The Two Faces of Sir Keir Starmer (16)

An emergency cunting seems in order for His Holiness Keir Rodney Starmer, and the bunch of arseholes who prop him up (especially the fruity gentlemen and butch ladies affected by The Gayness.

After months of outraged innocence, even though we had all seen photographs of the flabby faced cunt drinking beer at an important party meeting, it now seems that Angie Openlegs was also in attendance, even though this has been constantly denied:

Daily Mail News Link

Perhaps she was just there to provide the striptease and cabaret?:

YouTube Link

It was an “honest mistake” claim the Labour Party. Sure – all their fucking mistakes are “honest”, whereas they always attach the basest motives to everyone else.

But seriously who, in their right minds, could not have noticed the presence of that loud-mouthed, self advertising skank in a small room in Durham?. Perhaps Starmer has caught Biden’s senility early?. He didn’t see the shrew in the room!.

It is about time this oily, greasy heap of shit was exposed for the fucking liar he really is.

George Washington? More Boy George.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

(Note – This nom touches on the nefarious activities of Angela Rayner doing a Sharon Stone. There is a separate nom for  Rayner on this very subject due to go live in the next few days – Day Admin)

68 thoughts on “The Two Faces of Sir Keir Starmer (16)

  1. If you want to fuck this pompous twat over just ask him what is a Woman ? ??
    New Labour New Danger ??

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