The investigation into the police’s handling of the Rotherham grooming gang scandal is a cunt.
1,400 young girls were sexually abused, yet this ‘investigation’ concludes there were no criminal wrongdoings and hasn’t resulted in the firing of any officers for misconduct.
The national scandal continues and as boat loads of illegal animals arrive every day, it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon.
“Diversity is our strength”. When actually multiculturalism leads to the death of the civilisation that embraces it. What they’re actually saying is “having no identify and no values is our strength”. I can’t think of anything weaker…
Time for mob justice?
Nominated by: Four Eyed Cunt
If that’s what Gordon Brown meant by local jobs for local people. He certainly got that blowjobs by rapists.
So this David Walker cunt was supposed to be a detective? He couldn’t find his arse with two hands and a funnel. You only have to look at him to see what a useless wanker he is. The top echelons of the old Bill are full of inept pricks like him.
It’s a National disgrace!
No wonder they are trying to sweep it under the carpet.
The problem with that, is the carpet ( us, the public, plebs, whatever) can only absorb so much shit before it bursts, spreading its stink all over and most of it will land on those who, in the scheme of things, least deserve it.
I’m not saying Social Services etc were innocent, not at all, but they weren’t as complicit as the police, some of whom were definitely dipping their lollies in the sherbert.
A little light entertainment to brighten the mood ?
Lol! Better than the original.
Plenty of docs on Jimmy Savile. Another released last week. Nothing really new in it.
How many msm docs on Rotherham?
Savile was an evil cunt who should’ve been found out years earlier (thanks BBC et al), but we keep getting shown his crimes because he was a white male.
If he’d have been a parking stanley, we’d have never had anything like the coverage we’ve had.
Same thing with Luke Donald. His death was far worse than Saint Stephen Lawrence’s. Luke was a minor who got kidnapped by an adult daki gang because they wanted to kill a random white person. He was beaten, tortured knifed and then set on fire while begging for his life.
BBC coverage?
Practically fuck all, his mum didn’t get a seat in the Lords’ and there have not been umpteen TV series or documentaries on this disgraceful crime.
There is no Luke Donald day either.
Things need to fucking change.
You mean Kriss Donald don’t you? There’s also Lee Rigby who everyone forgets (22nd May 2013) I’m happy to say there is a remembrance gathering here in Sarf London every year. He died for his country just like any soldier on some foreign battlefield. The fact that the enemy came to him in his own backyard makes no difference.
Sorry, Kriss Donald yes. It’s been a long day.
Quite right buddy Lee died in his own Country by a couple of cowards.I hope they rot in hell & never see the light of day again.
‘Diversity is our strength’
They’re right. It is ‘their’ strength.
It’s important to note who uses this slogan a lot.
The time is well past, the three party political cunts need to fuck off and people need to vote ….
Why didn’t they just listen to Enoch Powell?
An intelligent and principled man, and a military mastermind.
He could foresee this sort of situation arising decades ago.
He was ousted from the Tory party in 1974, after winning his Wolverhampton seat in every election since 1950.
Considering that he was branded a racist by the media after his 1968 ‘rivers of blood speech’, he still remained extremely popular with the public and the electorate.
I know that his immediate concern at the time were the knee-grows, – but his points can be applied to any minorities, – they are troublesome, and indeed they now do ‘have the whip hand, over the white man’.
The media branding people ‘racist’ and extremists, when indeed their views are relatively mainstream, is nothing new.
This is all divide and conquer.
Fanned by the MSM ,St Floyd,St Fauci,St Zelensky ad infinitum.
The lemmings all join hands and sing kum-by-ya and feign delight and unity before going back to their mindless, selfish lives.
We will sit back and watch as our society is chipped away,abetted by ‘the party’ , who will never suffer the same consequences.
North Korea over here.
Fuck it, humanity is going down the shitter.
Civic Nationalism will be our only way out, everything else is fucked and a cull of Leftists wouldn’t go amiss either.
It’s situations like this that give right to far right thinking and actions. If you browbeat, demean and demonise the indigenous white nationals eventually they will fight back. The left, woke, MSM, BBC, BLM are so thick and up their own arses with they’re “It’s our way or the highway” approach that people will only take so much. It’s human nature. You can’t say they haven’t been warned.
Give rise not give right. Bleeding phone.
Well that’s chavs for you…