The Archbishop of Canterbury is a Cunt
“A man of God! How could you call him such a word?” I hear some say, but bear with me.
Taken from the BBC news article on the matter…
“The government’s plan to send some asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda is “the opposite of the nature of God”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said”
So, let’s get this right. The importation of 400 plus immigrants from mainly Muslim countries, most of whom have no documents, is godly is it? The erosion of British culture (yes we do have one) and life is godly is it? The bankrupting of the NHS, social security and services, school system etc etc to fund these people is godly is it? Importing men of fighting age from anti-west, muslim countries (some of whom already have their orders to kill innocent people while they are here) is godly is it?
I could go on and on, but you get the point.
I wonder how many of these ponces, terrorists, sex offenders and murderers he’s going to house in Lambeth Palace or his pile in Kent? I’m guessing zero
So, archbishop, you utter traitor and enemy of your own people, you are an absolute cunt and are helping to erode our way of life.
I wonder how liberal the London division of Isis will be with him in ten years when sharia becomes the law of our land? I’m suspecting he and his type will be at the front of the head removal queue outside Finsbury Park mosque come Ramadan 2035.
Nominated by: Horace
Seconded by: Duke of Cuntshire
The Archbishop of Cunterbury.
Yet again, this meddling fuckwit tries to impose stupidity on the ordinary British person.
I don’t suppose this blithering idiot realises that it’s a load of Christian hating Muslims that are trying to get into the country. For the first time in years we can get rid of the filth that undermines the British way of life, and seeks to eliminate the likes of Justin Welby, and this inbred moron opposes the idea.
When is he going to realise that no-one takes him seriously any more, and his opposition to common sense is playing right into Muslim invaders’ hands.
Well I have a solution to your angst Justin, get on the first plane to Rwanda and preach your bullshit there where we don’t have to listen to it.
He is the reason I no longer attend church regularly. I went to Canterbury a few weeks back – you can see why he is out of touch with the world. The CofE should be fighting back agains the mozzers, but they won’t, so will die a slow death.
In a moving act of religious fervour Justin should be sacrificed to the Old Gods.
Sprinkle his blood around the fields to ensure a good harvest.
And nail his heart to a Oak tree to ward off evil.
Then dance widdershins around the tree wearing wolfskins.
Lord Summerisle.
Or give him the Blood Eagle treatment! ??
Welby is the turd that just will not flush. The cunt doesn’t even believe in the shite his mob preaches, and the history of all abuses within the church Estate should be investigated for all of its historical horrors.
I wish some fucker would shove his crook up his arse in an attempt to clear his earwax.
He obviously hasn’t read his Medieval history and the Crusades. As earlier commenters have noted, I guess Lambeth Palace isn’t in the near vicinity of kebab shops, Turkish barbers, dodgy cab drivers and the rest. This is the man who should be the prime protector of the (christian) West and its culture and values. A Neo-globalist Cunt.
I bet he eats cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and drinks piss weak tea.
I would put a lot of money on betting Welby would read ‘And first they came’ by Martin Niemöller and be completely oblivious to the message.
Putting to one side his need to virtue signal from the summit of the Mount of Olives doesn’t it occur to this supposed ‘Theologian’ that it’s beyond ‘ungodly’ to ‘turn a blind eye’ to the exploitation of thousands of Gods poor little lambs who are being trafficked on the promise of a better form of serfdom, sorry freedom.
People who, if they are lucky will spend years as modern day slaves working in brothels, car washes, kebab shops, nail bars and the rest.
Or perhaps he thinks it’s far less ‘ungodly’ for women to be repeatably raped in ‘refugee’ camps or better still drowned at sea.
What a cunt. What an utter utter cunt.
Enough of this nonsense and let’s bring back the Bull Buggering Bishop of Bath and Wells
Fuck off you four-eyed womens-clothing-wearing CUNT.
Probably got some kind of battery operated black mamba job buzzing away under the cassock.
A good living argument for democratisation of the Church of England. Most Anglicans are patriots and socially conservative. They’d soon vote out the arch-hypocrite of Canterbury and his ilk