My Fellow Cunters.
For your Cuntsideration:
Michael Patrick Turland & the contents of his freezer.
A thunk, thunk, thunk-“one-hundredddd aaand eigggggghhhtty” animals found in his freezer, some, by his own admission, frozen alive, cunting please, for this fucking weirdo.
As many will know, many serial killer types, start with extreme animal cruelty, before graduating to human prey.
Whatever you do, don’t stay for dinner?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Looks like a good night’s sleep and a shower and shave wouldn’t go amiss. Followed by a 4 night stay in my chest freezer.
Life must have become difficult for this cunt since the Coof closed down Glastonbury.
Looks tired.
Eyes like pissholes in the snow.
Get a early night lad.
Cruel to animals is it?
Well im not fond of that.
Think you should come for a ride in my van, naughty boys like you, id find a nice quiet spot on the moors for you,
Where nosey parkers cant intervene, or tell tales.
And I’ll help your insomnia.
Got just the thing!!
A good dose of fireaxe straight into your fuckin forehead .
You’ll be out like a light.
Another nutter who looks like a nutter too.
He should have his Hampton put in a freezer and then snap it off.
He was obviously trying to start a new business…….exotic frozen TV dinners. I must admit frozen lizard and chips with coyote snot dressing would go down a treat right now.
How do you think McDonalds got started?
She lent him 3 snakes for breeding…..
There’ll be plenty of people who have freezers stuffed full of meat from animals killed under Kosher or Halal rules….
What is odious is that many schools use halal meat exclusively claiming that to have humanely slaughtered meat as well as halal is inconvenient.
Aye…I’m not sure but I think a lot of businesses use it just to make sure that they’re not upsetting the “religious” bunch.
Although I can’t bide vegan types.I must admit that they are the only ones who really have the moral high-ground when it comes to animal cruelty….anyone who eats or uses animal products should face the unpalatable truth that “cruelty” is inevitable in large scale animal production.
Evening Dick. Having anything nice for dinner tonight?
Vegetable balti indeed…what a fucking abomination and stain on the good name of Fray Bentos.
I’m having corned beef hash with cannonball peas and beetroot….are you having a mushroom curry?
ps….I’m beginning to fear that Mossad have Robert Maxwelled poor Miles…do you know anything about it?
Beetroot, with corned beef hash!
You Phillistine!
Miles is fine. He posted last night on the Ukraine forum:
Miles Plastic on April 27, 2022 at 9:42 pm said:
I am staggered how little hysteria is being generated by the prospect of a nuclear strike on Britan.
It has been said of Putin over and over again that ‘he always does what he says he will do’.
No doubt posted from the safety of the Kremlin nuclear bunker.
PS: Having a change fro mushroom curry tonight: Chinese takeaway, King Prawn Chop Suey.
To be quite honest, Lord Fidler, I abore the people who mistreat animals, but come the Apocalypse I’ll slaughter and eat anything, I won’t be caring if they were free range, ethically raised or any shit like that, nor if they are a protected species, and I doubt anyone else would baulk, either.
That’s it though isn’t it.J.P?…Most people bang on about animal cruelty but would only need to find out that McDonalds had no burgers or there was no milk for their Starbuck’s coffee and they’d be up in arms.
Evening to you.
Evening, Lord Fidler.
I’m imbibing a particular nice rose, currently.
Moving onto white rum, next.
I like variety.
Carnivore or not, shouldn’t mean we don’t strive to make slaughter as humane as possible.
You are not wrong, RTC.
Only wine I drink is Bulls Blood but do enjoy Port…whiskey drinker in the main though
Quite agree,’s the fact that people can’t face up to the fact that animal “cruelty” is a fact if they want to keep eating meat,wearing leather etc. that gets me.
“Cruelty” would suggest a concious desire to inflict unnecessary suffering on an animal. Humane slaughter sets out tho achieve the opposite.
Surely the very act of killing something for benefit,not necessity,is inherently “cruel”?….you can do want you want to lessen suffering but too many people refuse to face the fact that they are responsible for an animal’s death…they prefer to spout the ” I hate animal cruelty” while scarfing down a steak.
You can dress it up however you like but people should be more honest with themselves
It’s certainly debatable.
I eat tiny amounts of red meat, but not much more of white meat or fish.
I’m not vegan or vegetarian.
I just don’t have much of an appetite, any more.
I’m an unashamed carnivore who doesn’t kid myself that “cruelty free” meat is an option.
Fish consumption is an interesting thing from a “cruelty” point of view…I’ve heard people say that fish don’t feel pain but the ones that I’ve hooked certainly looked like they did as they were dragged out of the water.
They don’t, it’s been proven from a study by the University of Wyoming some years back. The Rose report I believe, off the top of my head.
The clowns at Pet.a subsequently sponsored (there’s a clue) a contradictory study from the University of
Edinburgh suggesting fish do feel pain. This was done by injecting trout jaws with bee venom and observing the results.
The fish were reportedly rubbing their jaws against the gravel.on the floor of their holding tank.
2 questions here:
I’ve never felt the urge to treat painful conditions by rubbing gravel over the affected area so anthropomorphism is a no go here and
2. Since when are fish ever going to be assaulted by a a gang of marauding bees in the natural world?
NB: Pet.a are fuckwits and Ingrud Neukirk is a demented twat.
Fish struggle when hooked because they’re being dragged out of their environment try holding a cats tail and see how that goes.
I’ve had repeat captures,it’s well documented, they don’t care, there is no pain
Meat is murder, nless you consune living flesh ,oysters?Vegans should try pontificating to a sparrow hawk or a stoat. Carry on knitting your yurts, the men know better.
Evenning Mr Fiddler,
Been reading about the theory that Khazars a Turkic people are the Ashkenazi branch of Modern Jewry.
You know that theory?
Probably all bollocks of course but I left off watching the video and then when I tried to get it again it wasnt there!
I suspect it was takwn down because the person that put itvup added something about Zelensky wanting a ‘big Israel’ for Ukraine.
See modern Ukraine was the centre of the Khazarian empiire.
Is there a connectuon there?
Also a statistic stuck in my mind that the Jewish population of Ukraine is 2/10ths of 1 percent of the whole country. And yet Zelensky and the previous Prime minister are Jewish.
I said this I think one time to MMCM and he said he was ‘puzzled’ why I brought religion into it.
TBH I was ‘puzzled’ by his puzzlement but there you go.
Good evening to you.
Then you know the history of Khazaria Miles?
The Caucasus,where Noahs third son, Japeth went to after the flood?
Ham went to the Horn of Africa, Shem the eldest went to the middle east, Shem,as in Semitic,as in language, as in Hebrew and Arabic.
Northern Turkey Georgia today. The Donmeh jews/Young Turks, Armenian genocide. Muh, 6 gorillion.
Good Evening to “the site’s foremost anti-Semite”….I’m rather jealous of that title,Miles…I’d like to be the site’s foremost something.
I often wonder what the tomato plants in a Gloucestershire greenhouse go through when FlapEars goes to talk to them. I hope the silly twat gets eaten by a mutant Venus Fly Trap.
As for the thing in the header pic, it’s beard has a whiff of halal about it. Is he a self-appointed imam?
RT is the site’s foremost Normie.
Did I see you mention that you’re on the move ? Get yerself up North
Morning, Dick.
Yes, hoping to be on move in a month or two. Probably N Lincs, but I haven’t ruled out Northumberland.
If The Fart of Doom doesn’t finish me off first!
Perhaps, instead of distributing unwanted illegal wetbacks across the country, the US border patrol could direct them into this peculiar gentleman’s oversized freezer?
Same thing with our dinghy spongers…instead of processing them back in the same Rwanda from whence they came, they could be processed in the nearest abbatoir to Dover beach.
Looks like he’s had his head in the freezer.
I can’t think of any reason why he would do this, and by the look of him, I wouldn’t think he can either. One for the men in white coats to deal with.
Transgender by any chance? He might be. Would get away with stuff like that over here, if he is. Just cry & say you are having some issues, right now. The authorities & the wokes will look after you lad.
Wierdo cunt needs dragging down the road by a fast car and then frozen, i bet after that he would look like a lasagne…
Gratuitous cruelty to animals is bad enough but as CG alludes to this is how the peedos and serial killers start out. This is common knowledge amongst psychiatrists and social workers and they should keep close track of him.
More likely pigs wil fly.
Bloody hell he’s got a wife.
Keep her in there as well, did you Michael?
Might explain why she’s frigid.
He sounds like he might be the Norman Bates type and has had her stuffed.
Nasty cunt needs curing.
1 hour freezer then 5 seconds roaring oven.
Repeat until everyone is delighted.
Hahahaha ?
“Everyone delighted”…?
Turland?Turdland instead.
Meth head piece of shit.
What I want to know is what on earth he intended to do with them?
Eat them, practice taxidermy, use them in some bizzare Satanic ritual?
I’m scratching my head, here.
My guess is he was going to fuck them.
If he gets incarcerated, I hope he gets kicked to death, like the fat guy in Shawshank Redemption.
” I don’t belong here, I wanna go home.”
Move him to my neighborhood. We are over run with stray fucking cats.
Be careful what you wish for, you may yet get a kebab shop run by parquays.
Your local kebab shop is doing a special next week.
Call Cats Protection!
What a fucking freak.
Oven or deep freeze alive – I don’t care which.
Put him in at Regulo 2 for a nice, slow, agonising death.
*the ruskies are a cominn , im just stockpiling* was in the statement he made to police
*Anyone for a slice of a racoons hole , then im your man * he continued
*when the electricitys gone and nuclear winter is upon, then my meat willl last a lot longer, cause it stays frozen*
*Im thinking’s outside the box*
Only in America
His face looks like a Billy goats bollocks.
Apparently his wife is still “at large” and the coppers are still looking for her. I’d be checking every lock up within a twenty mile radius. The ones big enough to contain a freezer.
Fucking weirdo.
I just remembered-a couple of lads I used to know, had a minor hit with a “comedy single”, back in the day. (The fuckers sold out?).
Quite fitting here:
I’ll throw this here as I don’t know how to start a new thread. Admins Iif you could ?
A trůly Nørdic čunting for Sweden. Igs given us ABBA, meatballs and not much else but has provided comedy entertainment by opening its arms to immigration. And they’ve now decided –
Migrant integration has failed, Swedish PM admits
Go to the nomination section and put up your post there.
*Im just stocking up on protiens *, he allegedly said when being arrested.
*the rusckies are a cominn man and all Im doing is preparing*
after the rough and tumble , it was not reported that he went on saying
*when the nuclear winter comes man and ye all looking around for a slice of a raccoons hole, well fuck you too and don’t say i didn’t warns ye all*
ah fuck admin, it was too long await and you have made me post twice.
i know Im stupid , it shouldn’t take you as long to figure
He was ok until he was sacked from his sitting-on-a-toadstool job at the entrance to Gnome World.