An emergency cunting seems in order for His Holiness Keir Rodney Starmer, and the bunch of arseholes who prop him up (especially the fruity gentlemen and butch ladies affected by The Gayness.
After months of outraged innocence, even though we had all seen photographs of the flabby faced cunt drinking beer at an important party meeting, it now seems that Angie Openlegs was also in attendance, even though this has been constantly denied:
Perhaps she was just there to provide the striptease and cabaret?:
It was an “honest mistake” claim the Labour Party. Sure – all their fucking mistakes are “honest”, whereas they always attach the basest motives to everyone else.
But seriously who, in their right minds, could not have noticed the presence of that loud-mouthed, self advertising skank in a small room in Durham?. Perhaps Starmer has caught Biden’s senility early?. He didn’t see the shrew in the room!.
It is about time this oily, greasy heap of shit was exposed for the fucking liar he really is.
George Washington? More Boy George.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
(Note – This nom touches on the nefarious activities of Angela Rayner doing a Sharon Stone. There is a separate nom for Rayner on this very subject due to go live in the next few days – Day Admin)
Im surprised kier couldn’t see Angie in a small room like that?
I can see her from the bushes if I climb over her back fence,
And have a cease and desist order to proove it.
Actually, to be pedantic, the cease and desist order only proves that she can see you.
Qwar Starmer and Angela Rainer are the tin pot Amber Heard and Jonny Depp of the parliamentary system.
(Sorted – Day Admin)
Well, they do say politics is show business for ugly people, and by God they are right. God only knows where central castingv picked up that slag though. As Jay said in The InBetweeners on seeing the dinner lady “What the fuck was THAT!?”
Did he finger her? Can’t remember
Smugcunt: No Neil was the guilty party, but her repartee is curiously similar to Angie’s:
I don’t know – there is something about Ange. I bet she’s a right dirty slag – she’s got form.
I bet she’s a right old prick tease in front of some of those crusty old MPs on both sides of the House. She may even dress up as a headmistress, schoolgirl, nurse, secretary in her private MP’s office offer a whip service of her own salacious kind.
In fact she probably has Starmer bent over knees and soundly thrashed with a slipper (for mild indiscretions by him), or a stiletto for when she’s really pissed off with him.
Starmer hasn’t got a leg to stand on (not surprising when he spends most of his time on his knees). Quick to criticise Tory policies but has none of his own.
Bike sheds…… Boris was staring into a black hole.
Her party trick is sucking a golf ball through a hosepipe, so I have been told allegedly..
Oh dear they do seem to be at sixes and sevens don’t they?……. everybody so confused……..such terrible memories.
What a bunch of wankers. That photo of Starmtrooper on his knee should be enough to win Jellyfish the next election.
God help us.
….rather like the months of denial from Johnson that he did anything wrong or was even at any parties ?….quite something from the man in charge of “making the rules”.
All this “partygate” shit ( from both sides) looks more like a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the real “Covid” scandals……old people sent to infected homes,Covid grant fraud,improper awarding of contracts etc. I suspect that “The Authorities” hope that by boring people with minor transgressions they will lose the appetite to actually demand investigations into the bigger issues.
No,sorry, despite the Daily Mail’s outraged click-bait stories, I still think that they are ALL venal Cunts.
Cost of living crisis and poking Russia to make this even worse and indefinite. Leave the Ivans to it. Not our fight.
Still, if they keep on with virtue signalling us into a nuclear winter, I will manage a smile at these planks as they wonder, ‘Why did this happen? This can’t happen to me, I’m an important and good person. Boo hoo!’ as the four minute warning sounds. Covid grant/furlough fraud I bet has been fucking rampant, agreed. Our economy is going down the fucking shitter.
The important things to these pricks though, is to virtue signal and not upset Greta, tranny shit and a party from 2 years ago that nobody gives much of a fuck about, in the grand scheme of things.
Never before have our political class been so out of touch with their populace. Whatever the narrative is on Twitter (where the loudest leftist cunts get there way for the time being) is the narrative they follow.
It’s fucking lucky that Jeremy Corbyn didn’t get in at the last election….the Daily Mail readers would have spontaneously combusted…. imagine .the Country bankrupt,corruption in High office,unfettered immigration, Brexit in name only, nepotism,out-of-their depth Ministers,taxes through the roof,cost of living soaring,Green surcharges etc…..
It’s an honest mistake when they do it.
The fucking shithouses.
And taking the knee? I bet he’s never lived anywhere fucking near a n ig no g.
And if one ever came anywhere near his security gates, he’d set the fucking rottweilers on him.
Rayner is worthy of a fuck. In a room with the lights down and after a few beers ? obviously. Star ⭐️ man can get fucked he is worthless about as much use as a shit sandwich ?. Cunt
I think its nice to know that the Labour party can match the tories when it comes to lying, bending rules and hypocrisy.
Makes them even at the ballot box when I vote for neither of them.
Was there anyone in Westminster who actually followed the rules they imposed on the rest of us?
No matter the flavour
All scum.
The Pantomime Dame is Jeremy Corbyn in a suit.Throw all of “political masters” to the wolves.They are all the same deep down.I can’t stand the shit gibbon.
All politicians are lying, devious, nefarious wankers, the dregs of humanity, but anybody contemplating voting for the Kweer / Angie double act should remind themselves of that photo in the header. As long as I’ve got a hole in my arse, I’d never endorse anyone who’s prepared to prostrate themselves to the anti-white BLM. Fuck off, you spineless, bendy-kneed, slimy CUNT.
You mean Kweer, like most politicians , is a two- faced lying sanctimonious skunk with a red hot poker of sanctimony up his ass?
Who would of thunk it ?
Great to know these bastards wete on the piss as they imposed Stalinesque dictatorship on the people.
Just when I think I could not hate them more they go and surpride me.
Fucking rodents one and all.
Ivans: Keep arming Ukraine and we’ll nuke you. Everything we’ve said we’ll do, we’ve done.
MPs: I’ve got a great idea. Let’s send loads of tanks and shit to the Ukraine.
Citizens: This is getting scary. And bills are becoming unmanageable.
MPs: Who cares? Boris had a party 2 years ago. And Greta just sent a new Tweet! Got to dash.
And black lives matter!
As Hannah Arendt said “Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.”
All parties are lying cunts, we all know that. And let’s not forget old Widow Krankie and her many indiscretions during the lockdowns. Oh, and then there was that other SNP bint (Margaret Ferretface, I think), who travelled by train from Jockland to the House of Cunts in London while carrying the Covid virus, thus making her a risk to other passengers.
She initially denied it, but then owned up and said “Sorry!”. She should have been fined £1000 for breaching the rules, but as far as I know only got suspended from the party.
Then of course there’s Dominic Cummings, who travelled hundreds of miles when all but essential journeys were forbidden during lockdown. Another cunt who broke his own rules, never apologised or got fined.
They’re all duplicitous cunts, all too quick to blame the indiscretions of others, but become defensive when the finger is pointed back at them.
To be fair to Cummings, he exposed party gate and I reckon plenty more to come ?
Just a bitter cunt because he was kicked off the gravy train.
I totally agree-a despicable cunt-at least he is causing collateral damage, the ruling classes usually get away with everything-including, as witnessed since 2020, murder?
For some reason, I always think of Specsavers when I hear his name mentioned.
You can add the ScotNazis to this too. Beached whale Blackford wasted no time in demanding Boris’s resignation over ‘Partygate’. Meanwhile Krankie has been spotted breaking her own mask rules twice. Police Scotland did nowt about it on either occasion, surprise surprise.
Whilst these corpulent, serial liars, followed their usual “one rule for me-one rule for thee”, I complied, meaning I could not attend the funeral or my favourite Aunt, could not spend Christmas with my Mum, witnessed the mental health of those around me, deteriorate.
Starmer is a weak leader-placed to entice “middle ground” voters.
He is as much of a real socialist as Johnson is a real Tory.
Rayner is an embarrassment. A council estate slapper who has zero self awareness.
I despise politicians and the low IQ morons who vote them in?
Never before have so many seemed like such cnuts.
It’s all distraction from what they’ve been up to.
Latest one is some Tory Mp watching porn in the Commons. Maybe he found a vid of Angela Raynor doing the Sharon Stone. If so, he should share it around
That fat, James Cordon looking, Welsh tranny Cuntservative, has been charged for his driving offence-I am sure I read, the other night.
What a fucking shitshow.
I am firmly of the belief that whilst the eyes of the world are firmly fixed on Ukraine, the establishment will attempt to sweep much of the Covid corruption, under the carpet.
The Turkish Etonian should have fallen on his sword as soon as he was fined by the police.
Anybody voting for these wankers, has absolutely NO right to moan about them?
Where is the “independent” investigation happening into the COVID farce?Boris and his cronies etc MUST face an enquiry not by one of his chums.All in all a shit show.
Look into a cesspit and don’t be surprised at the number of turds.
Seems he has no choice but to resign. That’s what he expects of Boris the clown and that’s what we can expect from him!
PS take Vicky Pollard with you!
Remember the New Labour chant of ‘Tory Sleaze’ in the mid 90s? Johnny Major’s gang of dishonest, lying cheats being vanquished by Bliars sword of truth to the sound of ‘Things can only get better’? Well they didn’t get better. Within months of New Labour taking power we had the F1 scandal and things kind of deteriorated from there. It taught a young Field Marshal that they’re all the fucking same, all with their grubby mitts in the till, all making rules they have no intention of abiding by themselves, all covering each other’s arses in more ways than one and always making ‘honest’ mistakes which can be waved away with a pithy apology. It couldn’t possibly get any worse I thought, but it has. And people will still vote blue, red or yellow just like they did last time. Because other than not voting, there’s no alternative in a broken system. Oh well . Lessons will be learned etc etc etc.
“ covering each other’s arses in more ways than one ”
Drain the swamp!Come back Guy Fawkes all is forgiven
The cunt is a fucking lawyer, lying comes as second nature, he is sneaky cunt, for all the faults that Boris has I would rather have him as leader than fucking Starmer.
Partygate, Beergate, it’s all a fucking media charade.
C’mon Angie show us that gash. Maybe her walk on music in the commons should ‘It wasn’t me’ (Rick rock and shaggy) take the knee (8 minutes and 47 seconds), while you are down there …… ?
Angie’s gash will look like Cheddar Gorge.
Complete with the Cheddar of course.
Don’t get too excited lads, you won’t touch the sides. It will be like throwing a chipolata
down an entry.
The smell? A cross between a mouldy cheese stall on a 1970’s indoor market, and the fish counter at Morrisons.
Starmer is haunted by the odour, hence the grimacing expression.
In a new Dickvandyke exposé, it transpires that the beer bottle was actually a champagne bottle.
The bottle in question was actually base deep in Angie’s clunge, whilst Bash Street’s own Jess Phillip’s was seen simultaneously anal fisting old Angie elbow deep.
Starmer can be seen hiding behind a curtain masturbating, sniffing Raynor’s black tights, that she has worn all week.
(With vivid prose like that you are Barbara Cartland and I claim my 5 Guineas – Day Admin)
Apologies for the misuse of the apostrophe.
There’s an MP sitting in the Commons reading your post on his phone, and getting a mild bone. Expect wall to wall press coverage tomorrow.
PS, off topic but a little diversion from the shitshow world we currently inhabit by way of 1940’s London :
Admin, – since when did the extra ‘5 bob’ creep into the reward money?
You are Charles Hanson. And I claim my modest £5 reward.
Oh dear, that description has put all kinds of horrific images in my head, gonna need some serious therapy to remove them ?
I’ve always wondered what the fuck was wrong with Starmers voice, the way he speaks. Then I realised the other day hearing him on radio four, he sounds like a poor ventriloquist. Perhaps it’s because he’s lying through his teeth. Or, if you can’t see his mouth move you are less likely to listen to the shit he talks.
Cunt either way.
Queer Starmer is Lord Charles, and I claim my £5.
Just look at Jess Phillips’ arms, next time you watch PMQ’s.
They are well tanned up to the elbow joint.
Don’t fight it Sick Of It. You know you want a copy of my exclusive vid.
Make me an offer quick; otherwise I’m selling it to The Daily Fail tomorrow.
He talks through his nose. I’ve noticed this tendency with several Labour politicians. Rachel Reeves (shadow chancellor) is another one.
And Mandelson of course – always sounds as if he still has Blair’s dick in his mouth.
Could this be because of bruising caused by years of deep throating?
They’ve just never heard of Vicks Vapourub.
They sound like they all have sinusitis.
David “call me Dave” or “Big Society” Cameron used to sound like he was talking through his nose as well. Or was it his arse? I can’t quite remember now.
2 faces?? 2 fucking faeces more like. What an evil slimey cunt he is.
It’s always necessary for a Labour leader to have 2 faces…….one for the power hungry careerists on his right and one for the commie idealogues on his left.
Steptoe’s problem was all he could show the right was his half hearted support for Remoan. All Starmzy has for the left is his bungling lukewarm support for trannies and other sexual deviants. He is fucked basically and old Jellyfish knows it.
Which means, of course, it’s us who are truly fucked.
That nom pic. Sickening.
What kind of fucking tosser with aspirations of one day leading their country grovels on their knees begging forgiveness from racist cunts?
(Although it didn’t do a certain senile hair sniffing child botherer over in the states any harm in his aspirations of leadership did it)
We live in strange times.
Stands for nothing.
Kneels for anything.
The fucking cunt.
Man of the people? Fuck off.
Working class my Arse….?
Labour abandoned the working-class the moment Tony Blair became PM. He then committed the biggest act of betrayal of the working class in history, by throwing open the borders and flooding the country with cheap foreign labour, thereby lowering working conditions and living standards for those at the bottom, and undoing 150yrs of union achievements in getting a better deal for the poorest people in society. Blair did that purely to cow the unions and “rub the Right’s noses in diversity”, as quoted by that other snake Peter Mandelson. Speaking of Mandelson, he’s the perfect example of most modern Labour MPs – middle class metropolitan types who’ve been parachuted into constituencies they have absolutely nothing in common with, and openly view the opinions of those constituents with complete and utter contempt. Brexit was the final straw. When Labour so brazenly went against their own voters like that, those voters said “Enough is enough! We’re not going to be patronised and taken for granted anymore!!” They’ll never win another general election unless they reconnect with the working class, and to do that they’ll have to start tackling economic and educational inequalities across ALL demographics within in UK….
I’d fuck her wiry snatch ragged but she’d need a hosing down beforehand to lose the piscine aroma.*
*Little known fact, gingas possess the anchovy gene thus accounting for aforesaid aroma.
Gingers possess the släg gene also.
Keir Starmer’s biggest problem is that he is leading (and personifies) a modern Labour party which seems to live in a different reality from the electorate. They see the UK (or more specifically, England) as a country full of racist, xenophobic, narrow-minded white people with unearned privilege who’ve benefitted from slavery, colonisation and oppression. No one has ever won votes by running down their own country. If you’re ashamed of your history, traditions, ancestors, contributions to the world, flag and everything that makes people proud of their country then why should you expect to win votes from them?!
When India launched its first satellite, the BBC interviewed a dirt poor Indian farmer and asked him how he felt about the country spending money on satellites when people like him were so poor. He answered (in Bhojpuri) “Sir, at night when I look at the sky and see a light moving, I think that might be the satellite from my India. I feel so proud.”
Labour will continue to lose, and rightfully so, unless they understand that the politics of self-reliance and pride has a much bigger audience than the politics of envy, hatred and spite.
Brilliant post CMI. ??
Funny old world, talking to a chum today I haven’t seen for many years, we used to leaflet when the Blair creature wanted to rule the world, after the usual reminisces I said who you going to vote for in the local elections. His reply was ” who do we, the great whitey unwashed vote for today ” the conclusion we came to was. “NON OF THE ABOVE ”
Sort of somes it up, doesn’t it….