Joe Biden [14]

Sleepy Joe Biden article :

Sleepy Joe Biden… or is he the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz ?

“Putin must not remain in power !”
‘was the President of the United States calling for a regime change in Russia?’ asked the media
“ahem… no, er definately not” came the reply from the US state dept underling “when the President said Putin must go, he actually meant Putin must stay” – because we all think that’s a good idea, don’t we ! ! !

Why are the US and all the western leaders shit scared of Putin. They won’t say it, but we are being led towards a ceasefire being signed. Will Putin be ousted ?
Will he face war crimes charges in the hague ? No, he won’t – and we all know it.

The only armistace Putin will agree to, will include :-
He gets parts of the Ukraine he wanted all along ; All the sanctions are lifted ; Ukraine never joins Nato ; He get’s to have killed thousands in a war he started, faces no consequences, and he will still try to assinate Zelensky, meddle in the Ukraine Gov’t and do whatever he likes.

Sleppy Joe and the West “we are behind you Ukraine” .. several hundred miles behind you ….

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

72 thoughts on “Joe Biden [14]

  1. Doesn’t know where he is or even that hes president,
    Kamala will probably suffocate him with a pillow anytime soon.

    “Gitchoo white ass to hell muddafucka”

    Hes hopeless.
    A zombie.
    Get Donnie Tango back in!
    Grab em by the pussy!?

  2. This old fella has taken political and mental ineptitude to unforseen levels.
    His election or installation (whichever you prefer) has helped plunge the role of president of the US to unforseen depths.

    Watching him or listening to him is the equivalent of entering the twilight zone.

    If he was fairly elected then America – I hope you’re proud of what you’ve done.

    • ‘helped plunge the role of president of the US to unforseen depths.’

      Kamala: ‘hold my beer’.

  3. There are not adequate words to describe how utterly despicable this corrupt lifetime politician is.
    However the people are responsible for him pawing recklessly at the levers of power as we put him there. We are the cunts.
    Not enough people care about truth in this nation.
    Some very sobering times are near.
    We the cunts…

    • Morning Meat, as your guest here for almost a decade, I have to agree you’ve been asleep at the wheel.

      The trouble is normal people like the regulars of this August site like to get on with life quietly and not grift and scheme and seek ways to fuck over our fellow man. We’re not into activism, so in lthe ong run corrupt inept government is practically guaranteed because the cunts that are into those things never stop.

      • So true. We play by the rules against those who are lawless and are destined to lose. The problem is that we let them into power in the first place. We built our own coffin and have one foot in.

      • If it’s any consolation Meat this is not unique to Americans. Blighty is just the same, it’s why we have a fucking clown for PM and Suckdick for mayor of London. While we were all sleeping these cunts have been marching through the institutions under the orders of Klaus and the WEF. His minions and alumni have infiltrated everything. Question is, are we awake yet and is there still time to fix it?

  4. With Sleepy Joe’s approval rating in the shitter, worse than Trumps despite an arse crawling sycophantic media protecting him, most of the U.S would want to see a regime change stateside.

    • You’re absolutely bang on the money about the media protecting him.

      Yeah fair enough there have been negative stories from certain sections of the msm here and there but compared to the almost 24/7 bed wetting hysteria aimed at Donald Trump, then this hopelessly out of his depth puppet gets a relative free pass.

      I wonder if fifth column cunt Suckdick Khan will organise a childish disrespectful huge blimp for him should the kid sniffer visit London anytime soon?

  5. Joe Biden is the price America must pay for straying from the path. Bring back Donald Trump MAGA.

  6. Im surprised americans put a dead bloke in the White House?

    Lots of hollyweird types go into politics , so we might see president Hulk Hogan or president RuPaul,
    Maybe president Lassie?

    Theyd still do better than Joe.

    They contact him by fuckin ouija board.

  7. China won’t go against Russia. When will we hear Slow Joe’s opinion on THAT? Or does China already own him, his brother James, and his deviant son Hunter??….

    • Yes, they do, and they own many, many more. Deliberate policy of elite capture.

    • His stupid druggie Son Hunter should have taken his dodgy laptop out on a boat, put it in a bag, tied it to a nice heavy weight and dumped it into the sea, fancy dropping your laptop off at a repair shop with thousands of perverted images saved, what a prick.

      I should imagine the secret service or FBI are spending hours round the clock looking at all his files, we have not heard the last of this.

  8. I see the Fakestream Media are beginning to take an interest in Hunter’s dodgy dealings out east. There’s somebody called “the big guy” mentioned in all his e mails.
    Hmmmm…….I wonder who that could be?
    Must be Trump obviously.

  9. The world is a much more peaceful, free and economically sound place since the big, bad orange man went and ‘Mr Freepass’ got in. Wubble.

    I saw the utter CUNTS at the BBC were fawning over him and Barak Umbungo the other day.

    ‘Not biased’ they say.

    Yes, obviously we saw the same kind of shite when Trumpy was ending wars and building bridges with potential hotheads like Putin and (not so nowadays) Fat Boy Kim. American economy was bouncing. Dark keys not being so uppity. Greta being told to stop being such an angry weirdo and enjoy life while she’s young. Can’t have any of that though, can we?

    And yes, this creepy old cunt can’t say a sentence without sounding like he’s got severe brain damage or stirring up loons like Putin, and this is the sort of article he gets?

    Fuck off.

    • ‘Saint Barry Obummer the bomber of brown people’ is a truly odious piece of shit.

      You get the impression that that cunts grubby paws are quietly in the background all over this shit show of an administration.

      • You’d think he’d like the dark keys, after getting all those nightly arse poundings off Michael.

  10. When I saw ‘Joe Biden’ nominated I assumed this was the Dead Pool.
    Fuck, I’m getting as confused as Sleepy himself.

  11. And just look at some of the degenerate tranny freaks he’s put in positions of power.

    Absolute fucking commie, kiddie sniffing, degenerate cunt.

  12. It might help if Uncle Joe stopped telling Vlad what he’s NOT going to do and keep the cunt guess for a while.

      • “We’ll win this war using the element of surprise. That little Australian corporal, Albert Hitparade, won’t see it coming with our secret invasion force ready to set sail from Southern England tomorrow at 4am. He won’t know what’s hit him on the beaches Normandy, specifically at Juno, Omaha, Gold, Utah, Sword and by scaling the small cliff at Point Du Hoc. We’ll attack by sending in parachute regiments behind enemy lines first…”

  13. Uncle Joe is lost.

    He has the shuffle and vacant slack jawed gait of a true coffin dodger.

    Luckily he doesn’t have to worry about buying a new laptop for Hunter as it’s turned up choc full of all sorts.
    If only he get persuade the FBI to give it him back.

    Anyhow nobody is going to ruffle Vlad’s feathers as he’s got enough nukes to irradiate everyone on earth several times over.
    Strangely though he has gambled on his conventional forces being put under the microscope of every other major power in the world.
    Now the limitations of his forces are there for all to see.
    Although he’s crafty enough to put his worst units into most of the hot spots to make everyone think his forces are shit.
    Is he bluffing?
    Uncle Joe will never call him on it.

    The doddering racist cunt.

  14. I’ve never seen a more dreadful and incompetent US government- Sleepy Joe followed and Kameltoe. The only thing Bidet “ had going for him” ( which is nothing) is that he wasn’t Trump and therefore had to be lauded to the skies by US “ progressives”.

    • Good Afternoon MMCM.

      I get the anybody but Trump angle but it still begs the question – was Joe Biden seriously the only/best Democrat candidate that they had available???
      A goldfish would surely have a higher approval rating than that dummy.

      • Afternoon Herman.

        I’d be surprised if he’s the best they’ve got. From what I remember the other candidates were pretty uninspiring but probably better than Bidet and Kameltoe.

  15. ‘Build the wall’ and bang joe’s head on it many times, wake up Joe!

    ‘Let’s go Brandon’

  16. Saw a clip on YouTube the other day of some reception at the White House. Joe was staggering around and everybody just ignored him. They were all gathered around Barry O’Bummer who was glad handing everyone with his big toothy grin. Joe hovered on the outside and eventually put his hand on Barry’s shoulder to try and get in on the conversation. Barry just ignored him and carried on. It was astonishing! The President treated like a boring little child in his own gaff. His days are definitely numbered.

  17. Stolen Elections have consequences.
    And for all the bullshit they put online, not one US “politician” is doing a damned thing about it.

  18. I have no doubt that Barry and Michael are the public face of the Democratic Party. An absolute pair of cunts but they know how to play the media and, more importantly the dumb public who are staring, zombie like, at the media in the first place. Yes we can!

  19. Every time he speaks i sit there highly embarrassed in anticipation of what gaff or monumental fuck up he will perform

  20. Is he going to prison first for his shenanigans or hospital for his bum leakage and mental degeneration?

  21. He claims to be a “good Catholic”. That religious system is a cunt by itself but c’mon man! Good Catholic?! What the fuck!?
    He’s not even worthy of consideration for purgatory if that existed!
    This cunt hasn’t done one goddamn thing right in his sorry fucking life!
    I bet he even squeezed out of his Mom’s ass instead of her twat. That would explain what a piece of shit he is.
    Good Catholic. He would probably say his son is good at repairing laptops too the crooked dlisional bastard.
    Fuck him and his entire shit family.
    My piss is whistling out my ears.

    • If you don’t vote for me you’re not Irish…..err……or Catholic.

  22. He reminds me slightly of Benny Hill’s pervy character in The Italian Job.
    Just change groping fat birds for sniffing kiddies.
    At least Benny’s character got nicked by the Plod.

  23. I’m reticent to join in with this cunting as the poor old cunt is clearly an invalid and should never have even run for office. I’m of the opinion he was put forward by the dems because nobody would vote for the giggling camel-toe.

    I’d say it’s a wider cunting for American politics. Trump, Killary and this old fucker. it’s a gerontocracy.

    Who’s next; Tuten-fuckng-kamen?

    • Don’t be fooled by his senile but harmless old grandpa routine.

      This man has spent his entire adult life feating at the public trough. He is as corrupt as they come.

  24. This senile old cunt has lost the plot. Shouldn’t even be in charge of a tescos.

    • ‘@Miles Surely the evidence suggests hair is his thing’


      Anyway Cuntologist. I cannot believe that The President of the United States was ignored at that gathering. He was actually looking round for someone to talk to.

      I believe that’s what will hapoen to me at the ISAC Christmas Party. Oh yes you all talk to me on here but what about if we met in the flesh. It’d be whispers of ‘that catholic cunt’ and ‘antisemite’. And iI would be left all alone.

      In the corner somewhere.

      And Mr Fiddler, RT, Miserable all laughing and gufawing….And me sat all alone, forlorn….oh Cuntologist..Cuntologist…Would you talk to me Cuntoligist? Would you talk to me? PLEASE!!

      • I’d hang with you. We could have a spirited religious discussion. I hate small talk. I love heavy substantive subjects.

    • Thanks Meat.

      I think you were saying earlier in some thread that…oh that’s right this one…about Biden’s Catholicism…and that…you didnt care for the Catholic ‘system”..thats ok.

      Too big a subject that this late at night.

      But fucking Biden is the strangest Catholic ever. We cant know a man’s soul but how he squares being the most pro-abort President in history with his faith I do not know. That goes for Pelosi as well.

      But not just abortion. The promotion of Transgenderism.

      And there he is in the front pew.

      • It’s because they are fucking demons Miles. There, fixed your quandary for you!

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