Justin Welby [17]

The Archbishop of Canterbury is a Cunt

“A man of God! How could you call him such a word?” I hear some say, but bear with me.

Taken from the BBC news article on the matter…
“The government’s plan to send some asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda is “the opposite of the nature of God”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said”


So, let’s get this right. The importation of 400 plus immigrants from mainly Muslim countries, most of whom have no documents, is godly is it? The erosion of British culture (yes we do have one) and life is godly is it? The bankrupting of the NHS, social security and services, school system etc etc to fund these people is godly is it? Importing men of fighting age from anti-west, muslim countries (some of whom already have their orders to kill innocent people while they are here) is godly is it?

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

I wonder how many of these ponces, terrorists, sex offenders and murderers he’s going to house in Lambeth Palace or his pile in Kent? I’m guessing zero

So, archbishop, you utter traitor and enemy of your own people, you are an absolute cunt and are helping to erode our way of life.

I wonder how liberal the London division of Isis will be with him in ten years when sharia becomes the law of our land? I’m suspecting he and his type will be at the front of the head removal queue outside Finsbury Park mosque come Ramadan 2035.

Nominated by: Horace

Seconded by: Duke of Cuntshire

The Archbishop of Cunterbury.

Yet again, this meddling fuckwit tries to impose stupidity on the ordinary British person.

The Guardian News Link

I don’t suppose this blithering idiot realises that it’s a load of Christian hating Muslims that are trying to get into the country. For the first time in years we can get rid of the filth that undermines the British way of life, and seeks to eliminate the likes of Justin Welby, and this inbred moron opposes the idea.

When is he going to realise that no-one takes him seriously any more, and his opposition to common sense is playing right into Muslim invaders’ hands.

Well I have a solution to your angst Justin, get on the first plane to Rwanda and preach your bullshit there where we don’t have to listen to it.


73 thoughts on “Justin Welby [17]

  1. This religious cunt is a tool.
    “The Church” is a cunt nowadays.
    The pope is a cunt.
    This idea that diversity is our strength is a cunt.
    Cunt overload!
    He must feel a kinship with these fellow peedo-files.

  2. I fucking hate this twat.

    Old Etonian, paid three times the median wage, two palaces, knows fuck all about, well, everything.

    And the magic carpenter at the centre of his mythology referred to foreigners as “dogs”…


    Will no-one rid me of this turbulent priest?

    In my Empire, religious policy will be based on Brian Blessed’s outburst in the original Blackadder – “I’ll abolish the church.”

    Freedom for East Anglia (Queensland Branch).

    • He also took a year’s paid holiday, sorry, ‘sabbatical’. How did he manage to get that one past his boss? Oh yes I nearly forgot, he reports to a mythical sky fairy, so no problem there.

  3. He is an utter shit weasel.I can’t stand him.I want to nominate him for cunt of the year for 2022.Piss off to Africa and preach you stupid twat.He boils my piss.

    • Can we start a ISAC ‘collect shit’ campaign ?
      How many envelopes of turds can we post to this useless woke preaching fucking wankhat ?
      Anyone live near his gaffs ? Weed killer on lawn spelling “Traitor”

  4. Brilliant nom! Reminds me why I come here every day. Only site I know where most participants don’t talk through their arseholes. Keep it up lads and ladies.

  5. If only the queen would repeat the words of her distinguished ancestor – “will anyone relieve me off this meddlesome cunt”.

    Does the Archpissoff of Cunterbury have to risk his live saving drowning Mudslimes in the Channel? Does he live in one of the communities wrecked by excessive illegal immigration? Does he know anything of the lives wrecked by needless deaths in the Channel of people that would have been better staying in their own countries rather than paying a people smuggler to stick them on a toy dinghy in the middle of one of the busiest shipping lanes in the World? No – then shut up.

    He seems not to understand that we are not dealing with genuine cases that might have good cause to seek the protection of the UK – such as Ukrainians – but highly resourced and motivated economic migrants prepared to pay people smugglers to enter the UK illegally.

    Just another woketard determined to signal his virtuousness (at our expense) without any understanding of the real world.

    • What genuine refugee would destroy their passport and ID papers? This pious fuckwit either doesn’t know or chooses to ignore the fact his beloved EU has been funding the turnaround of migrant boats from Libya since 2017 as well as sending some to Rwanda, housed in the same centres he is currently shitting his cassock over.

  6. In 1936 the Cof E effectively kicked Edward 8th off the throne because he wanted to marry a divorcee. Shocking.
    The idea that they could prevent the Chimp Boy becoming King because he’s married to a divorced horse is ridiculous these days. They don’t have that power anymore. The Church always bends with wind. Women priests, divorce, benders, trannies……all God’s children now. There is no sin except as defined by the wokies……..the sin of being white and working class. If that’s your fucking God I’m better off without him. Certainly better off without this useless, fake sack of wokie shit.

  7. A communist in robes, and a cunt all over!!!

    Sjamboking is too good for this weaselly fucknugget!

  8. The CoE has assets, endowments, properties and investments totalling around £9bn according to Wiki. And yet it still wants donations from poor cunts to help the even less fortunate.

    NINE BILLION POUNDS, and this cunt expects the government and us plebs to “do more to help others!”

    Well he can fuck right off. If he was serious he could flog a billion off and turn some properties over to developers to build housing centres, food banks, sheltered accommodation and a million other ideas that could help EVERYONE not just immigrants wanting free handouts.

    And I seem to recall some of the investments made by the CoE were strictly unethical up until a few years ago.

    Typical of the Establishment – wag the finger at the indigenous poor, while still begging for more and more donations to furnish their jolly lifestyles while virtue signalling from the pulpit.

  9. The same god that lets them perish en masse during famines and war?
    Sounds like a charmer…

  10. Seeing as this cunt was in the oil business, I wonder what he thinks of the cunts at Cobham services this morning vandalising the petrol pumps, are they “gods children” or are you hoping “they’ll meet him shortly”? eh Justin! (every Justin I can think of is a cunt!!!

  11. Let the deluded cunt say what he wants.
    Nobody gives a fuck for his entitled soppy opinion.
    It is amusing however that he seems unaware that his virtue signalling waffle about foreign trash piling up here will further erode what remains of his own religion.
    Perhaps he doesn’t care so long as his share portfolio isn’t affected?

    Anyhow he’s just another Quisling seeking to destroy the country.
    Personally I consider him a traitor and he should be dragged to Tyburn for a short drop.
    A gold encrusted Cunt indeed.

    • Oh it’s worth mentioning that the maligned/lauded Rwanda Asylum scheme allows for thousands of the worst Rwandans to legally move to the UK permanently.
      Patel didn’t mention that did she the fat little Curry Cunt.

      • Wasn’t there something about them having ” complex medical needs” as well? I assume that means Aids.

  12. I seem to remember his predecessor, can’t remember the wanker’s name, was also a fucking commie bastard. Anyway hope he’s dead now.
    Isn’t it about time we had a female Archbishop of Canterbury? Or, even better, a cock in a frock? Come on you old cunts, get properly up to date for fucks sake.

    • Ftf@ – Afternoon Freddie – I believe his predecessor was Rowan Williams – another grade A cunt.

      • That’s the wanker. Beardy cunt, CND arsehole, friend of the Peacefuls before it became fashionable. Welby fits the mould perfectly.
        Pair of cunts together.

    • Female A of Cuntuar??

      Strewth NO.

      One look at Bishop of London, Dame Sarah Doolally, will prove why…

  13. Just another multi-millionaire ex oil executive who dressed up in women’s clothes and got mistaken for the Archbishop of Canterbury who’s been living the lie ever since. Some cunts have all the luck.

      • Heard him on Julia HB this morning. A tenner on Amazon. Definitely getting that.

      • Yeah, I heard that too. Tried to find the TalkTV link but not yet available. Lady C is buying the book for my birthday next week.

      • He’s not dressed up in women’s clothes so don’t be so rude.

        He’s wearing a cape.
        He’s a caped crusader.
        He is …..JesusMan.⭐

        ✝️?‍♂️ ✝️

      • Your birthday next week eh Ruff. Congratulations! All the best people were born in May.

      • Cheers Arfur, you are the kindest among us. Obviously you too were born in May.

  14. When is Welby demanding more churches in Pakistan then?
    Fuck off – if you want to live with shit then feel free to move there Justin the traitor.

  15. This man is more a fifth columnist than an Archbishop.

    He really cannot be as ill informed, naive or as plain fucking stupid as the way that he acts.

    He knows what he’s doing and saying plus he’s bound to know that endless boatloads of peacefuls washing up on the coast each day means a bleaker future for the church of England. In England.

    What does he think they’re all going to do? Embrace Christianity and boost the Sunday congregations?

    What a colossal wanker.

    • The average church is a bit small for a Mosque. Westminster Abbey, York Minster, Lincoln Cathedral etc will do nicely though.
      Lambeth Palace should be fine for the Head Imam and his harem of letterboxes.

      • @Freddie

        You just know that the edifices mentioned, which no longer garner much of a Christian congregation, would be packed to the rafters with inbred carpet kissers instead, if they were given half the chance.

        Who knows, maybe it’s all part of Justine Wokeby’s grand plan of spineless treachery.

      • I’ve been to all three in recent years and they fucking charge you to get in!! About eight quid as I remember.
        Apparently if you say you want to go in to pray and worship they let you in for free but I didn’t have the bare faced cheek to do it.
        I bet some fucking raghead would though. Especially if he was planting a bomb.
        Alan’s Snackbar!

  16. He is a poofter. He talks like an old woman. I bet the choirboys will heave a sigh of relief when he leaves the mauve skirt behind and becomes a Labour MP – a minister, of course, so he can discuss affairs of state and religiousity with the Revd Starmer. Let us pray duckies.

      • He’s already in the Lords. There are 26 of the traitorous cunts. “The Lords Spiritual” they call them. Another good reason to burn it down with the doors locked.

  17. This bloke is a wrong ‘un.

    You can see it all over his face. Just look at it.

    A man of the cloth?

    I bet his cloth has had plenty of stains on it over the years.

    Perhaps he fancies something a little darker than your average alter boy?

    The challenge of forcing a Muslim into slipping one into his shitter?

    Dirty old man.

    Meanwhile in other news…..Angela Raynor is taking part in a sponsored gobble-a-thon, for washed up dingy dwellers. She will scour the Kent coastline seeking out participants.

    “These men have had long journeys, and they are bound to have a sackful; I can’t wait to get down to business so these hapless souls can discharge into my dispatch box” Angela gushed.

  18. Do the inane gibberings of the CofE hold any weight anymore? Eddie Izzard has more influence. Christianity is dead in Britain and Islam will fill the God-shaped or Allah-shaped hole this century unless there is a new form of ‘muscular Christianity’.

    • i don’t know that it is dead though, I think there are a lot of people still who regard themselves as Christian but are alienated by the passive nature of the Church here. Where it gets problematic for me is the Love Thy Neighbour bit, I would find this impossible if it is some freeloading pretend refugee type. Also stunts like allowing the Muslim call to prayer to take place in Gloucester Cathedral tend to alienate the regular congregation. I suppose some people believe they can still worship and follow the code without subscribing to all the trappings. Also the Church seems to spend an undue amount of time and money mithering about Africa when there are a lot of problems needing attention here.

  19. Welby is a Marxist in a dress. If he likes the dinghy rats so much, he can put the cunts up in one of his mansions. Deluded, preachy fuck-nugget.

  20. As alluded to above-for every “asylum seeker” sent to Raw-arse-a”, expect plane loads of gibbering gimmigrants, recently qualified from the Stab-I-versity of Africunt?

    Look at the numerous Tik-Tok videos posted by the dingy divers, showing them disposing of their ID, mid channel.

    Also, they have all passed through at least 3 peaceful EU countries and had asylum claims rejected-which means they are already failed asylum seekers.

    Send them to Wakonda, along with Lammy, Butler, Henry, Whinfrey, Markles and numerous other bothersome sub human, race grifting, anti-white CUNTS??

  21. Those filthy p*ncing bastards crossing the Channel won the election for Maggot Macron. Or rather, Jellyfish Johnson’s wife did.

  22. A quick rant on churches in general:
    All of the fucking rituals, liturgy, stages, bands, cameras, production, music, emotionalism, gimmicks, fundraising, all-positive motivational messages, politics, liberalism, and a ton of other shit have made churches into something other than what God intended. They should be institutions of not just higher learning, but the highest learning there is: gaining an understanding of an infinite God.
    This ecumenical shit stain Welby is a prime example of what has gone wrong with 99% of passes for “worship” nowadays. Fuck him and his ilk. Maybe he will understand once the fires of hell are licking his nutsack. Cunt.

  23. Large wooden cross, box of 6” nails (galvanised) and some willing volunteers ?

  24. Her Maj is Head of the C of E I seem to recall. To celebrate her jubilee she should sack this cocksucker. That would be worth keeping the pubs open for.
    And a bank holiday!

  25. In an ideal world, the queen would send four knights round to the cathedral, & sort the cunt out “Thomas a Becket Style.”

    • Indeed, as the man himself said “better the blows of a friend than the false kisses of an enemy.”
      Think about that the next time you’re licking Peaceful arse Welby you fucking cunt.

  26. Kenneth Welby was worried.
    He was normally concerned with gardening matters and trivial middle class issues like the church fundraiser.

    He wasnt alone in his worries.
    His wife Marjorie was also concerned.

    The Welby’s unsettling was caused by their 6yr old son Justin.

    A sickly boy, introverted and lacking in friends,
    Small for his age .

    “He’ll grow out of it Marjorie” said Kenneth .
    “Hes at a awkward age”.

    Marjorie gave a hesitate smile,
    Fleeting, showing her doubts.

    Since the ‘incident’ and the endless meetings with social workers, policemen, and child phycologists shed grown fearful of her only child.

    It wasnt that she let herself believe it wasn’t a accident that happened to the Telford boy,
    After all, little boys were foolish around deep water but it was the image of her son smiling as the ambulance drove away,
    A wicked smile
    A knowing smile.
    Only she had seen it but it shook her to the core.

    Marjorie knew this was just the start.
    Justin had found his calling.

  27. Johnny English required to humiliate him live on TV.

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