
This nom is a little late given that the cunt in question has been dead for over 2000 years but please bear with me.

The cunt in question is Plato. Surely this esteemed philosopher, the inventor of the simile of the cave and author of The Republic cannot be a cunt I hear you protest.

Plato was an Athenian. As everyone knows the Athenians invented democracy. One man one vote. Well, not exactly, slaves couldn’t vote, women, couldn’t vote,, only male citizens of suitable standing could. Couldn’t have the oiks who outnumbered the elites taking over could you? They’d invent socialism or something and take over wouldn’t they?

Well anyway, Plato was very much one of the elite and a patrician cunt too by all accounts.

He hated democracy, because he thought even the incomplete form of it practiced by the Athenians gave too much power to the oiks who weren’t educated enough to understand the complexities of what they were voting on.

So far so good you may think and have some sympathy with this point of view. This is still a current debate around voting age. Remember many in Labour have called to lower the voting age to 16. Note also the argument was made frequently and loudly after the Brexit vote that the plebs didn’t know what they were voting for by the chattering classes.

But Plato’s solution as espoused in The Republic was that no one should have a vote at all. They should instead be ruled over by an elite class of ‘philosopher kings’. In effect Plato invented technocracy. Of course Plato wanted to be head king.

Well he didn’t get his way but the idea survived. Technocracy is on the rise. Plato’s academy today is uber cunt Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, which churns out disciples and wannabe philosopher kings like Macron and Trudeau. You know, smug cunts that know better than you and therefore want to control every aspect of your lives.

As a final observation I will just point out that the laws of 500 million people in Europe are made by an unelected ‘Commission’. Plato would be proud.

Nominated by: Berkshire Huntmaster

57 thoughts on “Plato

  1. If you mean the EU are a bunch of fucking cunts I’m with you brother.
    The Frenchies are also cunts for voting in that EU stooge yesterday.
    Vive Le Pen!

    • Was Brexit and Trump enough of a bloody nose to the establishment to ensure the “correct” results in future?

      After those two seismic political events it looked like a patriotic spring in France, Holland, Germany and Italy were going to happen in the following year but didn’t ever materialise.

      The way Micropenis has been behaving in France has been an absolute disgrace at times and his unique brand of covid passport fascism should have been the final straw for the granny bothering little worm yet he was voted back in again.
      Would never claim to be any expert on French politics but who the fuck is voting for such an odious little cunt?

      There’s more a touch of the Biden’s regarding this one for me. Or am I being conspiratorial?

      • I think it’s exactly the same as the Biden win. The anyone but Trump strategy paid off, and France voted against Le Pen, and not for Macron.
        A low turn out and an increase in spoiled ballot papers shows there was was little appetite for either, but slightly less for Marine LePutin.

      • Good afternoon GJ

        Given the weekly non stop protests by the mainly working classes and low disapproval of the government in France these last few years, I was a little surprised Macron actually made it through the first round.

        Didn’t matter who the French voted for in the second round – it seems they were getting a fascist in charge regardless.

        Ms Le Pen being a “far right” fascist of course with links to evil Russia where as the granny bothering establishment “centrist” has recently shown a penchant for “papers please” covid vaccine fascism while having links to the WEF and their Great Reset.

        A very sad state of affairs when the undecided voters who bother to vote are left with a choice of voting for the candidate they hate the least.

      • Low turnout and spoilt ballots – that’s the way it’ll be going here as well (shame we don’t protest like the Frogs though – they really didn’t like that Macron cunt getting back in did they?!).

      • HJ@ – Afternoon Herman – with an hour or so to go Le Pen was ahead by a mile, then a “glitch” and suddenly she was behind.
        Rigged “Election”, Biden style.
        Democracy is dead.

      • Afternoon Vernon.

        I haven’t heard much about that but my own personal perception of politics, politicians and democratic elections gradually become one that has turned into complete distrust.

        Didn’t somebody once say that if voting actually made a difference then they wouldn’t let people do it in the first place.

      • Afternoon HJ. I agree about voting for the least worst option, but I would go so far as to say that would be a majority view if people were honest with themselves.

      • If the U.S. election were held tomorrow it would be the “anyone but Biden and Harris” candidate who would win.

        It’s all pretty academic though, because the Democunts are not going to allow either of those vote losers to stand in 2024. Interesting times ahead.

    • I will give it to the froggies, that at least over 40% of their electorate voted for a proper right wing party.

      We’ve got globalist Marxist types and pretty much fuck all else.

      I think the demographics are such in France that the real French are fucked. I think this was their last chance. Marcon will now invite huge hoardes of Africunts and peacefuls to make doubly sure Le Pen can never win, you watch.

      On a more important note:

      The female snooker ref I’m seeing right now keeps adding the scores up wrong. And I can’t tell what she’s saying sometimes (is she a foreign?)

      Looks shagable though, if a bit mardy looking. But a snooker ref who can’t count. Great idea! Diversity is our strength!

  2. Why do people pronounce his name play-toe?

    Fucking annoying.

    There was some cunt on the telly the other night going on about Cleo-partra.
    Silly cunt.

    • His name wasn’t Plato, it was Aristocles. Platon or Plato was a nickname his gym teacher gave him, it means, ‘broad’ as in ‘broad shouldered’.

      Platonism might have became the philosophy, both social and spiritual philosophy if Christianity never came along. There’s a lot of Platonic ideas in Christianity. These days, ‘mongism’ seems to be the prevailing philosophy.

      Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and friend of the more famous Bertrand Russell was a neo-Platonist. His books are good. Process and Reality is pretty psychedelic.

  3. Good cunting, and first pointed out I believe by Karl Popper in “The Open Society and its Enemies”, who demonstrated how much Hegel and Marx owed to Plato.

    There was something disreputable about Plato even in Ancient Greece, where he had many enemies. Whereas most athenians valued democracy (in its Greek context) Plato said that society should be governed by an elite core of philosophers, specifically reared and educated to do so. Plato no doubt thought this was for the best but since then he’s been cited as an authority by every authoritarian, elitist and control freak.

    • Diane Abbot should be cloned for future use ‘philosopher queens’. Genetically engineer her to be 20 feet high and rest on a giant beanbag in Wembley Stadium and manufacture 20 litre cans of gin of tonic for her to guzzle while she plots our fate.

    • That explains why so many remainers wheeled him out after the referendum.

      ‘Look at what this ancient philosopher said about democracy!’ *pant* *wheeze*

      A more recent philosopher would call that the ‘slave morality’.

  4. Philosophy – wondering if a tree falling in a forest alone makes a sound and collecting a giro.
    Jay Blades has a philosophy degree.
    Say no more.
    Apologies for going off topic but Le Pen got Bidened early this morning.
    Stolen Elections have consequences.

    • DFF@ – Bummery used to be called “Greek sex” back in the day, and as they are foreigners there is no depravity these swarthy blighters won’t get up to!
      Demis Roussos was alright though – I like Demis Roussos!
      Wouldn’t have had him in the house though, obviously..

      • Greek women are nice enough until they turn 30..then they all turn into fat,unshaven,muttering crones.

  5. Plato was also a cunt for misrepresenting Socrates.

    Professors Bruce, Bruce and Bruce of the Philosophy department of the University of Whallabaloo got it right –

    Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
    Who was very rarely stable

    Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
    Who could think you under the table

    David Hume could out-consume
    Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel

    And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
    Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel

    There’s nothing Nietzsche couldn’t teach ya
    ’bout the raising of the wrist
    Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed

    John Stuart Mill, of his own free will
    On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill

    Plato, they say, could stick it away
    Half a crate of whiskey every day

    Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle
    Hobbes was fond of his dram

    And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart
    “I drink, therefore I am.”

    Yes, Socrates himself is particularly missed
    A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he’s pissed

  6. I agree with this,I’ve always wondered why Mickey Mouse would have an ancient Greek philosopher as a pet.

    Fucking Walt Disney,the clueless cunt.

    • UT@ – Afternoon Unkle – exactly! And Plato used to attack Inspector Clouseau without warning – typical unsporting behaviour from a shifty no good foreigner!

  7. Democracy is a disaster. Giving the populace the keys to the treasury has resulted in a 2 trillion debt. An amount so vast it can never be repaid. Only men who pay income tax should have the vote. Women should have the vote but not use it as they are to emotionally incontinent and fuck everything up, with one exception.

  8. I didn’t know that about Plato, and the Internet is struggling today as everyone tries to find a video of Angela Rayner doing a Sharon Stone. Without success I might add.

    When the traffic dies down, I’ll try and update his Wiki entry, changing the section called ‘Criticisms’ to ‘Is A Cunt’.

    • If you search for ‘Angela Rayner cunt’ it brings you straight back here. Marvelous.

      • So does searching for “ Theresa May is a cunt”. Which is how I found ISAC in the first place.

  9. I remember reading Plato’s The Republic a long time ago. Like many of his dialogues it’s actually quite jaunty and readable.

    The thing that most struck me as interesting is his allegory of the cave, which he put into the mouth of Socrates.

    Plato, through his Socrates character, describes people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives seeing only the wall. They see shadows on the wall from objects passing in front of the cave. The shadows are reality to the cave dwellers, but are not of course accurate representations of the real world because they are only shadows.

    In this parable, the shadows represent that small part of reality we can perceive through our senses, while the objects outside the cave casting the shadows represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason and the higher pure sciences like mathematics and geometry.

    Socrates says the philosopher is like one of the cave dwellers who realises that the shadows on the wall are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher ( by which he means philosophers and scientists) try to understand and perceive higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave don’t even want to leave their prison or find out the source of reality.

    This always stuck in my mind so, elitism aside, Plato was a very important thinker in the history of the West. Part of our intellectual heritage. The Chinese might be able to match this depth of rational thought but no one else.

    Of course it would be regarded as racist now.

      • I always remember in one of his books. He was describing a group of German soldiers pushing a horse drawn gun carriage up a muddy hill when one of the horses” vented a huge fart” made i chuckle it did.

    • Plato?
      Right cunt.
      All philosophers are.
      Philosophy means daydreaming,workshy, softhanded, slacker, let others do the graft.

      And hes a greek.
      So a sexcase to boot.
      Only thing in his favour is hes suitably bearded.
      Although its probably dripping with olive oil.

      Yes, plato, socrates, all those navel gazing fucksticks….


      • MNC@ – Exactly – didn’t notice any “philosophers” helping me and crime boy lug fkin furniture about today!
        “Crime boy?” – Well, he’s a scouser so it’s a safe assumption! ?
        Ay! Ay! I’m leaving – stop throwin them shellsuits at me..
        Despicable coves, the lot of you!
        Greeks? The only acceptable Greeks are Demis Roussos and Marina Sirtis – the rest are all swarthy bumlords! (allegedly)

  10. I am thinking of having a go at that cunt Hammurabi and his code which spawned all the lawyer cunts..

    • Nothing good comes from Greece.
      In fact Greece is fuckin rubbish.

      Hot, dusty,shite food,
      Shite music, fetid cheese,
      Fuckin salad!

      Its the John Inman of countries.
      Id rather spend two week in the Ukraine.

      • You’ve never been to Greece you lying get. Do you mean the restaurant on Oxford road?

      • I did.
        That Crete.
        Full of old ruins.
        An stray dogs.

        Give me Llandudno any day.

  11. Greece has the fewest walls per square mile than anywhere else in the world. Bloke down the pub told me.

    It’s so you can’t put your backs to them. If you do visit, prepare for the taxi driver to offer you a ‘welcome drink’ in his taxi. Failing that, the bell boy carrying your suitcases will do the same.

    You will then wake up 3 days later in your room, with a destroyed ringpiece and chloroform burns on your face, from whenever you ‘threatened’ to wake up.

    Come to Greece?

    If getting lubbocked is your thing, go for it I suppose.

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