Southend Magistrates

Southend Magistrates convicted a woman who used her car (in this case a Range Rover) to push the filthy XR cunts out of the road as they were blocking her way. Now, not just a little slap on the wrists as we have come to expect from our legal system (Coulston protestors, XR cunts, BLM cunts etc.), oh no! A full blown charge of dangerous driving and a fairly sever ban. The woman uses her car for work, something the invariably retired civil servants and assorted crusties of XR know nothing about. So, she now faces difficulty getting to work, taking her kids to school and a vastly increased insurance premium. All because she was exercising her right to drive on a road, umolested, after paying a fortune in road tax and fuel duty.

I can’t believe that she has been given this sort of punishment fo going about her daily business. Surely her right to proceed unmolested outweighs the XR cunts right to protest. The way the pigs were soft on them, you can’t but wonder if it is all part of a bigger government agenda. Fuck the workers, praise the crusties.

I just don’t know what teh fuck is wrong with this country. If they block me going about my business, I’ll do one for the fuckers and elect for a crown court trial.

Telegraph Link.
(Paywall link provided by the rich and famous W.C. Boggs)

Daily Fail Link.
(Non-paywall link provided by man-of-the-people, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford

49 thoughts on “Southend Magistrates

  1. I always try to leave the house with an almost full bladder in case I am held up by these cunts; everyone should do the same. The Piss Takers!

  2. How infuriating that the law enforcers are giving more rights to the lawless. All part of undoing Westrn culture which has as it’s linchpins the rule of law and protection of citizen’s rights.
    I would infiltrate the XR ranks as they protested and start dropping fresh shit all over the area. That would disrupt things a bit.
    Fight shit with shit.
    This lady should have removed her liscence plate before using her vehicle as a plow.

  3. I hate these green motherfucking bastards. They’re the same cunts who turn up for gay rights, tranny rights, bollocks to brexit, fuck Trump rallies, the fucking works. A bunch of posh fuckers who hate this country and, in particular, the working class. As you would expect they are doing the Establishment’s work for them. Everything is stacked against this bird and she did the right thing accepting the driving charge to avoid the assault charge. No doubt her brief did a deal for her.
    I would advise my Lord Cuntingford not to opt for a jury trial because he will lose and they will hit him hard just for being cheeky. The law is not on our side anymore……,if it ever was.

    • Greenham Common peace lesbians, CND, Reclaim the Streets et Al.
      Same cunts, different decade.
      Oven them all…

  4. It’s surprising that she wasn’t branded a “right wing terrorist” while they were at it.
    Fucking hippies and their fatso bodyguards need spraying with liquid shit…

  5. Utter cunts. In Modern Britain it’s only virtue signallers that are protected by the law. Motorists are there to be inconvenienced by non road fund paying cunts and cyclists and to be persecuted and milked for cash. Time to fight back.


    • One picture with the caption protesters glue themselves to a fire exit, what the fuck, blocking a fire exit.

      Another part of the the text ‘protesters allowed people already in the building to leave’, ffs.

      They need a fucking good shoeing, Cunts.

    • What do they mean by “climate justice?”
      Who the fuck is suffering injustice then?
      Not me, not any cunt I know unless you count being ripped off by foreign owned energy companies. But that’s not what they mean is it? These cunts don’t care about that. It’s an injustice because they’re not getting their way, just like the brexit vote was an injustice. It’s not fair, let’s do it again until we get the result we want. The only injustice exists in their fucked up heads. Fuck off cunts!
      Note the gay flag in the video. Right on comrades!

      • Dark keys are more liable to suffer from the effects of ‘climate change’ apparently. I presume it’s because they are too fucking lazy to help themselves (unless looting is an option).

  6. Looks like she is about to use her phone to give that eco retard in the picture a ‘thick ear.’ I wouldn’t blame her for that, & she sure appers angry enough.

  7. Do their actions count as a direct attack on the infrastructure of this country?
    It’s not terrorism if you’re posh, obviously…

    • And it’s not terrorism if you’re Peaceful. It’s yer mental elf innit? But don’t worry if some goatshagger blows you up or stabs you in the street. These same wokie fuckwits will be there with their candles, crying their fake tears. They really care about you, don’t forget that.

      • What goods a Range Rover if you cant nudge hippies with it?

        Notice they pick their targets carefully?
        Not on council estates where theyd definitely get battered.
        Or the Bulldog Bash where bikers would take chains to them.

        The government are soft on them because they identify with them.
        Same posh schools
        Same posh names
        Boris is soft on them because he is one of them.
        A slackjawed zero carbon toff.

        Crispin Blunt mp only gets upset when his colleagues get done for grooming children.

        All scum.

      • If I saw something like this, I would single out a cunt, follow the bastard to his house and beat the living shit out of him in his own garden, no doubt fronting a 5 bedroom detached house. If I had time I’d shit on his groaning face and wipe my arse with his nose.

      • Just to add, I’d wear a Tony Blair mask so the CCTV, that they would inevitably have, would confuse authority. I might just black up as well.

  8. I see the specky twat who zip tied himself to a goalpost has now chained himself, together with some other Rupert to an oil refinery.

    The pathetic waste of skin is now moaning that there is asbestos all around him. The poor little darling.

    My advice is to smash up that asbestos and inhale deeply, you utter fucking cretin!

  9. If Jeremy Vine was amongst the protesters she’d have to get in the queue to run that cunt over.

    Btw, does anyone know the latest in the Vine v Bellfield case?
    Has it progressed since Oct?

  10. Get some good old fashioned stink bombs and let loose the fury whilst they are superglued to the road then some icy water poured near them that runs down to them.
    See how quickly the cunts want to move then.

    • Damn good idea that. To avoid the politicised police farce bear to do this covertly. Mod your car a bit. Re-route the useless (EU mandated!) headlamp washer jets to feed off a separate tank of stink bomb liquid and activated by a separate switch. Aim the jets forward instead of at the headlamps. Top up with the stink juice and then pray for an XR cunt to get in your way. If they do surreptitiously soak the bastard with the stink. If anyone questions you about you only have to say “smelly hippy bastard” and they’ll probably be taken away for a free weekend at a 5* hotel so they can have a wash at the taxpayer’s expense. Double win: bastard out of your way and will probably die from trauma having been forced to wash?

  11. There is a government agenda behind this cosseting of what is basically a mass of cunts who have not realised they are being used. Government wants to be greener than the greenest person ever to have lived. The bastards know that most of the green bollocks is total shite and are fully aware that the majority of the sane population agree that we are headed for the fucking Stone Age if this cuntfest is followed. So start causing loads of agro for the normal Joe/Joeess. What better way than to fuck around with their journey to work, hospital whatever. Keep this wankery up and some people may start walking or using the bus. Over time public becomes almost immune to this sort of shit and finds that the busses ain’t that bad.
    The response of the legal system re these acts of cuntery is a bloody good indicator that there is more to this than meets the eye. As to the old bill assisting the protesters well would expect nothing else.
    When that twat was pulled from the roof of a tube train and “reprimanded” soundly my day was made. The fact that so called ordinary passenger’s rescued said twat from a serious kicking raises a few more questions like we’re they accomplices?.
    Speaking from memory, at my local tube the cunt would have been beaten and most likely eaten big on mental elf in that are

    • That “tube train incident” was appreciated by millions across the country I’ll bet. The only bit of good news in recent times I can remember actually. Shame they never threw the cunt on the live rail but it was a bloody good effort all the same ?

  12. They are cunts. But the real cunts are the woke, university “educated” police who simply refuse to do their jobs. Civil unrest and taking the law into our own hands is the only way forward.

  13. I put a nom in for this one as well, the law is a fucking joke, these XR mother fuckers need a good beating, if they block the road, kick holy fuck out of them until they move, im sure the local bobby will look the other way while you get your daily exercise hospitalising a couple of these uba cunts.

    • If only “local bobbies” weren’t a thing of the past.
      Now it’s rainbow security guards who see anyone below the level of middle class as farmyard animals.
      The fatso cunts…

  14. The quickest way to disperse these dirty old buggers would be for the police to stand in front of them with open cans of Jeyes Fluid and bottles of Dettol and count to ten and then start lobbing them into the “crowd”. they would probably get to 5 then they wouldn’t see their arses for dust.

  15. Found this little legal snippet:

    It is illegal to obstruct the road. If somebody unlawfully assumes ownership of areas of a road, they are breaking the law. If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a road, they are also guilty of an offence.

    So in my mind Southend are utters cunts and to make a point, I’d wait for the judge to leave his court, then run him over – Khaaaant.

  16. It’s telling that these cunts are infuriating citizens at the same time the government is trying to limit protesting with a bill in parliament.

    It could be these protests are designed to make joe public angry enough to back the governments intent to end effective protest.

    Makes you wonder what the government has in mind to want to limit future protests.

    More lockdowns?

    Move to centrally controlled digital currency wiping out the current financial system and FIAT currency?

    Taking property rights from individuals?

    ID cards?

    Who knows eh?

    • I heard the SAGE and Onion party want to re introduce face nappies soon.What a pile of horse ?.When will they face justice? Arseholes.

      • I for one am never putting one of those fucking things on my face ever again.

  17. Go after the cunts that fund these pricks.

    The owners of league two Forest Green Rovers, for example (coincidentally owns a ‘green’ energy company.)

    He is one of those who pays these fucking cunts and gloats in the media about how amusing he finds all this disruption.

    Why hasn’t his collar been felt yet?

    • I hate that fucking cunt, so fucking smug and superior. You know why he hasn’t been nicked……he’s “on the right side of history” as the wokies love to say.
      Fuck Forest Green Rovers! I hate them almost as much as I hate Palace.

    • Funny how you never see these cunts bragging about their fuckwitted exploits down your local boozer.

      “Tarquin, Hugo and I had a jolly jape by supergluing ourselves to a delivery tanker. Arf Arf!

      There were ambulances stuck in a mile long queue with their blues and twos on trying to get common plebs to hospital! They had to push the ambulance onto the forecourt, because the crew ran out of deisel. What a hoot!”

      ” Anyhoo, Mummy is coming to pick me up in the Range in five minutes, I’m off to Goa for my gap yah, to lecture the plebs there on sustainable living. Chortle.”

  18. You see the 2 cunts in the tunnel, looked like meth heads. Bunch of cunts need burning with fossil fuel.

  19. The Labour Party put out a tweet saying that the government should get an injunction to ban these muppets.
    You should see the reaction from the Comrades! They were deeply shocked that Labour wasn’t 100% behind these law breakers scumbags.
    They seem to think that the planet will be a burnt shell by next Thursday.
    ‘Read the Ipcc report’ , one more gallon of petrol used and the planet will fall off its axis.
    Deluded .

    • Anything that takes the wind out of the sails of Kweer Charmer is OK by me. I heard that other whining jealous old woman Duckie Dominic Grieve on Wireless 4 this morning going on about fucking “Partygate” again and I think he should become Labour leader as he sounds as big a pansy as the entire Labour front bench. All Starmer has is his speech impediment.

  20. When the war in Ukraine is settled we should employ the Ukranian military to police our country. Defund the pussy footing cunts that we currently endure and let some real hard nuts sort the ER cunts, virtue signallers and bedwetters out permanently.

  21. Paintball sniper required, everytime the cunts have a sit in anywhere, find the fucker with the dayglo paint splodges and send the fucker to do a demo in Ukrain, im sure the crazy Ivans will look after them….

  22. I’d like to come up to that crown in something that looks like it’s right out of Mad Max with spikes, fire, and skulls dangling from it. Loud, scary, and no liscence plates I would do a burnout up wind and make them inhale burnt rubber and fuel-rich exhaust.
    The loud speakers would blast Let the Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool.
    I’d get through.

  23. Just get a old wagon with 240 Gardner diesel ticking over next to them.

    The cunts would be ungluing themselves off the road, as their eyes would be streaming, and the fumes would be choking them to death.

  24. Hah ha she should be fined anyway for that horrible hairdressers car…I heard they come with free curling tongs and a wet perm kit.

    Can do the time fatso, don’t do the crime and take your fat as home.

    It’s just a shame she only nudged him instead of flattening the smelly hippy cunt.

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