ISACers probably don´t pay much attention to Brazilian politics and I don´t blame them. However, I have spent much of my life in Brazil and seen at first hand how every president has fucked up a country with great potential and turned it into a pariah on the international stage for burning down the Amazon rainforest, accepting constant environmental disasters leading to thousands of deaths and tolerating the existence of huge shantytowns called “favelas” run by armed gangs of drug traffickers.
Brazil returned to “democracy” in 1985 after 20 years of brutal, incompetent military rule. Since then every president – apart perhaps from Fernando Henrique Cardoso – has been corrupt and inept. Three of them never ended their terms of office because they were impeached or died and the vice presidents took over. Dilma Rousseff forged her CV, Fernando Collor robbed the treasury, Lula used the state-owned oil company Petrobras as his piggy bank, Itamar Franco was photographed at the Carnival next to a model who had “forgotten” she claimed to put on her panties – see link.
Jose Sarney has headed a Mafia-style family that has enriched itself while running parts of the poverty-stricken Northeast for decades. Jailbird Lula, allegedly a Socialist, is a friend of Cuba, Venezuela and Putin. The incumbent is a Covid denier called Jair Bolsonaro who did not visit a hospital once during the pandemic that has killed over 600,000 people and sent the army through Brasilia to intimidate Congress.
The election later this year will be between Bolsonaro – also a friend of Putin – and Lula. Poor Brazil. Still there´s the Carnival – which will be held in April this year (like celebrating Christmas in February)- and the World Cup to look forward to.
Anyway after that rant, you deserve a bit of pussy fun.
Check this link:
Nominated by: Mr Polly
Bom Dia !
Which is Portuguese for “get your tits out for the lads”
Well…. at least they don’t have nukes.
She needs a better Brazilian. And I’m not talking about him.
I wish we could ship all our ecoloons and rent-a-woke twat over to Brazil in order to protect the Amazon rainforest.
But of course I suppose some of these cunts don’t want to take a chance of getting a good kicking and truncheon shoved up their shitshutes by an intolerant and merciless old bill over there.
To me, Brazil is no different to a host of other Central and South American countries – corrupt presidents, dodgy politicians, organised crime, poverty, shanty towns and gorgeous birds with extremely long legs and the best arses on the planet.
Both Argentina and Brazil would be much better off, less corrupt and far more successful if they let themselves be invaded by the Falkland Islands.
I had high hopes for Bolsonaro.
He was pitched as a south American Donald Trump.
Great! I thought.
My only reservation was he looked like Bob Monkhouse.
He said hed do this, do that,
Threatened to do all sorts of things.
He was gonna shake the world!!!!
He did fuck all.
Probably the laziest politician outside of Westminster.
Hes probably on of those Brazilian beachbummers?
Lounging around in a gold thong,
Tanning like a lizard
Drinking cocktails
Listening to mariachi music.
Hes a disgrace.
From a south American politician I expect
1)a military uniform,
2) rumours of torture
3) drugs and corruption
4) grand title ‘el presidente for life’
5) coupe attempt and him fleeing in a helicopter with suitcases of swiss francs.
Hes a boring cunt.
To be fair in that photo he has made a decent attempt at his ‘Hitler hair’.
What is it with these greasy foreign wops like Bolsonaro and Berlusconi?
If they lived someplace cold and boring like Finland with no gyrating samba babes in thongs they might get something useful done.
Yep LL,
although hed probably describe his haircut as Bryan Ferry rather than Adolf.
Trying to be trendy.?
“Love is the drug im thinking of..”
He looks like hes fired on a bit of weight since I last saw a picture of him?
Sort of a mid diet John Prescott
@MNC. Ernesto Stroessner ticked all those boxes, and many more.
Rum lad, but well meaning.
Didn’t do to upset him.
Good evening, ?.
Alfredo, not Ernesto.
Silly old cunt.
Sorry, Alf.
Evening Jack?
I admit I didn’t know who he was, just googled him.
Hot Chocolate famously sang
‘it started with a kiss..’
But as Alfredo prooved more often it starts with a coup.
Not often that someone who takes power by force creates economic growth?
Good for him ?
Hey Jack,
My dog Freya has fallen out with me.☹️
She had a tooth out at the vets ,
Splintered the tooth on some lamb ribs,
Blames me!!!
Refuses to look at me!!
Obviously im creeping like fuck to get back in her affection but no dice.
Thinks im a monster and a vet grass.
MNC, a bacon sarnie will win dog round. Plus it’s a healthy snack!
Evening JP.?
Im having bacon butties tomorrow morning and I’ll share with the dog!
But taking Jacks advice too,
Get her some liver as a treat!
Feel dead sorry for her.
Thinks ive betrayed her?
Naw, you think you’ve betrayed her.
Daft bloke.
Dog thinks I’ve betrayed Dad.
@MNC. Give her lots of attention and something she really likes, as a treat. Ours goes mad for tripe sticks.
Cooked, chopped liver is usually irresistible too, if you can stand the horrendous stench of dog, liver farts.
She’ll be best friends in no time.
That’s the worst Brazilian since Stevie Wonder did his wife’s bikini line.
Tin pot dictators.Oven.
I’d rather have a Brazilian right now than that cunty fop Boris. Looks like (as we all knew would happen) he’s been fined along with Dishy, Fishy, Rishi (someone please tell me how his wife who noshes him twice a week can be a non-dom in the UK but pretend she doesn’t live here – dirty Daki, more insulting he’s a senior cabinet member).
I bet Dame Kweer is polishing his black mamba double dildo so he and Analease can have a good time pleasing each other in the scissors position.
How can they be fined when these minor non crimes were over 18 months ago they only have 6 months on shit like this?
Who cares – the oven for both of them.
Hang em.
Paki or turk first, im not arsed.
Call it a public holiday.
Razor wire for all traitors
@ MNC & EW – let’s do it during the Queen’s Jubilee weekend, I reckon she’s on her last leg’s anyway, send her out with a bang.
Let her pull the lever? ??
“One enjoyed that!!”
I’m glad I live in the US away from corruption, cronyism, and tyranny.
El Presidente Jose Robinetto Bidenista put in power by election fraud and is destroying our economy with inflation, regulation, and lawlessness.
Brazil. The USA. What’s the fucking difference?
The spelling.
No, no, no Meat, au contraire!
The election was fine. All above board, fair and absolutely sound. Yes, Biden rarely left his bunker. No, he never won a single debate. Yes, he chose a running mate that everyone hates. No, vote mail-in fraud was never an issue. Yes, more people voted for Trump than in 2016. BUT…..carcass Joe won fair and square. How do I know this? The main stream media told me. 🙂
Wasn’t that long ago that Brazil was classes an up and coming great power along with India and China. That seems to have fallen by the wayside and Brazil has reverted to the South American type – corrupt, inefficient, debt ridden and filled with women with great asses. Much like the UK but with better asses.
Google Miss Bum Bum.
Have a good rest of your day.
Made my day. More ass than even I can handle.
Covid denier, he would get my vote.
They’ve a better record than Pakistan for leaders managing the full term.(none I believe).
And as has been pointed out, much much much better birds
Miss Pakistan had a full moustache and sideburns.
Looked bit like Deep Purples Jon Lord.
Probably stunk as well.
Well I can certainly vouch for Brazilians, having had several in my time.
It sounds fucking brilliant.
Does it have P.akis?
I doubt it.
Im not going.
Its hot and sweaty,
Full of bummers
And colourful.
I prefer the Peak District.
Another one is fat cunts with them leggings on that say ‘Just do it’ on the thigh.
Just do what? A fucking diet for starters.
The Peak District will be full of peacefuls soon MNC.
Somebody has set up this group called the Muslim Hikers.
Blue John cavern is going to be renamed, Brown Ali’s peado shaft.
Free admission for girls under 15.
“What is that Azif?”
“It’s ok little lady, it’s just a small stalagmite, don’t tell your mum.”
It has loads of mulattoes and some Japs.
I don’t like brazil nuts….they strain my antique nut crackers……I prefer walnuts.
Im a almond man myself (sniff)
Tasteful without being vulgar.
Asthetically pleasing in appearance.
Unlike walnuts, that look like something off John merricks arse.
I occasionally pickle my walnuts.
I’ll report you if you keep doing it.
Growing up we called them “Ni***r Toes”.
Good Ole days.
Nuts are nuts, apart from salted pistachios, which are addictive.
Brazil are only truly great at one thing: football. They make a cunt of everything else. It’s too beautiful a place for anyone to ever knuckle down, stop swerving free-kicks into the top corner, stop shagging, stop guzzling caipirinhas and… actually, just carry on with all of that! 🙂
They can do what the fuck they like to each other as long as there are no “refugees” coming over here.
They can let in some of those birds you get at the World Cup but only half a dozen. I’m not greedy.
Sounds like they have the same kinds of leaders in Brazil that they have everywhere else. Who would have thought it?
Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping. And Donald Trump is planning a comeback in 2024.
It seems you have to be a complete and utter cunt to work your way up the ladder and end up running a country. That’s human nature for you.
It’s just got nothing going for it.
Shit nuts that you can’t crack open.
A shitty mountain that looks like a big dildo, with Jesus sat on top of it.
And coffee, another pile of disgusting shite.
?? Brazil. Good for nuts and Pele and disproportionate wealth distribution on a biblical scale. Shit at everything else. Cunts.
There’s no incentive in doing more, they have endless beaches with women who make European and America “10” women look like 6’s. They have street parties, festivals, carnivals, booze flowing, upward mobility is possible if you can be arsed trying, but why should you? If it gets too tough, you can go up the Amazon and drink ayahausca and travel to another dimension. If Britain had those things, we would be at their level, too. But as it is a shit weather island with fat women in overcoats everywhere, we had to stay indoors for the last thousand years and invent the modern world. We should all move there, seriously. Not just Brazil – Uruguay, Paraguay are beautiful. Speaking Portuguese and Spanglish is a cunt, though. Just SHOUT IN ENGLISH until they do your will and it’ll be fine.
If the weather is any good here, we have to endure the sight of fat women wearing those t shirts, or shorts, with Athletic Dept Est 1984 printed on them.
I look at them, and think that there’s nothing athletic about you love.
As Frankie Boyle says, “In Britain, JJB Sports has an escalator that goes DOWN.”
Another one is fat cunts with them leggings on that say ‘Just do it’ on the thigh.
Just do what? A fucking diet for starters.
There used to be T-shirts with Homer Simpson on it that said,
Brazilian beach volleyball wimminz are fun to watch in their tight little bikinis, and sandy arse cheeks
That is until the first ‘stunning and brave’ trans wimminz beach volleyball player surfaces.
We should bomb it.
It would take years of surgery and a shitload of money to turn some hairy arsed geezer into one of those birds.
Why bother when you can just say “I’m a wimminz” and everyone falls at your feet?
Yes. They need to lez up and lick each others cunts and tits though.
I’d definitely watch then.
We’ve a pile of em in Eire , chicken farms ,piggery and behind shop counters.
In all fairness they are very polite and mannerly.
I don’t mind em too bad at all
There not too bad with the English language and are always trying to improve, my own observations you understand.
They are not all stunnners but they do have something that’s just je ne sais quo.
I don’t mind em at all.
They took over a quite beach at the coast ,a few years ago where I tend to spend time in the summer (childhood memories you understand ) just for the day as it was summertime sunny and had food and drink under marquee and swimming and had fun and frolics but kept a sense of decorum and cleaned up afterwards so I can’t knock em.
Brazilian immigrants in Ireland…
That woman’s Brazilian-Irish accent is delightful in part 1.
There used to be a mythical island of the southwest coast of Ireland called, Hy-Brasil…
YesTAGD , well spotted, she was hanging around with the decent and bit more Irish than I expected?
She’s living the dream and fell in love and well fuck fair play and the accent is ?
She does indeed have a beautiful voice TAGDarkly, very sexy and charming , I like her just for that
I responded earlier but the response didn’t appear I must have used a word
Christ on a bike?
Craggy islands carnivale.
Tangoing and riverdancing away….
Evening Mecuntry?
Well MIs we might have the Copacabana of The Atlantic in the craggy isle , when everyone runs out of options with holidays in the scorching sun spots.
Like the great Bob Dylan penned
“For The temperature is changing”
? Eire?
Oh Mis I forgot to tell yas , I have just got a slighty used town bike and Christ it’s just lovely.
I have to love it , cause it’s got a slightly gay colour scheme consisting of mint green and grey
But I’ll love the poor misfortune no matter what ,
cause it’s mine.
But When all is said and done
“The sun still shines”?
Chuffed for you ?
Glad you got sorted out.
Town bike?
Is she called Therese, from Wexford??
@C General??, I did meet a Wexford girl once on the ferry when I was 21 and a fine bird into the bargain . Getting on like a house on fire we were in the bar lounge seats until this older tinker cunt came in alongside us to spoil our fun.
We moved after a few minutes but the cunt had changed the mood.
She asked me if I was returning to London and meet up but alas I wasn’t , I still Think of her clear as daylight ?
So what you’re saying Mr P is that Brazilian politicians are cunts, same as everyone else’s? Who knew!
I don’t think there’s more than a couple of active prime ministers/presidents around the world who are anywhere near decent, fair and honest.
(Still trying to think of who they are, but I’m sure it will come to me sooner or later)
North Korea’s is probably the most honest around.
Why shouldn’t you give a Brazilian to a ginger bird?
It will look like a fish finger!
……as long as it doesn’t smell/ taste like one, then “game on”??
Madhouse, but I loved watching Zico, Eder, Falcao, Cerezo, Junior and Socrates back in ’82.
However, the BBC is definitely not biased.
I am beyond cunting this article. Fucking hell.
Having had a brief look, it confirmed:
Chippy blek teacher
Critical race theory
Race grifting
Blackwashing British history
Programming children (abuse)