Just Stop Oil [3] & Extinction Rebellion [12]

What is wrong with this bunch of cunts, & all that zero carbon crap? Chaining themselves to the scenery, somewhere, on a busy motorway, outside an oil refinery, or supergluing their arse to the tarmac.

Stopping people who may die, if they don’t reach their destination. Oh! & I guess one of their goals is to put the price of fuel up to £2+ per litre. But have they really done all of their homework? So why don’t some of these 1/2 wits protest at windfarms? Now that might sound a bit counterproductive, but yes, unbeknown to these brainless morons, these unsightly wind power plants do actually need a vast quantity of synthetic oil in the gearboxes to make them run efficiently & produce the optimum power.

Fact: This oil is no less harmful than any other oil to the environment, & mineral oil is no better, because of how it is resourced.

(Link provided by our resident Petro-Chemical Engineer, Night Admin – NA)

Yes! Just say the word ‘gearbox,’ & it will almost certainly have oil in it. Maybe one of these bright spark do-gooder protesters who might just happen to have a degree in bio chemistry, could get off their fat sticky arse, & work with the rest of us in finding an alternative solution. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe

With further intel provided by CuntyMort:

Oh goody gumdrops, Now these eco loons are going to knock on peoples doors to have a proper chat about global warming? Well if the cunts rock up to Cunty Towers they won’t be invited in for a cup of tea or anything. One warning to do yourself a favour mate and fuck off sharpish warning will be given. Next my length of service cable known as the cunt stick will be employed to knock these cunts into the middle of next week.
Any other ideas cunters?

Daily Fail Link.

FFS not these piss boiling eco loons again. Isn’t it about fucking time plod came down on these wastes of fucking space and are subjected to the FULL force of the law? If I were Boris plod would be sent in swinging truncheons briskly. If plod refuse sack the cunts and send the army in one warning and open fucking fire. Cunty’s solution would be to send a couple of steamrollers in. I bet the cunts would shit a brick. Anyone arrested lock the cunts up for five years minimum. That might learn the twats after a daily dose of Leroy’s pork sword.

Second Daily Mail Link

42 thoughts on “Just Stop Oil [3] & Extinction Rebellion [12]

  1. These cunts can’t be bothered with facts, data, thought, or truth. Pure emotion drives them.
    Unfortunately, cowardice on the part of everyone else allows this to work.

  2. The usual bunch of cunts who jump on every bandwagon.
    I wonder how many of them have jobs- bugger all would be my educated guess.

  3. The lazy cunts need to row in their Eco Canoe to the source of all this evil oil and it’s satanic byproducts to protest.

    Try Arabia or Iraq.
    Maybe Russia.

    Their relatives can let us know how they get on.

  4. Everything with these bastards is a hysterical hand wringing knee-jerk reaction of banning everything with no alternative viable solutions on offer. Anything they do offer up is a massively expensive, inconvenient, unworkable shitty sticking plaster that will make every cunt poorer, colder and fucking miserable.

    What do they think the Middle East is going to do, start selling us camel shit to burn?

  5. I assume these cunts:

    walk everywhere
    wear no man made fibres
    only eat home grown and raised food
    have no gas or electricity

    If so then they are standing up for their principles.

  6. Wasn’t there a big study done recently which concluded that it’s a load of bollocks and that there is no fucking ‘climate emergency’?

    A lot of people are making a lot of money from this shite and stand to make a lot fucking more too.

    See the likes of Greta Spoonface and the cunt who owns Forest Green Rovers for examples.

    It would be nice to hear a ‘Tory’ quote/promote this study and say we’re not bothering with this bollocks. Or the MSM, of course.

    Fucking no chance though!

    Greta should campaign to get rid of Twitter too, it creates a massive ‘carbon footprint’. No fucking chance of that either, the grifting, attention-seeking,multi-millionaire mongoloid.

    • I believe you will find that the climatologist, Dr Judith Curry PhD has written over 200 books and papers on the subject and has concluded that man made climate change is in fact a load of bollocks.

      Although nobody seems to want to listen to Dr Curry and would rather take climate change advice from a window licking, crayon eating Swedish root vegetable with pigtails.

  7. I hate these posh fucking cunts and the police, the courts, the media and politicians who indulge them and lick their privileged arses. I hear they are going to introduce a GCSE in Climate Change now. Well that should guarantee a 100% grade A pass rate as every cunt knows all the answers. Even Harvey Price could pass that one.

  8. The police say arrests have been made, so what, it doesn’t stop these idiots.

    The only solution is dragging the cunts off the road by any means, if they are glued or chained and they get injured then tough, giving them shitty little fines or suspended sentences is fucking pointless.

    The right to protest doesn’t trump peoples right to go about their lawful business, it’s time that the courts started prosecuting the organisers to pay for loss of earnings for anyone effected by sitting on roads or blocking entrances to businesses.

    The country is fucking soft as shit.

  9. Glued yourself to a road?

    That’s ok, just stay there and wallow in your own shit and piss. I think starvation takes a few weeks, that’s if hypothermia doesn’t get you first. Maybe you could rip your arms off the tarmac? You may become detached from your arms or legs, but hey, survival is survival, right?

  10. All they want to do is speed up the cunts in the governments actual policy. Thats why they refuse to do anything to stop the cunts. Fuck net cunting zero. Boris can stick it up his fat arse.Cunt.

  11. According to the Telegraph this morning, old Putin has announced the world’s “most devastating” nuclear weapon, Satan II.

    If that is indeed the case can we expect these eco-cunts to fuck off to Moscow and glue their heads to the rockets in order to save the planet?

    No, thought not. Far too dangerous.

    Moreover, I seem to recall a massive protest of theirs in London 2021. Banging on about plastics and all that shite. When they fucked off home they had left over 130 tons of rubbish, quite a bit of it plastic bottles!

    Typically, when journalists pointed this out, none of the XR leaders were available for comment.

    • It is without doubt that many, if not the majority, of these protesters at large gatherings have no real interest in what’s going on but are there just so they can put shit on their social media accounts.
      Leaving rubbish at a rally for environmental and climate issues doesn’t even register as being hypocritical.

  12. Theyre all very white aren’t they?
    Never seen so many white faces!

    And all rather posh?

    Youd be forgiven for thinking that theyre a ‘far Right ” organisation so lacking in racial and class diversity.

    For every protester who turns up a asylum seeker should be denied asylum and repatriated.

    Tell them its their fault mgumbe has to go home to become a child soldier

    • A child soldier Mis?

      No no no. Little M’tebe is going to be put to work in the lithium mines, so that Jocasta and Hugo can pontificate to their Notting hill dinner party chums how fantastically green their new Tesla is.
      Before snorting a bunch of Columbia’s finest, which was made with slave labour and some fucking nasty chemicals, courtesy of the petrochemical industry.

      Fucking hypocrites.

      • Either way Odin, I wish him bon voyage and all the best in whatever career awaits him!

        Sure he’ll give it his best try?

      • He can have a job as fish food at the bottom of the Channel.

        What a lovely spring day it is not to be an Afrikunt! ?

  13. Don’t help the situation, when a judge praises these cunts for their “efforts?!” Hope his mansion gets his by a solar flare. 2022 looks to be a promising year!

  14. The same cocksuckers who turn up at every wokie demo……..posh, white and desperate to be a soshul meeja martyr. They love to compare themselves to the Suffragettes or the Civil Rights marchers and the phrase “the right side of history” is at the top of their lexicon. Of course if they knew any history they would know the difference between real injustices and made up media fantasies. They would also know that the Atlantic slave trade couldn’t have existed without the contraband being supplied by black Africunts and filthy A-rabs and that it was ended by the British Navy. Don’t mention the American Civil War, these brainwashed cunts have never heard of it. This is just a hobby for these knobheads, for some of them a full time job. Yeah, I’d like to know who’s financing these fuckwits. You can bet your life they ain’t no humanitarian philanthropists.
    Bunch of cunts.

  15. That banner appears to be made of plastic and plastic is made from …? Hypocritical twats. Their rancourous vegan farts can’t be much good for the environment either.

  16. VACANCY!!!

    Well paid, city centre, company car, good perks!

    Bongo player?
    Air of superiority?
    Prone to dramatic outbursts?

    We need a team leader in a new company thats taking the world by storm!
    Send CV on recycled paper to Exstinky Rebellion

    * Must supply own glue.

    • I can’t afford to travel cheaply to London so I’d fly 1st Class. I also only have a Print stick, so don’t adhere too well. Can I come?

      • Depends Moggie.

        How are you on the bongos?

        Can you patronise people as part of a team or on your own initiative?

        Have you ever ranted against capitalism and eco destruction
        Then secretly eaten 3 cheeseburgers in McDonald’s?

  17. I do hope I am visited at home by an eco loon from either group, they will be made to feel very welcome with a housebrick to the face followed by a cup of cold piss

  18. I would honestly like to violently assault these cunts. Fuck em, fuck em all.

  19. If any of these fucking lying, full of shit freaks dare to knock on my door they will very seriously wish they hadn’t.
    Been protesting outside the US or Chinese Embassies lately?
    Have they fuck.

  20. Do any of these cock munching wank stains actually believe the shite they are spouting?
    They quote the Ipcc report and say don’t question the science.
    1. The Ipcc was founded and is staffed by many non-scientic people.
    2. Always question the science. In this case half of it isn’t science, it’s some model that doesn’t stand up to the real world. Like the Covid models.

    I hope someone gives them a serious slapping.

  21. One longs for the halcyon days of the Special Patrol Group when overeducated, middle class, leftie wankers would be given a good beating with non-regulation issue weaponry like knuckledusters, iron bars and baseball bats with nails through them. The least they deserve. Make an object lesson out of some of them, they won’t come back, the soft cunts.

  22. Although I disagree with protestors blocking highways, thus preventing sick people getting to medical aid etc (which is an offence of which these dipshits have been accused) I distinctly recall that the Canadian truckers had the civic responsibility and decency to reserve an area/lane between their respective trucks through which emergency service vehicles could pass…….. never hear about that in the news though.

  23. Environmentally friendly gearbox lubricant can be obtained, by rendering down Africunts and Peaceful Ones, of which there is an abundant supply.
    The resulting viscous fluid has a multitude of useful industrial applications, is kind on the planet, eases the housing crisis, cuts crime and benefit payouts, reduces terrorism and eliminates noxious smells.
    Brought to you by ‘ Black Sun Lubricant Co. ‘
    Be patriotic !
    Buy British ??
    Buy ‘ Black Sun ‘

  24. I remember cunts like these crying that there was ‘10 years to save the Earth’, 30 fucking years ago. Lying wank-stains.

    • I distinctly remember when I was 9 years old in primary school back in good old 1991, being told by my teacher that scientists calculate that we will run out of oil in 30 years.

      Well I’m 39 now and the oil companies are discovering oil under previously “tapped” sources and we also have shale gas from fracking so I guess those scientists were probably trained in predictive modelling by Neil Ferguson or some other such useless cunt.

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