deserved early (and no doubt painful) demise.
But she didn’t hide her grin very well lol.
Everyone loves it when a fucking cunt croaks.
Shame its illegal now, but if the little cunt had been mine he wouldn’t be able to sit down for a fucking week.
My neighbours have one like this, they used say sit on the step and think about what you,ve done and now the cunt smashes the house up regularly, the brother see,s this little shit getting away with all manor of crap and is now also a horrible little cunt, the mother wont let the father discipline the cunts, so now they live in a war zone.
They are all inconsiderate cunts and i used to be sympathetic, but not any more, a good hiding back in the day and their lives would have been allot better, now its a nightmare, the only down side is we have to turn the music up to drown the cunts out…..
Put it on permanent display in a cage at the school.
I hate the way these cunts are given the oxygen of publicity. The mother is deficient in brain and the child should be put into care. She looks like a typical benefit claiming scum bag who believes the world owes her a living. Cunts that behaved like this when I was a lad were few and far between because they had parents that nipped it in the bud with a clout around the ears. Also schools seem powerless now, the media don’t help by publicising these stories so the mother gets a chance to look indignant and play the blame game. Look in the fucking mirror you ugly fat cunt, there’s the answer just there.
All he needs is to be diagnosed adhd, drsadkop, twattard as an earlier esteemed cunter stated and it’s gravy all the way.
Once upon a time in a house not far from mine a family of disreputable circumstances was dumped on the local community by the local housing group. Cunts of the highest order I called them the Clampitts. In due course between spells in prison (daddy and mummy Clampitt) the house was almost wrecked, the garden well sure you can imagine. Numerous unlicensed, taxed or insured vehicles parked up and down the street and the largest police presence in living memory every other day. These cunts were an ward winning advert for cuntery.
Losing the plot sorry, these two cunts had produced two children to date a boy and a girl. The boy was immediately shoehorned into a massively oversubscribed local school, he lasted two weeks before being kicked out. The upshot was a taxi with two female social workers picking the little cunt up in morning and bringing him home in afternoon. What did that cost? Every benefit under the sun was awarded to these fucktards who appeared to have a team of around ten social workers buzzing around them like flies round shit.
Eventually they fucked off to hell hopefully. Took the housing group three months to get the house and garden to a state that was ok to rent out.
Everything is free
The state pays your way.
Your not responsible for your actions.
Your not to blame.
Your the victim here.
You shouldn’t be told ‘No’.
Modern day life lessons.
No wonder that society is going down the shitter.
Give a dog a bad name…
Zac Jordan just oozes total CUNTITUDE. That’s before I’ve even looked at him and his retarded whore-mother.
Time to start a children’s battalion. Give the wee shites an avenue to vent thier aggression by parachuting them into wherever may cause Madge annoyance or amusement.
Whatever the reason for being a Jnr cunt he’s disrupting the education of better behaved kids and probably dragging others into his shit fest.
If he has some syndrome I feel sorry for him but that shouldn’t be allowed to impact normal kids.
How true, unless these fucktards are placed in a segregated remedial educational unit every other kid in the class may as well be put back a year. The chaos that one badly behaved cuntling causes has to be seen to be believed. This should be dealt with quickly before other kids suffer.
I would blindfold the little cunt, with his hands tied behind his back. Rearrange the furniture & shout fire!!
Jim’l Fix It would have got that sorted out.
Some discipline needs to be slapped into this little cunt if alternative remedies do not bring the desired effect.
Then, his mother needs a good slapping.
I also see (but was referenced in a previous post) there’s no mention of a father – and where’s the pic of the second child, unless this lady of the night likes spreading her legs to all and the other one is a mixed darkey…
The only syndromes when we were kids, palm of hand, sole of slipper, cane.
Two more : CHAV SCUM.
Cure : OVEN.